S,wrdiy1-Je.,!9i?'--'-:'--:;:""' (17) 557 " Ills m (Jk itzj, i .: .SB) i If1! t Vl1u.u ......... .u! III-J IlVAXV" , Costs less than any othV er type of permanent silo. Can be experienced, help. TUes iff affhffl tie Ves alt oind, m rrain host f P.fedinff Hollow spaces - condition. , - mt . .. A Silo Would Par tf you have 10 or more head of stock. - Witt ' Slo you can feed twice a manyheadof. stock. value or curu , rr . : the whole crops ears, stalks and ilL;. -;rr. , "', ...1 l T a a at1 VAIt. ftHrtllt fill HilOS ! Kesol North Birmingham Hollow Tile Silos. : North Birminghaa Fire Brick & Precibj Cf.i 0 Dept. 10. North Eiralnshaa. Ubr Warrenton High School WARRENTON, H. C. " Noted for its efficiency in college preparation, attractive .home life, parent-like supervision, and care-v ful individual instruction. - Holcls , to the classics, but teaches the sciences according to present day ; requirements, .,- Limited, select, economical. Opening day Sept 7th, 1915. For catalogue: address JOHN GRAHAM, Principal, Warrwton, N. C. Agricultural Burnt Lime EASY TO. APPLY. I QUICK RESULTS. CHEAPER THAN IN ANOTHER FORM." THE INCREASED YIELD WILL PAY ALL EXPENSES THE FIRST YEAR. L . - For prices and information write limestone ProducU Corporation; SHAWSVILLE, VA; t - Shorthorn Sale a Success . fPHE-.. xeceh :i. sale oV pure-bred A Shorthorns at Asheville; N. C, will not onljr result in much immed iategood, but it is' the start of a campaign for placing pure-bred: beef sires throughout the state in those sections adapted to . the development of ;beef cattle. The, average price paid for, the 35 bulls and 15 heifers sold was $120 per-head, the highest priced animal being a 10-months-old bull which1 was sold -to go to Rich mond County, N. C, for $200. It is' a conservative .estimate that every bull sold at this sale will be worth .$1,000 in the community where placed, thus distributing r $3Sj00O ' throughout the counties in which the bulls were pur chased: . , . The cattle were distributed in. the following counties : Buncombe , IS, Madison l3,v Yancey 6, Moore"4, Richr mond 4, Haywood 9, Avery-2, Jack son " 2. ' ! : ' R. S. CURTIS. - Get These Books and Bulletins' - You may get any of the; following bulletins free by applying to the address' given; while books may, be had of The Progressive Farmer at prices mentioned: . r k" y IT. S. Department ot : Agriculture Wash ington,: D. C.Yearboak .the Department ; Qf Agriculture, Ll 914; Bulletin No. 195, -Potato Breeding or Selection:, Farmers' Bulletin jno. 667,r? Breaking' and 1 Training Colts; Farmers'; Bulletin No. 671; - Harvest Mites, or "Chiggers." ... North Carolina Experiment Station. West Kaleigh,'N. C. Circular 27, The Limitations of Co.ttonseed Meal Feeding in Poultry. Porto Rico Experiment Station. MarairnAz; P. B. Bulletin No. 18. ' Citrus Fertilization .Experiments in Porto Rico, - . American Berkshire AfiHorttatinn. RnHnir. field, IIL The Berkshire Hog (Booklet). . Alabama Extension Service. Auburn.-. Ala. -Leaflet No.. 4, The Cream arid Egg Route. A Market, for the Farmer With a Few Cows and Chickens ; -Leaflet. No. 5, How to Get started m the Dairy , Business. - . The Truth About" Alcohol, by Richmond P. Hobson, r Member; . of . Congress, Washington, Mississippi - Experiment Station.' Agricul tural College, MissV-i-Bulletin No. 170, Com, by Ji R.,:Ricks. ' - " . Georgia State College of Agriculture, Ath ens, Ua. 'Bulletin 8 4,j-Vol. 3, No. 6, HOg Cholera Prevention, by W. M. Burson. " . Kansas Experiment Station, Manhattan, Kans. Circular No. 4 4, Sweet Clover; Louisiana State Board of Health, New Orleans- La.--Aprilv Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. li Chief tppic, .Malaria. , GET TniS CANNER Fnr, fcAnftvt: v'-,. .v .Club of three $17.25. It, Is easy and inexpensive to operate. It comes com plete, ready set up, with all .tools for operation. Re quires neither cookstove nor furnace, burns wood bi coal and works successfully any una 01 glass jars or un cans; Cans fruits, vegeta bles and. mea s. Freight WidiBnorj u -V Paia on ciuo oraers. inous-. OrdeStedb,Club G,rl8 Government Agents, i KSSL sent on newest. : ? " 4V I ""CwnlnnMaehiB. C., Dl. F r Meridian. MU. IWSllWSjtl!,. A OUR TWO BEST SUBSCRIPTION ; OFFERS $1 5ft for one renewal Anrl nnA nw . each if e8ub.sPriPtion. vfor one year each " 8ent in together; or. , , : ;: $2,00 !Qt.alub of three yearly sub--a Jfl Jp"58' al together E PROGRESSIVE FARMER Our 1ir-w . I? t0 keep T c6ra Book ' enable the cotton market situ , . ation; THERE has been but little movement' in th mil.rlrt. this WPAlr. : thn tforla hainv ra. stncted by the critical situation in interna tional affairs. No particular weakness has developed, however, despite improvement in the rgeneral- torie of crop accounts.' ' The present ; attitude ;of Germany with regard to ;this country's demands are far from satis factory our so far ' nothing more" serious Is apprehended, than.a possible rupture of rela tions. Even an actual break with Germany should; not have any very, great effect on the cotton markets, Germany is already shut' put from, taking cotton on all sides, however badly a few million bale's or so might vb'e wanted there, and their Indiscrimihating- sub marines are already doing about as much harm--to 'Our1 cotton' laden ships as they vcan. Meantime exports; hold ' up in a. surprising manner, having almost reached the 8,000,000 bale line. It really, looks as if we ' would have sent .out some 10,000,000 bales this year had: there been "ho war to interfere.' :A great deal of this cotton has gone into war uses-7-how much nobody knows! z ' .v ; '' :: The. new. crdp ls 'now .looming up to cast .its .-shadow, over, the prospect. : Despite the uhusual lateness; of-the start, the Bureau re portfed .the condition . at 80, which is a shade oyer the lOryear, average. " Subsequent to the date of this report, the Weather Bureau tells of -favorable conditions,: so that it-must be assumed that the early outlook is distinctly better than theaverage at .this season. r The acreage is. still a matter Of more or less un certainty,; but riot many : are ' 166king. for a .decrease of . over 15-per cent! ' - Of course, -the .falling; off: in the quantity of.; fertilizer used jean be expected to reduce the acreage yield in sections where' fertilizers are liberally em ployed! but. If farmer's are. striving to "make as much. cotton as they. can, instead of just as little-as1 they-can get on1 with, they have a threatening prospect ahead of them next fail. ...... . i Owing to the announced material decrease in the Egyptian acreage - and appearances that American mills are going to rely more Jargely upon domestic-staple, the outlook for -Sea Island cotton- is more hope'ful.. It seems advisable for. farmers' ln' section's, whefe 'the long staple can .be grown to prepare to uup- ply- this : increased demand,- and to keep ii at home in the future, vy , T, . WiLlilAMS. ; Savannah, Ga. . " - ' ' THE FARMER PAYS A PREMIUM The , farmer actually pays a premium '.for bad roads. He -pays' it in time' expended in gettihg to market; in value of drafting ani mala and "the food th6y eat .and in the extra hands ."for their care and handling; in increased numbers of vehicles and 'wear and tear On them? and in the decreased product Of land ; that has less attention and care. If the country .had a;,systemiOf- smooth-and hard highways' it" Would bldssom jike a , rose and' prosperity ; would follow in the . wake'.-' Gaff hey' Ledger. ' ' t ',.'. 1 me t it I ft h t:i? 2 There cm btipviea and hnccnrxs hat the Amnfl Bwy? in fleasure Tehlcles to meet every need and require- nea in comxorc, 8tyie saiety, long wear ana iwwgHwuro ui a ouygy or BUrrey. - Coo Your Dealer For Tho Ames . If he hasn't the Ames write us forc&ta auv tum aamo 01 aeaier wnQ Has : Tfci f . I. leatCsfsnaMr Im '' no2lfflit tldx. ; - ; Cwissbora. b. v . V : 1 '91 lO invested tn thtt farnous Enterprise Canner means your ENTIRE expense for the price include the complete 2S piece equipment approved by Gov ernment Experts. tTdinqr this fall outfit you can supply your own needs and make $10 to 15 per day by Simply canning your extra fruits and vegetables In your spare time. Think this over then order one today, or ask for our inter esling, illustrated book. It's free. ; f . ... PHILLIPS & BliTTORFF IIFG. CO., Dept. B. NaiBvile. Teiuu For56ytarSucc$$falHoiM Fmrnhffr' I I H ' I Save fruit an4 vegetables that would waste," provide for family and sell at good prices any time. . " The FAVORITE Home Canheir t im ii w m m m - - TftA WW has every useful feature, is veil built of the best materials; convenient labor saving, safe and economical. Oet our circular it s a real money saver for you. Write a postcard today. ' ' CAROLINA METAL PRODUCTS CO , Box 510, WILMINGTON, N. C. There's Alwayo Plenty of Fresh Water for Stock and for every other purpose about the house, the barns, the garden .. J . - It t J. J J 3 ana in me neias aay ana mgni, winter ana summer, ic you Install a RIFE RAM on Your Farm tmmmmmmmm It operates by the flow of any stream having a fall of S feet or more and a supply ot 3 or more .traiions a minute.. Used with etther pneumatic or overhead tank. Over 11,000 in use. Satisfaction guar anteed. Write today for catalog; and free estimate. . RIFE ENGINE CO.. 3130 Trinity BUg., New York "Come On In The Water's Fine" We are Just in receipt of the following letter from I. . Wind & Co., Huntsville. Ala.: ' '7, v ' "We are pleased to enclose you a-check cover . ingr your invoice. Please discontinue our ad. in '. " your paper as we are unable to take care of the . ' orders." . They were advertising sweet" potato slips of various v varieties. . " . Have you any for sale? From Mr. Wind's letter there is'-evidently a big demand and lots of people are trying to find them. ' P 0 " Gome On In The Water's Fine. progressive: farmer. COLLIE DOGS WANTED. Of late, we have had many inquiries for Collie puppies. If you know of anyone who nas mem ior saie leu mem 10 Kive us an-auveruse-ment . Knowing no breeders in the South, we have to refer them to Northern breeders who are advertising. An advertisement this size is just two inches 1 inch, double coiumn and costs only $8.00 per week. We can furnisn CUIS Wimouiexira cuarxo vi ui urceus ui Bwuio, titiuc, chiokens and dogs, making no extra charge for service.. You will find this naner the hardest-working, best salesman in the South. Try it THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER, Raleigh, N. C. OUR LAND EXCHANGE We do not extend our (ceneral advertising outran, tee to land advertisements, because every purchas er should see land for himself before buying; But no man It permitted to offer land for sale in our paper unless he shows us satisfactory references M to his honesty and business responsibility. ' - . Guilford County Farms 1 for Sale J. A.. Groome Greensboro, N. C. ; v t.v - ' ; ' . Wanted A large plaee, ;- half cleared; fair conditions. : J. G. Lay ton, Dunn, N. C. . Florida : Farms Foi"- t illustrated booklet and catalog write Board of .Trade, Box 602. Qulncy, . Florida. ,. - : ; ; . For Sale A dandy good farm... For par ticulars address; Mrs, M. P. Broughton, 107 S. Grant St., Fitzgerald, Ga, ; r v ; " If you want, big bargain in farm lands, write Tor our booklet; Washlhgton-Beahfort Land Company, Washington, N. C. . For Sale 5, 000-Acre Farm Absolutely the best bargain - in 3eirgia. , Get . particulars quick; -f Address, Shelnutt, 417 Peters Bidg., Atlanta, Ga.' - Far Lands for Sale -Am listing lots of new places.', yell me your "wants. Will select something of Interest B. E. Prince,' Raleigh, North' Carolina.- '; i ' , - ' ' Eastern Carolina Truck, Tobacco, and Stock Farms Well watered, -fenced, . and drained. 1 For . sale on easy, terms by J. ; L. Hamme, Rocky Mount. N. C. r five' Warftern North Carolina v rmtt f or ' S4le--Any size and price. ; 5 We sell only, on .conrmisslon; , our price - is the - i Wflfa ..frti hAAlrl.f TTnitd. Realty & Trust Co.-; Borden Building, Nos. 306-9, Goldsboro, N. C. " . For Sale Twelve hundred acre farm,' two',,' miles from' Smithfleld, N. C. Four hundred" acres .cleared. -. Four . million feet timber. v Clay land. One hundred other farms' in East ern North ,Caroilna. , Any size. Write for circular. - Joe A. Parker, Real Estate, Golds- bbro,;N, C. ... ; u .Sogalusa-r-Home of the largest 'saw mill in, the world.. Cut oyer pine lands "are for sale close to this town, . Can be bought for $10 an acre, easy terms, 4 per cent Interest, v You can raise stock andengage in general '; farming your boys can work in .the town." Located in Ozone Belt. Building materials advanced; to assist" in. improving your farm," to .ex.tent "; of Jtojurv-times Cash- payments. Write Great Southern Lumber Co., Dept. C. L., P. O. Box 12S, Bogalusa, La. . v " - '"'t Ill ) , I.I I.MM-N ., , . The Red Clay, Dark Sandy Loam Lands of the Great Southern Lumber Cq., now on the market,', at $10 per acre, on easy terms, and 4. per cent interest, is your-opportunity to engage in general farming and stock raising. Hogs and cattle are in great demand and thrive-, on these.'-lands. Under our Rural Credit' System," we can advance you building material on lone-time navments. For fur-. - ther - Information,' write, ' Great - Southern Lumber Co., ' Department C. L P. O. Box, , 128, Bogalusa, La. ' ' " ' 125 Acres. Fine Land Within five miles of . town; good neighborhood. .Unimproved, but fenced for four thousand dollars Tou can carry, the debt as; long aa? you -'please-; six per cent per annum. - Will give you acre on which ,to put your - improvements. If .within. Ave. years - you; wish to rescind the . bargain, will .takeT.back , the . -land,? payments applied as rent. ' Tou; pay taxes. If yon " can make better offer, do it. Making this' to get ". white family on the land. .Just sold tract to another White family; same- terms. W. H. Tayloe, Union town, Ala;