i 196 (8) Made of Qoy) Farm Drain Tile Write for free pamphlet on Drain - age Tells -whytile makes . less work and more money. Makes earlier planting of truck, land easier to work. Greatly increases quality and quantity or crops. Delivered prices on application. Address, Pomona Terra-Colta Co. Pomona, N. C. IfanTrf Sewer. Culvert 4 Well Pipe & Tile. HOW TO USE FERTILIZERS IN THE PIEDMONT SECTION Phosphoric Acid Generally Needed, and I. Be.t Supplied by Acid. Phosphate-Nitrogen Should Come From the Air-Potash Seldom Necessary' for General Field Crop By C. B. Williams, North Carolina Experiment Station , ' ,, nr th? Piedmont section of North Carolina, what Professor While writing PrtJV or JgJ 0f the Piedmont regions of Virginia, South Williams says will also apply on mosi Carolina and north Georgia. The Editors. TF.u. MCf i?-7l4Tearsrwhenthe-same-amount-or-mou-iS THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER cloverspfeasj.beansyetches, etc thai power is given tQ: reach, up and takl this nitrogen ;and utilize it in th own growth, and . later to leave it ; the soil while the crop or crop resi dues are allowed to remain and de" compose in the soil. They, therefore furnish an economical means of main' taining and. upbuilding the supply 0f this most expensive constituent in . our soils.. j;.. : D we nave in rNuim vaiu r making a systematic study of 4 r ! i A the plant food aenciencieb iu -quirements of the soils of the Pied- mont section oi.uic su. . ; , , Wo w.A C11mpsr that v.ac pmhraced- (D a survey ana map- rccunuucuucu. yv 00, has emDrateu. ij j , , nc , rt11jc nf tup mck he c A ffprpnt tvnes 01 SOUS nuiu j w. ; in order to aaaeu to eacn iuu ui waw. expended per acre. The mixing of the floats or finely ground rock phosphate, with stable manure.as the manure is being form ed in the stables is certainly to be Potash Not Generally Essential f or General Crops IN OUR. examination. of a large num. her oftvoes of soil of th P;a,. " pin .. -,!-?,: - ,, :n nrripr TO aaaeu lO eacn iuu ui " " occurring, in uu 'cs' . ... t, . fimM rWer ShOW tlie location ana rrtn :c turned - or bumc uiiici jjav-u vwii " BE YOUR OWN MERCHANT Get "Everwear" DOUBLE GALVANIZED Steel Roofing at wholesale f actory prices. Freight ehargea all paid "Everwear" Roofing costs you less than wood or metal shingles. Looks better. Add to the value of your buildings. Fire can't burn it. Reduces your insurance. Comes in big sheets. Easy to put an. No tools but a hammer needed. PROOF AGAINST DECAY "Everwear" Double Thick Galvanized Steel Roof, fng needs no painting or patching, It can't rust, warp or leak. Impossible for lightning tQ damage it. Will outlast three ordinary roofs. GET OUR WHOLESALE FACTORY PRICES Don't buy rooflnsr from dealers or wholesalers-keep In jrpnr iket the prone tney woum gez. oena now ior rowing f. Big free sample and low dJreet from the factory Dncev. liet oetter roonng ior nu price. u itbikii toj j uu to par-'the nails and waehera turnmtiea iree-rooang own pocl bookpF. ffiuutuitaad WRITE TO-DAY. SAVANNAH METAL KOOFING CO., ; ,: Savunab, Ga. Dept. PF u V .1 . t'uJ Aarn 'soils "in under, it is recommen order toX determine the amounts of 600 to 1,000 pounds per acre be ap- different plant food constituents plied every three . to four years. I II1C UlllV.li- v . A Unnrnvnr that they each contain per acre; ana w snouia uc Kepi m ., .7" .,71 h n to conduct on each of the im- for quick returns .acid phosphate oortant soil types field experiments to ' properly used will generally be found ascertain for each their fertilizer, re- to be he most economical source of quirements for the leading crops pnospnonc aciu, 4huu8u 4 . p4- nhnrir arid wi COSt in acid DhOS- grown in tne secnon, mc wusi - - , nomical methods to use in building phate two to three times -as,much per them uo. and to determine the crops pouna as it woum cosi m ihc pn- to which thev are best adapted. This phate rock. work has now progressed far enough Nitrogen Essential to draw certain rather definite con-. 1 4 elusions with reference to eacn sou region of this -state, it has been found that the amount of potash present in the surface .soil is generally sufficient were it in' available form, for the growing of maximum crops for a him. ded that from dred years or more. It is, therefore, a pruuiem, wuu most rieamont soils of rendering the potash available so that the plants will be able to utilize it in their growth. It might be stated that in the growing of clovers or other .cover crops to be turned into the soil the use of stable manure or woods . mold will have a tendency generally to render more available the potash in these soils. Not only has chemical analysis shown these soils to be generally well supplied with potash, but with general crops in TfN TRAVELING through the Pied- most cases very little increases have 1 1 Maamamiimte FARM DRAIN TILE Convert that rich low land into the roost use ful land on the place. Make it yield the best crops. Read what J. F, Turrentine, Bell -BucklerTenairsays-f Value Increased $30.00 an Acre. "I have never invested in anything , ( that has given me better returns than farm drain titajLhasjCflst me from $5.00 to $10.00 per acre, and has made twenty dollar land worth sixty." You can do as well. Our tile is hard burn ed, glazed and smooth. Sold direct. Prices very low. Write for f ree; literature and de livered prices. 1 Chattanooga Sewer Pipe & Fire Brick Co. , Manufacturers, Chattanooga, Tennessee. type on which the experiments nave Southern states one is very much im- constituent. As a rale, it would cer- been COlldUCtedt s LcoA -nA U mnct r( flip taJnlv nav tn ciihctitii fp flip innnAimw . JJltiJVvl VV i 111 LIA, 1UV1 wlliAfk, aaawu v V 1. x j ST J -vwivNs mv munvj VAm Phosphoric Acid Needed cultivated soils are deficient in organ-, pended for potash for an investment . . . a i'i. . . . ;i 1. 1 -f.11 THE results which we have secured ic matter, as organic matter .1 in some va,u turm-ot pnospnonc I during the past 12 years from the chief source of n.trogen m the so.l, 1 ac.d. In the case of such crops as to- ID tOO Vllllal) ill Ul UVl VV 11( V V HI v WUVVVj a. 4. JVVVVVXij AUCill J Ul well supplied with this constituent, to the legumes, it is probable that its keep up the organic matter present in the soil. Not only this, but with our Piedmont soils, very subject to Organic matter will ma- in their water-holding power and prevent, when properly handled, excessive washing. The other sources of nitrogen are to give but little if any returns above commercial fertilizers, farm manures, cost of material. However, where and the free nitrogen of the air. Many cowpeas have been grown on the soil nitrogenous materials are used for and turned into it for a few years, fertilizing purposes, but these are all then lime will generally be found to . ' . . . M ' 1 1 t 1 ' J expensive; especially is this true tor give gooa returns wnen usea in mou different experimental fields located in the Piedmont section ot JNortn Carolina show phosphoric acid to be the chief deficiency of these soils ex- font (rf Via TrpHpll Inam. This latte-r vviyi. iw mv v-... v " t ' . . 1 1 1 ti 4 . nrjae-vf 1 IIP 1 TT5 irnV crvi'l Aith thk pvrphfion. wher- teriany am javix ovii. vir 1 4 4 4 4 use on many, sons win prove beneficial. -LimeNot Generally Essential ON AVERAGE soils deficient in or ganic matter, with such crops as corn "and cotton," lime has been found LOCKIIART'S BACTERIA Get all you possibly can otit of every acre you Elant in Legumes by inoculating ieed with Lock art's Bacteria. v Every Experiment Station In America endorses inoculation, and you will find Lockhart's Bacteria to give perfect results. It has been tried and guaranteed. Lockhart'fl Bacteria Southern grown by the most approved scientific methods in such a way as to increase the Nitrogen hunger and the Nitrogen-gatheripg-power of the ' germs. Simply pour the liquid over the teed and mix well. As harmless as yeast. Improves this crop and the next crop. A different strain of well-bred bacteria for each legume, including C0WPEAS-SOY BEANS, Velvet Beans, Garden Peas, Peanuts, Lespedeza, Alfalfa, Clover, etc. One acre $1.25; 5 acres $5.00, delivered. Fully guaranteed. . Order now or write for "FACTS." It's free, short and worth your time. LOCKHART LABORATORIES, Dept. 3. Atlanta, Ga. Acia son lasted ior vi.oo Eacn. ever this constituent has been applied the yields have been markedly in creased. Chemical analyses, too, show that generally Piedmont soils contain a very limited quantity of this con stituentfar too little for the growth of maximum crops where they are r T.flii MprVlpnKnrcr Inam the Piedmont region of this and other erate amounts. For the growth of Clovers, veicnes, etc., il win yruuaui) prove beneficial in most cases. A chemical examination of the soils of this section does not show them to be strongly acid or lacking in a fair sup ply of lime. Of the soils thus far ex amined in the Piedmont section, the . ;i ... a rnt,mr,fl c;u lAQtn ad r.nn crare.fi : fine ooutnern states, since most ot the sandy loam soils. As a general thing, c.roPs adapted to growth in this sec less than 20 to 25 large crops of corn tlon are heavy feeders of nitrogen. would entirely remove the amount of In the Coastal Plain region, where this constituent, contained in the sur- cotton is the chief crop, the exhaus fa'ce six and two-thirds inches of soil, tion of the nitrogen supply of. the soil Phosohoric acid mav be obtained in need not be heavy if the seed are not I SEE that The Progressive Farmer and the Farmers' Union are advo cating the reoeal of the crop lien law. This is the most damnable law rnospnunc 4uu uiy uc uuincu iu fromhe fdrm and cromTre ken Iredell, Mecklenburg and Congaree commercial forms from a good many sow irom tne tarm and crops are kept ' tllp containing the sources. These are acid phosphate, growing on the land throughout the ser es are the ones contain basic slag, bone meal and finely in to prevent the loss of hlst percentages of lime, ground phosphate rock or floats. tnis constituent by leaching. Ordi- " " . F nat the common name that is a uaie oi cotton will not re- ine lime IS KlDe for AUUUii frequently applied to finely ground fove trom tne soil more than-40 to phosphate rock. Acid phosphate is 50 cents worth of fertility. With cot- secured by treating finely ground "". -ciiner in tne rieamont or Loas ohosohate rock with sulphuric acid. al Plain region, commercial forms of .. " -.. 4 t . . n 1 f 1-rvnrf tmtr n . . 1 11 ',1 1W. or oil ot vitriol, .basic slag is , a Dy- - . u generally wun that the farmers of the South ever nrndurt obtained in the manufacture prpnt. . u..'AA im OAaI1a AnillAll1nnHiiArA.n.l.J I . 7 . ... WKtorn'-; -..A .... tOlCQ. U 113.8 D1CQ tneill IU UUim;r lauic dUULUliuauuicl,UUIIU)ltU I ot steel trom iron ores containing V1V- si3S ciuu grains are tne is the best and most last- considerable phosphorus; and bone lcl'wui'!, is largely true tor the meal is obtained as a by-product from 1.lcumoui section, other carriers of slaughter houses. Of all these, acid nitrogen than the commercial forms phosphate is. the form most common- ..will have to be largely depended upon, ly used in this state. It contains its " the greatest profits are to be se phosphoric acid generally in a more cur ' Stable manure is a very suit- Undsey 4 Son. Depi. 2, 75 Elmlra Place. AUanta.Ca. readily available form than do the aDle source of nitrogen for this nur- other carriers of phosphoric acid. pose. It also contains large amounts For certain soils reauirim? lime.- vt " sau mducr ana small amounts ' - . . F kj r ine fertilizer. Llndsey's Compost Drill will put it in the row where it will ao the most good. Write a postcard for our catalogue with lormuias. BSANDfE C BARNYARD MANURE DISTRIBUTOR Pulverizes and drills stable manure evenly into furrows. A boy can run it; a mule can puJJ it. Prices low. Get our off et before you buy. Write for booklet and price. R5 MFG. CO. b TuiTft.ci basic slag may be a very suitable car rier of phosphoric acid, if the price per pound for its content of phos- others. Go on with your segregation law ; the time has come for it, and the time has sure come for the crop Ken law to be repealed. Farmers can't afford to stand still and see their lands robbed, and the merchants all broke. Mortgaged crops depress prices. .1 don't think that the merchants will oppose the repeal of the law certainly not as they would have some years ago. G. T. TYSON, Greenville, N. C. Good Sense in This WfVP Sk2llf 0n easy terms, fine planta a vi Jaic tion well impr0ved, of a thousand acres about one mile from city lim its of Americus, Ga., on two good roads; $6,000 worth of improvements, place well wa tered and fine land. Florida orange and grape fruit grove near Win ter Haven, Fla.s 20 acres in trees and about ten acres more can be planted. Abaraalnforiomaone. I Alabama Chemical Co., Montgomery, Ala. 1 of phosphoric acid and potash. As it is not a well balanced fertilizer for Piedmont soils it. in order to KP mf phbric acid is not too' high. Its phos- vc' b"9UJ De tortihed with the phoric acid, however, is not generally a'tl0n ,?f phosphoric acid. Not in as available-form as that contained w"nstandmg-the great value of this in acid phosphate. The least soluble 01 nitrogen and organic mat," JT IS a pleasure for this paper, to and cheapest form of phosphoric acid 'If , iSOlls ,c.annot generally 1 have items of ..news, about good If the floats are used on If Z J .uePJna,n? u?n the use yields of any kind of crops that n large amount of d inof nVhr " the11han" farmers may. have. If; a man ma- - unity ui .manure tnprp um t.,n t.-,. . . ; r nn t ie organic matter, or in connection with a great loss of its m roprVn ru V f00a StUtt n ny m-e 'WT t Tt is the.plowing under of a large amount otLr so farm we are glad to report it It of vegetable matte, it will probably can be draw be a very economical source of ohos-v Here we find an inexhan.tihl. 5"e.".as wellas A0 2?" . three- ! phoric acid. When-used in the nroner which can be permanentlvXr i " 1 . SU?n, lrU Spray Pumps andSpray Material way' fl0 ?itrogen to our Pied- are merely leaks which . everybody tne yields ana at the same time aid r " 1 auuuia e remembered, has seen and should not be repo- in building up the- phosphoric acid ""A"! ' "ldVrao" cPs like combat all. Send items which show is noats. sous containing a Tiiat!$l d-lsiroySa? Jose ale and fungus on " " oesi manuiactured. Write k m m m mmm ..." J u. r. wviLUAMWN CO,, galelnh. W. C Save your papers and get a binder. ' supply of the soil faster than could be are nn.hl. V If the S,maU grairs yu can do, for these we are glad w done in the case of using the others Z 1 7 of1this.Iitro- et, and they are s,erv.iceable.-n gen irom tne air. It is only with the roe Journals " . ' 4 n (

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