VEkVOTlBBANSAjrRW i I J l l ") .iil .J h ' , A Farm and Hoik dy for . ' The Carpi inas and Florida. FOUNDED 1886, AT LEIGH, N. C Vol. XXXI No. 10. SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1916. . $1 a Year; 5c. a Gopy Food and Feed Crops Will Pay Best This Year TO THE thinking, reading, .wide-awake farmer, there can be only one sensible course to follow inM 9 16, arid that isp first of ail, to feed his family his livestock and his land, and then devote his surplus lands and 'energies to 'the production of whatever cash crop Of course, - as in the past, there are going to be thousands of-tenant- any cotton farmer. We can raise these crops at home at . from one- third to one-half the stpr nrices, and improve our lands at the same time. Now is the time to ; an a big corn acreage amply sufficient to - supply your home heeds, with a surplus to spare; now is the time to plan to put velvet beans, soy beans, cowpeas, or peanuts in; all the . corn and after the oats. : : ' . -, ;:::;:::v:;::x;xx 1 . :....'..' -"" . " ..' .' ". "' u.--.. :. ' ' .,..."' - '' j mm Hi A BUMPER CROP OF SOY BEAM HAY ON FARM OF A. M. WORDEN, TULLAHOMA, TENN. farmers, along with others who, by reason of their methods, are on the straight road to tenancy, who will put everything in cotton, tobacco, or some other single crop, depending on it to furnish the money to pay, for food, feed and fertilizers; but this is all the more reason why the, thinking farmer, the man who is getting ahead by using his head, snould make; living at home his primary .business.-;. ; ";,:,';Vi;'v:Z.v-;rJ''; sCotton now is ' bringing only fait prices; the price is tending downward instead of up-, ward, and there is no definite assurance that prices will be high next fall. But whether prices are high or low is aside from the main point; for even were cotton selling at twenty cents -a pound; we hold that no man . can afford to grow it. to the exclusion of food, feed arid soil-building cropsgrow it to buy bread, meat, molasses, corn! oats, hay and f ertmzers ' ; : : '. Let's get right on this question, Brother.; Let's make a good living, .whether we make any cotton or tobacco orjiot. ; The follow ing are, it seems to us, points that every farriier in the whole South should make it his business to see to, and see to now; r; ? - 1- Cut out the feed bills. Dollar corn from Iowa and $25 Western hay will break 2. Cutout the meat and bread bills. Plenty of corn, peanuts, peas and beans usually mean plenty of meat, milk and butter; these produced on the farm, in turn, mean cotton money to go in the bank instead of into the pocket of the "time prices ' supply merchant. 3. Cut down the fertilizer bills. For 75 per cent of the farmers of . the South, a really good system1 of rotation farming, a system that "would in clude the planting of peas some other legume in every field of - corn and after every acre of oats; a crop of crimson clover to plow under ; for every acre; of corn to be planted; and a crop of green on every single acre every winter, would enable us to cut out commercial nitrogen and potash, leaving only phosphoric acid to 1 be bought, and this could be pur chased in rock phosphate alt only a frac tion of the cost in acid phosphate. In other words, living at home and farming as we should will enable us to cut our fertilizer bills anywhere from 50 to 80 or 90 per cent; Let's try these plans this; year. -.-.They-, will place us on: the straight roadtoward rich land, fat cattle, big crops and inde pendence. , r DON'T FAIL TO READ Growing Early and Late Tomatoes March Jobs for Busy Farmers . . . New light on Composting . . . . Farm Work for March . . . . Green Manures and the Sour Soil Myth Buvina Work Harness . . w , Tobacco Farm Work for March Snrincr MahiDulation of Bees. Harvesting the Southern Strawberry Crop 1 6 Livestock Suggestions for March . . . .18 More Victories for the Tdrrens System . . 21 Plan Now for the County Commencement 21 Try a Neighborhood Rural Credit Associa tion 21 March Suggestions for the Housewife . . 23 M,l,;r,rr tfi PInw FfflClftnt ": . . . . . O I Pfire 4 4 7 8 10 13 14 15 m. '14 X R if .V f ! ' S3 .ft: - .i . I ' ' -V f--v VJ" ---- - - ' - - , ' ' ' ' ' ' 1