Timely 'Farm Suggestions iztv It was. 'necessary m formula NoTdohe in "the article" 'sent us, and the lt to add; 665 pounds of some filler other is, to assume a certain price for. ands. then the. phosphoric acid Was the other nutrients, deduct the .value onljr a little oyer half .that ..in 2-8-2 of these at the assumed price from fprtflirfr ritit tfif ammrtnta nnH rintm . the rnat nf the fH and -rharorA fh Cy TATTDUTl-Cn , I ash were -correct- " Bv adding 420 nutrient whose cost is "to be found ""f : pounds of .16 per cent acid "phosphate . , with the balance ;of the cost , of the .... r f n : tne Mixing a rertuizer uuu .iw " piy protein; and when a little ashes 2-8-2 fertilizer can be made as shown '. more fair, but the difficulty is in fixing in formula No. 2. !' . -, a price for the other nutrients. By Acid Phosphate - will serve as well astaakage to-bal- J But;ifronfy these materials-are to this method let us compare two of the 4 r r '---i-fUi nr. ro'tinn fnt- iivra - WhW be used. formulas No., 3 and 4 will feeds used in the article sent us. corn S POTASH is so high, wi 1 .you ', g- 6f ffom t6 probably. be found, satisfactory No.; meal and cottonseed meal ipicdav. , iritP nf a, hundred pounds, ariea - Diooa tor u u p. wh. yuwywuv, awu v fertilizer to be made from a 3-8-3 fertilizer but this is no cottonseed meal, and $30 a ton for - .j nrir i i i.i . ia. MHin tp-' m , , , Mb . '. v v i . . r '... . . . i i . . ' KMriiinc . m x t rri tj i 'mr . tiii-t imi'j i i 11 11 iiii i i. r i iir iiii h ri 1 m soui, t"v - a iiuiiQrea to pe 01 as. kooq vaiue. v,v" t vw. , . (wuauj . -' phate." w "j ; nf course; if 100 pounds of tankage U No.4 is the best one, especially on wes; anti one cent a pound tor digesti; A It is also best for corn and as ble carbohydrates and two and one- fourth cents a pound for digestible 11 tliP iiial nrn, - tea witn w pounas or corn u -wiu . j y ' mpant one containing tne usua4 prov ; fM,f-1 w -'rf. orobablv the cordon or percentage, of nitrogen,- .A . witt.ooo' ds of good as,any ,6fthe others for cotton, fat, it will be found that a pound of ttiAr!r arifl and DOtaSn lOUUU iu - . .. - '.v . MM -t.. Mui;v ninrpefiKlA rrntAin in rnttntiCAPil tnA4i puuv... ---- . tili- corn to suppiy.tne same amount ot 1V".'- ."; fertl lzfrlS iff! il?t protein and urbohydraus. . . . . ' . more, n trogen than average South-v .costs 2i8 cents and m corn meal U76 1 U t l l ll l l ill. lluiiA Afe . w bw ' v - - .' v . . ,. . iif 'corn to' supply ;the same .amount -of except mixed fertilizers, sucn a tertuize? can . . . morc , 4ern:soiIs Of course, .the formulas cents, as the following calculations 'with a -lower, per cent of. ammonia show: ' ", :"7' would rbe most' economical on those In making- these calculations ' we At.. Vi Kct we ran do with the .r :.-''.. . " -. n..M i. u.....'. UUUk " . . v.. - '-A'Tji7Ar.t!'T. sxaiK or weea. - . , - .Kuwwwtwjf. iwujwm, aterials namea is a mixiuresom i - vww-v w.6.'f!; ; v - ed None of these contains potash ex.-- . .--v. . 1 rent the cottonseed meal and it only' I.Iixing c FcrtilhSrs ' Where . Ilatarb j . . ' J.' r..r nV. . '-.... has from 1J to per cciu u yww. materials thing like the following: v Niir PJorfc Potash Een Acid - ' - ' ' Lbs. Lbs.. Lbs; KOlbs. Nitrate of Soda. 88.7 ---- ---- (00 " Cottonseed Meal J7J 15.0 . 9.0 , 1150 " Acid Phosphate .... 184.0 ' - 1000 M Totals .... .. 75.9 199.0 9.Q PerCent 8.78 9.85 .43 -V " . .'l .- 1 A FEEDING PROBLEM las v-for home mixing fertilizers' of the following-g 418-4, Also, "have a good lot of cotton- fn Fisurinir the Relative Values of seed meal on hand and can't get, any Feed' There.- Is No, Satisfactory 11th edition : rials ture in th'e place of acid phosphate- finishing Off Peanut-fed Hbp " te..; A ; READER sends us the following XX from the Weeklv. News Letter? sent out by the United States Departf '.ment of Agriculture, with the query, 'Is it possible thatithis is truer"' One Ton sf Cottonseed SXoat '- ' " 42& ns. dtgestlbls carbohydratef , at lo, $4.2S 192 lt8. digestible fat, at 2.25o .. 4.8) 752 Thn. diETARtiblfe nrotnln at 2.K8A 19.41 : w . i. ' ' . ,'-..' ; J if . ,.-.v,- ."".' ;V.tri -V'. - q Total .,.....$25.00 . One Ton of Cora Ileal ' .1,289 ids. . aigestiDie ... cajrDo&yarates, v. at lo i.. $12.86' . ,70, lba, digestible fat. at 2.25c......... 1.5T . 122 lbs. digestible protein, at 12.76c, 15.57 ' : Total ........... $30.00 This "is probably a better method of , HOW long will it take "to harden the-.grades of ' fertilisers stated 1?Z tht cost of Xestible comparison and is'leis likely to coni the carcass of oeanut-fattened - above the- first figure represents. the comparing, ine cosr oi aigesxiDie .nu,... nthrr thU . . . - - - - w . '-..'-.. - protein m a nounfloi cottonseea meai ri - . propor-, per cent ot ammonia, witn tms reaa- .V"7 7 it, - U4 - nor cotton- -er, instead of-nitfogen. It will, there- ; with that m other feeds, and assnm-; . -uZ if L .1 .0. mgtheaverage,deliyeredcostof:cotu7'-1 any othef , method' of , comparing unlike . feeds is, satisfactory.' hogs and what should be-the tions of corn on the cob and seed meal?" ' - -1 fore, be wellfor the general reader i-r " 'Tn this connection, it mav be inter- Z Jh t0:1 t"? : 1 : KeSer gets' two . esting to compare the cost of a mixture of one part of cottonseed t immania.-1 mivaiait to i.cs u t,:. oound of digestible carbohydrates in meal to three Darts Of - Corn . should- S cet of nltrogeHT, J v-. , ... . W.htc liww p.u, xv,. :nHnnQ ;Mf-9 rnrn Vnnt rnrn S percent ox ammonia is equiirateni to z.x money iromxuuunsccu mcaras uuw 4- SS 5f SSS3 i wtntai t. M "O1"1' . ?he following table percent ct nitrogen. shows the relative cost' of protein .in Since In Y fertilizer'"the compost .1 cottonseed, meal and .other, forms o the second figure represents y phos- parts produce a very satisfactory carcass. In fact, one in every way asJsatisfac tory as when corn alone is fed for the whole fattening period. ' . ' ' : Since ear corn weighs-70 pounds to the bushel, but the hoers onlv eat- 56 pounds of this 70 pounds they should 'phoric acid "and the third potash, the probably receive about 20 pounds : Of :, 10-4 fertilizer referred to,' of course, cottonseed meal to every bushe "of " means, 1Q per cent of phosphoric acid ear corn, or if 25 pounds of cotton-"" arid 4 per cent-of potash. . , seed meal is fed with a bushel of ear: Cottonseed. meal can not.,be.. mixed : com the. results should bs satisfac- - with a 10-4 mixture in such a" manner tory if the hogs eat that amount of -as to make a 4-8-4 fertilizer, because meal readily. In feeding, ear corn- cottonseed meat does .not, contain and cottonseed meal it will probably , that large- a per cent of potash, lience be best to feed the meat - in a rather,; any mixture .of cottonseed meat with ; ui "ua just cnougn water inis.iu- icruiizcr.iuwi,. wuuwiit.iwa Cottonseed Meat Ground Oats.. Corn Meal Wheat Bran ... Dried Brewers' Grain.. . Buckwheat Middlings:. Gluten Feed;,M- linseed Meal Cost Per Ton t24.00 32.00 32.00 23UM) ; 28.00 '28.00 80.09 40,00 Per Cent Protein 34 CO 9.50 ' 8.00 1160 15.50 22.00 2&00 32.00 cottonseed meal ' and corn (not corn meal) Jy assuming an arbitrary value for digestible protein, with corn .at 70 cents a bushel ($25 a ''ton) arid cbttbn seed meal at $28 a ton; By crediting the carbohydrates and fats in' a ton of - cottonseed meal at 1 . cent and 225 cents a .pound respectively, we "found. that a pound of digestible pro tein in this teed, cost cents . a pound with meal at $2S a ton ; there-4 fore in the following comparison we have assumed a value of 2.5 cents a-, pound for digestible protein and 22S 6.00 cents a oound for digestible fat. -which IS " gives a cost of 1.14 cents a pound for1 digestible carbohydrates 4 in- cotton- 'seed meal and A ASS cents a pound for Costin Centa per lb. of Pro tein- S.62 17.00 20.00 io.ca 8.40 ' t ' . . .. 1.11 : .. j. . J J. T 11 10 ?ake ajlcrumblymassolri ithan 4 oer cent of potash. - JMeither - " IZt the digestible carbohydrates in corn, "iuer words, e ther a UlArot ?f ccJMTtn mTv rnftntiQPprf-tnpal -ine-iaDie is pracucauy tuncv-u 1t - r ; "Ul oniv a small -miatititv and th s 1-4 mixture in sucn a way - 14 vuv u,v i"vlv u "4 "wv . - sn.ouId be used,' Quantity otherwise .a asrto.'get exactly . either a 2-8-2 or a lOUCKY QlSarrppaMa v,?,,. ' " ' " O 1 f M " r. YVC Pr.eter teeding the-meal in , The following formulas" will .give is considered, and all other nutrients ignoredr-f the entire7 price ,of the feed stuffs is charged against the di- a n " ?hin slP when if is : fed approximately two , out of three of gestible protein-the statements arc !lone as it must he :iof rlfr fntft correct - But such statements-are i rmc 4-U 14 - ' - , Daiance of the ration. : . .two lower srade" mixtures' hut an Dried Blood for Hnra ::- A READER says dried Monet rV W 'tionT !aSiy obtained C.?!n, a?kWd asks if.it will Uer 3f .baIan?i corn,' and One Ton of CottoBseed SXeal at 128 712 lba. digestible protein, at 2.6c.,... $18.80 ,292 It). (Myestlble fat, at -2.27c. . , . i . 4.S2 429 lbs. .digestible csrbohjdratef,' at :',;.'.r: Ll4c .............. ........... 4.88 Total by, mixing, these materials : f teeds nVVi i vi.-ir-' - eed n i, "wlvKtor Tankage Xio.1-. '- ; r "635 lbs. Cottonseed Meal. 00 " 10-4 Fertilizers 605 w Sand cr Filler. 2000 Total Per Cent - ru. at than dnVrf Mnr.Sr -JET r.ably less nrntpC nn.; ;. uw "" '1535 lbs. Cottonseed Meal bf acu "lclu 1 ne large amount ? ; soo " io-4 Fertilizer. 1. 1 the tanlrarro 1 ' 42!1 " 1R 'npr rent Acid wnAM r 4 ' .la.' vi nun h v.r ,ft , " . - . . , Vhch i v ,g alon with-corn, 11 245 "Sand or Fttler..:. r10ne-malfiti a Dut this 0r -1 TotaLls - 1) pH ,b llldriai can be " sutv. Per Cent 1t1 n - rock mn ,1 "r Sund phosphate, fi-r i n 00 lbs. Cottonseed MeaL is the J.i lu111 . leeasit 1200 M 10-4 Fertilizer.-. Sine r1? u nefc ft 2 a - quantity is fA xi: " a, smau . Iea thev mav vr. cri.. 15 Protein w"" COntent t-dW- 20C3 " . Totals Per Cent..J..l. Nn. 4 1000 l.s: Cottonseed Meal. t a. . . r a . . I '5 valued n il . Ycry lately. 1CC3 " .10-4 Fertilizer . ibut 70 np; "en.fy : &lves -thisaaf- Ammo- XJbs. '40,12 40.12 40.12 4012 W.8 "mo 73.0 75.0 Pbos. Acid Lbs. 13.37 80.00 83.37 468 1337 80.00 87.20 168.57 8 20.0 ; 120.8 140.0 r 5.0 1C0.O 125U .6.25 One Ton of Corn at ?0e bushel, $25 . 156 lbs. digestible protein at 2.5c . 8 3.90 s ids. aicesu&ie iat at z.zac... .. i.a9 1,338 lbs. digestible carbohydrates, at - 1.4S8e.... lO.tT Total $25.00 ... . ' vv .1 1 ii. . W all UKeiy to misieaa umess iuc rcaucr three can not be obtained as desired, entirely familiar with such t matters - to distinguish between the "values of Pot-r;these feeds" and the amount of ; pro ash -"".ixl. tio, onnlnin in rnmnafKnti witll Lbs. their cost. This is the misleading ef-' - however, we use the otheT meth- feet of an attempt to put a money bd of calculating the value of a pound value on one nutrient in' a feed.-: As , of digestible carbohydrates in cotton- we have often stated, tnere. nas .never ;; seed , meal,. and corn, : tnat is, xi r we, been any satisfactory way devised of charge" the entire cost 6f the feed to comparing unlike feeds.- : the digestible carbohydrateswe find 8.0! 32.0 , 40.0 - 8.0 32.0 40.0 12.9 43.0 2.75 Totals lee. vcn IU hlCfhrraf1rnt-: -i -m.'. -i!.. "' .:: -.:'-.:. - - - - -! foods to correspond to a 2-8-2 fertii- In the North, where, the demand is .that a pound costs' 6.54 cents in cot- . .for protein to balance the corn, which tonseed meal and only-1.87 cents, in i$ the rhost common feed, a method of -corn. . ' estimating the cost of a pound of pro- - ' It is apparent from these facts that "tein in feeds to be bought.is of most .for estimating the cost of a nutrient interest; but in the South, where. our, in -some feed rich in, that nutrient, need is a feed rich in carbohydrates,' which is needed to balance a . feed to balance our cottonseed meal; which rich in other nutrients which is : al is rich in protein, the. cost of a ipound, ready on hand or that may be bought of ; digestible carbohydrates ' is the : cheap; the 'method used in the clip question of most- importance.:; . I.- ; ; "ping sent us is , probably the correct ' Two methods are used for finding ;one.';But for comparing the values of the cost. of any given nutrient. In a ..feeds it is not fair: and it is not used ' feeding stuff. One is tocharge all for that purpose.. ; . , the .cost of trie feed against the .nu T , - . , ; . . ."trient whose cost is to be found; as is - gar your Taper and go blades '" 6O0 3 1S.0 43.9

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