Saturday, June 19,. 1?5L; i (13) 57,3 Lemonade IT IS a helpful,- soothing drink," when flies are bad and days are' hot; and whether it is white or oink it always seems to hit the spot. I drink it with the' lovely dames where drug store clerks take in the kale; I drink it at the' baseball games, at home I'sip it, by IfiFpail-'Of all .soft-drinks ;.it is the best, as every learned physi-; clan knows; it always soothes my savage breast, and gives my war like soulepose. It'takes the fun gus from my tongue, and kills the toadstools in my throat; and I feel brave and . gay and young, , when all my innards are afloat .; when they're afloat' in : lemonade, tny head ; is clear my; nerve Vis strong; I face my 'duties unafraid, and put up .hay the whole day long. And when the cool, grays morning breaks, I do not see, be-, side my bed, a , bunch. pf hydra-. headed snakes with pea-green ant, lers on each head". X rise, refresh-; ed, so full of vim, and of aggressive strength so full, . Jhat when ! I've sung, my morning hymn, I go out ' doprs and whip a bull, Walt Mason. .." . ' , PATTERNS FOR SMALL GIRLS V; No. 1338:. r This' is "a dear little dress . that la easily . made and .washed. " If you vxannot do the smocking just substi tute little . tucks, at would . be lovely made of rosebud lawn or - of this, plain white with - th&J collar and cuffs edged with 'fine tat- t ting. v.It is cut in four sizes, for four, six, eight and ten years. It requires" three afid a half yards of 36-inch material for a six year size. We : will send it to you , for 10 cents. No. 1352 . This jumper effect Is being used a great deal this summer. It is pretty of chambray or gingham. , It gives you a chance to make over your last summer tight skirts . for the children. The' skirt ana guimpe patterns cost 10 cents, so you see you get much for your money. It comes in six, eight, ten and twelve-year sizes, and the ten-year size takes three yards of 36-inch material. No. 1357 ' This is a particular ly useful little pattern because you Can use '4 , - . tYiCk r t a a a fit. V -vt "" V V K ' AVI . . (ivb weather or add a yoke and sleeves for- cold ' weather. You can use It. for wool . dresses next winter.- Of course. ' I you do not have to add tne peplum unless you , wish, and the whole .dress can be made of one color, or the, yoke and belt of plain and the ; dress of color, This pattern is, pretty to use plain - with the belt, yoke and sleeves edged ; with scalloped beading, at comes In six, eight, ; ten and ; twelve-year " sizes and the , small- size takes three and a half yards of 36-inch material. CO0K M COMFORT THIS ) SUMMER can make your kitchen as" livable as your living room-if you have a NEW PERFECTION Oil Cpok stovev No wood-Box, no ash-pan no coal-hod to bbther with. A clean, cool kitchen; and half the drudgery gone. The NEW PERFECTION is as quick and handy as a gas stove. It, lights instantly, and gives, you a big volume of heat, easily regulated just "by. raising or lowering the wick. It is easy to operate, easy to clean : and -easy, to re-wick. 2,000,000 women say it's "gas stove comfort with kerosene oil., - Ask your dealer to show you his NEW PERFECTION line--stoves with one, two, three and four burners. -Note particluarly NEW PERFECTION OVENS, especially made tor use on these, stoves. Ideal for roasting and baking; : STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D C. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. (New Jersey) Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. A; KAY JWE&T10N Oil Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in oil stoves, lamps-; and : heaters ' 1 Seasonable Recipes THTC! ; Asparagus treated108 Blp,rlns vegetable should be Cut off thl 6mply' yet carefully. part of th(re.tYrt0fl3r Scrape the lower bunchel Put in?8' and tie In Sy't.end- resting a deep stewpiin, with the , in bolff "th! bpttom the stewpan. C fler heads but ln t0 Come up 0 the ten- aspoonful of ooi mem, aa a Place wheri. li alt foreach quart of wa ter. -teerrhaVlnJrter WU1 b"v Cook depending ' Jil! b5 'T1 15 t0 80 min' eesg. of the J? fesh'sg. and. ten- ?,f ell toasted hrfobLe- HaVe some "ce8 thein slightly d Jad a Patter. Butter. 'S??, the'Yoast "a"g thr cooked asPara "ttle salt and servfn.Sn With butter and a to hich th at once Save the water "'the nder " asparagus is to c;vr method of COrtv.;w aaa i 11 ine tender "i r tt'aiSM is watiSt' nt? short pieces. -stable and Dia--.? Jst cover the se'1 with aVralSf m ' draMto T be ' be.ans 1 wat.,.w,in.Tt7 soft, then drain well (saving the water) , and rub through, a sieve. Put 1 pint of the strained beans in a stewpan with ftable spoons of butter, or bacon fat, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, -of a teaspoon of pepper, and hot milk enough to make mix ture like thick mush. About half a pint of milk will be right. Cook in the double boil er -for one hour, stirring, often and adding more milk if too dry. Heap this in the cen ter of a hot platter... Garnish with a circle of friend sausages, pork chops, mutton chops, or any fat meat. The puree may be served as a vegetable, with: any kind of meat.1 A soup may. be made with the water in which the beans, were cobked and the remainder of the strained beans. People who are fond of beans but to -whom the hulls glve: indiges tion often like this. V Try This Method of Cooking Artichokes Cut the washed and peeled' artichokes Into cubes, put in a - stewpan ' and ' cover with milk(a generous pint to a quart' of . cubes).' Add 1 small ; onion' and ' cook 20 minutes. Beat together 1 tablespoon, of butter and 1 level tablespoon of flour, and stir this into the boiling milk.. Then season with a tea spoon of salt and teaspoon of pepper, and continue the cooking half an hour longer. The cooking should be done in a double boiler. The artichoke , also makes a very good soup. v Beets With Butter .Wash the beets, being careful not to break the eltin. Put into a stewpan and cover generously- with boiling water and boil Until tender. .When the young beets are cooked, take them from the boiling water and drop for a minute into cold water. Rub off the skin. 'Cut the beets in thin slices and season withsalt and butter. Serve at once. Boiled Lettuce If lettuce has grown until rather too old for salad, it may be cooked and makes a fairly palatable dish. Wash four 4. or -5 heads of lettuce, carefully removing thick, bitter stalks and retaining all sound leaves. Cook in plenty of boiling salted water for 10 or 15 minutes, then plunge into cold water for a- minute or two. Drain, chop lightly, and heat in a stewpan with some ' butter, and salt and pepper to taste. If preferred, the chopped , lettuce may be .heated with a pint of white sauce, seasoned with salt,-pepper, and grated nutmeg. After simmering for- & few minutes : in the sauce, draw to a cooler , part of the range and stir in the well-beaten. yolks of two eggs. . 5 It's & igood ; brand of -fertilizer that will raise a mortgage.-'-Peoria St&r. A BEAUTIFUL Sugar Shell and Butter Knife mm, - "",,- 7 In heavy plate guaranteed for 25 years. This set is put up in a neat, . satin Hnecl box, making it suitable for a wedding gift. ; You of course need one-rbr your own-usel This is one of the very nicest reward we' have been able to make antitrust hundreds will take advantage of ttiis opportunity to earn a. set. : ' , Given as a reward for a club of only five (5) Special 25-centYTrial Subscriptions, or for a club of three (3) and 50 cents additional, or 1 Year's New or Renewal Subscription to The Progressive Farmer and above described' set only $1.50. Cash price alone $1 and worth it. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER; Your choice of either Sugar Shell or Butter Knife for a .club, of three; or either with 1 year's subscription to The Progressive Farm er for $1.25, or casji price 50 cents each. The single pieces are packed J in plusn lined box same as the set. DAISY FLY KILLER ,fttf WBSSS flies. Neat, clean, or namental, convenient cheap. Liti U eaion. , Made of metal, can'tspill or tip over t will not soilpr Injure anythine. Guaranteed effective. , Bold by dealers, or 6 sent by eiprcu pre paid for ft; 80SEES8, ISO SoZsXb Are., Brooklyn, n. nrwrtir ai t - vaiid etrncrniD TIONS THROUGH, US ' "? Our ciuds save you money, wewui giaa- . Iv make a loccial club ' on any papers y- may wish. :pv?': order an it's all ' attended to. ' - :' .''.; May w senre you? '' y- ' TOT PBOGHSSSrvn FAXXMSa