t 06 (18) w "J I M 1 v 'v itt t turtle Have you eve? tried to repair one of . the kind of puinps thai has to be ' removed 'bodily" from the well every time it is necessary to fix a leaky valve or any other little trouble, and that requires a mechanic and a : kit of tools for the operation i 3 If so you'll appreciate WOODtN yV . I 0eA3Y1OW0RK80CASVTO FIX Whenanything does go wrong any one can fix itanda monkey wrench is the only tool needed. They save money by savingtime andtrouble; We've been building pumps for 40 years and when we build one for you it ir right Send for catalogued Handled by Deal ers . ' 7 - S2? H mnm m hi Crtl II ? - . r i BE YOUR OWN MERCHANT. Get "Everwear" DOUBLE GALVANIZED STEEL $oofinff direct at factory prices. Freight paid. Costa lesB than wooden shin glee, .Lasts longer. Looks better. Adds to value of buildings. Comes In big sheets. Easy' to put? on. Only a hammer needed. Lasts a lifetime. , Needs no . pointing or patching.' Can't rost, warp or leak. GET OUK WHOLESALE FACTCRT PRICES Don't buy roofing from dealers or whole salerssave the profit they get. Send for roofing book P? free sample and special free offer. "-"v:y'-i ...".',-. SAVANNAH KETAL ROOFING CO ' Savannah. Ga Dept-PF PAINTS"' A gallon of Spotless Ready Mixed Paint will brighten ui a lot of lur face for little money. Used by many painting contractor In preference to any other. Big ralue in erery rallon. We bare paint for erery purpose a pore asphalt paint for metal roof. Implement!, fences, etc.. at 28c a gal t barn and roof paint for 6Se a iaLt home paint for $1.22 $ 1.48 a fat If you need paint of any kind. write for our color-card and catalogue. SENT FREE apoa request. TheSpotleaaCo, 275 Shockoe Lane, Wchmoad,Va, Cotton Seed Meal Owl Brand ill tnd 8Am . Dove Brand &dnan4 Good for beef cattle, dairy cows, oxen, horses, mules, sheep, hogs, poultry All need PROTEIN! Feed a BALANCED ra tion. Our booklet "M" Science of Feed ing FREE on request Cotton Seed Meal fine fertilizer for tobacco and truck F..W.DRODE&CO 9 Established 1878, . 40 South Front St, Memphis, Term. 4 n AW .'Z-TN itie Page Devoted to OrganteaHon. cooperation ond Marketing r'U.tea Contributing Editor out. on..iMM.jj crirs!jr cwaicirr. BmmN UmUtmat Fanaere' Ualea THE PRQGItESSIVE FARMeH vture surv bring -disappointment, - and .sometimes calamity. Under tl present"-, abnormal condition attempt6 , to get . immediate "profits" are sure t ..bring unsatisfactory results, - V V.: : ; - J-Z.G.' SUGGESTED TOPICS FOR DIS CUSSION AT LOCAL UNIONS MARCH (1) (1) (2) What Can We Do In CoBperatlye Purchase of Supplies and Fertilizer Thig Year? Should We Not Arrange NotrFor District and County School Com mencement!? APRIL How Can We Develop Better Flans for Marketing Poultry, Vegetables ? and Fruit This Year?. How Will Parcel Post Help? Cannot We Join Together More as KniirhhAm With Teams. Hands, and Machinery . in Doing xms Farm Work? 18. BDU Year's em counties of North Carolina I no tice that thousands of acres are being fc"V.,. , .i. . . ...... . AT ' Nash County Meeting tice that thpusanas oi acre are yci8 TfjE Nash County Farmers' T prepared for cottori;by these Negro wiu meet with the mST' tenants, just as they have been doing czl near Taylor's Cross Roads 0n i: heretofore, every spring. , , first Saturday, in April, at ll'o'cbd ' " V . a.m. We expect to have a live meet During the months of March and ing, and hope to have a full dele?a. April organized iarmers suuum iiac- uui num uu iuud. GOOD TIME TO BUILD BETTER FOUNDATION Organized Resident Farmers Must Get Out of Competition With Crop lien Pauper Labor to the occasion ana enmrace me op portunity, by stocking half their cot ton land to clovers and grasses for : permanent pastures." V When we ar range to reduce our "overhead" ex- . penses by letting cows and hogs and " colts ' gather their-, own crops we are laying the . f oudation for profitable agriculture,' and by "profitable ' agri- ; culture" I mean the kind that .furn ishes a better living on the farm. In the meetings of your local Unions that you are calling now for the pur-. ; pose of .discussing the cooperative purchase of commercial . fertilizers, wouldn't it be putting into practice a happy idea if we should decide to ap- oi tne lertmzer a PT?AnTTP TIip Progressive Tf - u B tuxrincr propriate. a part ias the, got outof de says he stated in any of etc., and thereby begin to, grow into these get-out-of-. tne livestock industry? You 11 find debt stories that advertisements running in The Pro cotton -has played gressive Farmer quoting prices of all . ... IrlnAe r( cpoHc hnf if vnii fail In make an important part: - ay. " i Some years ago a farmer in Union County who was planting a little bigger cotton crop every year in the - - MR. GREEN attempt to get out of debt, found that instead oi getting out of debt his connection direct with tne grower, you can club your orders for seeds and send to wholesale seed mer chants. The most practical and profitable .way to reduce your cotton acrt ige is to prepare a . part of your cotton land for pastures or ' for f or aee croos so, that you can feed more indebtedness was gradually becomings livestock next winter. Discuss these t-r . . .. . . . . it! 1 1 TT: Tt- - things in your local unions, it s a good time to put into practice some very profitable ' cooperation in the ' purchase of seeds for permanent pas tures and for forage crops. - . . . . t... - Regardless of the duration of the war the resident farmer will make no mistake when he gradually substit utes livestock ot cotton. He will in that way get out of competition with ignorant pauper Negro labor which goes to the support of absentee land lords and time merchants. And as the live-at-home policy we grow int0 the livestock industry farmer out of debt, this w- wi'iiv; rrr,e k same economic policy will keep him nd gathered with horse power and out of debt . "farm machinery, while our hogs and cows and colts will still fnrttir caIvo "The resident farmer, who-is-de--the-hired labor problenvby gathering pendent upon his own labor and the their own crops in pastures nine IA Ka r Vk M M Mala ' m CC . A 4. . larger. He finally decided to plant for -a living at home, :as far as . soil and climatic conditions would permit, and that included about all the food products that went on his table ex cept sugar and coffee. He knew this fundamental economic change of methods could not put him in I any worse condition even if it didn't help him. Within three year's time he was out of debt. I dont know hardly how I got out of debt," he remarked to one of his friends, "but I know I'm out all right." If will lift a labor ot his tamily, can t afford to speculate oncotton or tobacco with the hope of "gaining enough profits to buy his living. When he does that he puts himself in direct competition with ENTIRELY a niw WV m ml'nnPlH I act! DODS tT7 4mDATtial anmrMtlnna fnr li : r ' m wng moat pr0 IMX ptnt l0JP? lndex-CopyTighU oy.J9U,eowi 41 !) crop. Nov llentlon Bnd for jh-w book; ItbUu all today. Grapefruit and OranQes lor Sale - 6tT thftproflt ind eommkalon of mlddl mea by tuTlng four fruit direct from th rrowtr, ' W ar srowert nd pcken ol fancy trait. AS tnitt ruarnUtd to b of Una quality. IHcaa ll.U par box for grape fruit or onngef. A hot packad H grapefruit ao4 H orangti i.7i. Cast) with order Oak Ecs3 Grtpdrdt & Orssge Conptay, months out of the year. In order, to grow into the livestock industry," we must cooperate in the purchase of pure-bred sires and in the purchase croplien pauper, labor, which, nrtivitv ovrrv TT:rt :., u 4 in i s last analyse, means that -he is ton and tobacco sections shduld get work.ng for pauper wages m the pro- sy. Tw0 or more memberJ duct.on of a crop that s produced by iocal Union shonId , ...w t"u"u'' "v6' auw. one TUre-hrPd Cir thie enrln T , c mg dllll, All" ' "" vestments of this kind will ultimately Never before in the history of pay the biggest dividends that it is Southern agriculture has there been possible to obtain py any investment picaciucu.iL inicr opporiunuy ior.tne iua, uc mauc uy a group oi or- resident farmer to gradually break ganized farmers in the cotton sec away from the one-crop system and ion. It is true, there will" be no im substitute' for it the kind of farming mediate results, but the best results that requires superior intelligence arc always the cumulative kind. At and personal supervision, and there- tempts to get quick profits in agricul yjr wui tumpeiuion witn the pauper Negro labor upon which the absentee landlord must depend. If the European war continues there will probably be no market at all for cot- A A Mam. ton next tall, or if there is a market the price will be perhaps the lowest on record in the hist , , , J VVUVll growing. Notwithstanding this cle ment of extreme uncertainty the ah. sentce landlord in the Cotton Belt will have his Negro tenants to plant cotton, for they do not have the in intclligcnce and training to handle any other kinds of crops. They will plant cotton if they know it .will not bring over five cents a pound. In the east- J. X. TAYLOR, Secretary. For burns,' cuts, insect bites and ? all irritations of the skin, use Vaseline Re?. U. S. Pat, Off. Keeps wounds clean; loothea and healj. Specially raluable la the nursery. , - Pat up in bandy metal capped elasi bot tles. At drat and reneral stores every where. - Illustrated booklet describinc ill the "Vaseline" preparations mailed free on request. . , CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (Consolidated) 59 State Street. .x New York City EnnAonni:!AnY offer fiiT, tree trial on this finest ot bleydth" ! JJ . VmiTE TODAY XXXmt men and women, boys and g iris at prica egSalS for kenallty. It Is cycToPedla ol blcjctes, iundriei said useful bicycle information. It W. ; TIRES, COASTM-BWUCS rear wheert. tog. tubes, lamps, ejclometers. equipment andpal , Wcyclea at half usual prioetw. A 11m lnamDer second-band bicycle UVen la trade will be clooea ttonce.atf3tof8eCB. 'mumkA wzn AOEPIT wanted In en town to rid W exhibit A sample 1915 model Ranger furalBhed Cyj t It Coata You nothing to learn vtet i we cj g now wecan dolt. Too will bOMtonlshrtandeon4 Do not buy bicycle, tlree or sundry until you is oar eatalog end new special offers. WriU todiyw CFJLD CYCLE CD- C::!. G-187 CHICAEQi Ub - tmmmmimm .Miinfl - i.,warlfla na into untw8. AW"?. Prices 10- """writeW before yoa buy. booklet ftnd Pce G u V A BE YOUE OWN MERCHANT,. KD theprofltth.dwwjd X)UBLE GALVANIZED Wlrf r,DclZ' nT .ow TiC ' i1" Uaodkw wholeJe oJr rPSCEC " - TO-DAY. - EOUTEIWJ W1 THE SCHOOL OF VETERINARY WDg. AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLYAN nrV Flo""" trains students tn J1 tlnee of reterintrr wor unexceUed. For catalog, addreas 'JJ. "5,taWa,f i, Dapt 0, SOth tt, Weian 111 1 IjlTy' 1 wmviw 1IVA KJ,777f f.'LVW wmm El O william nn P IIICUDJVTOR Greateit lenuUon In all Incubator history. Beat uwiwr iagiB junsurun. Has etery- peneci natca needs. Hot air heat: aouoie wafer regulator J thermometer, tzt iwerj perrectlempt roomy MM TT. .a. . . w aicoei erery natcbable er Bold oa money back guarantee. WRITE POSTAL TODAY Cat our book and coraptrta deiclptloa at CUeead ether WUUaia lacubatoe Uxf alna. IK ) J ti Ctorej Wis, Ntw YorU I