Saturday; March 4, 19161 . , N , jj these lans out' of tle at ' pfV hl in' in rate Iwith Increasing havifv that the . owners would be compelled to sell. . - If Congress fails to measure up to nhasc of the problem, the states can 5l the lever of taxation effectively (29) 341 to pre mduce tne iiccuv, ' r-SwSMMiiM '"" i ea - ' -- "'" Help Tenants Get a SuaVe Deal ENCLOSED find clipping from the j Monroe Journal, which I think is nne of the best .things that .1 'have xeen in some time. I. have twice ex-' oerienced just what he lias 'put Tn print, and am now oh a Ver poor, LWn farm, but have a binding ...pfflpnt' not to raise the rent. hope you will take this' matter uj Union County, in. I iQ -a Venter Yo "follow the methods of improved 'faYmiiig eWfiif; he is so disposed) and Undertake' -to improve the farm he occupies by pro per crop rotation and 'planting le gumes, when past experiences and observation show him -that the -very year he gets an increase in yield and shows a better faVm thah .'when lie first moved there, the landlord runs the rate up on 'hinv'a'nd he -either has to move or pay for. his oWh hard' work iu bringing the improvements ? "Where is the incentive , to try to make greater yields when the tenant knows iu advance that if he makes more stuff at a greater expanse 'to himself and continuous toil for his family, the surplus will go to "the landlord in the s'haoe of increased rpnfc nn1 IparA liifTi miT hie rVn1f1rlinv only enough to subsist on Anyway ? "It seems to me that these questions furnish a field for thought that we would do well to consider. "The greatest stimulus to beautify and improve, a plot of God's land would be the knowledge that "This is my home, and what I do here will bcnelit me or mv children, "and 'will , 0 1 . , remain the home of those "who spend ii . . . . . . . . meir time and energy in making it more beautiful and more valuable" "Is there no way to lpr event" men wno are too nice to get their hands souea on a farm implement from ac cumulating whole rnwnsliino Vniiti ties and sometimes whole states for A 1 - . . .... uie DUrnoso of bvniff hnA r tliAc untortunates wh nothing but the right to work (if they can find an employed), : an d make them nav itn iaVoih til a .vvi..Vx Wu the privilege of 'living on 'the earth ?" -wovus Homo, in Monroe Journal. Have a "Public Meeting" of Your Local WHAT is your Local Union doingi to. develop a better community P'ntr Are you doing anything to nprovc the schdql building, or tlie P ublic roads, the social "life, 'to 1 help ?mber? who are sidk 6t suffering trm other misfortune? - .. t is all right to look ' after the it i't!lat affe ltfs financially, but 1 makes us bigger Wtia better 'me-h' silnmetVt0 d0 something occa to help the community arid ir ke ,t a ore desirable place to live hotj'.tthe school mur IT vdSlonaiiy will be worth as the pi yiUr Local Union -ras ariy 6i com-m -d meeti -forrthe tntfre you fcVSdfc the active InAi ?Tn?aintaili a stronand 1 Lcal Union. J. ZG. 1 u : . CONTAGION J0t 'liNoJ'f J141 heard a great doal'eald r -lav t er,m8- such as tuberculosis r k' wantPfi o were at dinner, ana m?th11, ai5. a drlnk of water. Tho tired 8ai,i; 'eliow commenced to dry, and the b'lacii; I'm afraid I will catch uetla Lake Ueglon, , Ctoppirig Without F61izer Will Rob Your SoiL Tikinjg noiinsliment otit of the sbil to feed your crb witHc 'th&fffa6k7 as disastrously as a biirglar would rob your Home. It is easier to keep your soil ricli than to re-build it after it has been de pleted. The scarcity of Potash makes it all the more important to use the otheir atid more necessary elements of plant-food, Ammonia and Phosphoric Acid. If ybu could not get meat, you would hot, on that account, also do without bread, but, if anything, would eat more. Treat your crops in the 6ame commonsense way. . ROYSTER'S FERTILIZERS TRAD MARiC REGISTERED. furnish the very best available plant-foods, selected and compounded with the usual Royster superiority. They will strengthen and enlarge your plants arid make them more able to assimilate whatever natural potash may be available in the soil. Present conditions make it more important than'ever that you insist upon having ROYSTER'S and thus secure the very best that can be had. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. ' "'-'.Vi- - , ' j .- : jVm j u li'ij rni""":1) "'VMniifn -nnfK rax :"Wefcveize3 W Market VBttru to help Vbu sell Wrt you have to oner rrom your garaen, yum wu ,7" or your poultry yard. The city consumers are amdous to buy wt you have to sell; The way to get together is through the service of -the . Southern Express Company your local Express Agent and he win oo mo ic. Our Wratcs on food produces, prompt emce and free city delivery puts you in d&Oy touch with the city trade and there s money in 11 ior yuu. Southern Express Company "Serve the ruouc" 1 'Send in your renewal. Get up a club and get a reward. For hatching from pen "headed by ferand ?ullet bred cockerel direct from E. D. bompson's best exhibition lino, raised by himself. Ekbs 13 for 15. From vigorous flock on range, $1 per 15, 15.50 per 100.. S. C. Rhode Island Reds SI per 15 Sirs. Garnctt Poindexter, Frederick's Hall, Vs. ' f -lDmiUfTAlUC Cock Bird at 110 (won tad 3 C UKr Iliul UI5 prlie at Richmond VaJs another at $8, a beauty. Both very great. Eggs from prlze-wlmilng strain, write tor mating u. F. Lantertach, 'Jr., to 128, Pcterslmrg, Vi. VVnitE XECnoRNS, BLUE ANOALUSI- ANS, BLACK SPANISH ANCONAS-Oreatert Laying Breeds. Won leading prlzes'Raletgh,' Charlotte, etc. Bred for beauty and eggs. Eggs cheap. Frea booklet. Write UISLIE BOLICK, Cohot..H. 0. ARRKD, BUFP AND WHttl ROCKt Reds; Bnlf Or pingtons, Camplnes, White Leghorns and Columbian Wyandottes, Houdani. Kgs;s w per munv, iww iw m. Poultry Department, A. U. College, Wf t Pilflflh. N. C. BEEKEEPERS OF f OUR STATES Buy from this Agency. A. L ROOT'S SUPPLIES L. W. Croratt, Box 1X4. v AVAMMAM, OA Day Old Chicks and Hatching Eggs. Pure Single Comb ferown Leghorns that will give satisfaction. Charges prepaid. Safe deliv ery guaranteed. , ; STtJRTEVANT BIOTnERS. Box 60, EPSIlU. klA. U.S. POULTRY FARMS Stock-and eirw for sale. Whlt sand Bfmd Hymoog Rocfci. 8.C. Black Minors, 8. C. White UBhonis. C, White Wyandottea. Single birds 3, ,Plr I. T rlo W. Ettea to $3 per 1$. For pure bred , poultry give your EUrfoDtm FAR81S, R. i. SUiesvffle. R. C