1058 (18) PLEiPOKT Shelters : Guaranteed to do more and better work under equal conditions; and to be more auraDie than any. Ulog- less seii-teea simple trouble proof, parts se par-shell and clean big or little ears,wetUor dryi without injuring kernels or breaking cobs. A size tor every requirement. Get new catalog now. Appleton Mf g. Co., 1037 Fargo St Batavia, III. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER (TV A -aaJT-WrM-l-W - XMW 1-ffi?rTVJ ate. Farmers Page Devoted to Education, Organization, Cooperation and Marketing J. Z. GREEN, E. W. D ABBS, C. C. WRIGHT, Contributing Editors RUBBER ROOFING I PER ROLL is. mm Celebrated FOX brand-made of pure wool felt saturated in best grade asphalt-toughest weather resister known. The ideal roof for all outbuild ings. : Anybody can lay it; nearly firenroof : contains no tar nor pulp; wont. stick in rolls. 1-piece, strictly first grade rolls of 108 sq. f t.-no seconds nor short, lengths. Nails and cement included. Guaranteed by one of largest old reliable Richmond houses. SMITH-COURTNEY CO. 821 E. Cary St. RICHMOND, VA. 78, 1 1 ply .08 2 ply .34 3plf A Constant Water Supply For Your Farm Home Don't depend on a windmill or the back - breaking hand pump to fill your water tank. It's more re- liable and economical to Install a is it w ist rij) and be sure of a constant supply of fresh water, without fuel or attention. The Rife Ram operati by the now of any stream having a fall of 3 feet or more and a supply of 3 gal ions or more per minute. Will maintain air pressure system. , t j Simple to install. Over 1 1 ,000 in use. Satisfaction guaran teed. Write today for catalog.and free estimate. RIFE ENGINE CO. 1 3130 Trinity Building New York TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION IN LOCAL UNIONS NOVEMBER (1) Do Local Markets Give, the Farmer a Square Deal in Grad- . ing and Price-fixing? If Not, What Is the Remedy? (3) Rural Credits Legislation arid Pe titions to 5 Congressmen and Sen ators. . DECEMBER (1) Discussion: What Les sons in Farming, Marketing and Farm Management Has Each Mem ber Learned This Year? (2) Plans for Keeping Records and Ac counts Next Year. . JOIN WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS IN BUYING FARM MACHINERY Go to tbe State Union Meeting, Nov ember 16, 17 arid 18 EVERYTHING is in readiness for a great meeting of the North Caro lina State Farmers' Union, in Dur ham, November 16, 17, and 18, accord ing to the full program given in The Progressive Farmer week before last.' The following points may need reit eration: The opening session begins at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. After the address of welcome, etc., Hon. J. L. McLaurin will speak on "The South Carolina State Warehouse System: How It Works." Tuesday afternoon the annual addresses of , President Alexander and Lecturer Green will be given. Tuesday night John Sprunt Hill will discuss "The Rural Credits 'Only" by" Cooperative" Purchase"; Can You Get the Benefits of Improved . Labor-saying Machinery as Cheaply as Capitalist Farmers Get Them ALOCAL Union that I visited re cently is demonstrating the'prac ticability and economy, of cooperation by neighborhood groups! The' coop eration embraced the activity of two or more members of this Local in' the joint ownership of a 1. Hay press;. ,v 2. Clover stripper; 3. Stalk cutters;. 4. Reaper and binder ; . 5. Lime spreader ; , 6. Grain drill; . 7. A pure-bred sire, etc. There is no greater opportunity for constructive service through neigh borhood cooperation, also for the elimination of waste, than in this field of cooperation. In fact, there is no other, way for the average individual farmers to merge their capital to avoid duplication and waste and be able 'to compete" with the capitalistic farmers. in economic production. Expensive idle machinery, owned by small farmers, represents an appall : Thia Steel Roofing can't burn: I to ffi n;Vdamage it 1 l wwuen finincioa t i . betti er. Comes in W .,a l K8 toolsbutahanWe":;iwputo. No 3 System We Need," and Congressman ing waste of capital, and I know of no A. F. Lever "The Federal Warehouse class of people in the world that have &r.lENT.Fltt POWER MILL Strongest, most efficient email power mill ever made. Sold on absolute one -year guarantee. Grinds cob corn. sneuea corn, oats ana other. Small grains. All steel. Durable. GROUND MEAL COSTS LESS AND IS BETTER. Saves 1-5 to 1-3 of erain. Makes more flesh, milk, cream, bone and muscle. The 'Scientific' will save you money. Two carbon grinding Dlates with each mill. Sold complete with flywheel. Use In any locality. Write lor complete catalog describ ing 1 sizes of Power and Sweep MUls. The Bauer Bros. Co., Box 67 Springfield, Olio. FULLY GUARANTEED eets 8 'inch high SUPERIOR DUPLEX MIL! Double Grinding Rings, positive force feed: Never Chokes grinds Corn 'on Cob or in Shucks, Shell ,i - i 1 corn, &neai uats, jtvamr , UJ Corn, Rye, Wheat, Barley, iv . ti .ouonoeeu. coarse urrinc. Vi a. 4J I Saves time, labor, fuel and i itn m munev. v sizes l. iu H.P. Forbteamor Gasoline Engines. Fully Guaranteed. Write Way tor Catalea THE SUPERIOR MFG. & MILL COMPANY 67 Eaat8t,8prtnrfleld,0. TT2 S II II Bill Its Advantages. Most of Wednesday will be given to . official business, but State Dairyman. Alvin J. Reed will talk. at 12 o'clock on "Creameries and Cream Routes: Practical Cooperation for Local Un ions," and at 4 o'clock the delegates will visit the Durham factories. The Wednesday night session is as fol lows: Address The Organization of the Rural Community Dr. G. M. Cooper, Clinton, N. C. " Address Race Segregation in Land Ownership 'From a Lawyer's Stand point Hon. James S. Manning, form less capital to waste thaiy farmers. To succeed on the farm requires better business judgmentand more rigid economy than is required in any other occupation. We can stop some big leaks by the application of the princi ple of neighborhood cooperation in supplying the needed farm equipment as well as in collective purchases of the things we cannot raise on the farm. If you own an expensive piece of farm machinery that is standing idle and rusting out a part of the sea son when it could be rendering ser vice to other farmers, why not sell some shares to neighboring members of your Local Union? And if you are i t i vt.l1- n 1: c ' -j j ooing wnnout tne services 01 some farm machinery, that could be used on Court. Address How Present Taxation Methods Promote Absentee Land lordismMr. R. -F. Beasley, Editor "Journal", Monroe, N.,C. Thur sday morning the work of . the session will be concluded and Presi your farm profitably profitably be cause it would enable you to substit ute cheap horse power for expensive human labor, why not get on equal footing with the capitalistic farmer by cooperating with the neighbor mem dent Barrett is expected to. speak, bers oi the Union in the purchase of Thursday afternoon the delegates will modern farm equipment? J. Z. G. be taken by automobile on a visit aVEtXEtt tK How One Local Helps Its Members catch the afternoon various directions. With regard to railroad rates, Sec retary Faires has issued the follow trains in the T AST spring I planted a tobacco crop and built a new tobacco barn. I had just finished curing my first barn of tobacco and the fire had all gone out I supposed, but between nine ing announcement: I have secured dllu c" "tiocK mat nignt tne Darn MINK 111 lO HOURS' reduced rates to our State meeting in caught hre and my tobacco was VrJt wuuy in Aw aawwimw xt,u. k iq tu burned uo. I haH mnro tnrm nri round-trip ticket plan. Delegates and no PJace to cure it, but my Union visitors should call on their ticket oretnren who had barns were ready agent a few days in advance of the xo neiP me, and through their kind- meetincr and inauire of . him about ness letting me have the use of . M these rates, and how to take advaht- tneir hams I got my crop all cured. age of them, so that there will be no Un Saturday night, the second of Oc confusion and complaint, as has been tober, 1915, 1 was called around to the the case at previous, meetings. Be es and given a nice bunch of monev BY OSS Hill. IPiKnfl OF THB WOODS. Pitm bomj lit find for FREK cataloar No. B63 showing low mtrhtimprotehknts. First order eetsairency. FolJini Sawiai Uach. Co., 161 W. Huxiwa St, Chicago, UL STEEL ROOFING $2.49 PER SQUARE I We nay the f reitrMi rs- x. rinsr.. Bnydirwtfwmusand blZf merchant and keep in TO.MV ""iTE TQ-D AY for special 30-Day SAVAHHAH FESCE t tOOFWc m . - Lu, y HUSTLER ferHl SAW WU STLER" Machinery is Guaranteed Is accurate, durable, lieht run nine, fast cutting, easily hand. led. Circular 29-F gives full particulars HUSTLER PLANER AND MATCHER If S first class Port. and Moulder. Makes flooring, cell, ing, mouldings, etc, Guaranteed to do first-class work. Quaker City Feed Mills Grind corn and cobs, feed, table meal and alfalfa. On the market 49 years. Hand and power. 23 styles. 13.80 to $40. FREE TRIAL. Write for cataloar and farm machinery bargain book. THE A. W. STRAUB CO. Itp4. M-SBtk " raitrt git., rkiUtolphla Dipt. 1-I701-W I. tblMi t.,Ckicigt sure to get round-trip tickets, and do not accept certificates, as they will not be honored. that my Union brethren in Concord Local had raised for me. G. P. P. Greensboro, N. C. Concrete Mixer $11.50 Up. Build your own foundations, floors, llos. tanks with a SHELDON BATCH MIXER at ttl.50 up. Most poetical low-priced mixer yet invented. Mixes iX cu. ft. In mlns. Keeps six men busy. Catalogue free. Write. SHELDON Ulf . CO.. Box. 7874. Wchawta. Wtbr. When wrltingr to advertlflere, mention The Progressive Farmer. - - Asking an assistant to prepare a No wide-awake farmPr in tv,;' nrn list of the officers of the North Caro- gressive age is going to cheat himself SrotA Hirmerc'.. Tlnmn ! i. e .... wuiuii iui piiiu- anu nis iamny out ot the advantages iuK in aiic xiugicssivc rarmer. we ot a weeklv arm rnr ;,icf k.m.,(. did not notice until too late that he can get a monthly or semi-month-names of the Lxecutive Committee lv oaoer fnr K , x w... v. -w c vvvvn. IV. O O. x, "1V",U7 WV- " . Vt VV.ne pro" ,s also worth noting that by paying wrt C? ri rrV1 Ior two tnree' or nve years a a time Iredell has been Chairman of the Ex- you can tret The Pmcc; P?nVVV ?mw-eLf2r and foriu.t a little more than the, 50 cent "I:: , 01 . 1,dVC dPPcarea monthly. We offer our oaoer three ahead of the others. SalemlronWorks Wlnslon-SaIem,l?.C. and Colombia, S. C. Address Nearest Point. There is a terrific demani jorifiirj this season and prices are skv nioji. Tsa cas-tet a share al the millions of dollars i'iKal.will be paid to thaf trappers of North America this Winter ILL HELP WOU Um :u ana mean Business we win sens w. FflCE "The StorAof the Stttt Trap". Contains everythirif a' trapper shouVJueto be most successful, Our Trappers Supply epartaient win equip you. Write at once '(oriufl mformal ion. WOOED HEATER X Make the home comfortable thia winter at almoat no cost Our air. tight heating Stoves burn wood knots, cobs. etc.-any fuel except coal. Sheet steel with double-seam bottom. Quick heat easily reprulated Perfectly satisfactory all QhQ Bizes. Prices upward from T Write for new free catalogue of 4TheSouth's Mail Order Poubc THE SPOTLESS CO. ... tn 275 Shockoe Lane, richmowu. vn. BUGGY BARGAINS FULLY GUAR ANTEED 1A) $38.60 bnya 8 good Top Buggy; $32.75 a good Run about; $69.95 a good Surry. New free catalog of The South's Mail Order House" shows full line of 1916 model rigs on all of. which we save you money. All riga made 1 of selected Blow-grow- ilhJfiiaS7 Writefor catalogtoday. THE SPOTLESS CO., 273 Shockoa Un, Richmond. JOHN WHITE & CO. LOUISVILLE, KY. ...Established in 1837 Liberal assortment and lull value paid lor raw FURS Hotel Richmond a Richmond, Virginia's, elegant, new and largeat Fire Proof HoteWn Heart or City. Meet your friends at the Holel km vvrue i" mond $1.50 per day up and map of City. ana map oi viiy. WHITE leghorns; RHODE ISLAND REDS, BUFF ORPINGTONS. DeWltt C. Bacon. Stock and Hatcn im Send for ireo Price Lists. .,,,. Cl. Da t? UUJ 9 V S. CW. Leghorn Pullets For sale, 60 March hatched $1.00 wen beD, t..,.h.4 wi nt. irh. 100 two-yc. 75 cents each. Order early. rhari0tte, r m nrlin Daii( 7. .... . -Ma4 years lor $2 or five years for $3. dt i. aim. v.