972 (8) THE1U0GRESSIVE MAKING THE COUNTRY SUNDAY p-?" &"& ' VntlZ .TfcS" 80 , FARMER SCHOOL AUGCESS none 1 i a. V. , . .faff fa m Another . special day which is ob- " 5. Use rubber or ieathpr Special Introductory Offer -ON- OH Oak Brand Rubber Roofing "DEFIES THE ELEMENTS Less Than 5 Roll lots Add ic-a Roll 1 Ply Per Square or Soil 75c 2 " S2c 2 M . Includes Everything Necessary To Apply Sane. Absolutely Waterproof and Very Durable Samples Free. Whitaker Paper Co. CINCINNATI, "0. Order tow. This offer ts for a abort time only Till Deep You can go deep with t Giro tbe roots a dnmce out onnf ing up trash, stones or manure. Yoa can-at the same time pul verize nd level. For thrifty crocs Tely open the fffrgedskrp, penetrating disksof Disk Harrow Sintle or Double Action Heht ingraft and built for lifetime of service. If ' your dealer has not the gtmtint Cutaway, write to as direct, lie sure to'wrue us tor ear new free book, "The Soil and Its Tillage." Oet your copy turn. The Cutaway Harrow Company Maker of the original CLA RK dish narrows and flows J7 Main SL,Hifftaum, Com.., served in nearly all of the schools is (rubber preferred) in handl' ' Easter. This day is ordinarily pbserv- sticks. Avoid wioine- tw fng the . .,1. i. .. -wv. 7 u.j. ; " idce wit?, -m. nanus ur with o i ed with appropriate exercises con IV, The Observance of Special Daya These Increase Interest and Offer an Opportunity for Each Class . of Pupils to Participate rHRISTIANS recognize the su nrmp imnortance of attracting XJ thf rhildren to the Sunday average Sunday-school is, Mission- ache r is a dreadful school and-so bringinghem-directly-ary-Day." This-unlike-the-othw-made-vvorse by the common hlT under an influence to which, perhaps which have been mentioned, is ob- ache dopes." CdQ more than to any served each quarter in tne year, it is 6. Never break ianH " u , other one human' customary for a committee to have rnite nnlpce it j if ,t a hji 111 sisting of recitations, declamations, tiiat has .been used in wioin u readings and songs pertaining to this hands. Avoid inhaling fumes f u holy festival.'""" , fresh-opened dynamite or the f Another snecial observance in the after an exolosion. "rw .umes c..A .i,AAi x;ccinn- oiio ; . a jr , J. .ttU"ie head- 4- u : instrumentality, general charge of this work and to even plastic it will narV lis hol e, or pot the church of the see that it is always conducted in the the sides of ar blow future timer nwp interest nf missions, the oastor Deiner .Virtto. vi , . utuv v v - - - j - iivit, , iiisicau UI CraCKinw anrl its existence. "The expected to be present and make a bling as it should do to trT' Sunday khool is talk. The funds obtained are sent to moisture tr, ri nA :-r u U deeP Sunday the nursery of the church, is an old but none the less vtrue saying.. Statis the mission boards of the denomina tion participating. The last , Sunday in September is usually chosen as "Rally Day." This moisture to rise and rainfall to in. sink Don't think dynamite cheap scheme for workin offers a Ground broken hv Writ j "kvuuuo win met mistaWp not. that at least 90 per cent ter the summer vacation. This occa- "7 . VlT!!1 piow .SUDsong. But mr. Wright .ticians tell us, if I is the time for a grand round-up af- c n o.cc'nnc to trie rr.11rr.hes sinn. if nrnnerlv manaffed bv the suo- . a. ov't lUdl. Bouna subspiled un. ui an nit i.v.iv"- -----, x 1 j o-- j . der riffht rnnH!Hnn , 1 j nf this rmintrv come from the ranks erintendent and teachers, can be ' . .. t:"na ltlonf Wlth dynamite. of the Sunday school. If this state- made a gala day for the Sunday J?"? t!,me: Tr ment be true, SCnoOl. XI li5 sidle- niaue a S"i uty iui Kjunut i f . j i " and it has not been school. I want to urge its observance ,S?"aMin dynamted-hole s will questioned, how very-important it is in places where it has never been h . ;f J7. Peite.rtnan in dug to make the Sunday school services tried, as I feel that much good may "es.'f " nen sw lp stfay kr hardpaa, the nroner oh- U1UVU w"cn ine subsoil is not so attractive that the children may be be accomplished by the proper ob pleasantly entertained as well as in- servance of this special day. structed. Among the many ways of keeping up the interest of the children in the work is the observance of special days in the school. Among those which I shall mention here as being worthy of observance is: first, "An other special" days commonly ob served in the Sunday " school are as follows : Red Letter .Dy. All special oc casions of the Sunday school may be called Red Letter Days. It is common however to provide an occa- wet but it costs costs more niversary Day." Much may be done sional day when some speaker. or sin through remembering anniversaries ger or other attraction is secured and to encourage class and school loyalty, to advertise this as Red Letter Day Helps have been prepared by the Sunday school publishing houses which make the work of preparing foT these occasions simple and in sures large results. Temperance Day. This, like Mis sionary Day, is observed once each quarter in the year. Valentine Day and Washington's Birthday are celebrated in a great This Double . tavts one disking 35 America's Standaid Mill, eriniistockfeed, table corn meal rye graham or buckwheat flour. Easy to operate hwtt a lifetime. Write for Book on Mills and 30-day fru trial plan. NORDYKE & KAU&ON CO., f Eettb. 1861) 806 Kmtncky Avanoa IrtfiaiMoKa, Indiaaa Another special day is known as many schools on the Sunday nearest "Anti-cigarette Day." This day is February -14 and' February 22, re- now officially recognized by the In- spectively. ternational Sunday School Associa- Some schools celebrate Thanksgiv- tion, and the time for its celebration ing Day usually on Sunday following for each year well advertised in ad- the last Thursday in November. Fre- vance. Buttons have been prepared quently the day is celebrated by an by some of the Sunday school supply evening entertainment, houses to be worn by the boys on Tag Day. -The success of this these occasions. In some respects the day in the interest of various enter- wearing of this button is more satis factory than simply signing the pledge. The wearer shows his colors, while the pledge is not seen by others. Special Days for the Young Folks' not more monev. Tt to blow than tn dio stumps but blowing tears and loos ens the ground, and does the work quickly. Figure it out. I have blown out a growing liveoak tree 28 inches in diameter that stood in a three acre ""patch' I needed for nursery work, beginning, at 9 a. m. and having my hands planting pecan seed where the tree stood at 4 p. mi of the same day. It cost $2.60, broke the ground well, killed all the roots and left no unsightly stump. I could have cut the tree and lopped off the limbs and. dragged it away for a trifling cost. Figure it out. Experiment con servatively. Do not act until you have full and competent instructions and follow instructions closely, Use fuse at first rather than the battery. Make notes of all work and compare with old methods for results. And don't be "scared". Dynamite is not nearly so dangerous as a mule or a box of matches. All three prises has led a number of Sunday musfcbe used right. 2 Peas $ Velvet Deans Halted and cleaned en the PEERLESS. . Tte only huller -with indestructible teeth. Four styles hand and power pictured and described in catalog. Prices low: terms. If -9 Send postcard for free eata- II r log and lowest prices. V j Martin Manufacturing Cc, Ii 8 NUn St., ATLANTA. CA. r Uu &uj(f cut iUfyi' schools to take it up as a means of encouraging visitors, etc. Home Department Day, Visitors' Day, Promotion Day, Cradle Roll Day and Decision Day are observed hv man v nnHav crVirknlc 1iff Nr?T"E,.Spe.Cial ?ay' 18 rB??. frequently once each quarter. Day. The introduction of this 0n Mothers' Day the school pays feature m the schools has proved tribute to mothers, and the members quite a decided success, arousing in- of the -Mothers' Department en- teTest, increasing attenLance and deavor t0 im the school w- h adding to the membership On Boys the irnp0rtance of the mothers' work. Tiav the hovs and vounp men nave -ri- tn. t. t. v . ... 0 ----- riag u or rain0iic uay) is us W. W. CARROLL Watkinsville, Ga. HARD ON CHILDREN When Teacher Has Coffee Habit "Best is best, and best will ever live." When a person feels this way about Postum they arc glad to give testimony for the benefit of others. A school teacher down in Miss, says: "I had been a coffee drinker cin. uAUnriA onrl the last tew charge of the general exercises, and ually ceiebrated on Sunday following years it had injured me seriously, each feature introduced is on the np 14.1, nc Tl1A j , f)nP rnri of coffee taken at break- . T , . , u" J v. 11a11u11u1 A'iai . . w f , CI masculine oraer. it. is customary on D ). Frequently a patriotic evening .HHllOUllU.lll 13 fclVtU UUIlllg IHC week of flag day. Another, and the last special day I shall mention, is Christmas. No school should think of closing the work of the year without a Christmas tree and appropriate exercises. My next letter in this series of ar- ments and invitations to old friends and absentees to be present. Badges are given to those who, on the pre vious Sunday, will promise to work for the success of the occasion, will help in securing visitors and in round ing up absentees, etc., etc. iris Day is another occasion- :.ioe ,. ...- c..j . ... ... , - , , - nv.vij vii mc tuuuuy ounuay scnooi which quite a number of schools of deal with organized classes in late are celebrating. Dn these days the ?chool ., b C C 'W the girls and young ladies have cnarge oi inc.woric anu cacn leature c; c..a! it ti introduced is such as they usually de- hlX Suctions for. Handling light in. The "Girls' Day" colors are Dynamite blue and white.' Bopklets containing fast would cause me to become u nprvmie Viot T rnnhl scarcely go through with the day's duties, and this nervousness was often accom panied by deept depression of spirits and heart palpitation. ' . "I am a teacher by professionr ana when under the influence of cottee had toi struggle against crossness when in the school room. "When talking this over with mi physician, he suggested that 1 try Postum, so I purchased a package and made it carefully according to directions; found it excellent ot na vourand nourishing. , , v "In a short time I noticed ery gratifying effects. My ncrvousnew ing TVTY EXPERIENCE with dvnamite 3 ;?"rr,; suggested exercises for these and for 1U leads me to smreest the follnw. mmik life 'seemed full of sunshine. "Boys' Day" together with appro- ing rules: and my heart troubled me no lonc priate decorations may be obtained 1. Take care of the caps. They are " attribute my change in ne for almost a song simply concentrated danger. and spirits to Postum alone. k Perhaps one of the most important 2. Read all that the manufacturers rNffVi5n y of these special days is "Children's say about "safety first" Thev nive e 1 c fnnns: Day' Thi, is observed on the second fuj! instruction's" about htlZ RZl 2. g rrj ... j auuui nu.cu uynamue. etc. Alter mno h well boiiea. a" i7? m a" Pabihty, the most generally reading, remember to handle the packages. . tf yWAtt Vw fi . v'' observed of all the special days nam- caps as if they were asleep and you Instant Postum-a soluble powoc JhvhS) cd 9 these occasions the star fea- didn't want to wake them. You -dissolves quickly in a cup ot ' WtllCl, 111U, Willi v .,-nMf, makes a delicious beverage miuw 30c and 50c tins. .i-Hcious Both kinds are equally delicto and cost about the same pcr cup- "There's a Reason" 'for Postum. sold by. Grocers. - . ,!. II ' l ' When wrlUng u advertisers, mention The Progressive Farmer. ture is the exercises by the children don't 1 and younger members of the Sunday 3. Use only fresh dynamite. Try a.iiuui una me wniiuu wmtn is us- to ao your work In early fall before ually taken at the close of the pro- freezing weather, 'and when the gram is forwarded to the mission Ground is imiallv A boards of the denominatnion for the 4. Plan the work so that you will 1