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The Adfer is the Worlds Best Organ-winner oi highest prize atSt. Louis World's Fair ana uoia Beam .""""i.?: Conservation Exposition. 1 11 save you $4. o or more Desmea trivintr von easiest terms of any manufacturer in America. v - ET)l?i7 Mail coupon at once r li&Ei for big. handsome- illustrated Piano or Organ ; uid fairest most uoerai Belling oner ever heard of a. ! - a sk at -sb-vsm ADLEII, X ' .0 v aaaa W. ChMtnut Sr OT treat,tilevllle.Ky. aDinXvtiiv Send meFREE-your Fmm X5gBJerfal Organ BookO Piano B aiuan . - uars wmcn you aewre. I won-1 ruuosgwu fact! I I Address............... .................. tfaj-Qe........................""""" :?. - Rheumatism , gout or lumbago are aoon relieved by fas Camph elme ; I! prated Petroleum Jelly Also strongly recommended .as ft . soothing, healing ointment for lath- cred breasts. At drag and general stores every where. Illustrated booklet describ ing all the "Vaseline" Preparations mailed free on reqnest together with "Vaseline" Poster Stamps. GHBSBBROUGH MFG. CO. t (Consolidated) ? State Street . New York City Our Worth Women - ---- Edited by MRS. W. N? HUTT MAMMY'S LULLABY SLEEP, mah U'l pigeon, don yo' heah ' -yo' mammy coo? . - Sunset still a-shinln' in de wes v Sky am full o' wlndehs an de stahs am - .., .... peepin frpo r Eb'ryfing but mammy's lamb at .rest', 'Swing 'm to' ds de Eas'lan; ;; i ?Swing 'im ta'ds de Sotif . -See dat dove a-comin' wif a ollre in " ; Angel hahps a-hummin', - ' ... : Angel' banjos etrummln' . ; Bleep, mah U'l pigeori,' don yo' heah yo'' mammy coo? ' " ' Cricket fiddleh scrapin' off de'rozzum. . ' f um .'is bow, . . ; ? -Whinno'will a-mo'nin' on a lawg; Moon ez pale ez hit kin be a:rlsinr migh ty-Blow- Stahtled at de bahking ob de dawg; - - - ' Swing de baby Eas way, ' ' . . Swing de baby Wes', ' . - Swing ,'im to'ds de Souflan whah de " melon , grow de besrs: , . i r ; Angel: singers .sihginV s - Angel beUs a-ringin', . ;:: . .'v. ;'';:'-. Sleep,' mah U'l .pigeon, don yo' heah yo' mammy coo? " Eyelids des a-droppln' U'l loweh ail de - Undeh lip a-saggin' destV116! ! Li'l baby tootles showin' so't 'o lak a . ', ': '. smile, rv; T'","1'- T Whiteh dan de snow, or des ez white. Vf Swing 'lm' tods de No'f Ian', r' Swing 'in' to'ds de fias - . -, ; " Woolly cloud a-comin' f o't' wrap 'im . - In 'is fleece! .- - Angel ban ; a-playln', ' " v" - What dat music sayin' ? ; Sleepmah U'l pigeon, don yo' heah yo' mammy coo? . -Strickland W.i Gilliam. ; rel. We should try them. Now, 'flowers?" ;V , HTht cauliflQwer'said Edith. . ; Yes,. what. vegetables have,w t - meat bui are really fruits? mere was a suciac ; . ' - I t - p " L J c im V "Why. the tomatOis a fruit and so MOW TsTCrybOu 0rV$ Them is the bean, pea, corn, cucumber, len- Thousands of Progressive Farmer til, okra, eg plants pimento, sweet mdere pepper, rice and squash. Let's try to Jell-0 Book and are now enjoying the have some vegetables from each class. cnSiceiSse2s, J11, and some real Jruits, too What shdll rJ2 ffl&&.2l -..j:avi fire?" : w.nwde any oneof tHseyen differ- we nave nrstr - ont fiaiw mil iwQeA iAivn "Something to take .the place, of the mostdelitious. the daintiest and pat nr eorffs." Edith, "for bodv- I tho mAet Koofni nnn u ilding material." 1 - l any price. Vrhey ;sire the f avorites in ;"G6od,'how wbuld;yqu like to have I city hornet generally, and now that the . bean-chicken, also vegetable soup, sioref verywnere sen ; StiirTed onions, green r peppers - and rice, pickied beets and sweet, pota toes ? . What f or saiad ? Suppose we conwne i it witn tne aessert r are. becoming even more popular in the Everyone smiled, so she said, How I smaller towns. - .would .a;,, lettuce, nomato, raisin and You do not have to copfe to, make a nut salai served in an apple cup do ?" Jell-0 dessert. AH you have to do is to '- Oh, good" tHy all said, "you tell dissolve the 'powder in' boiling water "us what ' to do" and let it cool. - . ' . JA11.. right: Edith, 'suppose 'ymi. TMl? make ;the vegetable sSraPf.a f11-carrot, enough to make chocolate.. ach M at an grocer pne:third cup, cut in quarters length- 0r any general itore ' , wise, then crosswise in Uittle pieces; : A beautiful mew Jell-0 Book telling of uv iuc acinic wuii uic tuiiiip aim i jvk uuiy wa- s pne-half cup' celery. Wash, pare arid SgfSSSli tS cut one ana a nan cups ot insn pota- i spienoia pictures mcoi- GOOIX HOUSEKEEPING We Learn How to Cook Vegetables (HJS is going tq be the very best i toes in little oieces. Cut half an on- I THE WIDE-AWAKE GIRLS LEARN ion in thin slices. Mix all the vege- liiuics, exccpi yuiatucs, auu tuu& icu minutes , in four tablespoonf uls but ter, stirring, constantly. Add the po- tatoes, cover ana cook & minujes. Aaa one "quart boiling water, or meat club meeting bf all," said Mary, stock, and boil gently one hour in a "because I have never liked covered vessel. , Just before you vegetables much : and I'm going to serve it, you are to beat it with ' a learn to cook them so I do like them, fork ;to break the vegetables, then What are we going to have, Aunt add one tablespoohful butter, . salt, Margaret?" v ' . peeper and a teaspoon of very finely ' "What do you think of having? It chopped parsley." - '...a-. your dinner, you know. What do , '"Mary, how would you like tp make you think of having '.some of the var- the bean-chicken?"- ; ious types of vegetables?" :" "I would like it." . ' "How many?" asked Bessie. "Thenmash three cups of navy "If it were a regular meal you would .beans,, or , cowpeas, that have been not want more than one. starchy veg-; cooked almost dry. Spread this on a etable, another hotvone and one sal- greased pper cut to fit the bottom of ad; but since, this is a special vegeta- a' baking pan Pile on this a dressing ble dinner, we shall have what we made of two cups dry bread( crumbs, want. What are some of the kinds of three boiled onions, the warm water vegetables. Bessie?" in which the onions have been cook- on and .will interest every woman. It will be sent to yon free if you will send-ns your name and address, y i ! THE GENESEE PUHE FOODCO Le Roy, N. and Dridflelmrg Oat. ' The Gomp re is no arison Vau flnnftf. measure the value "Red ones arid yellow ones" and ed, plenty of salt, pepper, a dash of Z Farm Journal by the price, white ones and; " ' r , celery salt, sage and red pepper. Bring . . c:rcuiati0n o(;l,0b0.000 a month, "T 1 n ..V 4- Ti i c tire r .ilia koi fi c r QrAiirl tVia flrflcf itinr . t , aIfa tViA . . v: 6 and long term suDscripuons, iua.c Tnic mill rpfiini-d 7li minnfpe niVmnf I . i low price possioie. ! For 88 years Farm Journal baslbeen g nator. , It hat led the waf in lowing f flTSft how to get the most f romland ancj stocfc befir" farm paper to protect the buyer, it i the leaaing medium from which to buy. Helpful, cheerfuj "Verv well. Remove the skins BrKZ n're not satisfied, p from 12 biff onions and oarboil 16 brings It for o-years. minutes in enough boiling salt water to cover. Then turn them upside "Good," said Miss! Margaret, "you down on a dish to drain and cool, are.all correct, but there is another Remove part of the centers and fill 'Let us hear what Dan says to that," interrupted Miss Margaret. ; "Strong" ones and mild ones and sweet 7-" v . "Yes, that is nearer it," she broke in, "but suppose Martha tells us." "Those that are used for'bulk and st'arch -and mineral matter and pro tein, and to stimulate the appetite," was the answer. This will require 20 minutes baking. Whoever serves it can slice it across, getting both' beans and dressing." "Please let me .fix the stuffed on ions," said Martha. mm mtiKuW 81mvly write a poetU today. W will lend you l)io- lately fruthtM IBS b&stilal tall-color lampUeards 8 3 17 pWt., Nw Y or C cavities with equal parts of that left over cooked .chicken, stale "bread crumbs; the finely chopped onion you took out, salt, pepper, a pinch of sum mer savory, cream or melted butter enough to moisten it all. Place these stuffed , onions in a buttered shallow pan, sprinkle with buttered, bread : crumbs and bake in a' moderate oven until soft." -.-. ,,v.- ; ; "I'll do the peppers and rice," said "Splendid 1 To prepare the rice ; pour.,;one cup of it in two quarts . of ' hard boiling' water, to which a tablespoon of salt has been add- : ed. ' Let it boil without stopping a moment until" a grain i crushes easily between the finger. and thumbs.' This - will take .about 30 - minutes. "Cabbage, turnip salad, .sage, sav- Then drain quickly in a strainer and nnnfjnT.p-rwiW ' I pry, collards, lettuce, heet : greens, pour over it a quart of hot water to Sheet Metal BuUdinff Mate-1 sorouts. SDinach.vwatercress. oars-- keen the trains distinct. While the ' . ' ' . T " " " - nai. uesi mat money can I omA u,iB yt. n i t,A:i:n ,.. r. . t.- "Yes, and spme gopd ones eaten in stem ends from each of several sweet Europe and up;North, like corn salad; peppers, remove 'the seeds and pair young dandelions, martinis'and sor- , (Concluded on page 38, this issue)' t paints zor ell purposes residence, barns, noon, rails, varnishes, enamels and so on -and will quote on posittfeiy tne lowest prices ever made on such ine quality, easy-spreading:. Ions lasting paints. save ene-nall ea palsjl , : Cot your tmlnt cost in two. Our Bigr Faint Book teaebesj , l.0.0 PV- ' Ewcote Ready v t not , to blister or chalk.from 6Sca Ballon; iloor-ptint, enaranteed not to show heel prints, $1.08 Pf. Itallon. Equal savings on mn kidub. - pena loaay. mm ! ' very interesting 1 division. . What is it?"..;.. . ' . : No one answered. "What vegetables are tubers?" '"Irish potatoes and Jerusalem arti chokes," said Edith. ' -p "Which are roots?" 1 - "Beets", said one; "carrots",N'par snips", "radishes", "sweet potatoes", "horseradish'V "oyster, plant", "tur nips", said the others. . "Bulbs?". :' : . . A pause, .then "onions", - -: "Yes, 1 and garlic,' -;lsaid Miss Mar garet. "Now which are stems?"- "Celery"said Bessie: . "AsparagustV said: Alice. . "Swiss' chird", said Martha. V "Chives" said John. "Grand I Now the leaves." rings it fore-years. , ... . : rnmi .Tmirnal ana sena toaay xor iree eampio t ' nP igi free copy; of Poor Richard Almanac lor uw The Farm Journal 142 Washinston Square, Philadelphia ... Tails How 1 5u Money for VYonrCropi JS ?Maa order (W7 money car. be s.Aa hv YOU v1 well as by the.?H iDeeial tain a moneyini Learn to Bt a MaU Order rmcr rm.1- i. . f real Information. Tens how to aetTndl poultry, fruit, nerriea, wo. , . . d po ; On receipt of 10c to cover prfatin; , we' f nd twa 4Doo VTeall, fret rebate coupon, so w " . n buy. Lowest prices. Freight prepaid to your station. Send or complete catalog. Address MECCO i v nWcittOitt. Cevtntlta, fiy i'.niinitcsag Best bait eref Uieovereu .v. ulUn 4

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