Satuf day. Har c!4,U516 J.: (23) - , - THE BABY WHAT d thV aby:isk:f yto, ""V passer-by . ia the street ? ;. , ? ., ? nnlv the gltt 01 a tnougnt irom you. -only the girt of a toekfronvyon At the road before his fet.-;- ; i -to it smooth and clean ank-fit, say you,; Fit for Wmm'ej.y-p ' V What does the tylby say to you-f You who pay no ueeu i ; ;- : c n xr h for the right f living with yov- Jjegs for the help of a hand froyo0.;- What ne.oegs w v-t.uw-Will the hands and the help be ready -, . from ' yon. - - Vi,". P.-'- -VVU' Serving the ,baby , .fev:;--: What-does the baby lve to you; : ;t Ulan whose: vlskwt is -dim - - rj He gives you the sun r to, lighten; yor wayiv---i' He gives you. aew Txope for eah .aarlt . day, -::'?'c'.c& Cir't;V-7 .r tt. wftti nnlrt- vonr flebt to Tilm? Have you smoothed Ws path, and glided - his' way,?'?ri?4tf Guarded, and .Bhiele-nim,.-'; -rr: -t;-- What does the 'baby "keep -for .you : V You whose need .is . vast T?;? 2 "--r-He keeps faith and ;hope and .Jo. for : .. you", '- :-r,:-''?.-?"&:ih&r Comfort and -hope and Jove- for, you -v in his tiny hand Tield last. c Are you earning rthe giftr he ts keeping f or your-TWfe Mary . vyiua vv esu;-;; - -"Study of Child Life,: by' Washburne, v published by American School of Home Eco .. nomlcs, Chicago. 1, , ; - . ... . "Educating , the Child -at Home." by Ella " Lynch, published;, by Harper Bros., ew: -York. : , .t- ";- . V I think each t" these books costs $1.25. - FridaySpend the afternoon studying hat some authority says about babies. Do not let the tiay pass without takine ach ; little child -on vour knee, telling him or her. you iova ner, mat norae "would, not be such good place without her,: and r what you hope to do for her education. - Let It be a heart-to-heart talk, and may. the day, mean me of great, understaading and. aympathy, you for the child and the child for you. .This Is the j5est.aay:ot wb,ole,week. Saturday The Young PeopleU ;Clnlr give a play the proceeds to eo for-school eauin- "s,; ment for; the tiny folks," clothes for . the Jttue poor ones, or to bring expert toiec "; ture on child problems. ; :..-.; kkr 'J.- .';. Following are a-f ew suggested playsi'-' 'A-' Si'The Suffragette Baby." six female char- y acters; price 15 ' cents, i -Published by - Penn ruousmng .co.; 925 ! Filbert St., Philadel phia, Pv-a'a,. -;.iis-..sf. "Nigger Babyf ' a - monologue, v published by Penn Publishing Co. " ' ;, '- v - ;- That . Blessed Baby.Ttwd. cnaracters, published by Penn Publishing . Co. - - : "Babes in the Wood." ten males and three females; price 15 cents.: Published by -WaK ter tu yaker & co. 6 Hamilton Place, Bos ton; 'M.&sai;.::: ---:vi THE BABY WEEK; PROGRAM Suggestions for starch ;TT AV E ; you I made all 'fpun lace,' tat- ung etc., jot tne sammer ciotnes f Have you the children's underwear A Few Suction!3 for Commutiity - . - v Baby;weeK-:fer,'i m it, l hope; Att ' "' ii?&S'iSTi i'vTTl"br::-' lettuceslibald'-?te heading, the LL over this broad country the K iAzu; uA,v .uuti . j . VJ : TjCin-nd the carrots,,' parsnips, - oyster where are doing something. Do not . l;.fT, ' , y;:??":"? ' let you community. be b ehin d.'. Unite : , . ;d&--'S$4!i-i campaign for 'on e wlible week-then ! " ' - write it up, send it to. us ndte.? PUnl'the privet heife and the nu tell the :restvovtEe;eountry.;whatyouJ s u -w.;jrfies"'.r.-.-5 f have done. .ec-'viv:-:; Cw :;.;;-;iwt;'--cik a-l-'5 :-V- If you:cannb!b::HucK3;;little't'ifi; no one , will cooperate do something . . . , uaa if t i t'i '4 'f d a i . plenty ot tralcetl custards, rice ? and yourself. .Let it begrand,:ble whoksome.w ' ' , ! cakes are. white 6i ;egg,'therefore pro- Monday-A commitW of women visit the . t therefore "body building.' Havr dependent babies in the county home and ; , ' .r. v, -.'-.v. - ; f - other places, and see if they need ; anything, ring ttO grease, It IS: less harmful tor Take a young people'? committeS;With:y -if there .beaucia'xlub.- xXv',r'-'-m v- i Tuesday Each -person . aee wnat : she hjaar,,i;jf.ii'' r; : j-C suitable for these and sew for them at home QWI) vrv 41v ! !wa f rhpm rmw T in groups or in cooperation with the young j 3 wat - ' . Wa! tem now. 1 people's ciubi -s.---u-r: never - saw so. many -winter nies 'be- to give a medical examination , ot each , . , - : , school in the tsounty. r- - . k:-1 " like 22,000 next summer. Swat them I ' Thursday Club . meeting jointly .with the ' -..cC.-' , -V?:V : ; Five-nilnutepapers V1' talks 1.. When Is a child weH born?; ''r?';,.'- v:-";'-."'- 2. The care of the prospective toother. , T ' .L l'lfj' 11 j 3. What to do until the doctor comes. - : : Opn Ihe bedroom Windows at night 4. How muca , does a aormai .baby; de-; to avoid gr rppe and colds. - velop? . -:- ..- -v''i's;;:' - 5. What, when, and how to feed the ba- f ; v yj (by a doctor-or ether-expert). ?- v : v KP baby, out of the room 6. Some common but serious disorders '-' U,; sleeplessness, cross-eyes, knock-knees. bow- - when, you dust or. Sweep. Whooping legs, ear-ache,-, colds, croup,; burns, 4thumb -cough germs may be -in the xiirtains. sucking, etc. - Their cause and cure, - - , - .,.- , 1 . 7i - Free Literature "Write to your state board '., " ' l-r-' . ' -V-::; ' Hulth an.a?k them :f0Ilp oft thought tb'varie- tu t -'""""V, ':"V,v' V 'ty'in food. ' The appetite often flags The Progressive FarmetvTvill give . towards snrintr " ; - all the aid possiblc.The : following toar0 SpI -ng ' r .J. v :. lished on The WomanVPagev . :the less medicine;-next ;month, and l9i5Ve the feaby -yresh. Alrr3ecember; is, feSS ;rexhaustion ir during the hot A 'Child With Cold Cannot Tnrlve be-- Tnont)lS. -J.'' 7 . ; --v Baby Contests , f Are Doing " - Wonderful ;: V V v v'lis 'fi'Lj''l 1 uCA -1 Work September 18, -1915. ; , ; Spinach, tumip, salad, cabbage: sal- tK?cAin?.e collards'and.all cSnned'vegetables , Be Sure the BabySleeps-Enough Sep- " are splendid: JUSt-BOW -for supplying. mi,, vaw. now to 'ttegisier ,'ineir . , ' . --. Children's Births June B..W1S. - ..: v -V -.v ,.' : ;:.: WflSL-1!?? ThatIs : Learning i tov-, Be ure to y0uT part Whelping Register. theBirth ofurBaby April1 some baby; or babies, during the com- -i 1915. .. - ' ; i--.. - ' , :-. irty wpplr' - ' ' ' ' Make a Pen for Your Baby Aprir ir, 19lC ' 1 " " : ' C " ' ri, vhe8 and Teachers Make - or , Mar a vv :: :;. : ' " " " ';,:" ' : . : "H.r T7l .".m? titles Apni io, 1915.. . Mak the mot of your homo read- Her Baby Died" poem March 27, 1916. . . v . . . . . aiJiage .Stoves-Over Fireplaces -for :ing-CirCle..V - -:-. . . T.. ; ' ary i91T Avae7: a. erery North. Carolina club Thl S!wBalyr-Jan Availed itself ofthe privilege of bor uirjg Bieep January 29. 181S; - . , - - , . : ,.7 t Proper .Weight. Height, etc.. or Baby : at ' .rowing- a state free loan . library? , If " w J 0 HiAtTri: IHw HOnT,11PTT K 1 U1 K " -i The Children' nn,. T: 'SVS v4, r: v r : VT.--.i-.--. iWartUagtoa'Gilalerte " "Sonny' s" mother stepped out on the porch . one day to see lr he couia m Been piaying, 1 on the FARM Before you- begin 'the imprbyemerits, ' during the?? g pngfe$s:i of the 2 wdrkand alter the- improvomepts S S have fen rompletl ; ; ilri cviery phase of farm ;rk arid farm Ufe thei are pictures that are" interesting and valuable And VkJ-j-H-'l'"'' . Ask your dealer or write us fd? illustrated :EASTAN;-KQDAK , 435 Suu St;; Rbc 5V bor, ns on babies. A8k, tor them, all.v 1 : -BooIsb "Zorxt Baby' fa 'r iV and-was Just ln;tlme to discover him nm- y Dr. pi ti ----v.,.w --w"K'"'-.: ninsf fr home with a most temnea expres- Co., Chicagcrn DlISQ TK -orDe "slon oa his face. caused by a friendly little "The Care utifl "vii'A rni.- . v. &K tagging, after, hlnv Ills motner caiiea, 5 Holt. FttbHiTh.S iirtJPhiVv-"'Why ire you running from that little dog? York. . ,Uber .Aa..-N?.Hn't-'nrt-or To-which he replied. "Short Talks 71tiT:YMm' tA; C 'wUh quite an atr t)r lladaln, rMother, don't Sr'AlZi SlffSJ; rou, ipPO?e ,that . dog knew.: I'm ll of New York.' of 'ChildreV. ;by; br.' -Cotton. lu v norai.- L rencta School of ,Hoae Eco- Or. old lubtctlber and w subscriber, cago,.in, v- sent together, one year, Monebayeroi A ' went forth to inspect his iarm. It was near ihe end of c tis fiscal year and albeit he thought he had left nothing undone he : found that things were not as Bhouldbe. His stock was lean, nervous . ru 5t7icldinS fat profits; His fences were straggling and ready to tZ fall, having rotted in the poets. -His harrow and certain expensive im Implements were rusted for he had not painted them. His barn ad 1 fitted water at the roof; and likewise hV own home,: and that of his poultry. : And die little gutters that should carry the water from roof to i ground did leak too and were in sore need of repair. And even more so, r : . the roofs on his many buildings which had cost much gold and labor, were not attractive nor yet durable. So the farmer was exceeding down . 1 cast. And it came to pass.that a more successful neighbor came unto him and said : - . - PS '"TT fF1 enenJee to live stock and poultry are lice, mites, vermin and ' flies. I keep my live stock clean and Iwppy by praying them with Barrett Creonoid and I pray my rooatt regularly. It ia the moat eoonom ical and effective animal antiaeptic I hare ever teen and I've tried them til. All yon bare to do ia spray you stock once or twice and their pestt will go . away, leaving your hens, cows, pigs and horses healthy and happy. There are many other valuable uses for Creonoid and yon had better ask lie Barrett v' ' Company to send yen their booklet on the subject Don't delay when the r bvauuuh vi your procicm is so easy. "T TJSE5 to help the Farm Machinery Compaay iNiy divUends until IImi advised ( try Barrett's EvariaC EUctio Paint. You aee metal seldom wear oat; it nuts out and Barrea'a Everjet positively pre Everjet positively pre- Everiet than I can telTyoo ot Ev ; capacity. . kTrotect your rood and machinery with Everjet. Vents rust. It Mrer peels, scales or cracks. , There is more merit ia. i tell too of. Everjet is esoecially reoommended fbr bat on ready roofings because of ha low price and great covering u mm ;. mu VOUR wooden fences would have been good for twenty years if iHftGU& A you had pninudtl buried parts of the poeta with a good wood" 14UVV preservative. Why not do it now ? Get some of Barrett'a Crade One b Crade Ong Creosote Oil preservanve. Why not do it now 7 Get some of Barrett'a Grade One Creosote Oil. Teats have shown that it ia the best wood preserve. ; five on the market because it penetrates deeper and lasts longer than any other. You can't beat creosote for insuring the life of the wooa. Barrett's is tno best creosote. That company is the greatest 53 producer of coal tar products in the world. TeU them your Wood decay troubles. They'll show you what to do. r ' ' WTF YOU are not satisfied with your j. HRI A rooft, or want a covering that will "mT Z S C S4T "" keep wind and water out permanently, B J S 5 STta S t few cost, you should try Barretre 3 S toll as mill Everlastio Boofintf. There it no bntter - A Ealber Roofing on the market. It ia inexpensive, easy to lay and , vCE 4flKJ rives exceUebt service for years. Just the thing for outbuildings. X Wllltl Made in one, two and three ply weights. The rolls are 36 iachee tu I fi - W Ca(T RoofiNG wide. You need some Evcdaatie weigbts. Booung. : ; rM A ND now let me tell yon about . IIENtWisaproaSsctyoucnreht 4 bewtiful Tylike Shingles, ; Xcoiiave juUonrieralprincipfea. d f crushed slate laid oa a . As an aid in tnrfck main, run '. towh waterwoof base. - Laid ' v,i EUstigum Waterproof Cement ia a " Bk slate but cost less and . woodec - And it repairs permanently look better. , Made in red y too. Justthe'tluug te Join aad reline green with wonderful : gutters, bether wei r metal. It : TelTety finish. They are : y seals leaks and joint and 4s onbeat :d on baniaame The able for fiashincs arooad chimaert brmjalowi and cou ' ' S - ' ' w - . ., ,- s v-: stages. '.The aris. y . Ure V: bkU ym m ctd , ; uSrwuT IW W me Caeonold...: KewTork - CbicaM rluTadelplua Boston. Creosote OA...,. . St. Loma ' . Oevmbmd GndmuU ' ZlOsburgh y . - . Tylike Shingles. ' Detroit TCinmlnKbam -XanaaiQty ITlimaafalla y '' ;'J"r . CaJt iM kmj . . ;, Bsatur ; -: rearu ; - . ; -r Haaw, The Pat arson Kawafaetarfnj'Co., timtted ' - , , Montreal - vsrawae - Vjaatawr , v ""UIC . Vanootmc ' ZUL .Halifax, -.' '8Tday,W.8.--:- . ; J TIThen wrltlnr ta advertisers aay, .TI aw your advertlBement In The;IrPiTeBIyer Farmer t ! I'.h 1 4

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