15151 (9) 257. '''' tT A IWf-' dC""1! "' itfike new ina Ji2 -r. Vanish it withoaeapjll, ;, ? nt enable you to avs Will ena.uT twines valued "Wi Surfed f ta maxri refinishmg 8;tenB ti service of noena : . - - SKc tor a trial can- ft mcsuer - mm-- f UT YOUR SILAGE asr fcst; ae trrui rait feed it into the hopper; elevate it into the high- est silo uniformly- and unthout choking the piper d work without endangermgr the safety of the operator of o thftcsstune by using only the ' - EUMH Automatic safety yoke mates I cidentsimpoBsiblB.SoliiidiBli'wiU straight knives-absolutely tro; tects operating' parte cf nacLms from breakage. Fan thrw end" blow, thereby doing most work, withleast powenVajaoassizeare quiring 3 Horse Power, only and up. Strong, simple durable and very economical'. Write today for FREE CATALOG. '. . yi Distributing houses everywhere. . 5WAYNE,ROBINSON:&CO,. WFH.f 'Aft "4, K" V Vi !fIWM s. emit to run with. iatroubleanddothinix. n,,nVflfy- Run 1 r H TB I' ri 71n,ja. M a. Verv Hsrhf weight; easy. fo tO ioh. AW. P 4 to 20 H. Fi; WwyeaitCuar but caea ta Cas kw tunk Claras: f Engiaet Eoolt tea. gWith rewards (STEEL C (C l.r inifw c ranees,, tt ground is worked "tfown to a br;L k ' - Whete ite -drama jre rood, level r pre'r-ratica 15 czdcmbtedly" best -us tj- ally, , for, r m r the turst . place, ievei. ground Vilt retain moisturemticii better than' a "sharp -ridge; and in, the second placfi,1 it is much easier to. trse most'kindsyof implements and to dirt the plants during' -cuttrvatioit on the flat gmund trrari among ridges... ;,l The heed of deerj'breakine for' corn j is wel! high: universal in the South so i far the-oftf lands are concerned. I It is, needed to make "the plant .foods i of. the neeper; $oti avaiiaDie ana to increase trie capacity -of the ground ! for storing" moisture : against the - dry' i times which we have-almost" every I season.- The onlr question is wheth er the, season' and the"rcbndition of the soil will admit of -deep breaking. "In. bur own ' experience we; have deepfy; broken, " with success, . nearly all kinds . of land,1 except stiff clays ; and we' have deeply" broken, "during the "wmtec ,-anf earfy ; spring with wVartv a.) troorf.sii'Cces as- in the fall. 1 But;. under : these ebndttions;' as5,' in- dee under neanyany kind- or con- ; aitions n is nigniy nnpvriaiituaa uic 1 extra deph fee'' reached-- with . irhpte-" Itnftnts that will! brinff venr- little of the subsoil to the surface, like the l subsoir plow, or scooter or emif- toncue-run behind the turnittff plow: I and in the. case of late breaking es-. oeciallv ' the.' fend - should 'be ; imme diately pulverized and . firmed by hareowms?, and' dragging: ,or by disk ing, as to prevent drying ,oi trre land in the event of drouthy weather. That mewstaoamv soils ' mar sateiy beiroken reasonably dSeep during thetj winter or very" early spring; provtde the proper -after-treatment ts given, was forcibly; impressed upon, us by an instancfiL- in- our dembhstratLon work. . In this case the. demonstrator. over our protest, broke part' of his, oat land, ll inckes dreeo durinavtne litter oar t of Februarr. , witk the, r e- suit that he obtaaned-a; materially larger yield, onlthe "deeply , broken tntiff; tb an' ;on the' same', kind of land I broken shallow The explanation lay in tna.fact, no 4oubtf tnat n DroKe the land with a disk plow' which 'set the furrow .slice oh its--edge, instead of turning it over, and immediately fined and firmed the land in harrow ing in the oats. -. It probably would not have worked "nearly as welt on stiff fend. " hVrCs : ' "t- W1ir trrd was broken last fall , it fVsafe to sar. as a eretterat proposi tion, that it should .be broken again this sonnsr. In most instances it .ftas been run together - by the winter rains. -Eut where Ianf has been wen and broken recently omYiSome unusual .coriditron would-; jtrstity -a swrond "breakihj?. What tins lana should have is- twO1 or three- nice snt1 face'dresurs with a' disk, a cultivat nr- ci ft'harrow. ;.There ?s realty both insr to be sained by a second break- inc. as there -is in the case of un broken or of" f alf-brbken land: and OttA his to take chances on dry weathet nroducing ki cloddy, condition of the ' freshLv ocaken ani, and ot . . . . . . wet weather " saturating , it sk tiiat olantinof will be krea.tly -delayed." Ev- ; vjp. , . ery larmer; nas. seen, tnesc cunmuwu m the finnns- time and time, again. Moreover. 5the-: breaking-of land is ex pensive work in thelabor of men and teams. ;Db noj: rebreak -land unless von know- of some "definite advantage rnat ign ore gamcu.mcicujf. "Tho TIiinkcrc c? tli2 Country Ard the : Tobaczo Chc&crs"- 'A. ,v y said, one of the greatest thinkers , ir ' " country ever Prduced.' - i c? 5 1 riff -if...;. Sqp ic Judge: ;uMy brain erase the Doints of a case . mere easily when Fm chewimr PTCNTr. v I i V - TWIST. ' I suppose it's because of the i ,k ' gives without the after effects: of "strong ::f ytooacco.; ; , - , ; I . ,fc - "Have you ever' noticed how many great jurist cuwi. eu, iucig y nouui bsicst m ou therwtxeels ot justice ttvan flVJJNUJ ivvibl." , Have you ever wished for a tobacco that you could hip ' . - wr chewing without feeling that you were ovtrthetuing? For V king time yowve- really been looking; for .dtpxttp twtct 1 .... . J liWIJLV X H 1U1 Willi 1 13 . Ida Ullg , 3 W CCA. ltd.C) AUdi ;true tobacco satisfaction with no 4come-back" 8i 1 .CEEE' TOBAGGO "7c Thinkers of the Country Are the Tobacco Chewers" : There are few better preservatives of the teeth than J11IXV i. M 4 ' ,,U wuuiU) attain iu. w.Miutxuikaii rj--.aoiace-'nr0cafv!nn rlflimt n 11. twUt frtf 5ft'r. ' f 'H SI ii HI If weial ftffo. i ... ... l KBinst liKhtnm j""" W. ' Free roof - - fr-xnirjinr- -Uev ce ifJ5w-and Inter- U 2: Jnafor anySSff'ti, bandy hMiU of S2ri row KveBli tftct Write touy-i...L Rem Ilaw ta Make a Road Dra TILEASE write me; -how to make; a JL mm d Jdra anci - how - to use the , " HERMAN . OULD, same. . 1 ' - Concord Va: mber that tf-"' AnWen Ifvou wish to know how tamake a "road drag, send Fo the Unit- prf States nenartment Of Agriculture, Washington D.. C.' for Farmers' Bul letin :Nb32t-"A Split Xbg Brag on Earth. Roads' We. would .suggest that rou also .write your State High- : ; . , (Sign!, Chuxlea tt Vbwlock Battle Creefc, Mich. Th corrfnietor urouitT no risk Ma taoat tep-; titation by woh atr endorsmmmat, dld'haooe. f "CaReasabiEr v because a T-tt Rootwhen registered with uSr t r f 1 Trar-na" - - ft naif acentary oxxscogmzeu. husubbo I AsBsstsa2x: JL 13 nisiist wliat kind cf joof house, barn or Flw- weathat- l? shed J-W Responsflnfity 8tanoa unoerKw . prrojj.toiat feteveft - K tSut list.' VYfr wca' tet yon. oft dissaasaea - J-MAabestof Weottiftf -oroot fire I Mtardaat needs, no alnunav jbkkwh' only coat. jr.icsaK Ready Roofins "Knbbef -Type"; roof Ins for genera purposes. for Every : , . ileatsifudt with. J-il Koofing H mtiat ba right. I -tM r?toiwn!dhnitv 3 stronger than tha guer- m- iJ-t .:'vIa wr-ni hottftt than antee 01 maieiiaio .wo- . - . aay : "scrap of paper eret eignd. ; " TT mnnfl n orr-crrar rocf rnckC3 it our reel too - - see to it that it thakeA cood. ta you that v , drwriterr Laboratories (under the direeOont v or tne iauoiuu mvwra vs ' m want every buyer of JrM Itoofinsf to register Ma v- roof with os. Then we can see that you get J-m Root. . Ins Service rendered" from your roof as thousand OlOluierjtrtKi nwi nwuvni hhjjcmomb. ,.r it ' ... rr rcta. fr - ' " ' ' 1 . . ......... j' - 'in''!"""! mi 1 111 1 "Ml11 '''!!!!!ZZZZ!I!iImmmmm A. K f u n Fe our un5et 11 Ptlttlttir- artlA vay commission loc juriaci. iiuvu7 ers- Exchange. lion. -, . - - .- ." .-, ' . . ' ... . - - i - - v ; . , f UCU If MM "w -