1 Saturday, March 13, 1915 : plan this year, ill ypu? a?;3; v . tnntrc ' huv as many old l1 intake to make enough frames as n r nthr row (15) 263 new pw . i ' W- manv old t,pn't any m, - " , arnes eat t a.g0:n r ced does have, a bull 1 if et her, calf and all, Trim up fnd spray that scrubby old bit of or chard, prune those neglected berry -vlnTsflatbreak ; and . manure your 2n plot, sow sorhe wheat and oats .1 . t,c w voiir scraffsrv old jiear iv , . wWe in that orchard I p and, goodness! do put a few hens, anu, e Vnri cnowv beenives i . i" Whv you've more right here to start on than we had three years ago , Now, I want to tell you a little fairy storv founded on facts : , You listen to something that- has occurred .today and HI guarantee that your mouth will water. i i" This morning we sat down to a breakfast of . country-cured, : ham, smoking fried steak, poached eggs, beautiful strained ' and comb, honey, golden butter, creamy sweet milk, fried potatoes, sweet and Insh,,home made sorghum, three kinds, of jelly, four kinds of preserves, yes, and pork sausage for Jimmy who likes them better than ham or steak, and as none of us use coffee, the flaky biscuits . and hot corn cakes' completed' a home-grown" breakfast, except i" the salt, sugar, and soda,' and ' they were paid for with extra butter,' milk, eggs and honey. (Editorial Interjection My, ivhat a grand meal I But if mother does not take to studying f qod values and bal anced meals her family will have in digestionfive proteids, nine sugars, and four starches! Spread the good .things over). - 1 ' " S For dinner we had vegetable soup containing potatoes, cabbage, canned beans, tomatoes, okra and onions, all "grown at home even to' the beef bone, for father kills a beef every time we need one though he -has a beef ' club started now. We had creamed pota toes, baked sweet potatoes with candy oozing out, beef roast,-, cold boiled ham, hominy made at home, a quick cake to eat with -canned peaches and whipped cream. Gorn bread arid hot rolls completed the meal and there wasn't a thing bought for dinner ex cept the sugar, salt, soda and baking powder in the cake,;:j''j.,-;'v.'-' ;-." For supper we : had" a bountiful amount left cold from; dinner, but 'we made some mush like grandmother used to make, and ate creamy sweet milk with it. 7 ': Our menu varies at different sea sons of the year when we have fresh fruits and vegetables, but we have seven in the family and we own jiist o2 acres of land. We dress as well as anybody about Jierejjwe. have a love-. lyautbmobile everything paid for, and don't owe a man .a penny, but ay, we've worked like Trojans; How ever, we haven't misled a darfrom school the past three years. Why, we sold-enough pumpkins to buy . mother a. library table last week. You know, , fncetwe built our pretty new house, somebody called our place f'Glen aaie because of the dear, " little odsey valley where it nestles, and now we ve put up a white board with name on it, and everybody's : be know the term, 'about Glendale" heifers, "Glendale" hogs, - ?y eggs, chickens; butter, milk, tTlt and vegetables. - - .v v surnilyeiar we mao'e, aimost $100 on X flant;Fathef ve that:to hnnftz: .' " u sne tather and I mmm. ,..A 3 ike Vicfcrola; - 10 - pre-i -', The Victrola brings to you the pure and varied tones of every musical instrument,- and the beauty and individuality of every huhian-voice all absolutely true to-life. : " ' r , :. -; ; , '. Such fidelity of tone was unknown , before-the advent of the Victrolathe v? cabinet style talking-machine; and this pure and life-like - tone Is exclusively a -Victrola feature. : l. " . . ; . iWhy exclusive with the Victrola?" , - ; Because' pf the patented Victrola features, which have been perfected after years of study and experiment: v : " "Goose-neck? sound-box tube the flexible metal connection between the sound-, ' Jbox and tapering tone arm, which enables the Victor Needle to follow the record . grooves with unerring accuracy. : ' . . Concealed sounding-boards and amplifying compartment of woodprovide the : very limit of area of vibrating surface and sound amplifying compartment, so abso lutely essenuai to an exact ana pure rone reproaucuon. v-; A . f Modifvinflf doors may be opened wide thereby Eivincr the tone in its " fullest volume; or; doors may be set at any degree graduating the volume y. .'i of tone to exactly suit-every, requirement, vtldsed tight the volume" is? reduced to the minimum and when hot in use the interior is fully protected, v v Victor system of changeable needles a perfect reproduction is possi . ble only with a perfect point therefore a new needle for each record! is t the only positive assurance of a perfect point. You also have your choice i v of full tone, half tone or further modification with the fibre needle. . . " ' It Js the perfection of every part," and its perfect combination with all other parts, that gives the Victrola its superior tone-Hhat makes the Victrola the greatest of all musical instruments. There are Victrolas in great variety from $15 to $200 and any Victor dealer will gladly demonstrate them and play any music you wish to hear. Write to us ' tor illustrated catalogs. - c victor lauang ivmcnino , vamaen, n. u.o. a . ggzmm , vv..v Berliner Gramophone Co., Montreal, Canadian Distributots ,.-: igEkmmmsp'X g combination. There is no other way tn af-t thai uneaualed Victrola JT JiiST- tone. ! M CI -jW..A..'.'.V.V,V.,.VAMp . C . J- " I 'Mi'' 1 1 Victrola XVI, 1 $2C3 Oak or mahogany knows what else, to last us a year or more, arid we sure, don't have to sell the five bales of cotton we made and father has stored in i the old aban doned wood-shed ; and the insurance doesn't cost, much: for the shed is sheet iron and; isn't, near any ether building. 1; Yes, father has a bank ac count, but 'we kids know, that ' if we need a ; dbllar for anything except pur clothes we have to earn it, and we certainly know how that's J done, too. i ' : '.' v to the T t0 ?P Francisco this year stavn'.tXI;ositlon- 'Aunt -Mary will hildren and San(4 will m to see them extra heavjc Christ- thIC2b rfeS for hL 5? V thf are: cross-fenced gs Z Sfror alive With red P lthe Porkers Wvcs tr .I? h )Ust had two bee 18. We'vl Wlth but now we have canned f m;7l Otatoes' Pipkins, Q beans, and peas arid goodness : Oh I don't know; father rarely ever ; says anything about buying more Jand but we may some time. The latest; expense father has met was to put out 20 paper-shell pecan v trees, named varieties, ori the place ; for shade and profit, but we gathered enough pecans and walnuts last fall to do us all through the winter. " My I but we do have 'a good time eating v nuts; popping , command eating big '. red apples froni-the barrels in bur cellar. ;;: -S :r ;! 1 ; MARY, : sRoxton, Texas.v ' : . Vv'" '. A Mother Finds That Care in Feeding - Makes Healthy, Happy Children A S WE all grew up at once and I f- never had the care of smaller 'children, I found it quite a task to., keep my children healthy and follow the advice of so many who wished to advise. But I have had quite a bit of V experience now and haye sought good authority. . I will give a few hints of . how I have succeeded. ; - ; Since we have been . in Texas and have used cistern water we have had the cistern cleaned out thoroughly in the fall . so as to catch the winter rains. The houses have been screen ed against flies and mosquitoes. Pure water and screened houses save many . ddctor bills and heartaches.:' ; - I have ; seen many mothers hand-' '4 MfTni Wi irliitrKtiijsjtjkv (Q).ie!Nkv V I'.. I Chased tot . out a biscuit and a big slice of fat meat to their little ones between meals. I . never considered this healthful, so mine eat their food at the table. As we are small -meat eat ers, we provide plenty of fruit, vege tables, chicken, eggs, milk and but ter. Of these -1 try to make healthy, wholesome dishes for all the family. I : teach my children to thoroughly masticate their food, and practice standing erect and deep breathing so as to inhale fresh air into their lungs. These simple rules I follow. My reward is healthy, rosy-cheeked chil dren. ; r . A READER, Talco, Texas. paiht coloh CALIPLES end r.:oriEV gavin q coo:; Baf or ym Inrtmt faa patet, mrt)Uh.nint. or kJoE)in for y tmrfto. let our book oooto too bmrnln Dricaa that wr yoo Uw.t 0 percent. n4 M much m 60 pr t. QtulitT ruuntK fat writlntr, Evr ote bnwi BMdy to U Uoo i alnt. r Kvu to KiA) q. ft., oata. tUlla eTfrywhara lor LZ.UU (oia.wparru. JritfiOisPciblTci. fcarraln prieaa and tOO coVc rarda abowin mwrni-t mhAmm titt rmJl. Graateat mantTaii paint opportunity rfar. otf ""! Voa eao'i auora to paint aamgw ounumi mui . thlafre cUlo. t'rora it roor.lf . Vni todar tot book ot pric fcnd oolor aajiyt . A4UraM m bakuw. J ess C!orcs New Yerk J Save your papers and et a binder.

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