674 (6); '; ', :v;, Vw'';; vt . -;:-v-?;r?r?lYE farmer - i- j .i.---i.5-we now nav pen:.:3 rntii-cents , '---a-j tli-k we, aw ccttimr M nde r b-erries f.in,e r TW YV Priiwinalmx I-ettet u.aN G?ing nearer the tn price .for our berries. ThrnmJi? ?p eCarts: of the Associati1 : . 'rl .road was. induced to build , !.raiU a cTirn?QQFTTT NPTHlWirOOD xdthyow guarantee, and deliver the ; Irish; potato etc, vouched lor; by and substantial .fruit shed to obvZ ft. SUCCESSFUL NHbUUULUUJ IoUy . E.L. HUGHES, the Association. thr T-o tmloading Se MARKETING CLUB Pffllk . TT. Htre is. iHttle fiance fhat speaks, . in Wfi to- VW ' - ' volumes. Th spring a ghh:comto s ei a igexated express se Editorial Comment:-We are awards . -m nffTnc, tWra t.aif for - . , . u Daebt-the-growr vi:-:- , HI - Read How The MUmippi Farm er Through Community Coopcra- X tion Are Turning Lotei Into Prof it First Prize Letter I WILL give you a little experience :we are having in cooperative mar keting,, .and if it i9 worth passing on To begin with, we have' a. natural things are almost sure ".;. w .wo " . ; . nn with if s--rrHmrW letter w oiferibt to B.U: ajito, ; ,, ,, 5 "1fc .r ,. im aril'- tftein ciicunmers, otneiunaiL-uy De - jtiiere. isone step further , because it outlines, from actual ex- receiving returns, from 'to take. WtW J" e penence, our m m ' " 1 m w.trwc - ,dtM nebulous offer .to SO crniscishjnio central, mUSt Degm. AJdis -:.rr- .v,,..,, rtf V,r rrxth 1inMiTr-oilt as . .Ktf vn'-,, t. - P"- d rlnh with its market route, auorus . -i ' ...t t 1 -rj- ... - . .mnle from which greater " a y """V? i one market. tn. ontrv- here., and there is no is oeginning w.un mue iuiu.-uu organize so as to not pb eheS It to Wnore abused working up, rather than with-T,lg P5CC WHCiC ir u -npm that near v always 'mean he coid get the. first weelc &r.the' - years'" connection with the:, trade. I Ur- E- M. JONES. mm tlbmhre.; But the coming -otr tne boil weevil demorali2ed everything, and we- began to wonder what we could -do to' make a living for our families and-get some money to pay the taxes with. So m Farmer I - have taken lor nf 5fv nf all the letters on !; ' 'HS 'Ssi V'. . : cooperation. I made up my mind if it was good tor one county it . was jequally good for another. ' ' Fortunately, we had a good many cows ;in- this neighborhood, and I be- fean talking cxeam separators. ' I put in one myself and got some of neighbors, interested and got them failure. WORK OF THE BALDWIN COUN- houses ganized - growers . held out,: for -pot ..; p, n A . . cash oh delivery, an with,. these elrr? Cannot Market ? finally traded on such a. basis .lhese .: '' .onccessiUlly he paid practically, more than 'other vVhrih . ses were, offering. Everybody had UitaTT and h ?fff; Si TT, ALABMiA, PRODUCERS'. AS- S0CIAT10K 1 i:" with the result tnat. alter; two weeics- to.himself fo1U hic 7 dealers refused to stand by theif 4im- -n flj-hw .pfied contracts." Those whbent ini " V 'V 1' l- - - . t . i - - . Hovr;a Live Farmer' Organiration It on the "50-cent and balance later " -sfcippm'and reduce these dLZ Saving. Thousand, of Dollar A-. deal have still to wai for .the- later, ta raaii the j es nuallv 7 to Its Prize Letter IWI V iam a . mm mw w I I I . -M ill . . I I I kf n. WW m. V . 1 1 r . .m w , . i u c a. ' -. -- - - - l .. . I M. .,77"'. -w bcwotii. i ne eastern Shore -nf s mt as weuytne- marKet, nave , VirginiaProduce ' Exchange finds . rlaimq whatever 1 on -the . dealers ex- : i. ' ,ftftn put BALDWIN County; Alabama, has V """" - Sn-V ssary pay out $30,000 a my C.been placed on the agricultural the purpas of insuring the f-to map of the United States prmdpallr; grad.of the part of the necessary to pay out $30,000 a year for proper farmer. St: : I.' : 1 ' v.'.,,V i . Hi... i...., V , ''! .15 : i 'H'' ' i . ' H ' im h "Hor would be a. cost of about oae per rus iruu;ana 'nux ;of taining systematic inspec- ..... t,: ,uunf At t ' tu S10"9' ul?: .wu. ..ttrm-oh irraeq: A 21 rpc t tr, it,;. tor them. - All that tried the machines ?;tersibf this organization is at Foley, a fi; J a I ' $hot have brand of were -well-pleased. - v-,- - name; known today on every com- 5ft$S VhTl potatoes, Jhe Red Star Brand, which . The next thing that seemed to be. in missioirow oi the country. Tfot&VT to the Pa- the way - was " getting the : cream Xo ganbatioir is ntm-dividen4 PFr f known grades . :k J j. t n xl-i. 1.4 '?-xr- j; 1 an average a ton oa fermizea toe 1,- Arwn M ue marKet. so 1 asKeu ait nxai iut.u a.uv- , oneraore.-; assocxauun 01 . .uirjaacra:';. -r------ thing to sell to meet me.at a. certain "place" for the purpose of discussing; produce !?;!'l(1v-v: ! irate. or sooa .wnen, aeaiers .wercaxK : vu .v ai.p-.hiiv?: -' tKa We had seven to meet there, aU oi:,track nrices oracticaDr t system ot mspec- ,14 ,1 - , -11 j -11 i-r-.-4 .- f- -snosisnazei wxiii::"aeaierB..weTE'''toaxn : -j.vti.i.j u wnom naa sometmng to sen, ana ui the' county, 11 nas-Deen in. existence , tt - rx . tion . was withdrawn the growers ;v would go hack to their old methods After discussing several-plans briei lifem excess of . IfM ungraded. itwas decided, that we would not pay produce; in. addition : to Ies.jaiL tarCT??S TT-. mr& : it i,a great mistake to tninK mat out any money, but each man would lots;, is today putting more . than .' - ' , v .- :.HthVpfbbleirt -of. grading can be set- idea. ; j i :v ;! v - out any money, dui eacn man wouwl-. lots;,, is today : putting ; more tnan. j . n - - :';y-r'j" .y, 'tnc prwicia orgraumg vh w ;4 . ; . take hij. turn andcarry the produce . $100. annually mtorthe pockets farmer. Grad- fl:i 1:;i'l:--v -J:Vv.: and. bring, back anything that any of its members in any nmnber bi-' wait ITIC- Kb-tOlTnESPi; TTtTZin'SrR' to&cloH- feti should be form- 1 '.! v : ! ' ' . 'i ." 5 v.'---,- f "! riyfw: . ' i ' ' ' - V :i 3 v i !. :i.'i ' - v ! :$ j ?': .. our . ciut memoers want e a witnout cost to them. We not only had", a chance to send our goods to market, but we could geriany little things we wanted brought back. The next thing we had to do was to decide, how often we could send our stuff to market. We decided it best to: market three' times ;a wee Mondays,. Wednesdays- and That being decided, then we It has had it& ups. and downs; and just now, owing": to unfortnnaie 'conditions in; the recent early cacumbec" market and interferences from ' the outside. ' (Third Prize Letter) ed alt "over the South for the purpose. r of growlhg a common variety of pro 'duct "m 'a whole community and for giving, section a reputation ior put- is beiner acid-tested : again: bat everV;rH'ifarmers around nVer: Ttitie- tin? out a'tmtform brand of prodacts. indication seems td point to another A .see, have been growing strawber-; "Whijrdo not farmers advertise. Be triumph for sanity and fairness.- - :ries for about. 30 yearsi" with varying '''cause ;unor'gianel they do not have .When .Baldwin . County cutnyrer success. : At first each irrower con, sufficient, amount ot a stanaaro pw- t j i?i ' first month the people generally, did not seem to think much about, what we were doing, but those that: be, longed to our club were so well pleas ed with, how we were getting along, that they, began talking about what, we were doing, and now we have ten that, belong to. our market club. ' l . K ' ' . 1 ! 'II. on a certain place to meet and the" crooked' commission dealer followed unsatisfactorr. and thr-i hr rami" hour our horse and wagon ; wasto fast on 4 the heels of: Teal estate; here and bought directly- off the wa- - tW aIarket Com d - t 0- c iMumwu um inwnu , uufc tnu turn. jluc; ciuwcn uxcti .. mar ior . . . n.-L- poor settler: had a. hard time of itT awhile for, as: they said, that was ; OatS in TWO-bUSliei oacw Many were sued "for : freight" andWney: down.". But the buyers in; a T HAVE been reading with interest , other charges" , and the judgments " few years Srorked the prices down: t vour -articles, on crop marketing slapped-.on their. mstolJent-bougJit until it would -hardly pay. to grow .: and 'hope that good will result front lands without the land companiea do- them. . . - - ' them.:for there is certainly a Me4-, ing anything, to aid the people out of x -Then the first forward step' was for better' marketing by farmers. ; their troubles. . : , , ; . - . taken. Local brokers would take over Corn brought to market here by tw; : A newspaper man at that time was the1lrrowers, herrie nnH tH m W-. - and as there : " This is. our second month, and we attracted ta this section. He was not ' the carioad,.-. thereby' . securing-- the are onlv one or two sealed barrel will seU at our present rate over $15d a practical farmer, but the fortunes market price. . They would charge 10 treasures irr town, the farmers wortk of stufiE that would. have been: of, his. typewriter had brought him in. cents, a. case for handling them. The difficulty in finding ready buyers for. practically lost without: our. marked growers-were satisfied for a good Seir corn, -The corn the merchant! route. Vcryoaen you wiU have $2 or m earlier years, and at glance he, long while, but there was one. bt dc- buyr shipped', from the West $1 worth of , produce, and if you have saw the. solution and applied it, He feet m this way, and that was I that !whef sacks, and the cr Ustop yor team out of the field you ; gained the confidence of the people, there -was no waybrg Se it this t lose the- time, and very, often your but when he came to starting the or- berries, good and had. went ai;v- w' Sn. r V J gIa nv one or two Vtime would be worth more-than what ganization he found that ai act of brocte e . you have to sell But wlth us we can . the Legislature was necessary to aU we would loseTshinment arh 1 of the now send anything that we have to low such a proceeding as heThad in of the season! - !tht 5 JL TwMIe He sell as often as three times a week mind." He has been theuide and aid ; In 1908 a nnmW f trouble m raeasurmg d l ;ahd our turn s carry the stuff only of the Association everlbce. met and orSd L Z powers ,wonld .find ?cKi sacks. , - now, aoa we nave several- more mat. ciatioa Has always - gone amonjr its Associatmn mUu v. j I tr- ' lr . " r.u , vttie trouc Wl0t to jok ; soon M they can own members. Ji tKe ia tura ha iffi. ' Y' F3"0 ??ck l"1! 1 " J U. " gtt something, to sell- I have my eggs sold at 25 cents per. J xl. - : J uozen tae year rouna. every egg i auce. me reoutation thus triA " " ' ,mr'.-'i,OT. ?HU. .rv " iL c J sell is suaranteed to-be Eood, and has-been of material assistance -t L'U IS . 4-bfl every egg bears a stamp with ray bringing buyers down, to number on it so if an egg proves .the woods. The success uaa laa sump numoer.-wm snow aucei Association has been such wneuier.it is my .egg or not. Our people talk about no v?8" ""aser, whom we still '. Seed oi wnld alo find rj tM. ? I f "'I Th A"0" t about 185 readier sale if. the ftrmei brf s of the Pro. aad.tort.S0 ears in 1915. : ' . ; v - wn or three or five bushe b We adODteil a tet nt j i....: hnshels a"11 " j r . i . , .i.g for their stuff. My experience -you can always find a market ,,wi!l cooperate with your .neighbors. . put up a good article, get behind it I'- . the condition of nrodr. vCl ILA l! V" -7" and pat in two potatoes, beans, cucumbers, cabbage. Wh . , -n" Co- Manager norc OxfbrdV N. C Thi men wtv Ictd ntt Wh , - vuic paia m cents a