FARMER , This -.month-is -the-'time to-putrout ! stable-inatture fojbaccar :andas tfast'ist thel weatfier permits,-itVshould tb--'pit-lrthe?dnl jfc' jfemr letter ; Leid :tabi?cu ton.of the fertilizer Problem Val- Later b'h Wheii: "the; tp5io;iajid s,tQ; ? e .of Ahe Hen - Manure Stable. ibVottenrei or THE PROGRESSIVE )' ft. ' - '- -".V I -'- 11 ': ;;. ., .-,-. . "-;. -r,- f -id ., ,,3- f ,1 ft . --y'--' ft v.?-'.;, y T -,. . Br iv'. 4 y- mm ' .11 II rf4 . I. I- I rv--.' l !- I ..Johnson inMiverMq mmm if ; ;::rMrr Ci'&Johrisoh jofElriora, In&ana,hai usafcivsrvNpf 4 0 Plow every year f orjhe past;. ; 3 5 years to ' sandy loam. ; He- most.perfect condition. - y v Mt, Johnson's eperience-iis 'like 4hatQf many other:swhc- ?have, used. 01ivr-PioFS. 'from z One: oulHiataraHyrJt5 plowrust awarefotethat ;Th6'ilhistratid atHlie:tbp . "a piece of ; Oliver Chilled Metal exposed tp the weather- f oiat least 20; yeafs.-;. The rust ton;. : ;th,e surface .was scraped off,' re- .vealfng: the little tell-tale Oliver chilled "" check - marks plainly visible to the eye. - - , -An Oliver Chilled Plow can .hot deteriorate while standing idle - because the removal of ; rust restores the . polished mouldboard in as good condi tion as when the plow was taken out of the ground after, last .being ,used. : v . - -Any plow in the Oliver No. 40 series wears from two to three times as long as you ex- pect the average plow to wear, Sold in ; all sizes i rom Goobers, ; 'small l-hprseto large : 3horsev ; write ior circulars: II- otr.'an:na, wat togiv : I trior a.t 30-k"cr t farm: and . baidv for? L-iaull-i -u-r trr-sstt itrLt; iirvi; i laape. i'ofarming: grelsive Farmerls interestuigEd aflyingr therrmanw 'fords a text for :my. March suggestLmixingjtith4heoil;itill;be avail 10nS 10 tQDaCCU , .auic Wlicu -iiic uuug ftuw .uwu i.i 14R. MOSS i growers; This cor- and consequently you will 'lessen the respondent writes cKartce ; of; -secorids growth v tobacco. Fiieitobacco has; tabout ihe.:time' it should ripen; - -- been Vproduceid "qtt ': t On some land peas. can. be; grown f or ' fresli land by the- :ayear or tworwithout any ihad' 'effect :'-We?bf-little sta- (on the tbbacco xrbpbut they 'gather ;blermanure. If you , a large amount of ;riitrbgenvand'.un' . .will turn ab ou tHless ithis isbaiancedup uby ,the addt- diiickly you cncah jtion; of;:phosphoxicadd ;anidr potask I i iiow clean ; ott 'Xtn? ;tne.cnancesr axetnaB coarse,, pony rxo acre or two in due b'ccowiirbe grown. ' Ej G. JiOSS; Oxford, N. C, : , oine(i-ultivato - Recommended lot use anywhere H balancing lever and two depth levers- ha! handles and seat; and can be used aH walker or rider.' Pivot -Tongue Attach. ment furnished when wanted. , . . " t -It's, the, Way r !We Build Thenr 4Jfime;:as:thereis'inoreip in ffeshv land than in old. ine Dest tobacco we made last year was where we hurnt 'o 1 knew-one man to make -100 pounds of fine-tobacco per acre and used only a mixture of wood ashes : and chicken OTahurer;'AnQther' man ina& good to- hacco' on-old-Jand by: the application' EASTERN FRUIT GROWERS'1' ... ASSOCIATION . . ; Better Marketing Pear-Blight, Apple, , Storage and British Embargo Live, ' - Topic' of --Piscussibn-j : '- vrt.tliesfstyefea jSb5 same:;.lan4-to:-ryerarid doubled hp ton D. G.,; under the leadership: of -wide uiuu.cjr Mic iicAi ,u ujr :.umi President S. LLuoton. ' ' ;tinued winter coyer IcrOp -his landv rT ;k&ps; improving and; his prices ad- ':ln'ul:a,i kt Cr T?cf;notAc vancing. I have known; peas planted d bare , the . work and methods of een looacco nius on tnin iana c . r T MAm-o nfflM 'nf Ailes telescooe In steel tube.fiivintf adinatm for wide or narrow track. Saw-toothed ratchen ilvk inlntit debth adfViBtment. and afford ftioii in" raiainitfanfs; ' Counter-balahcini tnrinlti .n aaiVcan bp-reulated iqf ll4bt..or heavy way wacawolkintf. Lqw hitch with j&ih clear-. Goo piyot iantjcowpunia permit takinfc. uo,. all wear VGani can be s'et up or down to level for "! r different depths.' Gangs can be et for dose or coldvatioa, ' 42-inch wheel! with concave tires, removable dust-proof wheel boxings, hard oil crew caps, with collar and linch pins inside the screw caps. Furnished wtfh any standard type of P & O tfanjts. with spreader. to be very .valuable in the production of. fine tobacco. Though I would not advise the sowing of peas on fresh or. fertile land." This article, coming Lorn a practi- TheP&O Victor U strong without excessive eight, has all needed adjustments, is easy to ride Markets, pointed OUt the importance nd use, will do work of the highest efficiency, and of the proper grading of fruit and leatweariniquaUdea. , - gave many instances, where simple Ask Yow Dealer or Write to Nearest P & OHotw. precautions meant bigger dollars for the growers; he wanted better stand- SOUTH BEND, IND. ' Mr. C. S.' : Joktsoa or. ' lis 3S year -U "Oliver : -At: 1 n cal.toljacco farmer, is Tery timely. It ards and better living uo to oresent is true there is more potash in new standards. Hon. Carter Glassr of land than in the corresponding piece Lynchburg, dealt with 'rural credits of old ;land adjoining, because the and the relation of easier credit to newly cleared land has not been crop- the Eastern and Southern fruit grow- ped for a number of years with noth- er. VK---: ing added, an4 every crop grown on The prospects for the disposal of it will take out more or less potash, apples now in storage was discussed and -unless: an -equivalent: amount- of. by J. M. Rothwell, of aftihsburg, potash' is":added ih commercial fertil- West Virginia; There are now in izers; there' will be less , every year, t storage 4,114,354-barrels of apples or -Vtlltafci per cent ,-mbf-thVn-1thereF werc''.a; Lbekept min-attfi" thai:is : there is- year ago'. On ;fhe-bthert: hand the enough potashin, most of the soils of holdings are only 73 per tient of what uik ouuin pu uui perhaps several uun- tney were on DecemDer l. iyio. - vucu , years it is icnucrcu avduduic ine rresiaenr asKea tne pointea as it is needed But in order to ren- Question as to whether the time was def jt available humus must be added, rine for a comnulsorv nackirur and ; When npw land is cleared. up there branding law. There was a difference is a large amount of humus and de- 0f opinion as to the desirability of. Parlla& Orendorff Co., Canton, Ills. Branch Houses: Dallas. Tex- Kansas Gty. Mo., Minneapolis, hntu, Omaha, Neb., St. Louis, Mo., Sioux Falls. S. D.. Denver, Col., Oklahoma Gty, OUfci Portland, Ore., Spokane. Wash. " cssssssasasBMssss gb-graaecertui Signal SIGNAL the new collar that y oung men prefer. Ask for COLLARS The brand with the' patented Tie Protecting Shield and Graduated Tie-Space. Ask your dealer. ; HALL, HARTWELL CO. CO., Troy, NX caying. vegetable , matter in the soil and Jt makes the potash available., -His - statement that ; he made his best tobacco last year on old land where he burnt some" brush cannot be doubted, as all tobacco farmers who zers Are Bestalues The average cost of Nitrogen in 600 samples of "comiplete" fertilizers was 66 higher than the cost of Nitrogen in I Mteatbf dda such a law; just now, but there was" nj difference as to the need of some such law as now operates fairly well in New York- state; A compulsory law was eventually endorsed. ' The pear : blight came in for "much have had much experience in clearing consideration, the generally accept Woodland for tobacco have" probably ed average' of loss '"'from this "disease observed that where. at brush pile' was being around 40 per cent but the yar burned grows thVjjest-tobcco in the ious methods by which the percent- field. This is caused by the extra age was arrived met not unanimous amount : of . potash '.and phosphoric approval. The most authoritive state- acid obtained from the wood ashes, in ment was made by Dr. M. B. Waite, addition perhaps to some change in Bureau of Plant Industry, who said the physical condition of the soil, that dampness, the activity of birds, Hardwood ashes that have not been bees, and insects in " pollenization leached will analyze about 5 per cent caused a more rapid spread of the potash and 2 oer cent phosphoric acid, , disease. He emphasized the need or. 'trff A IT Q RIYFRS Diredoi1 in addition to the lime which iisiiallv more - tree sureerv rather -than tirn- VILL1Ah1 $ MI-U 2d Madison Avenue, New YorkUtf Announcement that American fruit was( likely -to be shut out from British markets caused much excitement, and some strpng.,-:v resojutions, including Are you one of many paying high prices for low-grade goods? S$nd Po Card for Attract! Mony-iaving Book in addition to the lime which usually more tree surgery; rather than pro- . . ' nr .- (in , Tf ' ' ' . V - ' - ' - : -. t runs a pout ou to per cent, now- miscuous spraying. ever, if much lime is-added it has a tendency to darken the tobacco. Hen manure and wood ashes if ad ded in the right proportion make' an excellent mixture ;. for tobacco. Hen some of retaliation, were 'presented. manure will average about 125 per Eventually a petition was drawn up cent nitrogen; 1 per cent phosphoric earnestly requesting the President of acid and .4 per cent potash. For thin the United States Ito protest against land the following mixture will be such action by the British' Govern- good: 1,500. pounds hen manure and ment, and if necessary, institute pro- 500 pounds dry hardwood ashes Tper ceedings of reprisal to prevent such acre, i ne oniy opjection to tnis is exclusion. ., that the phosphoric acid is too low, Officers Jfor ' 1916 : S. L. Lupton, which can be easily remedied by the Winchester, Va., President: F. G. addition of 100 pounds of 16 per cent Adams, Charlottesville, - Va., Secre- acid phosphate to the manure and ap- ;tary: E. I. Oswald, Ghewsville. Mary- plied on an acre basis. , Add 200 land, Treasurer. Vice-Presidents rrvn That'swhat itmeanstopump ENEW ALL TOUB 8UBSCKIPTIONS rt-s- THBOUGII US Our clubs ave you money. Wo. will eladly j. ac.-'lL'-la .t-t:.:.. t .. . r: V . v 1 mak a apodal club on any papers you may I pwuwus iu pcr cciu atiu puuspiiaic ior isaac mors, Maryiana; U. A. Arnoia, k fiU bnsr-lived,doublege powerfai Xet toe wind PJ?1" STOVEnRlFG-CO. Ml Samson Aw. JjS . Jk:-i.: " Jt"e",, Rnrinea ana n ware Soedaltie. ! wmo iui v.. - " ' wisb. , One letter, one money order and It's all eatestcr the Piedmont section. Ashes should , West Virginia; Leonard SoperDela- not be mixed with manure, unless an. 'ware? and S W, PlpfrPr Rlaptrsi I $1.50. Get a neighbor not now s tfyoU . cttszied' to, plied at once and covered up; ; :burg,Va.T - ' -H . '. SMT. 5 :on. . 1