1 ", V 1 i J yfe have a fuU supply.of orders promptly. I t K - : : : iedfi Sucdession and Early . i7aiN Dutch.- o 1 V i?sicc3 fcy Esprcssr-By Express, buyer paying charges, which under special rates aro very low: 500 for tl.OQ. In lota of 1000 to 4000 $1.50 per -"V 1- -ate higher w . nuanuues. . - h.ip bv Parcel Pest, Prepaid 100 plants lor 35v . Write for delivered prices on 500 and 1000 lota by Parcel Post they aro very little, if any, ? hv Fxoress and planta ore aciiverea.Dy.rarcei rosi m your mau uux wiuwui uei&y. ua ioia ui kwj cr niore, u is CJeapsr to ssip oy iixprcss, s--Cash with order. V7e . " inandis TFOMiTTO;: ABJKD SWEET- IPOTATTO IPLAMTS Txr a nftixr hooldn't orders for Toaato and Sweet Potato Plants for shipment about April 15, to be shipped in order or rotation as received. , Thids: nnv vmir plf:it:5 f rcia Expert Crorcrb. We grew our first Frost proof Plants in 1868 and now have over thirty thousa&dVfiatisfied customers from vSeinia to Texas. We haverowts and sold more cabbage plants than all other persona in the Southern States combined. Why t Because our plants must Write for illustrated Catalogue on Cabbage Plants Sweet Potato Plants and Strawberries No trouble to tnswer questldns tad wo can and will help you. wm. c'casssAf? W 071 88, a . , ' . i 1 V ' A-"' WS . j PROPOSED INCREASE IN TOBA. -.the1 tWe yeari ove A SHOM COCRsrAf tllE FARM Zmrnvrnm";:: life school . tin 'w "the" following will show hOW this - ' Tear, South Carolina 1.,.,;,,.ln 1913 aveTaged $13.77 . s , , . : 1 itx 1914 averagea - fl.os E&et6rrt tool Catollna in 1913 avtaged 18.56 in averageu x.oa 7Z 49 Fite-Day Farmer' NOW1NG that. you"-are interested i-Mh all things that are f Of the ad vancement . of agriculture in North Carolina. I am' enclosing a program "With Many Demand : Cut Eurooean Waft aftd . a 5 ooimd Surplu Front La$t Folly to Plant Big Crop" tNOWING your real interest in the.;:bid fceVw; Wditoa in wij JJgJJJJ' - IV welfare of the larmer, i am sena . 01d Beljj Virginia..;, m isis averaged 16.26 a-rirrnlar-letter " - 1 .,N- in 1914 Averaged -9.68 that has been issued by the Tobacco "" "While "about the same Quantity Of of -a ; short course for farmer- and Association of the United Mates. : tobacco was made Dotn., years, tne their wives : that we have just com- During my long experience hi the to-, 1914 'crop 'only brought two-thirds as plete'd here at. Rock Ridge, Farm Life bacco business I have 'neveEfseeh' a much'as the' 1913 crop; showing con School. Our 'attendance was ' very time when farmers were more deter- ;clusiyeiy. whatorerrprodtiCtWn .111 good thtoaghout the .week and.miich mined to plant a big crop of tobacco bring abouty ,V r; J;:'' r r ' " " "interest. Was taken in tHe"wOrk.. than they now are preparing to. plant, ."With mahy demands tut Oft by the s We intend to make .this' an. annual and in my whole experience.. I have? European -war,' and with a surplus of ' event here -for. e believe there'is nd never seen a time when 'there' was over 50,000,000 pounds added from the . better way of reaching the farmers less to induce the planting of. a large" 1914 Crop,. .the sifuatiorl absolutely de arid their wives. V ' V , ; . 1 . crnn. . 'C'" rnand??' that decided decrease in the N" y "I have thought of preparing an ar- planting .for 1915. Shall take" place.' . - Short Course For farmers and Their W flJc . T hu -Relt Vannnt raise anv Roc n1 W School Feb. . tide for publication dealing with this subject, ers the lam sending it to'vou. and I ;hooe -the cotton you wm give it your attention. 7. crease has neen so pronouncea. imo winter cover crops, n. w. Freeman. nKi Art Knt fViA AKolnnaJ .kaAb'oW Vrnt tnVi'i rrA' flfirl tliere- . vr-v-' K . v ,-,f Monday ::r' . . " , rr.:t:J": .lOMO-DiverBiflcationof. Crops, P. A. Brown. siuiation sq inorougniy mat , iore ; tne crop suuuiu uc vui Mucii;m iioa New System of - Farming:, r. w VII lll.l li' I LllVi 111 ' - - w , sections, 1 : Q 0 Annual Hay Crops, F. A, Brown; "After careful consideration bv the conservative-olantincr in the eastern board of directors .of the -Tobac-" North' Carolina, arid South. Carolina co Association of the United States,"', section will give the farmer an oppor it was determined to issue 1 the - f ol- tunity and; an interest, to raise, full lowing statement regarding-the "situ- crops for home sustenance, .and as -ation of bright tobacco, with respect the high price of every article t?f to the planting for 1915"; ,.- ' "food" J'' likely to continue, if does . "Land suitable for the oroduftion of; seem reasonable"' that every effort on httobaccaitt --Virginia. - North '- the -tart - of . the . farmer.: should j.beio .mo Te'mporary Pastures, f. a. Qrolina and South Carolina is tufl, made to raise food crops. -By so do- ii:2(ommefeiai FertimerB, n. uent, if used, to make eflbUgh:tbb"ac- itig and: making a detided cut m the co in one year for the' demands .for; acreages' of", tobacco the' price -of to w years. :.' bacco will; be" remunerative and will Twenty-five years ago' the tobaefco - bring " abouf a . general condition of Produced in Eastern North Carolina, prosperity in the : communities ;: on and South Carolina was a very small - which depends Hhe ; success of the '""ecu, in ivh these two .xarmers. tor tneir weiiare. s sections produced .'oVerlSOWCOO ."Finally, 'it is" the firm opinion of Pounds, against :. ; Wit-:i4n rttt nftrt -Kn whn hiv eiven the 'matter that : another, large . crop ot . Liida laree crop can only. 'ln8 most Histinit1tr f t,:ii ieA in (I'jctprn "Wnrth , Carolina - cw territorv Viae . ; .-j c.a rii mill U rtam cron t and cotton ire the money ity upon every One connected with Oi ti u Part the country Th6' the tradeand especially upon the .... eIt action:, is notiftdit-Mii t'. farwpf " who' nroduces it. -and- the thernt?n ' there it; appears .that- remedy lies only in a-very, consider A ted .' fcr A , ' onrciaj! A wtelett risk it to tuy rocfins not guaranteed by a recpossibU cca : com. .When yon buy ear toofinj ytu Cstthowrittmcs&ractea cf the wcrU't UtZttt Cianuf&ttin-ertfcf.roofihar ar.d Buy matcrfotKat tzt 01 : . n i ? Pounds tion i show ew "Tob S t ?rr.odu,ced n the Old fielt sec- ."thought,'-it hn J Virinia' and North Carolina-, tobacco (a 2:40--Letture, Cha8. I. Coon. 'Tuesday ' - ' ' ' l0:40--Permaient Hay Cf ops, F. A Brown. 11:20 Plant Food Requirements, R. W " Freemftn. . - - ' , 1:00 'Controlling .Uog ChoWra, Df, F. D. Owen. -. ' , . lO-Demotistratlon of Serum, Dr. F. D. Owen. 2:40 Boys' and Girls' Clubs, T. E. Browne. . Wednesday Brown. W. Free man. - , , " - 1:00 PlflT Clilb Work,'J. D. McVean. ' 1:40 Gardeft and Orchard, F, A. Brown. 2:40 Preyentlve -Medicine, Dr. L Or . Moore. - : Thursday - : 10:40 . Permanent Pastures, K A. Brown. - 11:20 Pruning and Spraying1, J. T.-Xazar. . 1:00 CoSpetatlon v and . : Matketlng, Mt. ; Dixon. ' ; ' ' . ' .1:40 Pruning Demonstration, R.. W. Free - man. , " . 2:40 Farm Poultir and Poultry Clubs, Mr. OHvef. ' Friday Successful Butter. Making on the Farm, J. T. Lazar. ' 10:40 The Small Grain Crop, F A, Brown. 11:20 Corn Growing, R,. W. Freeman. . 1:00 Seed Corn Exhibits, J. T. Lazar. 1:40 Discussion of, Seed Selection, R. W. 2:40 "Where Wilson County Lags," Won. E. J. Barnes. ' In connection with the above V; i -; Roof inn; ; . 'I . Ourleadrng' itduct---is guaranteed 5 ytart for i-tly,'10 years for 2-tly and 15 vears for 3-tIv. We also ihalce lower priced roofin?. elate . Surfaced . shingles-. DUiiaing papers, waii ooaras pui-coor paints, plastic, cenient, etc.'' Ask your dealer for ' products "made by us. They a re reasonable tn price and we tand behind them. '';". Cc-crd Hcofcj nffecrcrinj Co. i.. WvriS larqat naniifactuM itf Rodflng' '.. ' mf Buttitlng PaptH ' . . f kiU4!pf J - Atluti CUuUni tMrU St LjbU" GacioBiti . ' Ktasu City " " t.jBMpoHi Sis Fraacbc SattU Uaios ' HatiUnt Sjiaty must produce .serious .GreenvilleN. C O. L. JOYNER, crease in "r . ur !ne n aoic;ucKrco uccicik fcVXwfrV a schedule Miss Martha Armstrong ana o Ul ite .produced in- tobaernV. Prodction of; bright this year." inces astern North Cv uuna Drodnrpri ' . - 141ft 19 Z 5.?oo touftd. -iJi1.- Moo ooS ZX: Hna Lra North Care MlU !!!& Pounds it l . . ' .. OM "'ugnt that Ipsq t,, r i . -.w. annually, USed, ani U; ' rirl. E. C laires, Secretary North- (Tflrnlinfi Fnfrtiprs Union, tells ' US that a number of people are writing him about cottotr seed prices, etc. The , Progressive Farmer' stated some--.time ago that Mr. Faires" would send' copies of the North Carolina Farm-' .'ers Union plan-for pooling cotton . Seed to applicants ; and this he is glad " to do; He cannot consider any plan for purchasing cotton seed, however, Wherever farmers will get together. :U t r-cl tieir seed they cin almost., Miss Bessie Craven will give demon strations each day until . noon ' in "Kitchen and Dining .Room." Each afternoon from 1. -00 to 2:30 they will discuss the following subjects : . (I) A Model Kitchen, (2) Our Foodstuffs, (3) Bread and; Bread Making, (4) Meats, (5) Vegetables and Cereals, (6). Three Meals a Day. ? : : J. T. LA2AR, Teacher of Agriculture. . VIRGINIA TOBACCO MARKETS .'. Richmond - At Kichmond the sales this weeK were in me neignDornooa oi jinn a million pounds. The prices were good on eun-ourea,-Home Dringin j as nign a per hundred. . - The buyers were out in strong -forceu . ' ( DanTlll The sales on this market wer small, with a large per cent of the-oljerings an a.mm fmm wmA.II mftrknta. ' Thk amount brought in by wagons was small. The pricea showed an tipward tendency, and . LUO ViUaUVf VV VIlVVUVtl'iA -WW present indications it ean be said that ft large percentage of the crop ha t?een sold. There wus not mnch doing in redried to baccos. ' " ". .." ' . -; - -' Chase CityThere was mor animation on this market, with receipt that showed near- lv laTMT All taut week. Lynchburg Mnch heavier - sales weTe on this market than were etpected, and prices .week amounted to 958.000 pounds. Petersbarg The prices On dark tobacco were better this week than last, and amount ed to 178,488 pounds, ranging in price from $4 to $S0 per hundred. 6ale oC bright to bacco tor the week were 67.SI9 pounds, at prices from $5 to. $36 per hundred. , ' 'EesrUJre Tha iales of bright tobacco for the week were 164,08f pounds, and It is thought that the season's crop win be dis posed of by April 1. J. BELTU WHAT WAS IT THEH? 'I don't see 'why you call your place ft ban ralow,M said Smith to Ms neighbor. . "Well, if it ittft a hmsrat?w, what Is ft?" e.ud the npUhbr. "The J6b was a bundle and t siiil ov t-r tL" sLJ;xv.i;:j3.- OFFICE OF COUHTY TREASURER ABOLISHED Tim office of County Treasurer. .Is to bo abolished in both Wayne . and Duplin counties as is the case with the offlct ia tr eral Other counties. This reform wat start ed two years ago by Mr. Henry X Tag for ' his county Mocre, The Indications now are that.thla oQce will soon be a. thing of the No tounty treasurer need taka. the rooTe meat to abolish his efflee aa matter per sonal to him. The people art simply finding oat that it lsa needless once and a need less expense to tha tax payers. Any good bank will render the service and at no ex pens to the people. As ft matter f course ths efflea cannot be abolished till the term of the incumbent has expired. But "when his trrr la tjp tfl rflce ends. 11 1. OUt Trlb-