! ' 1 11 H I". r a - ,H ! v i V i 'Mi HE..rr.c a:.zc:ivE farmer ' A " . afc M . Wales of Sherlock Holmes By A. CON AN DOYLE JLThs Sijn qf ttuzFovr , CIIAFTEB IV(Cottiiiuid) AT1 THIS instant a horrihUr change cans over his expression; his eyes stared wildly, his Jaw dropped, and he yell ed, in a voice which I can never fowl' Keep hhn outi For Christ's sake, keep ' him ouil' We both, stared around at the window behind as upon which his gaze was fixed. - A face was looking in at us out ( the darkness. We could see" the whiten lng of the nose where it was pressed agatost the glass. It was a bearded, hairy face, with wild, eroel eyes and an expression at. concentrated malevolence. My brother ana I rushed toward the window, but the man wsj gone. When we returned to my father, lis head had dron pad and his pulse had , i ceased to beat We earehet the- garden that night bat . found. u atg of the intruder,, save that just Wider the window a single footmark was visible ta the flower-bed But for that one trace w might havo thought that cmr fcnaglnatlona- had conjured up that wild Sere facev "We soon, however, had another ' and a. mere- gtrtklsc proof that there were gecret agenctea at work all around ns; The wiadow, of my father room was found open In the morning-, his cupboards and boxes had been, rtfiedV and won hit ehest was fixed a. torn piece ef paper with the words, The slga f the fo-sr scrawled across- it. TSTfcat tfca phrase meant, or who our secret Tisftor may have been, we never Knew,, as iar an wo duced, and thei "continued tefcreea tie Ta f his overgrowtt pipe. . "My brother and M,"' said t he, you may imagine, much excited .as ttv.tne treasure which my father ba :J For weeks and for manta we n,d,tdTr ed in every part of the garden, without dis covering its whereabouts. It was maddantog : to think that the hiding-place was -cn his verv lips at the moment that he died, we ialdudg' th splendor . of the .missing rfehes by the chaplet whirfi he had taken out. Ow this ebwlet w brother f Barthol omew and I had some little-, discussion. The pearls wore evidently of great value, and he; was. averse- to part with them,- for, between friends, my. hrother wa tlntself a littlera- rrttneii to my ratners iaun. xie muugu w, rortanca - r.j . c. : been , discovers J.' .The- tr vereJL I instantly ear? With Misa Uorstan, and. U mlv rV vs t drive ent ta Norwood ani dcvrZr, I0 snare, jM sriaiaei lay views last T brother.. Bartholomew ; sor we shall h. peeted, if not welcome -visitors.' - ex" . jJr.- T'aeat-vShIaiedk''-- and . . 7 twitching- on. his Luxurious settee, w. remained siieat, with our jthoughts unrm : new development which; the mysterious w! uesft had taken-IloOmea -waa the first spring to his feet. "v V , ; . - Mst to v lasV aM hew li la poasiWe that "H " be able to make some email rtUr ri throvrfcna some: rhrht. wnm k BtU MAI Jit nw y . , .3. miSS Moi!ti k .-i - . - . is re- that IT WA TiarieU WJIUX IU uoihvv .,i-ninrir.n ihsi HUK. II U 13.TA Old vji , " can. judge none of my- father's. operty had : rtse tft gossipy and Anally bring us Jato .;jm ft;tte;1xi:Yttb-'-'ovt-'dei erenuig.iuM trouble.. It was au inn. i coum. u , n,,- ' ew; aeavuftiiita .x. " Hn Actnalrr stolen, thoaeh been turned out. My Drotner ana a natur ally associated this peculiar incident with; the fear which haunted my father during his life; but it is still a complete mystery to us." The little man. stopped te-; relight - hi hookah, and pulled thoughtfully for a few ' moments. We had all sat absorbed; listen ing to his extraordinary narrative; At the short account of her father's death Misa Morstan had turned deathly white, and for a moment I feared that she was about U faint. She 'rallied, however; on drinking a glasa of water whlclb I antetly poured out for her from a Venetian carafe upon the. side table. Sherlock Holmes leaned back in M chair with an abstracted expression and the ltds drawn over his glitterimr eyes. As r gDaneed at him I eonld not but think hew on that very day he had complained bitterly of the commonplaceness of life. Here, at least was a problem which would tax- his sagacity to the tttmost. 1 Mr. Thaddena KJtotto looked from one to the other ef us with an ebvicai pride at the effect which hi, story had pro- atfs Mal ta let me flndi out JOw Morstanfs r:0y eJ el ,estute - -It was a kindry thotrght, said our om-of the extreme closeness of. the, night nS paion, earnestly. y 'It waa e a rabb t of you,-. , - - ' r skin.cp;with.baagina lappeta whleh cover - The littlemaix waved wasvis- gethlr aee it. la that Hght- We ; had plenty ;, wmirUe to ,?ea;FetdlnaHan:".; of money ourselves. I desired no ..-more.: ,s:C'Our, cabiwaa awaBtfn tis: utsidei. and our sides, it would have been, such bad taste to program waevidentiy;:: prearranged, for have treated a young lady in so scurry Mvwttttimc at rapid pace, fashion, te manvais gout mene au crimTha m t Thet Frenchi hav very neat, way of pntti : above the rattle et thesft things. " Qw differenfie of opinion f the wheels. , r . v this subject went so far that I thought it uv -Bartholomew is a clever fellow, said he best to- net up roomfor myself ; so I left ' -"iiaiv ,r&Q. ygst thiafc ha found out where the PondJcherry Lodge taWngr the old khltmut- treasnra waa? - Ke ha.d come to the conclua gar and WiHlamsLwlth me. Yesterday, how- , jon that -It :"was somewhere indoors r so Ihe ever I learned that, an event of extrem m- , -wocked otrt ttll tha cuhle apace ef the hou J and. made measurement everywhere, so that not one inch should ooi unaccounted tor. AmmttvtbM' i. thtogSfc.? lkefoimd. that the -height oi the. buUdtng: was seventy-four feet, but on adding; tether - the heights of an the separate room; -and ;.makin; every allow ance: for the apaca btween which he as certained by Uortngs, he could not bring the total to ; mbre - than " seventy Jeet. Ther were four feet, unaccounted for. These could only .be at the top of the building. He knock ed a h-oie, therefere, ill the lath and plaster ceiling ot ith: highest room, and there, sure enough,-he came -upon another garret above it, whiicht had beett sealed ir and was known to- no. ne. Xn the center stood the treasure chest, resting. upon, two. rafters. He lower ed it . through, th0; hole, and there it lies. He computes the - value, of the- jewels at net less than half a million sterling ?" At the -'XOentiiea -of this gigantic sunt we aU atared at one another open-eyed, Mi6s Morstan, could iwe secure . her right, would Chang from a needy governess to the richest heiress in, England. : Surely it. 'was the place of a toyal friend to. rejoice at such news; yet " I ant .ashamed to ay that selfishness took me by the sout 4amd that my heart turned aa heavy as lead : within me. . I stammeredt out some- few halting words of congratulations.-and then, sat' downcast,, with my head drooped, deaf to. jthe babble of our new ac quaintance ; H . ; was clearly a confirmed hypochondrlac'anil' .I was dreamily con- scloua that he was pouring forth intermina- -bio traina of -symptoms', and Imploring In formation aa to ihe .composition and action of Innumerable quack nostrums, some of which he- bore about i a leather case in his pocket. I trust that, he may not remember any of the ' answers' which I gave him that. mgne. ::. iJounea oeciarea tnat lie overneara me caution him against the-great danger of taking more than - two .drops of castor on, while .1 . recommended strychnine in large doses aa a. sedative.. . However that may be, I was certainly relieved when our cab pulled ttp with a jerk andr the-.eoachman sprunf down. to. opea th doon . ; . "This, ; Miss : Morstan, Is PondicherrF Lodge," said Mr. Thaddeus Sholto, as he handed; har oat;-: s ' r ; Thafo Wby llif : Street Goodyear. maJe- about ostirt c c3 Ixw used last year.;;;::.;'..-. We sold 1,4788 J-tat cia tSro fcevery car in use Aad for yeara tisca &es tare fcr caitsoid cny otter tire thatus rssiw 1 :? ; '.Now our pnoeafcssi otlier due taour isatctless catput Our FcrtlEsd Tires, v.ith thssr coster cxcbsivQ trxsvcre once iKe Lgnest-priceA - L , - :-; '.:.'.-. ; Today tLerp tcnV a reason every motorist can not fcaye; Goodyear tats Tfecrc ere tliese reascos why Iiq stouH: - ihsce S Reacpns; OurNc-Run-Cutfeaturo ours alone-combats rrrar cutung in the best way known, -, Countless blowouts are cyouieabyour,'Oii-AIr Tti one csisive process, costa us $450fjOOO .cure. loJllmCutTItt--MOar, Ccreo! With AllAYeaiherTreadaosSmooih j forming fa czzh txe hunoreds of large rubber rivets. Far security against blowing off the ran and ; tube pincirig, each tire base embodiea six flsl C fcezisef 126 braided piano wires, )H Car M-Wcattxer Tread combatspuncture by teing tough end double-thick It combats slid- dbIie co other by itasharpgcdbuUrJoggripx Ttx dbs niean sturdy, trouble-saving tires, Esch .fefound in t Goodyear tires alone. - In Aese v'ar least, Goodyear . Fortified Urea O .. . . ... . .... . excel all other makes. Do'. you know one way in which others excel Goodyear? V We urgeyou to prove these tirei Once do so and youB ' ; never give them up ' Anv 3 'ST- AKITOrt.QrtlO Fortified Tires dealer -will suddIv' vhn. tKSSS3!?E COIIPANY; AKRON, OHIO vr.T wiwfi lull Wd Uther Ttm I Th Traredjr t FenSleaeirry lodge T WAS . nearty eteven , oclock when we re&ChAd hii fiiratl nttumt at our nlffht'S 4a . venturea 'We. had leit the- damp-iogLof tjie great city hehind usV and the night was falf ly ffnei - A warm -wtnd Wew from the west ward, and heavy clouds moved slowly across the sky, with, halt a moon peeping occasion ally through the rlftav It was clear enouga to see for some distance but Thaddeus Snoi to took down one of the-side-ramps from tne carriage to? glv na ' 8 Ktter light upon our -PondlcneTry-: Xodge "f too4 ' la ' its owa gronnds, and was, girt round with a very , high stone wall topped with, broken glass. single, narrow, iron-clamped door formed only means ef entrance On this our guwe knocked with at peculiar postman-like rsi tat. .,:' . . . -Who's there cried a rough voice from Within. . - fit is McMurdo. 'Ton'snrely know raj laiock by this time - , - There s"..was ft grumbling sound. anJ cJantemg and Jarring ef keys. The floor , swung heavily bacK and a Bhortv er ; chested man stood in the opening, witn in yeliow light of the lantem shining 1u?,1n.fut eyes,'-',;; - " ; . ' "ThatVoiTMr.' -Thaddeus ? But" v10 the others? 4 -I; had no orders about tnei front the maeter.'' " m "No, McMurdo? - .Tou tmrpriao we. i my brother .last night that I should Borne friends.,, ' - ; ' ; Mt A -Kl- room io-"f'' Mr. Thaddeus, and I have no orders. Too .1.. know very well. that' I must stick to regu' tlona. I can let yo in; hut your frie"0 they must Just stop whore they are. "This waa an. -unexpected .obstacle. Tha dtus Bholto looked about-him In a Ptrp'-' and helpless' manner. This Is too baa ow McMurdo," he said. "It, I guarantee t that is enough for you.- There a y 0 lady, too, Bh cannot wait n the p road at this tour" ;; Tory aorry. llr. TUftdilotis,M said the Jo, ter, inexorably.. "Folks may bo inen yoursi and yet no friends o the m iaty paya me vll tcy do my duty, and mj I'll do. t don't know bone o' youf m (To be' coutlaucd.7 .

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