(15) 151 Saturday, January 29,'; 1916 wi0Wo:MuwM livestock BERKSHIRES . 2?taaJW farms fr. n MOORE. Prop.. Oiarlotte. N, C. MA ..... Premier 3rd. cost $1,100, his sire sold for 11,500, Win'SSce. tho Grand Champion.Boar at international Live Stock Show, Chicago, wu. . lhmfsS of either Boar for sale at reasonable prices. a lhoBs guaranteed cholera .Immune. Reolttared Jars.y and Hol.teln Cattla: Calves of either sex or breed for sale. Buy from the best and most notedfreid In the Sooth. 'A DOLLAR DOWN AND BERKSHKt OR TAMWORTH SOLD OH mSTAlXMEMT f LAN OCCONEECHEEFARm. I apediqrel wm evert pp DURHAM. NC. .Aili rt AUCTION SALE: FEB; 25, 1916. 75-BerksrtIre Hogs-75. For the farmer and breeder: Fifty head from the champion prize winning Hood Farm herd; twenty five head bred along similar lines and equally good from the Overlook Orchards Herd, Littleton, Mass, Sale af Hoed Farm, Lowell. Mass. ' Sand lor Catalogue. HOOD FARM. ; Lowell. Mass. JDjJROC-JEREY Quality First Purest Blood Lines REGISTERED DUROCS tAXPAYER ill No, 677M stands at head of herd. He was winner at tta. Slat rlr 1918, weighed 750 pounds at 18 months of age. (The Grand Champion Worlds Fair, San Francisco, was sired by Taxpayer and a half brother to this great Boar. 7, I am offering SO beautiful and high bred gilts bred toTaxpa-er HI and my other herd boars, price $40 to $50. These gilts will weigh 175 to 200 pounds. They are sired by Champions and Grand Champions and are truly the BIQ MELLOW TYPE, with plenty of size and quality. : ' -- ; Satisfaction or your money refunded. Write me at once or come and see the Rind I am breeding. ; J. W. HODGE, ELKO, GA. oo On account of limited pasture, will sell DEFENDER, PALS COL, and other best blood lines Dupoc - Jerseys, k 4. L - r.ii ? . 'Mi i . ',. m ui iuiiowinK sacruice prices; 5 Feb. 1915 bred gilts, each - - - - $J0 Bred to a son of Kin? the Col. a splendid Brood Sows, each - - - i $40.00 urea to Defender I and Again. 5 months old Boars, each - - . - $12.00 months old Boars and Sows. - $10.00 OCT" ru v -w-k -m m. iim n .. -- rULiLiEiU 11 LiEi, ' l lour time blue ribbon winner Bull, $150.00 - Y Cmill IdUU 1US. 2 young Cows, both have brought aalves. om. hd again, each . - . . . $100.00 will hold and breed other tor $10.00 extra. "Jces only hold good until I have herd cut down. R4, SIMMONS. TIMMONSVILLE, S. C (See ' other Advertisements on page 13) WE HAVE FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF GRADE V lolstein Cows, Heifers and Calm :. Also Rcgistcrcd.Holstein Bulls. This is a" great opportunity for you to buy good stock from which to build your dairy herd. These Registered Bulls bred to the .native cows will bring you a fine lot of grade heifers. Never before has the demand been as great for good dairy cattle, and with the eradication of the tick the de mand is going to increase. ; These Cattle can be seen at any time at Byhalla Stoclc v .. Farm. Byhalla, Miss. If you can't make the trip to Byhalia, write to us for -prices and further particulars. This stock will be tuberculin tested and sold. - Dairymen's Co-operative Cattle Co., SIMEON HILL, Secretary. Memphis, Tenn. C.H Will logs weigh 280$ lbs. kiimilMfflflMMff of these famous hogs on tuns ana give agency to first applicant wo are originators, most extensive breeders and shippers of pure bred hogs In the world. Au foreign snipmcnu WEST WIND STOCK FARM DUROC-JERSEYS 60- Pigs and hogs from eight weeks to two years SL He.IHl of 250. We breed the big, red, husky Pr mn?rs Herd boars ure sons of State mXSn hm fourberd boars 0f S. D. O'NEAL, Vaucluse, Va. " DURQC SALE 5th. the m,feest anlbest offering ever presented to world inM,f,rm lhne latest Duroc herd in the der mkS?tUndP2 6ss and daughters of Defen- caffiJte md,Chion boars Write for uuog stock for sal tF lno Jot eraSna ?, JSos A few nice boars W. w nCHEAP- Registered ; f pUROC ; PIGS Ready tV8hiS fttP.S;uiBrejl rvice boars. Tn. . u M WHITAKKR ft CO., Ty- Polled Hereford's at Auction -60 DES MOINES, IOWA, CTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1916 IOWA STATE FAIR GROUN DS. Under flic manaeement of the mwicii.nd Htrelord "Vi?fvte tS.'.r'Sl vt Bullae from ten months to 3 years old and 33 Cows, with calf at foot or bred to tne nera s mateVt 3S ThrS ire Scted from 24 of the best known herds in America and have uVfMOmJiMuamwu instructed, to accept only the irl . i?r riT in hnv the mck of the breed. , , . . , OeSt. HO UCU opponuuiljr wm irewis V11V.V- ... ' - 7 ... vl j 1 , tIJiMa msnflnninff fn Mnfif. f - uaiaioga omy on request. nuutcasi mcuuv"" - . B. 0 GAMMON, Sec'y American Polled Hereford Breeders' Assn. MfiE M strpp.t. ' Des Moines, Iowa. SOUTHERN BSIEDSHORTIIORRIS. i nnA of the most famous In America, having won honors In the big- Bhowa in the country. The best Scotch families are representee. - w First Annual Sale, February 23, 1916. Having proven that the South can breed can raise as good cattle as any seetlon ofAmerica, we wiU hold our first annual sale of breeding stock at 7 -Tri-Statc Fair Grounds, Memphis. Tenn-Feb. 23. 1916. , Get on our mall list for catalogue and be prepared to attena. YOUNG BULLS FOR SALE. ' . and prices. - ir.nM. TAnn LESPEDEZA FARM, riicixoi-y v, -"v w ' Famous v. Two O.I.G Hogs Weigh 2806 lbs. Why lose profits breed-,.. l tag and feeding scrub? rSs. -JI hogs I TwoofourO.Lr X--- 5T J U. S. Govt. Ih$pectcd w y,rA the O. L C. Hon for a veara and have never lost a hog Witn cnoierm or u vww -tacrioua disease. r . ' . . ' rVrifr-f 4ar for Fr Book, "7fk Hot from Birth to SaU" THE LB. SILVER CO. 'SOSVickcrsBIdg., aevdaad. 0. HOLSTEINS Purebred Registered - HOLSTEIN CATTLE a H.l.l.ln Owner's Aas.ta. When a man buys a pure-bred Holstein-Frlesian animal he acquires more tnan iiesn ana oiooa as propeny. ogminn . 1 t mx 1 J it t J Lu.JliaM . more tnan' size, weigni ana lnaiviauamy , urecuuiK, mi tha htorhpst atunrlnrrl of nroductlveness. He .shares the beneficial influence of the HOlsteln-Frie- sian Association, its nnanciai soundness, us mignty prestige, Its progressive exyiunaiiona, ii aniiuui nr7a nffArlftcra of SM OOfl and its effective 125.000 yearly publicity, alt of which combine to make a wonderful asset. It Is this truthful exploitation of, the foremost dairy cattle, together witn tneir genu ine merit which has since 1908 raised the average n.i.i,n ni-ii ni Hnlatpin rattlA hv I10S ner head. Investigate the big "Black-and-Whites." Send for FREE Illustrated Descriptive ? . ; Booklets j The Holstein-Frlesian Association of America F. L. Houghton, Soey., Box 180. firattloboro, Vt llvatViingSmg to take the blehorse place on thefarm. , WE HAVE THE HORSE YOU WANT. . .. . ; i It don't matter what kind of horse y?ju.can8urolyctttt ' a irentle mare for the wife to enjoy.in perfect safetyTM it a fa""ci"i5 .wan-ant sale delivery. . OLENWQRTH INARMS, and the pric i rioht. aju- c Edclcn. Owner, Bnrgin, KentncKy rut II HPIO Ui Hjirrinsni Althoueh a new ho, the Hampshire has become a favorite wherever forage feeds are plenty. The Hampshire has become a market topper in every market If you would like free information and lit erature on the Hampshire Hoar, address E.C. STONE, Secretary, Hampshire Record Association, 703 E. Nebr. Ave FEOUIA, tao. t orTA nrn ififi kind. bDeciai LfC ; JLlOffS nrrr.es oh oiffs. trios not akin, bred sows, .boars. Write for des prices. Roy' Runyon, Decatur, Ind. ...nsvs iTynecVC I- - ESSEX ; . . IIIIKIII ..jr.IVJEilkJ I - - - w-w ....... MS Ww , l GRAND CHAMPION BRED SOW SALE FEBRUAKY . Sows by DefenderrSuperba, F ancy Col., Top Col , Col. S. Jr. and other noted boars, bred ppn of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Virginia. Write us for catalogue. Send mall bids to r. O. Hooaai.lnour care. 7 BROTHERS. y Eminence. Kentocity. Dnro'c-Jerscy PIOS. "Pure-bred, 8 weeks and over, big bone, from choice registered stock. Kept for demonstration purposes. Satisfaction guaran teed MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL FARM m -8. T. Lllaa , - Brown Summit, N. O. niTIYAr PICC Of the choicest breedins UUUUt IIUJ, and individual excellence. TARIW0RTDS, :SSSSS!rS&SSt. : Guaranteed. guaranteed. . y ; JOHN D. MORTOFf, RusaellwiHe. By. POLAND-CHINAS From Large Progreisive Boars and Sows. jr. E. BROWN, Mnrtreeaboro. Tenn. Vifi:ilff;V.) Of National repuf ation for 1.00J l lb. weighU with plenty of bone. Our friendsmade themlamous. They are backed by a positive guaran tee, ample capital aaatSTearsa -Z-TZ vXn i win if the last wm " WZ aC tC TIm " Pnland Chinas and Duroo Pigs, Sows in farrow, Service boars. Pork pigs. Angora Goafs, Jersey Cattle. 5 varieties Peas. Satisfaction or jnoney back, - -v m J F COULTER. - rawnuxia araww w. w TAMWORTIIS All Ages English, Canadian or American bred. .Larg est exhibition herd in the South, headed by 1000 and 1200 lb. ooars ana sows, premiums; 31 Champions, 18 Grand Cham Sions and 11 trophy cups at 15 shows in 1914. DUTCH FORK TRUCK FARM, Colnntbla S. C DOLSTEIN-FRIESIAH BARGAINS Vaw Coloa T.ist dpsnrihino and nricincf soe- cial offerings of registered cows, bulls and young stock from the herds of successful . mm TrlL Al . . A dairymen ana oreeaers. wme ior one. Holsteln-Friesiin Association of Chester Co Philip M. Hicks, Sec'y ' Avondale. Pa. U-l.i:... 10 High Grade Handsome Heifers, bred nOlSteinS to Registered bull. 2 Registered Bulla Q.U readylor service. w rOf dale OILTNER BROS, Eminence, Ky. ABERDEEN-ANGUS FOR SALE. REGISTERED ANGUS CATTLE. BULLS AND HEIFERS. From prize-winners. " Large and growthy. Guaranteed to be breeders and right in every way. Also Berkshire Gilts and young Boars. Prices right ' F. D. TURNBULL, Cedarvllle, Ohio. FOR SALE 4 Registered Hereford Bulls. I Registered Aberdeen-Angus Bulls,; 2 Registered Holstein Bulls, Registered Berkshire Pigs, Colli Pups. - T. N. ASKKWtdwarda. Miss. SHORTHORNS 50 Shorthorn and Polled Durham Balls ftnd heifers,-15, 8-year-old mules and bred Poland China gilts cheap for quick sale. W. R. MOORMAN SON, - OUn Dan, Ky. HORSES AND JACKS MITI.RS AND nORSES FOR SALE We keep constantly on hand a lot of - fine cotton mules. Will sell you a mule or a load, we make a specialty of good teams. , ; We also handle Horses of all kind We are breeders of high class saddle horses; we. sell Stallions and Jacks. Come to see us. v; More mules shipped from this place than any point save one in West Tennessee. ; 8 BAR HAM, SON A BUTLER. Milan. Tenn. Tamivorths. SyKeCcet reasonable prices. All weU bred and none but good individuals offeredfor -sale. - r , WESTVIEW STOCK FARM. D. J. LYBR00K. Mar. R. U - Wlnston-Salcm. H. C. 01 p Chester White Boars, bred gilts, sows. 1. 1, young herds a specialty. No akin; pro lific; large kind. Pedigrees free. Write for prices and cirrculars. V F. E. RUEDUSII, Sctota, Dllnols V.I.07EN. O. I. Cau A big lot of bred gilts safe with pig. bredtto heavy boars, registered. Also -choice pigs and open gilts, the very best of breeding. . Route 2, Bedford, Va. OAK WOOD FARM JACKS . ("Home of the Taxpayers") ' 1 '' Imported, and Tennessee Mammoth Jacks and Jennets, (40 head) all registered, all warranted. -I have made a specialty of breeding Jacks for 40 years They must giv satisfaction. ... . Also a son of Rex McDonald for sale. ALLEN D. HARLAN Columbia.:. ?r r Tennesrtiee Dlgb Class Registered Saddle Stallions, Mares and Jacks All 'Ages ' This Is shdw stock. Sires and dama winnerl. Handsome lady's mare. Buy from breeder not a dealer. I can please you. STILLWELL STOCK FARM Home of Winners - . ChUcsbnrg. Ky DOGS AT STUD All registered best quality Importea Parbold Powhattan,a magnificent collie, foe 15; Aire dale Stud $10; Fox Hound $10; fox Terrier IS. , CAROLINA KENNELS. lelirtlSet N. CL word la from j. p. viaaaawo, mmn 1 aitoa, w.