; v ' :-V;, v -t:. slX IS 1 3 1 1 If IS a . ' " 'J ' t : 4 . ' 1.1 l m ' .1 ,. ,H 1 ( t mm. f H-t, , f,' It-' i-ib cbe'flie'M tfipl-toiid jp'yiaiwr Ups in half.; V..' f v- i . ' ' - iu. -Jirf theParmoeerm -Bacteria- slioiriyou what they can doeasebw workers by-day-and bjr night- eS -richihg the sou foriurther pbliuse. ': . . Bigger fcops-Riduir 'SoikSiiialiFwfiBasr BiDs. .Qiiareed;-YdUj- :: !We want Vottto produce the nitrates .your soil' requires right where -youmbst -tea-; thewron. the roqte. ,dopt a system ' wheJSyour land will grow richer and more and more productive and consequently more valuable.-. . h: ? : , ; ! It need not worry you because Fertilisers are so high prfced (really prohibitive) for you can-build up your ttm -JanoVto a much u uecu aui v , . j A nAWnnnanl wav hv'nfitiirp'ft nwn plenients. that IS DV , - . , -.i . , rrrPfltpr ftxtent. more promaDiy aim m a pCwuww .. - . . - t r. , Farmogerm, Rock; Phosphate and Ground Limestone. . :, '1 f4agr-iTHE STANDARD IN0CULATIONrrr--7:r 1 f v-w - z "Hlr.HPPn NlTDOftlFM GATHEfitNG BACTtRIA for CLOVERS. ALfAL fA; DEANS. nd OTMER1C6UME5 ,,;J':, - . J'1'- V' ; 1 . fit- 11.1 . . J c : a ' '""".' J soluble the rocky particles of tne sou, ana iuivu.wiui soiuoie pianx ioods t ready to be taken quickly up by succeeding crops of any kind. This ii the most profitable and accepted1 practice to increase the soluble potash in the-; f land. . , - -v . , 'J ' Where the soil is deficient in phosphorus this tain be supplied with rock nhosohate at a very low cost It is only desirable to keep the soil : r sweet with lime so that it can be' built up permanently; by following this system. ; . . . - 'X .: '''' ' The reasons why Farmogenn is ihe paly safe' and sure inoculation are- It Is' the only preparation in which the bacteria can be guaranteed to be " pure, active and alive; -v ! : . in which the bacteria can be grown under naturar conditions; -of Legume bacteria that have been bredasd c6hctdvfor years to -7secure those "with the greatest power cf lixisj bitrcsn ; f 1 7 " that has stood the test of time. ' , SEE THAT AIIWTUBE? is a pure culture, or growth, of nitrogen-fixing bacteria that have been se- lected and bred up to transform large amounts of nitrogen from the air ; into soluble nitrates. These bacteria aVe grown in a jelly, or food, in ' which they remain active for long periods of time, and sent qiit in a bottle which admits the necessary supply of pure air, yet keeps out destructive j contaminations "If alfalfa can be grown on. hot, sandy land of south New !: Jersey, why can't you grow it? YOUR LAND HAS ALL THE POTASH NECESSARY pARMOGERM BRINGS IT TO THE SURFACE. . . . V FARMOGERM will cause legume crops to grow with greater vigor, the rnnf m f n mnrA Anrrr1v netietrAte the soil to crreater deoths. to mature earlier. ; : to give the crop greater vitality; greater feeding value, increasing the pro-, 't Nodules produced teia and carbohydrate content. The roots "penetrating the soil deeply by Farmogerm con bring up from the subsoil the potash, phosphorus, lime, magnesia, and " tain as high as Sfo other plant foods which are ordinarily out of reach, so that .when these i Nitrogen, or sixteen crops are plowed down for green manure they hold abundant soluble plant times the amount " foods within themselves gathered from the deeper layers of soiljtas they contained m stable itsu'ppitcrfresh nitrbjenwithout which the cuitureiwi not , have been capable.ol 'producing richer amount, of,dige.UyeJuices from : mawre. Yo.jm jJ-Xt" ' their roots which make soluble the rocky particles of the soil. When turned at once see ; what vitality for years; and is the only preparation of its kind that u under thev are clean and fresh and are not overloaded with tunciis growths ' the increase of this not sealed. r . . . - - - . . . ' - and harmful bacteria as are commonly found in stable'manure, and in the : material i n , y o u r Farmogerm is endorsed by farmers. J d ilnmnntitlnn'flni) the hreflkircr down of the oreen manure crona in the ' land means to the Dp55PY.l?i?f?5r:ri,L 7 - ; p v 4 ... --- ; -- s DOiuea reaay xor use ygu can luueuuiio ujbbcc w soil beneficially organic acids are produced whicjh greedily attack and make following crops: ten minutes. J. - " ALFALFA ; BUKK, KcIJJ, oWifiliT, ALSlKJfci AND UKlMbUN ULUVJCiK; SWlilll riiAb; UUW rilAa;t ctajw PEAS: CANADA PEAS: BEANS: SOJA BEANS : VETCH: PEANUTS, etc., and that the'eost. of treating me peeds with Farmogerm is slight when compared td;the cost of obtaining the same amount of Nitrogen in any. other way Increasing the Crops and Enriching the Land, without 1 or r h a d i l i a Al i n - Booklet No.. 75, giving fulT particulars, .Remember Farmogerm Expensive Nitrates or Potash is an Investment that will b b;gthe mJcinrm to'produce results;, Pay You Actual Dividends. . r 7 ;" n : : increased crops Earp-Thomas FarmogeFm- are a well established certainty in all instances where inoculation oAW f .1 v T ni rU-irin II f are used togetherwith proper culture methods Not only is the Z60 Washington Ave., ; : : ULVM JMU), .crot) incre'ased:hX'.weight,?hut. in; its:richns.iv.The.U.'SDept of j cAiiTui?ttii- iWiiiAu - m ion nVi " - nitr-piA S t Agriculture: Bulletin No 71. substantiates these statebents. 1 SOUTHERN BRANCH: . 803 L & E Efe COLUl.-EIA, t. Why not increase your farm L 1 ' . , " pracucaiiy no extra cosir, , . , , ; . . . UUK CLrtv;UjL:-- . ; ; ' REDUCED COST OF FARMOGERM ; Send half.cash with order. . Pay balanWta itfyo, when yo Extra Farm Size, (20 5-acre bottles) , . . . . 100 'Acres, H00.00 are satisfied with the results. " ' Carriage orepdidtoany point in Farm Size, (10 5-acrd bottles) . 60 ; " 55.00 : TTnHPH Qtat - . . Small Farm Size , : - . . . ... V . .5 " 6. 00 : umtea btates.. . . a . . , GaSenaSeSize r : X. 'I'X - 2.50 Let us'show you how to get hundreds of dolhirs mpre.profit out ,v ; ;.'.. .25 of yqurxrops. Write us today. : : Half Garden Size A WORD OF WARNING re jusx a good, as Farmogerm bacteria. u uigu'ureu.uatwjua Buu ui w. , viuci pcupic may grow Daciena ana senavou "dead ones " Wp hrdA nnA Ait Tmr'tpria.i ana senu to you alive n a Jelly that contain, the same krad of food W g'ef when they grow in the pUurt in TbottoflSioAlSoWo! . . .Farmqgenn is the only preparation of pure high-bred bacteria that can be guaranteed to be pure-alive and active and to remain in this condition , tor long periods of time., Such a guarantee goes with every bottle of Farmogerm. - : ' - . naxac ana t0. remain - - . Farmogeracultures are always fresh cultures. They are as alive and active a vear nftPrflrVl, .a XX XnuXn l r 1