THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER 2 (14) a- iJv Edited by MRS. W. N. HUTT 4 1 Guard Your Teeth by the twice-a-day use of MARK RIBBON DENTAL CREAM Regular care with this safe, ; ' antiseptic, pleasant - tasting dentifrice does wonders for man, woman and child. . . It cleans the teeth thor f cwghly without harmful grit to scratch the enamel and cut the gums r it. is so de- v " licious. in 1 flavor that daily ; care is a treat not a task. . JUseit for I Good Teeth-Good Health" COLGATE & CO. ;Eqt83199FiItMSL.N.T. juari or casimert Btmauet SoatMxur iota, lotting, refined BREAKFAST IS A MEAL THAT RE QUIRES SPECIAL" ATTENTION - Breakfasts Should Have VarietyA Suggestion for Seven Balanced Breakfasts for the Farm Home -pv REAKFAST : sometimes receives l ii'ftiA nr no consideration for the u reason that when the evening meal is over we are tired of the, sight and the thought of foods.' In .the morning we sleep as late as possible, theri rise to gather to the table that which can be prepared with as little . planning ana time as possiuic Tt i rpallv a mistake on. our part to give littje consideration to the flrcf ni the dav. Breakfast is .often the only really nourishing meal the child gets, for the reason that the noon one ma be a school lunch and supper light that the child may sleep better. We are wise if we make- it our business to see that the food for breakfast is nourishing but veryeasi ly digested. This is particularly true of the breakfast for school children and others who are doing indoor, brain work. The big, strong man out in the field can , perhaps manage the breakfast ot sucn very neavy iooa it true that the ten minutes are moSt effective when spent the day pefore rather than "just arbreakfast. time? Giveus some of your breakfast, ex periences. ' ' - - v . . (1) Sliced oranges, oatmeal with cream aItai breakfast 1 strip ana lightly scrambled eggs, big hominy, muffins, milk for children, and coffee or whatever beverage is desired by persons who have at tained their full growth. (2) Baked apples, fuffed wheat with cream and sugar, DaKea nasn, dukwu jjumwt egg-bread, cocoa for children. (3) Grapes, popcorn cereal with milk and Bugar, sausage, Irish potatoes diced, and heated in cream sauce, sour milk biscuit, ueanut coffee for the children. ; v , (4) Cantaloupe, cracked wheat, milk and sugar, queen's toast, creamed fish,' rice muf fins, Postum and cream for the children. , . (5) Strawberries, rolled oats cooked, and then cooled in little cups, milk and sugar, medium cooked eggs in the shell, grits, pocket-book rolls, cocoa for the children. (6) Peaches, one of the flaky store cereals,, In tnb Irish DOtatOeS heated in a very little fat from smoked breakfast strip, rice griddle cakes, hot syr up, milk for children. , , (7) Blackberries, Graham porridge, broil ed chicken, rice,'spoonbread, hot cross buns, chocolate. The recipes for these have appear ed in these pages, but you. can ask for anything again if you have forgotten any of them. Now, let us discuss these menus and just a few of the, whys and where- '1 LTjCKJ( WHAT WOULD YOU TAKE FOR ME? Send . thin ' cou- non with 4o . IK 11 WC will luau yuu a trial tube ana our booklet Dental Hygiene." . J ... Oj Addrest iVame........ Ave Half Yoiip TaiEtt Bills BySing INGERSOLL PAINT proved best by 66 ytars use; It will please you. ,: .Only paint endorsed by the urange. , Made in aircolors-for all purposes. - l- -r: ' DELIVERED FREE ' ft From the Mill Direct to You at Factory Prices. INGERSOLL PAINT DOOU - FREE Tells all about Paint and Palntinsf for Durability, i How ema caused Dy paints laaintr, Valuable Information free fo olor Cards. Write. me DQJT. SHE was ready to sleep, and she lay on my arm,' , In her little frilled cap so fine, With her golden hair hanging out at the Like a circle of noon sunshine, And I hummed the old tune of Banbury Orosd '' And Three Men Who Put Out to Sea; When she sleepily said as she closed her blue eyes; : "Papa, what would you take for me?" And I answered: "A dollar, dear little heait," And she slept, baby-weary with play,. But I held her warm in my, love-strong - arms, ; And I locked her and rocked away. Oh, the dollar meant all the world to me, - The land and the sea and the sky, The lowest depth of the lowest place, The highest of all that's high. All the cities, with streets and palaces, With the people and stores of art, I would not take for one low, soft throb Of my little one's loving heart; Nor all the gold that was ever found In the busy, wealth-finding past 'Would I take for one 'smile of my dar ling's face, v r - ; , Did I know it must be the last. So I rocked my baby and rocked""away, And I felt such a sweet content, ' For the words of the song , expressed ' more to me . . Than they ever before had meant. And the night crept on, and I slept and dreamed , . ' .' . ? Of things far too glorious to be, r And I wckened with Hps saying close In my ear, - : " j - "Papa, what would you take for me?" Eugene Field. TalceG the ERROR out of TERROR A single moment may turn y6ur security into a periL ; On a single second of pre. paredness plus self-control depends your . chance to turn your peril back into security; If you are armed with a Colt ? Atitomatic, you are instantly prepared, Terror may be gripping at your senses but you can point your Colt automatically and automatically shoot straight for your Colt is automatically ready. Buy a j Automatic Pistol and teach your wife to shoot. Don't buy a Colt and putit away against that pos. sible need of a pistol. Show your wife mother or sisters that a Colt is not to be' feared. Let them know that this pistol, while it shoots like a flash, can be kept under a pillow fully cocked; it cannot be discharged until you grip the grip and pull the trigger simultaneously. Its auto. matic safety device compels you to do this. The Colt was .adopted by the Army and Navy because of its "Marked superiority to any other known pistol" Write for free book let, " How to Shoot," and Cata log P. . "Tfce Colt First Shot ' First" THE COLTS PATEN1 FIREARMS MFG. CO. Hartford, Conn.; "You Can Make a 'fforgeffo Coll Sift ' avoid trouble and ezpenae caused by paints fading, enauanff ana neeuns. vaiuaoit iniormanon rree ic woxt.' mm sample color cat . NOW.-1 can ave you money. 0. V. Ingerioll, 257 Plymontli St. , Brooklyn, N.Y. Afternoon Tea is a rest for tired nerves few things are more delightful. But After noon Tea ia perfect only when you use the V " ,p , j wwea . Aluminum Tea Pot A 'Wear-Ever' Aluminum Tray and Tea rot will make your tea- table bright and beautiful Wear-Ever" ntensila are made In one solid piece, without Joint, Beam , or solder. They wear longer, cook hetAi rma 1am fuel, look hand omer, clean more easily man otner aiccnen ware. Tbey save time and money-are pare and safe. : Replace otenaila that wear ouj . with tttenaib that wWear.Eyer, Writs for booklet,- "Tht Wear-Ever Kitchen. It . telLa you now to tavejuei, nmtj una scrowin, WAWTTn Men to demonstrate, and Bell "Wear-' i . can famish aecanty win oe eonaaerea. The Aluminum Cooklnjr Utensil Co. . uepi. t7, ew K.enBington, r.L or Northern Aluminum Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. Ontario Bend prepaid 1-qt. "Wear-Ever" Stewpan. Encloe edlsSOe. m stampB money refunded if not aatiBfied rm t . o- - Address. . A. Progressive Farmer neUhborhood is a tappy "pull-together" neighborhood. as fried ham, hard fried eggs and fried sweet potato, because he is using his muscles but has little need for concentrated thought ; but the little child can not" do so if it is to attain , its best mental development. Do you riot know children who have ldst interest in school because their energies went .to 'digesting break fasts prepared by unthinking mothers ratherTthanto: learning-thelessons-putliried by wise school teachers ? , Not only should the breakfasts wr I prepare be nourishing and easily , di gested, but they should have variety. This is not half as difficult a problem as it sounds when we once get into the habit of setting aside a little of this or .of. that after dinner or supper for use in, tomorrow breakfast. Let us see; that each member of the family has a drink of good fresh water be fore breakfast, ;We ; suggest seven fairly well balanced -breakfasts for various seasons'of the year: Besides, it we have them all one day we can not have variety. The same reasons hold good for , having but one hot bread for breakfast. The English have a custom that is founded on very good knowledge buT" that .has not found general favor here. They take a very little orange marmalade and toast as a last course. The mild bitter, of the marmalade stimulates the digestive juices, the sugar is a quick source of bodily heat and energy, and as I once heard it expressed, "It takes the taste of breakfast out of a man's mouth " And last, but not least, don't you it-1- it. " lauiK mai i nc lime we spend in Hav ing the room " warm and well-aired and the table dainty and fresh is time well spent? Ten minutes a day will mane tne amerence between care and carelessness, but have you not found fores. Why the fruit? To give the mouth a clean feeling. 'This the fruit acids accomplish through their. action on the secretions of the mouth and stomach. The fruit acids prepare the stomach for the foods that follow. : Why the cereals ? They contain nourishment and bulk Jn an easily digested form, if the cereals are well cooked. Why eersrs. creamed fish. lamb,-etCi? Because -they-are- nour ishing and are not' tough. Why do we have only one starchy food? ' Be cause rice, grits, hominy, Irish pota toes, etc., are the same thing, namely starch, and look and taste but a little different. To -have them all at nnp meal means a useless expenditure of strength in preparing them and in wasning up after them. ; ': ' MARY'S STORY: "LIVE AT HOME" Read This and Resolve That Hereaf ter You Will Do As Well : ALL this rant about not being able to tnnVf a Yit,- i.t.' . iiTxng mcsc uays makes me : tired.' Why, any little old Jarm and most village homes will support enough" hogs for the family meat, , allow . some chickens, a few stands of bees anrl a eWoii and garden, and isn't the above com bination the, necleus of a living, and1 at home, too? , The man who has all this and takes pride in keeping it up can come mighty near living at home and boarding in his own kitchen. , V -s 71 1, Ll wmmm Get the facta about (ilia beautiful wall finish Jhat-wcuMu Do away with Q mou, frnji and wJ. Jii patMrinc ejr kalsominloK. Plnt your "'dSl with thla bandaoma, cbaarfttl finish t&ftt wat&ei brigatMBtw. - . SLs Hiih Standard, i. 3 iu. WaHMnna fa far richer ana mo on nor xaae. a wuui -'- ; tine of boaaa, barn, inaida wall, wood- . work, ailoa. Tehlciaa. aio. r4?."'- book an W picturea in colora oinoa . boraea, cxtarior and Inferior Tiawa. areas aaaier ta ww. . . paints, tamiahea. enamela, ataina they laat longeac and cava money. The Lowe Brothers Co., 49BZ. Third St Dayton, 0. TJoatxm; Jgraay City, wucago, , . Kanaaa City, liinneapoiia. , . Low Brothan. limltad, '. Toronto, vanaua 1 ny Frco Obolt Hatching Fapg m.Trt. i.,Ma make bUJSSfnJ vmaka bio1 money with Belle WW , ,ort i . w m, ... -a haaM WUU " . ontnts. leiw ," ,'"1014 vsm iWorld'8 Champjonshlpa in IBOB CZ....-jy If 1 1 I I 1 This that I am about to tell, you. However, is add the farmer who is living on an aver age farm of from 40 to 75 acres and it is aimed to sh - . - - , ...vif . jVU mat you niake your mistake in putting all your land to cotton and corn. . Let's try a WORLD'? hnrriDiOn VI"" Rnnk. JP rr it. -7 - - ; fc w l0,n v Write today . for thla great EBaif money-makinff World's rhamplon Fomwr cook givea you xuii paracuuua w $800 Gold Otters for gold offers. Jim Rohan, Pres. tflfc Piuqty i..t.w Co.. Box 1 U ' .1 1 UZJ My 10-year personal monej-back jp-K-jsjri llMliavi I Tcrs a m Avar timer. Bltr writing you as an tdvertleer in JSit.rlM lve Farmer, which guarantees tto r Of til tdYertisln it carrlea.'

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