: - - ; -V-:-'-V . - (15) 327 Saturday. Wefi-plfl - SPRING MAlOTUIApaitfl? DEES . . j . Series of Articles on Bee- nf the beekeeper'in.the .?. , -s. T Coring before the hoaey-Jow he if w get plenty 6f bees in each - ; ly 1' protected,, in winter z and. nave "plentyo stores a rntnti--.- with a 'flrocTd -dueen- will build-up rapidly to: full strength. Witli. open, winters, when there: are- rmany. - : daVsc when bees pr phillips ; :caH-:nr'wiey are n i trnod "conditiart and-heed only increaseJi Brood-rearing may begin1 in. Jam-; arv or .even in December,; and is often commenced wnen tac wcuiw uv Trip hrood dbA notrincrease in , amount to any extent' until tKe: early flnwprs furnish, nectar and pol len. It is then-increased with, great rapidity. r ' --V-1" -tu ?c rarelv need ta5exairune a well-protected and well-stocked- hive. until spring is. well advances nuw- ever, on some warnx aay y,y ?: "sirable to examine, tne oe.es iu iuu u arp nueenlesi.br. unexpectedly short of storesi If "queenless or weak colonies are found it is usually .Desi to unite them 'with i normal colonies rather than to attempt to" provide Tt is- best not, to unite :two or more weak colonies ' but to put with a strong colony. Anv iepru? that mavK. be.' needed dinnifi Hp Hnnp all at once. aj thick syrup made of granulated suger being used. Bees need water .arthis. season nnH it is often desirable" to""provide" a watering place nearby spth'at they will not need to take Jong flights to get it. ; "v '"'f. ;"' V ": " . As the colonies increase in strength, it will be noticed' tnat some'grow fast-: er than othersf lTey may.be equaU ized by removing combs of brood with the adhering. .workers (without the queen) from the strongest, and giving them to those not 'so; .strong.' This gives' each "colony ;a better chance to get to full size. ' It is desirable as"' sorink nrOgresses to clio a winsr of each aueen so that later when swarms emerge they can-, not fly off to the woojds TcTdo this,5 lift the queen gently from thejeornb and cut off a.wittg with 'fine' scissors: If the beekeeoer . fearsV'that he may. damage his queens by , clumsy mo tions he can practice on .workeVs or drones. ' vf'"t 7 The conditions. which are-favorable -to rapid increase in the spring areX). successful wintering (2). a good queen (3) plenty of stores. (4) favorable weather (5) prolific; race df;bees (6), ROod hrnn-rnmfic' nf wnrVpr-'rplTs SO' that brood-rearing may progress rap-. iuiy ana regularly. t-; - . -Some beekeepers prefer',' to stimu late the colonies by, feeding a little syrup every day, This" requires xon- Slderable lahnt tun A iclitf 1 if anv bpt- ter than to feed, if Necessary," all. at : once. ; 7iJr -r;.' & It is useless toexpect a'colony.to gather a full crop -unless; i is" strong. To reach this condition 'they should; receive, the care: in the spring, which' .'has been desctibediV-After:they are strong they "must " not be, allowed Vto spoil it all. by swarming. ,TJiis -.will be discussed next month. r X' ; ErF;-OTILtltSi;;: Ififfiltt'Jl .ITUST off the pressr-2b Wkf r The biggest II f inAsf anil mnAt rnmnlete book of buETCV bar- anil HiffpfAnt HA!omi that there is certain to be some WJ Wk wwwuPi( " . ,T ' - thing here to pleascerery taste. . my prices are rigni, too. because I shio direct from factory to you. thrnutrh the Bohon Bare altt Book. tw;it Mnvnri r tW fin anv huflTv. This massive DOOK is more than just a catalpg-rit's a complete encyciopcaia oi uugy information. - : . . - . - 4of tm Arortn'iitv mnHurted tour." It takes you on a reeular tkmunk fcrtw itfnllnws the raw material from the time it leaves -u usir- (ato a irnfiilrv tfrmirh thft different ooerations until it comes- out a finished buggy. Hundreds of remarkable testimonials from pleased custo- mers from air parts of me country teiung you way wey re giau uicy uuu8ui -fe. ... M mJ Ccirtstte Protects ou . - . when vou buv the"Bbe Grass" bturttv. This man ster hnnd. ma'an thmt evert claim J hrttia tt httti imi unrit whether I want to or not, ThLt tnAkex it entirely sate Jar you to buy the ''Blue Crass" , . .s ON ThPfiA hfiirirlM are built br exverta Many of my- men have been in my employ since I started and know exactly how I insist on buggies Deing onuc. " t"ji: 'quality first." - - . t -I particularly want to tell you about my hickory because I m proud of it. I use nothing but genuine straigni grain, secuu rawth-, Kentucky- spilt mcKory, me t,ruucBk, mot w-u-wv fibered in th worict , . A , - Gears are full wrougnt ano are aouuiy rtinwcu w" breakage under strain. Wheels are made strong to stand the jar whea you strike ruts to bad roads. Springs are the easy riding French head, Trench point type. Special light running 2 000-mile axle. Bohong hand-bflflfed auto leather upholstering makes elegant cushions. Top is guaranteed , waterprooi. Trv One on Your Own Roads for SO Days Then Decide Whetner iou wisn io neep n At Factory. Prices , - UNLIMITED GUARANTEE $3O,CC0 BOND . Everything that can be put Into a buggy to- make it durable;, easy riding and luxurious is found in my "Blue Grass.' ' Yet my factory-to-you price is so low that I easily save you $25 to $50. I'm saving this money for thousands of customers every year Why not for you? Yon don't have to buy my buggies on faith or take a chance on anything. Bohon's "Blue Grass' buggies are guaranteed for Uf e and are backed by a $30,000 Bond. This bond protects you because It is legal assurance that my guarantee will be kept to ine iei ter. Here's my fair and open: offer: . . TiPatthat rtffer if you can.' ' It proves that I'm-on, the square and that I really -mean it when I say I wish to give you the.squarest kind of a. square, deal. ' r i'- . You get time to thoroughly test my "Blue Grass" buggy. . Try it on rougn roaos anu af high speeds. ' If the good old "Blue Grass shows a flaw let me-Know ana tinaftc back. I'll pay the freight Dottt. ways, xou don't :risk a nickel. The fair trial doesn't .cost you one cent. " . ; . , Nobody could make- an offer like this un less he knew htf had a buggy that would stand the racket of hard practical use.- My buggy is right or I couldn't offer you this 60 days' road test. I'll prove the quality of .my buggy if you'll let me. Will you meet,,; me half, way? . ... -"' ' "... , . - - Write for the FREE Book Read it and you will realize that I haven't told you half the story here.7 You'll see buggies so handsome and high grade that , you'll, wonder how I can sell them at the prices I do. If "you , are buying a buggy or thinking of buying one, this big bargain book will save you money. - - ' 8 1 offer a complete line of genuine oak:tanned single and double some and stylish design at factory-to-you prices. , 0. T. BOHON, MiiiSsteeet narrodsburg,Ky. STATE srioRf HOfcNiAsSOCIA 0 TIONS ATTENTION. - rtate Shorthorn associations ate lnvit-; ,,.,'.'" "icrican enortnorn ureeaers'. as ;ation, Chlcag, to furnish, the"name ' of d rL eJL,assoclatlon alld the ' name' and ad- rnSf 5 America." , The list -should. be ..v.owsu not jater. than March-15. REVENGE IS SWEET ambhte. 'TW yhat. lsyour::greitest'. m and boost your crops . - . .. . . .. ---jAMtifi tnrtiadothe worK' I o 3 to 6 men, .mJi with half . mventeaanamauc.uv a iai,Uv--r----- - , flre-strong and a century's experience. Planet J rs are strong iu i lasting.- iivety tooiiun guaiauty.. - 184'illustratidns) free! scrWesover7Otpols.i S L Men & Co Box 1107B rnuaactpiua A Single W " If Jh JjS nation m . --wv l. m. a ,j : car ' iniA. :v.. .. a . ; 2 acres a flay , . -"-' i - Jr 124ootk Harrow, Cultivator and Pulverixef Planet jr .-j -..uivates more : thorougmy man sui vmw ." wheels Invaluable to the .sJV A dener. trucker, wzflfrjiji.itr UJm . - -..W tobacc or .ywmu n iivuwvi ijmW small-fruit, grower; WHY IT PAYS s ci- line- inssjfcjo! I -mmm,. .J At IP -tTSI'.t .IIVB lriU I - i . r -J ; Why Does Farm Paper . J' ; Advertising Pay? iWflil 5P a cleanf well-edited, high- r, Srlil2S.class' farm paper editori ally creates a desire for certain com-; modities. - V - ; - '. This being to, a market is created ;v. : for various things and the buyer , . . ison the lookout The seller has '": but to.lntfoduce himself, display "" hla wares and close a trade. THAT'S EXACTLY WHY? , sJt; v.' Our Jubilee Offer; gives y'ou, the best plan, ever for' making Vour-.neighborhood V read ing 'neighborhood. Seize the opportunity. irhHe-it lasts, 'for our jubilee Offer - never can: happen again';. - Tour,, neighbors dre . V :1 i ! ) J. ,1 , t 1 "Willie: "To 'wumii -n .-. .m change.