Saturday, March 13, WW! , ?1 tir. nnt see hOW i,, an exception, vv . fc tQ. 1 V-when 'the the earlier marketing:ar. (11) 259 THERE7 TO. mUY:BURE-BREB LIVESTOCK Sved' and the pastures re nocture seeds are' largely, iownthis dsnd;then al spend mp"eyand other non-pasture l0W n chokb or shaaeithem,out; plants to cu on the new-pastures or to turn stock on i Sta P alone will make a good pas mower aionc v . 6nou,A tureintheu" seeds are sow o t mBut tven SdwfflSi conSiderable;pas, poor lano w w f re ,0iants are nraffe wneu uu - , gjfaown by a free use of the. power. IX V nasture- and tophnt on those lands and in those, naypiai c4-i, wViprp it does "I T II M .111111. It W 1&V W T- . - well This is the time .for, seeding C"' -,r,11 Hp tnjfde bv anv and no nubias " " v " one who seeds a iiuu this spienuiu oyuiv ..-0- lfr It is not a goou u Fv - m nir Sniithermsoil lt Wlll sons, uui uu "j : . -. . - - furnish a large amount ,of when moisture is auuimnu. Bermuda grass it is our pesi ouwu- . em pasture plant. "lact- rail" for reduction 11113 10 VUi ivv . 7 I of cotton acreage and an increase in r forage crops, it tne .uuiu. was iw .v,,, ipr fpp1 rron? this vear she' . ' 1. il in' mif . ter how high feed prices go, or how I low cotton sens nexi iau, ur mw', hard times become. Corn,, soy beans, velvet beans, cowpeas, lespedeza, sor- ....... j Cj-:.. t gnurn, peanuts anu a pruiusiuu other crops scarcely less valuable offer us a great opportunity. - Here- i.r.. .... t.... . j ii. vxr:n loiorc we nave neguxieu iu , vvu wv, do the same again this year?-' LARGE AREA FREED FROM ; TEXAS FEVER TICK " . 5 . i. ' r - - , - : THE COESLS YOU WANT ABE IXE2E," BUY HORSES 'BY MAIL Ccaaiing-WaUcera Fox-Trotters kidlng sad Driving Corses lor all purposes ' StalUons, r.lareo, Geldings The Kentucky Kind at Breeder's Prices First cost under apositive guarantee. -Write today for literature. 4 For best service accurately describe . your wants. v ::C"-r?.s:f'-'::''-:. :::-'z if : GLETfiYCRTIl FARUSS, Ilcnc c! Bc&eslsa Khji ' ' ALLEN S, EDELEN, Owner, 23 Wain St., Durflln, Uy. T7o.O.LCHos3 Vcish 2G03 lbs. lot profits bmdlBf 4eSiv fnd feeding icrub ho?it if - Two of our o. I. c. uon : ii wtih tssi Dm. WU1 ship n you tampia pur ox tneio -v jl fuBOtia host on time and - - f- rtr innc to ni aonllcant. wa w ar orislnatort, moat exteoaive breeder nd tolppert of thoroughbred hoe In tat) world. All foreign abipmentr U. S, Govt Inspected V hire bred the 0. 1. C. Hon f or 51 ytart tad hare never lott a hog with cholera. arany other coataswua dueaae. MnSTTEM'. MECSEFMP BULLS Twelve veiy choice Registered Hereford Bulls, 10 to 18 months old, for sale. These bulls are of the very best breeding and are good individuals arid priced right. PEnCY II. ANDERSON, Holly Springs ." v 1 Mississippi VOUES BOY Could be given a four years' course in any one of the leading colleges on the prof its you would realize from a good draft stallion. Is this not worth con sidering? We can sell you for 1375 a medium weight young draft stallion, suitable for light service this season, that will double in value in one year. Bulletin and photographs on request ; . . ADIRONDACK FARMS, i-: GLENS FALLS N. Y. WIUTE MARSH. VA. BERKSHIRES SELWY N FARMS EDGAR D. MOORE, Prop Charlotte, N. C BERKSHIRES, HOLSTEIN and JERSEY CATTLE i y r. Wm WEST WIND STOCK FARM DUROC-JERSEYS Pigs and Hogs from 8 Weeks to 12 Months Old. Herd of 200 to pick from. Nothing but the best shipped for breeding purposes. Quality and breeding unexcelled. . O'NEAL, Prop., - VAUCLUSE, VA. Dupoc-eJePscy Pias We stand behind every individual and guar antee satisfaction. The price is right for pure hred stock. For Darticulars write. J. Lyerly ft Sons. R. F. D.No. 1, Cleveland. N. C. Thirty-two Counties In Nine States Released From Quarantine By New Order ., -; ; . v l: IfORE than 28000 square mile's of Secretary of Agriculture on March 1. iromtne lexas lever quarantine; J. ne order, frees 32 counties -in the states i vamuima, i exas, UKianoma, rxr- -uais, ueorgia, boutn ; Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia . i ny tne same order Smith , County, Mississioni. wViirli woe rXsA locf yearris-reciuarantinedrThis Is the fir str iinstance Of the kinr. !inrP am- pgn began and has been made hec- dry Dy the failure of farmers in. ?nat county to cooperate with the au- Ponties in keeping the county free" Utter tnA i. j i . . - to-tt. T.F u u oeen stampea out, vith this exception the .work has IT ,0lcuy progress. - -Ahe tenitorv frepf. fv tliA r is as follows: ' San, DieS bounty i cxas, bterlino- nr. xkt:u-i vIave? T0m Rgers, Washington, es, Tulsa, Osage and Creek-Couri-?8as Ird ..and Sharp Whit.i7 X, rgla' walker, Catoosa, ton, Cobb and Madison Kn?i.Sonth Carolina, Chester--f o; Marion and Florenrf rnt;... and warlina--Har. Cumber: STILL ON THE JOB Lee's Premier Srd, cost $1,100, his sire sold tor 11,500, his dam sold for S1.500. . Keystone Baron Duke, the Grand Champion uoar ax the International Live Stock Show, Chicago, 1910. -Offspring; of either Boar for sale at reasonable prices. : All hogs guaranteed cholera immune. Registered Jersey and Holsteln Cattle. , -reives of either sex or breed for sale. . Soy from the best and most noted herd In the South. .. J,MIW.l.J, ) Mills Prtmlum Duke No. 176602 - Ten sons of the great boar, PREMIER LONGFELLOW No. 68600, sold for over $1000.00 eachj W Jave hi s di rect descendants In our herd. Bred gilts, young ser yice boars, and pigs of either sex for sale. - Pairs and trios furnished properly mated. Buy from the largest and best known herd to the South. Four hundred head to select from. - M mit KIMBALL FARM, Oxford. MC A Reg Berkshire Boar - AT A SACRiriCl A ; . - To prevent inbreeding I wUl sell the best hbotf lever owned, and doubtless the best in the State. He is a grandson on his sire's side of Masterpiece No. 77000, and a great-grandson on his. dam s side. e has as fine a pedigree as can be found anywhere, and doubUess is as fine individual-'ls some hog as well as pedigree." Will guaranteehlm a sure breeder. Nice gUts at $25.00 to $30.00; pigs .$10.00 each. Satisf action guaranteed or money refuded v A. E. SLOOP China Grove. Ala. rnri SALE OR EXCHANGE For highly bred sow bred for late March or April ir. - i j 1 KOtAK tn Iropn from In. iA' victor uhlmnent April 15,; A nice Io of pigs sUed by this boar out of fine blood line sows. Boar ,'KfamonsVPremfer rksWjboar weight around 800 lbs., one W.ow. "YtaS BerEshire sow-bred to same, Mnjlef b'-toe gut off of sow. Boar $40.00, sow $40.00t gilt $10.00 or $85.uo tW MV M j,7 i. . ... 1 D. J. Simmons, Tlmmonsvllle, S. C. CSS.108 P to a SttSj ihe rallroa4 wreck, isked; a battered, prostrate man, he BERKSHIRES OF QUALITY . v - . . . . . t l.La ' . Pigs were eight to ten weeks 010 - fitrilv flrst-olnss. GET A PAIR TODAY. Tiady Heigtts Berksfcire Farm,. Sycamore, Vt. "HjJey ere hurt?" thVQd of any 1 "weo ono , o. w, 'ec I haevSSt of the wreck?- 4au haven't? eTOLheard- of any wreck." -EXplm claim a!f? you any way'?" Change. im aeent for this railroad." : ''-V ::'y;::' ,;: A'v.yY ; vV:'v;-.i' UROC-JERSEYS BEAUTIFUL fiUHOC-JERSEY GILTS "We offer a lot of elesraut bred and open gilts. Funnv hrefidinir-cherry coloihandsome ana , A ion Pira wa tn iT months Ola. v: CnrFFIIILD CCa ' COX W. uanuna. aciiiM nUROCielERSEVS PIC8 OMLY Red aristocrats; everything registered; everything guaranteed ; booking orders now. - Ask about yours. It is our business and pleasure to answer leners. ' . ;-:-.,-, -rc- W. WrSHAV. Cruso, N. C. . nHROC JERSEYS i. K.nM n.tura n Titan from finM navment 46191 .un knn.a fit 4ha hntAll. frnm nri7A Win. ning sows. SatlsfacUon guaranteed. Prices right write ma vour wants. . . '. . ' - . - .1 Thomas D. Eoaers " Waynesrlue, H. C. POLAND -CHINAS - ui.iinjn.nrxnni " ----- i i POLAND CHINA PIGS -From Large Progressive Boars and Sows. T. E. B20WN, ISUKFREESBORO. TENlf. OrHiattnei mlaSM8U.I. SwiaelC TAMWORTHS TAMWORTH pigs bnmuned service boars, all ages. English, Cana dian or American bred.. Farrowed by 600 to 1M0 lb Champion sows, aired by 800 to 1100 lb. Grand Champion boars, immuhedherd In the South. Won iis premiums, SI champions,! grand champions and i trophy cups at eight shows in 1011. , . DUTCH FORK TRUCK FARM Colombia, S. C HEREFORDS HEREFORDS For saie. S3 Bulls 15 months og 40 Bulls 20 months old. 60 Heifers 12 to 20 months. 35 Heifers unre8isterea,15montns. , IL C TAYLOR ' UOANOKE. MO. . iioivardCo. . Filth Annual Auction Registered Dercloras V At La Vercet Stsck FarOi Jscksca, Kliss. Wednesday, March 171!i. W. J. DAVIS & CO . ; . Jstclcaoa, MIm. Toimvnrffic P9' bred 8ts and boars lanlWOriliS. ready for service for sale at reasonable prices. Ail weu orea anu uw v irooa inaiviauais unctcu i - WESTVIEW STOCK FARM. O. J, LYBKOOK. Mgr. IL U Winston-Salem, H C. 11 . kiHa anil tiolf. Extra choice, young regisxerea nerew -r-r" for sale. BEST HEKU w infi dww w eiLTHI BROTHERS. -l mHCI. HY. Writ i-ToJtrt- forFnm UmJL "fhm Hot rrom CrfA fo Salt" THZL.D.Sn.VERCO. BS8 YickariC:Jx..CbvIu4.(X GEORGIA Registered Hereford Auction Sale By Boswell & Luasfcrd 0 K fin 2117 a a 1UUT 19 FIFTY HEAD 15 Bulls and- 35 Cows and Heifers At Boswell's Stock Farm, SILOAM, GA. v WRITE FOR CATALOGUE !-! Col. Fred Reppert, E. T. BOSWELL, " " Auctioneer 7 SILO AM, GA, JERSEYS OAIiWOOD FMii,l D. L SZUFC2D, Prop. NEWTON. NOmn CAROLINA ' SaSSBBSSSSBSSSSflBSSSSSBSSSSSHBflBBiHBaBSSSSI 3 Cows. 4 Bred Heifers V 9 Heifers' and 9 bulls. All registered stock. ' Qolsteins and Guernseys 100 head high Brade cows land heifers, , fresh and to freshen. Splendid individuals, heavy milkersAll bred to registered bulls. Also some pure-bred registered HolsteinjbuU calves. Also rade Holstein bulls and heifer calves. All tuberculin tested. ; ELKTON FARMi Ellcton. . Maryland. SHORTHORNS ; Watch for our Shorthorns at the Fairs. Wrltl . . m4.a. Mrk-whai mn want I . LESPEDEZA FAEH, -Ckkery VeHtY,Tcs3 Jcclis, Ssddlcri aind PcrcfcerGM Fine Kentucky Mammoth jacks and Jennetts, saddle and Perche ron horses.. We can show you more good Jacks, fox-walking stal lions and mares and geldings than any other farm in the State. Short horn, Hereford and Jersey cattle; Write for prices describing your wants. Xl-v-.' 'VSr V -'.:'X'.. :t ' The Cook Farms. Islington, Kr. I am not a horse jockey or trainer, but a farmer raising horses and sell ing ony my own breeding. Mine are not saddlers by training, but by nature. Stallions, mares and geld ings for sale at prices that are right J. D. GRAVES, Jr., Lex!3tea, Ky. If you have livestock to sell, now Is the time to advertise. There was never snore Interest in livestock husbandry than right now. Get into the game and get your ahare.