THEPnoqnnssivEARMER c: uo - J . " . : ; - xx . . -1 : . -. . - - . . ' . - . - v- , 'XXy'XXjix'X 1 ' j 1 What fs ?TfeiiiQjyf :J Qieerfulness u the Third Element in Succtss-a Success Talk to farm Boys j My Dear Boy: ; - . . .' V ,man- pnnosopner, expressed a similar IN MY definition-of success, las ;you: -thought by, saying; -"How much tr0u will remember there; arMhreejelQ-; bley)e;ayos vwhodbeV.not 1 J . ments. -1 nat . man-is? suucti u, vv, "'.""Sffyt says or does or' life who haVa worthy ideal, arid stru l; " Sy. uav iwuov ; UC JUSt anfl rti, ' . r 4 SATISFACTION NOW ASSURED TO O W N EKS ii. ...-r-. -1 - :. 11 'i. .. uimfnit - tha Hiinmnniip 1 U into PERFORMANCE when , all that it should be. ! you invest in "a HupmobUe:In:econoi surpasses even tiupmouiie records, which have been jmything and; welKfut you among. tthejhighestinrtiie The d e a ler does .not say. "Comearir when you 1 want Instead he. has us. send you W ' know ; it :to:be the best without cost a book of cou-i HuDmbile ever ubuttU; and cons good for 50 hours of c we believe the market offers ; service-labor on your, carl na olher.yalu sogood re Y 0 u e an have this service eardless of price. - ' . when you want it, from any it is fitting, then, that owners Hupmobile service a station. , 0f this, car should be assured , , w e recomuieuu mauu&pw', t 01 satisiacxion . xnrqugn i a tions De maae at regular in- . -national system puree ser tervals. ': - ' vice that is competent,' thpr; Thus the satisfaction 01 nup- 0ugh and ithe broadest ana , mobile PWJierahiA iiterally. , . most definite in use. . guarantee Yoowvsi ttVHk i":" t.r. ti..Z ' will a running couaiuua t ujr 11 up t mobile experts. f In its behavior, in its instant , pick-up. and its "remarkable flexibility iii its luxurious the love happiness. irig' serenely or theelrfuily Howard he' has .IdidnV know until afterward howathe -apprdyalof hiswn.; conscience nearly, my ucHuinuii paiititio . r .pviyv Aove will itiff of Emers6ri's;nrecall'now thatf;cQrhevm I have Iseen it : oh the. tablet t6 ;his i. Relieve it as j wh(j memory in" the Hair of Fame in New ,:said ; ."Jt- doesn't matter much what - York City :: .'Tne . day it maf. "X great aims i":;.'-: "r Iri previous letters T have discussed 'ave; a. nne recipe, tor , dealing with- v tHe necessity -for "work .i v.'i- :': -.--T i.i'-ji:": .1 merits' when. he sairt t "If f,kj.: tny laeais. 1 aaruiy suyyusc uwiij ,. . ' i . - - . u,v yuy i demonstrate the . diffi culty of finding better motor car performance; ana a let ter to us will bring you the aetansoi nupmuuuesei viw - - till ( Hnpp MototCar Corporation, 1349 KUwaokee Ate.V Detroit, Mch. Oapmobile Hepreaenta'Jvea In Soulli -sl0ul Motor Co' Greensboro, N.C. John M. Smith, ; . .: Atlanta,' Ga. Greenvuje Motor Co., Greenville, N. C - . : . . . i Sinkler 0. Price Co.. . .Jackson; Fla. Morton fcoose , . uaiumore, ar, & Co.,, . . , KnoxvlUei Tenni Jack Shaw. . . Bairtlesvllle, Okla. s.Ri Thomas Auto Co.,Little Rock,Ark. Birmingham Motor Co., mrminenam, ; Yager Motor Car Co., Louisviue, ny. - r; ; 7 r Memphis Motor Car Co.Memphis,Tenn " -''.C-' W, -tT Mississippi Motor Car Co., . . . . John L. Crockett, : . BlueHeld, W Va. . v Meridian, Miss. HaMton Motor Car Co O " -s , Chattanooga, Tenn. imperial Motor Car Co.,NashvUle,fenn. f cnarioneaiotor.i;aruo.,V(narione,.v. raircniia auiouo., new wnciuis, la, ft 7 t.rf.HMi7hraira - ' ' - P.:A: Roethke, . , V Norfolk., Va. jeHeraon Garage, inc., . . ..... : w v w.riMAuniMCA... . i . v v-t-.Vnanosyiuva.; F. Pl Derin & Co.fc. . Cherokee; Okla. . Saluda Auto AMach. Co.: Pelzer. S. Ct a . . John A. Hamilton, i Columbia, S. C. j. o. Cales, . . . . Ralston, Okla; ; i:. . Queen ' City GarageV4nc, . . J . .'t, , Hooper Motor Co.; -'. -1 Selma, Ala & : V : ; v' : ; . 'Cumberland, Md. Beekyvlth Wilson Co., v . i TampaVFla. ; Houston Motor Car Co;, Dothah,- Ala.J,T. Eprster . V ; v . Tulsa, Okla; (i. Shenandoah Mdtor Co. Roanoke. Va; iD. A; fltarkey .. , : v Tupelo, Miss. :V White Motor Co.j Ihc.,N Richmond, y?U iTilliWilliams f i Weston, W. Va.. ' . ; . . ZJ. people think about serenity or cheer:. sp.eaia.evii ot you, so live that no one fulness, the untroubled nature, as an will believe him. That w '.the best important element "in. success-win- ""wci iu uucyresentauon; ning, but for my part I am; convinced v - . "." that it deserves the pjace I have given , . No, I - do. not . believe I can too it. : - : (.?trjpngiy,urge upon.Doys,the value of "The men whorii I have ; seen , sue-! cheerfulness asu .an aid -to success. eed bestm life", says Charles Kings-; Some day you will , relld in one of' ley, "have always been cneenui ana-icKens dooks yaoout that unique hopeful men '.who went about ' their character; . Marie, .Ta'pley. , The only business with smiles , orr their face's, thing -that worried him'; was that the -and -took ''the changes and Chances of I Lord had made .the worlu1 so good and . this mortal life like men, facing rough put! so-many good- things about us and smooth alike as it came." And I be-1 even in pur -wQtt disastersthat Mark Heve Kingsley's observation accords' never could find an' occasion when it with the general rule. The worrying,; was really. "any credit, to' be cheer- , anxious, fussy or sour fellow realjy . ful." ' And most of us",, if we really handicaps himself immeasurably in , looked at things right; would have to the struggle for success.'.'' Cheerful agree.' with -.MarkTapley. riess is to a boy what axle-grease is to ? X ;v-? Sincerely ;your friend, a wagon; it makes things smooth and - 4 - - , CLARENCE POE. : enables you to get further and accom-T - - ' N- p isn more witn tne same expenuuurc Ttt'k vA 0:1 U of effort and power. - i : Different Kinds or Types of Sod in ----r'fWfl TRirsrain Prices have secured for iia a half-million satisfied customers, possible for us to build up the largest Dlreet-to-the-Farmer Kitselman Quality Fences ! A- --rfrfence business in the country. We are the only concern in the world --elMnff fence DIRECT TO THE FARMER that operates its own wire sun. "No other manufacturer offers vou this advantage. "We eet thcquallty you want for mornrlnrp mir Mrim frnm Hnpn TTAarth Rtppl ' cralvanize it. weave it into a StronST. stock-proof, Rust-Rs!sting Fence andgiveyoumoney-savingp Frcm lFzstoiy toFnrmom I KlTSELMAN LAWK FENCE Tbe following are a few of our many bargains , 26-Inch Hog Fence,- - 12 Cente a Rod.; . 47-inch Farm Fence, - 18 Cente a Rod. " 48-inch Poultry Fence, 24 Cente a Rod.; , Cpeclal Pricee on Calv. Darbed Wire. ' Oar big Catalog chows 100 different jrtrlea and heights of fence at proportionately low prices. It's free. Wrtoday. Klissiztsn CmM. Box 84 Hanoi, tnd. CHEAPER .THAN WOOD ' It's the boy who -can "endure hard-: fete "!.'- ' l You can't expect them to do a full day's work when their necks and shoulders are galled, ; bruised or sore. Every day; yott try to make them do It you're losing money. Use Tapntco Pada and Get aCliioc $fflsWi!x These pads fit any collar. Prevent trails, brulsesr chafer and sores. Our own specially preparea composne CvuIIintc IS I0rt ana springy. ausuj, ueui Jtuu yui uust . Ask the dealer for Tapatcobook of emergency horse remedies free. - - r :,- V '.- We also make a com-v pieie line oi iiuuiu slddle pads. '-. ' f'..,' " the American Pad Textile Co. Greenfield, 0, phrase, without whine '.or complaint; . (Concluded .from page ,7, this issue), who wins ; an& thereV'anoth'er good - Wheat .is often 'at a disadvantage phrase of St. Paul's that is worth re- on bottom land; because of the great calling in this connection, "Forget- : e'r liability there to rust and to lodg ting those things which arev behind ing. ' . he sftys, ''this one; thing jldo.", In the boil eevil regiori one should other words, he says, "I am not wor- generally avoid planting the bottom. ryihg about the past; It can t be help- - lands in cotton, since the luxuriant 1 ed. And I am not worrying about a .growth" gives the'boll weevil .oppor- hundred other things that might be tunity for doing its maximum dam done.' But .here is a thing that is age.' - ..-.V ;' worth while, and I buckle down to v : Soils mav he 'divided - from the it." - ' standnnint nf .rrnn aHahtation into Vi I have known boys to worry about-' acid, limy or calcareous, and neutral ' their mistakes until their worry De- soils.. As a rule most crops grow came, a ten times bigger mistake than fairly well on neutral soils, but the anything , else they, had ever done, plants . most ' generally' cultivated are xou uugni xo wurry jusi.enuugn uvcr. at a "disadvantage -.on-SOllS tnat arc a mistake to make sure vou dont ictinrtiv XriA . Amh'nff. 1if croo us a goou ruic .ui jiuwaru r-ver:ii lect a soil rich in lime are aitana, rcu Hale's : "Never bear more'than one clover, and sweet clover or white pie bear three kinds alt they ' have X. Soils: may also berclass ified accord- uau, an nicy udvc uuw, aim tn tacy ing to topography, that is, accoruuiB expect to nave. t , - . . they lie. - The surface may ; ' ' - -- nearlv level' o-entlv rolline. or Steep.- 1 There's another thing that worries It is. as; a rule, a mistake to cultivate a boy sometimes,1 and that is as to land on extremely; steep slopes, which, whether he. is going to get all the re- find. their best use iri growing timber cognition he deserves ; whether.. he is or perennial pasture plants. going to get all the credit he is rpally : v : , entitled X,-'--X--rX-X:.,.--- yX'-. . fx . '- lAndthis reminds me of br of Em- r " erson's; sayings and I quote Emerson :tTWLS' will keep themselves, free -a good deal because I believe he' is : v from veimihvduring the winter ' 1 1 : ' -.. ..- Til one ot tne nest atitnors tor a vnntiff 'mnnthc i mvpn a cAnvpnieni u "v man to know; and I should like for; 'dusf,Mysays M.'-J. :Kilpatrick, poultry, you to get acquainted with his , es- ; Expert;, Ohio J State University Exr says" and ' other writings. . This . is ; tension VService. "A box 30 inches, what Emerson says-in the passage I : square' and 12 inches deep " may be, am Jthinkih'"'. about1: J;MA';man.:passes':J built iti' one'-Wrner ol the;:pen"; or sun; tor wnat ne is wortn. very idle is all a -box. may be made witn legs su curiosity concerning; oiner. people $, raise it lo inches oit oi tpe estimate of ;us; and idle is all fear of 'most any. fine powder Jwill tr2-t. remaining unknown. If a man knows', good dustiner material; ;- The particles that he can do anything that he can should be : fine 'enough so that tney do it oetter man , anyone else he has will choke up the breathing pu , a pledge of the acknowlederemerit of . the ; oarasites which live on-. the fowl that fact by all persons." r 3,. body-. Equal parts of lcrarh, and ana r "The: world ' is full' of .judgment sifted coal:ashesn to which-hasbeen days' Enterson goes-on;to say, and added:. a:: little ' kerosene oil and t you are-sure to get wnat is coming to wrtoie tnorougniy hacu, i When writing:ad - tXr-: j :xrxm X -.-x: v - ' - - . ' "' '.i' ' ' :' . w ,. , . : . ' . . . ' . .. . . . , . .