THE PROGRESSIVE Faj. 710 '(18) V . ... i-kTrncr 1.1.. . 1U- "twin n ALEIGII.N.C SS ' NewYork Office, 41 Park Row; .: A v Chicago Office, 600 "Advertotag Buildlflg. , v,., uifiwooes oftthetrraj)iad ojV must be. made r,?n too ' Watch 'tat lyoung tHHidkeiw itlon't . . i A "111 i hit ir If ithe Crown viqgiu'eraitanguu saiuuu w it l.kf v'i'. : n i..r ) 'it. " y 1. J . j r 1 i i: 4 A i ',1 151 ! : r ' ' i I . i' " 1, , j.'l If:. 4 ,; " - i; ! 1 ' ' 1 i' Imllli S?f?gSlM laTTER AT THE STOTlCK AT BIR TTO''i.i OF Wi. 'fiJJ YfSniSopcans1 MARCH 1 tlSIt. . ' " IIN0HA11,.AIJL. .UNDER THE ACTjOFXONQRESS OF MAKL-u, t.iM. ltermHwlbc4iptionf itt ."yaM Wholly 5LSliI?iffiffl lST i Om 423 arabsafiier aatf uam new -nbieHlrj Jtt ert get The Progressive banner ume wrear ffor $l0. . rA elnb ft vaaM wafty ratrwrt0oiif , g ngeAt 'together; all for $2. . jUadcisJa CMi-JGaMlIaoWirtfliUai, OttHrtfaBSl El0fKafiM . ml wys diSr ess tKse Ir k letterats pknty tof aair. vGettinfi yoting chicks t 5 4t this jseasQiivijf theear oftaEnoatartsmlds, iThis ;is tma$t -4pt 4o kOtcur vrhn Uiey Lare coQp&dtOD fclo&fijy, At athiiirst Concludecl ifsflm'ge , .this U "rS 'Pmmsvi ..otto, m i . ;amount.idf spring gmraetihhLB" CAH 'FOR WARM WETEteCE IIETXEQS CONNECTION -with naur at 'We also announce the fallowing llDiyesfficatixra-ami hhrpeITelIce', "piecial .Issues" of Ehe ogmsive' . ..Jtr-i 1. -1 -- -? . ' - f. . ... ... j -- - 'Jmm oAtninil C2:S) for fhe ejt xtiefieTice letter laixweiks: tttfy ..TWtitY sentis rs xra 'the -silBfect Circus ffei ;m that stre, antl $1 for wrch fdi fihe ihrte next jbest fetters hat--we'uu61tJh,-TOTimtCT:how4ihort. August 21. " - ; ehtarmers-jSeptembeT 11. .lbwinfei,aTCvheUisrsrotfSTibjects;on Jvor these .specials weotter jucash hreh prhfe iietters'm wacrteU to- j?rizef3 for thelheatUeiteriMaeiy eether with tlre '(tares !bvHidhUhey .eti .from .'farmer isiibscriher, 5 if or HBhotHd hemaU'dis: " ' 'the secona'be4tl6.tter,vanH3:orJihe Bilbei-lfarresthttr Bttes tho,Tear,s third best, ancl regular space-rates f pr ero. ,atitttiesimigirtt ; i ; all other artrcl we oublish. ..For ' TMail tfeW,oielTO-'-ntatfked 4hswijti83sttites tshfliird?beeinail rvwiitef iotlD9rttcSt7, xarA;df The ed at .least two Yeoksibaa ikkite?o 7 - biting insects torment your stocktafcteg awgyyour profit They.lower4he. vitality df-yoB3st3ffnVe-rerease thatr wtsength. -Ytr -Jiowi mdfira3 do liesswork. Your cows gtreoBMe(rarttif to one tkirdless milk. .The animals, beoomeesawroy ipoar md are victim' ax jiuwaei tbtarutodSyjandniie tfTuaxd them with ; v p . . lit vniTffoteet y w. iitockrfrom lll.-titnsrJhtsetts-- ttuna4llii ilfa;- i iiif tM MarA1T ttiid 4htiment far .treatment xf sore tracks, (iUs, , nrcratches, chafKgaaussetc. - rAtAll-61oa-FmrS. If your dealtT'ctmrbtirfilyyou;cfite zifmd.,3 asHinsa (EDOTiny 9 Inc., ZIEHINiaO, IN. T. U, (I. J oroTimmg now iraasung ipaoes rai line rwu .to r" lu sa"ie flehtC i Vell isheltewd frmn -tain Ibut rbayfi V e. , )F. j d 0 jatcate jof 5 can crop.nnos t w&areHettt. 4PQDnful ugarddidUo iwoallons - , B!flwl11 nrt. . ,. . .drinking water. , - ; -(IS2: -'rS ndtishasJTuicl, - ' ;i-.vV, .-crimson Clover m -J8 wery casefuLm ice ding.ttrain to ? t0 'but having ithe poultry, .to .that at - is dry .na ' 7 ".3. r.dUU? sweet. Especially is this necessary in " TmT 1' . DeTmuH-itis x tu-:. ifovi vrti inv.aiuame "as .a spring nastim . month lodkout ffor Ithe protmre of .he Permits the jgrazing dihe "gttenlbetartr tsdeadlyipoisonito tne fand poultry. , - . ' t7?,r i. tizZ - H . wcwet p; ' , , ' .nnfattrttrmtim&on clover or other all uiuu ..xaiirsown grazing crqps can- kll 11 .11 L. ... I nliM males and noor lavini? .hens, f"1 . Biu uecause tne land is ' . J-- r . mAtfo (iomn.uiM m nt)t'ingooH.-conitionrput-them in "ZZXX MWSU prqpara- If not alTa4y ioire .weed but sur t!leanCQops, 'giving 'ttem good dlean ii tmw litter, d rcciltaTlv three ?n..!?Y5 buT over . mo iim,aayooU moist inttt;u, iW W,witt t Hnmiif -atiit. ueti, but the 'hgh cost of .sufficient fefitts. tVfthenrsh with fftim'fmilk '37 ; ' 'ut .r or IhuttermiHc. airci ;if;arallaHle give vCT-a.large area with the hp .nWtoirfF ttWrVrntrJr,V : TwneW i; iaKing sumcicni &eea toxgivfi. i ofttWsffeett'shotiM pUtthtm;inTifmie 'ar au wBHut f -the -second year. FoYtundtdly, ihe wiU keep letter, and if yoa -.W a t't ed. We-ihmk ihe tetj ".-rvJLrjV 6wHi.'iniiy regafd it highly Jof ill TV Wv A k AVA W U fell A CLUB i9F EI ShTS Stwing 'in ;the cdltivated fields in ihe, ."Vv- ,N: , ta?lv 'f ill: to Ornish spring cgrazmg isotn'reeaTroppers -or rrougns-ana ,v rur. . I MrMC,W'inf frtr -v,au and ot: sail improvement. I ttringrfls for. r..:: alone .without regard ally yotmg tok, hodld be ?mter J?i -w4.r rmnc.nrfor btm m xrrevetlt :their getting their f rrJ ... .rf-lA-nr.'frif nvcrAffe landS. ifl eniences dont xost Tnucn, J)Ut 'tney l-'- tmme the -coTrffofrtnd ; iLi ...::it fMin"f1 valuable!' innii .this means UU41 tU:Z m1 wtireimis. 'Otrr'-rnirofrispowettuliyibuUtn . : tiUt tor men lanas, .wt t wim neavy ntrawooa irame ana . . . : - ' - " - u rL , mrr nr rea ciiwi, screw iaT -shaft atetu ! tvnw "Msviifc N um.. .w-m - t,tw' -lhe;year are vermin motre.prdlffic and f,e:S .aM many & -.young Static are espeollly uicepti- .7-7.;. : Ii, and rass. worked throutrh 4arM ccast ilvm cross heids wlth "mafchlrw .cut l( It lhra4a wUl. stand 4he. CMatnimfl- f sun:aiuxdw4ddsnrMUvwMKSat ( . iron noops. ice sluUiLWDtiUte JOii rasr-stvlesat 4orresDoiidlafif-low I prices., LIMte freiaht.ranMUoh j i J 4 mond - CatJaoglree. " , WI The SonlhaUall Order Emse i f ( I i f m i 4ble!tortheir-3ttadks. -Sk I 1 1 r 1 ' ' " . 1 ill 1 Mis lis ihe If ime ;to lilowp lihe SrV' ;Tuns,'bie or llrtle.'limine 'ifacmartCto "SIMn to South?; correct sourness. .Then-iowatemao t j'ioa ihat ikr- rye, oats or rape, to provide good results: ' : 1 H.' r and spring .g?mst ' iull nail, .... jfhtoughQuttthenuth as VTWs tseit BlWe 4e 1rerwrl - rn - lm- prlal tald baok uuod Vaide titles; . linen lined, carmine under gold edges, round corsets, slllc. head -band and mank- r. naeeoT8 areMot4telynnsxlMd.ania can'be Tolled or -turned ' batk to back -'It contains standard'helpa to the-stwdyi tt th T)lbl bv th most eminent Hlblical I scholara. " . fiMaaaka.Y'ia:ssscmenu. n green ifed iortfdlL I ' " . . " ' .t.',a'c;mifri as aAhole.. Jlon;tmake .the unmake .of haimg -". -.The: value .of winter ;pasturesx wKeDs xijauteientgosroccuoyithe : ore 7rom the tsueculence , same .Tuns Jihe colder candstroner it, n other .grwn. willxcertainW olTive Uhe others ifrom t,, V, .mitriment. secured;; ;hthetr;feed,and theuarwltngillvdo favorable cond .1 uwmv i iv I V uvumiuil I - kH n Ifll4 I t ppm SrLULkU .. Trt CJ!rinTJlT:!,IT?TC lorovide -vSeoaratp ininji fnr lrf .;Tir- '-itrt. ctlaire iS ... . . . . .... . m . . . I V --.! " '-V- . , ft m f.n n A VVI1CU ,.Uv A a w . - ,amw a u ww. ' -SrrpeTbly-bTednpaM'eiifinta C1U unicss jrou nave iana enouga Davison's 2508 and other noted aires. AUn I to nse colrmv .rmii. -nnH 55n tVinf I . - - 4 Z - w v . f - J ' ww-Wf. SSredr7 v-ww aff(,,TCnstt0 casebe.sure theyare lhapart. rSUrfdsM rRegisterdl Ibred JDnToeetsey and! oeumire nogs ox auages zor immediate ship- iSflMBALLPARM, ;esptf' able ,gr.een ;graamK r . is jj;: ialbr finable .lor Zns-W, calves; colts, jpigs -and lambs. t .. i. j c- well on uj .animais jQo.not-uu. . OXC3D,N.C JUL Kxr4tt aoaahrr 4f umrrb aravi scenes. Xs. forming a valuable' collections ef;Bibllea.( aXd 'made, specially for this Bible. norpxrs-arabtrBirt7 'titehes MarfdT tare firtivtiid with cadj. xlear eaaUynratl 1 ttype. Tie UU meaurnwit Mlf tUe ! . Bible. complete Is Aboat AHa8 .inekea. AVmkIII sand tias-tln.lU,ypot-, mOJ, mm ia rtewaad ."lr saJig was 4Ub ox uini new iriai HQDscnptlons At ti cents "wMa.rwrflerm tob 4f riTiAl W ' ceoU ettra, or tlab df Trttrre vsxiQS' i is eitsa. wlddr a, THE ritOGRESS ITE FARMER. andColta. 15 to 30 pr ct. H tmn (irikcant tUrtr xdayg. 4Vrit4is today 14 r ., i.t warn. L fourraisintr tmfloWers?forviitir ',. -tun thfr' or grc . . y? iBvery ifarmihoUfdUiaveia not oril vluDPlies a xonsioe the .pojl- ; jjf e ir 3 eedbut .serves to J0 f on sel.; ?rt -odVt .condition .and .adds ; . ... lo - THE HCOXlf ARMS, Cc .Wre -poultry? iBvery TOwr,ormotlble o;w,Km)unll, tny runs,'iuoth?forSha'de anil line :rrge Russian tva-Trtty, is it. .theilty . feeds .tliey co"-' . Sparrows .and mother 'birds - are yrrry ' .F.or 'many, reasons, ktc ia ' v4f.ii t . n..A. " .. Pictures a16 iuuu uiihch,"5u; u;yDuwisrr rorraisc jind -early rS.Prui& "-"" u htc0 seed, tiea common rmanila?papeT bag Avor.Uistriving-forn.d over each h&d as soon 3aseedtret nn'imnortant 'factor nthe7n,,clitf someigrowth.,ifor' Q- Hvestack, .especiilly .jffjS! nmJtr. (oil .'Tn n..,t , r il 1,-Tf Of .IWU' -.. Jwr .J915 Farm Recoriimk-atmi enaale you to keep .your .ccoits Ibctttr. -Xmyin i i j - - - UtS??&U( her. (lhwirvvrtnilVim0rr e Southern .uan ;thc fhcXotton -lieu; nnaB; .,.::Af..:fr nnv .considerate "ThWh tle uhnerto Tjyefhail fiUoiinaUihetotianno nrnlltrv 4in!tnrrm 'm'tfti-nll rmrlro tnn-rmrfh' fhat' 'tne only . , ret It tAiiiiF ik . A'lTrrvtlffrv 4in!lt!rrme TO ft It frfe nrttnifrh' that TV Y l - m : . . 4. ... 1 Jfi. Ill i. .1 . 1... it 1 ( . Tht rrogresslye Fanner for $1.15, to avoid drafts, Whitewash well, in- ter pasture is a 1 1 . f