Saturday, March. 4, 1916, AN IMPORTANT JIIPmJEHT - ONE of the most important farm implements is sadly neglected on many Southern farms. It can be bought for five cents or less, v. n intelligent use of - it can' ,ave a farmer hundreds of dollars Use of it will iri many cases turn an unprofitable farm irito a profit-. -kU one or ; will increase the unfits where some are already. being made. This marvelous farm implement is the common lead ncil. Most rarmers ao too mne ne "figuring" for their Clemson Bulletin. a own goodv A Live Community Betterment Assa- -.ciation' V: THE St. Paul's t6maiurtity'3etter ment Association, a - local ;brgani 7ation iri the St Paul neighborhood, Rowan County, haying as its objects the uplift o the. community morallyy socially pnysicany anqveuucauwiiany, and the welfare of rail- people in vihe community, is V rather .a .new 'depart ture in Rowan County; ' ... .' JV; ':, It has now been in, working order something ovter" six. months, and has a membership of thirty-nve.; Kegular meetings are. held twice a rnbnth, which time ratfai problems ' are' .dis cussed, health bulletins studied -and many other things for": the jgoo.d 6f -the community., Atlast week's meet- ing tuberculosis ; was ine, lopiCj anu helpful addresses were madeby. rof. E L. Cline, :of -Mulberry Academy, and T. D. Brown. Tlie next meeting of the Association will be featured by an address on 'The Danger of Flies", also "Rural Sanitation," two .very im portant matters with any rural com munity. " "y ' - The names and addresses of all members of the Association are now. on file with the State Board of Health, and bulletins are received and studied. . ''.,'- ; In addition to the above, the asso ciation maintains a playground, where every Saturday afternoon: games of tennis, croquet,' basket ball, volley ball, etc., are enjoyed by the mem bers. Shortly steps, will. be taken to wards the building of a hall suitable for meetings and public gatherings; T. D. BROWN. Salisbury, N.C : J; Says Livestock the "One Best Bet" rAY before the ; livestock meeting began recently, "Salisbury ,t was flooded with" roughage, mostly wild swamp hay, baled wheat straw and shucks. Manv loads couldn't be sold at all and had to ' behauled back nntno Cnm f - ... :. i. .1 m. ouiuc ji inciarmers naa couni ed on the presence, of so many fine Cattle makinc R mnrVpr fnr their Q - w VW , feed but of course fine cattle aren't fed such stuff as that. The, ' Aberdeen-Angus cattlewere fed nothing out red clover hay and I suppose the uairv- r.attlA nnt tii. nm. - -"v gui iiiv oauic. - That same day a big butcher was out of pork. He told me he had or dered two hogs from the country to be delivered that morning at 11 cents a Pound, dressed, but Jhe farmer had nt brought them in. He said that Pork was scarce. Eleven' cents dress ed isnt a fancy price, considering wnat the consumer . pays, but a 75 pound pig would have brought more money than a tnn rf ctnw ViAi-e mtenor hay. A hog won't eat straw and shucks, but beef cattle will.' And J seldom have seen, much baling go ng on on farms Hvhefe : manv ;Koffs are sed. Livestock .. looks, to me -the Cttt in the. South today.. How Easier too, ; to t market a 75 Pd pig than a ton of straw. As to cattle whenever I've an Angus beast H Pc5Ple come a long distance to rlJ ' ai?d when ihy take him away; Ski Farm hasn't lost, any appre lable amunt of plant food, either: CARL HAMMER. ! John Deere Syracuse Plows v : The Plows with Perfect Fitting Parts i S YRACUSE chares fit perfectly extra shares go on easily, A smooth joint is formed between share and moldboard and share draws up snugly to its place. Remember that Syracuse cast shares are chilled throughout their entire cutting edge, and point. The under side, of point and putting edge is also chilled- of vital importance in preserving the proper pitch; and extending the period of usefulness y Two bolts In the share Instead of one and there U jk ribbon. bacH of .share, that strengthens share and . standard Lug holds moldboard and share" closely together ' ! ' ' t ;, ' In addition John Deere Syracuse Plows are built . with long handles, .which produce steady running qualities and make the plow handle easily Write us f of free literature on the 1361 series chilled plows, left hand that work well in sandy and gravelly soils as well as in loam, turn sod perfectly and have sufficient curvature to pulverize in stubble land. V " T:5:' v : .--C -.- -Vv; f ; r ? :: ' Also the 1878 series a complete line of right and left hand cast beam chilled plows) the SOI series sloping landslde chilled plows and the 16 series hillside plows, light weight and clean turning t John Dccro Spreader - The Spreader with the Beater on the. Axle ONLY Wp high to the top. Wheels out of way When loading. " Mounting the . beater on the axle Unpatented. - Write for Spreader booklet. .. . . "Three exclusive. John Deere Spreader fsaturesp ; . 11 fleeter! on the eotielsss like It.' 1 2 ' Reaving Rake-load moving back to beater" t revolves the rake." Draft actually less.' Even , " . spread certain no bunching (2 . PI Ball Bearing Eccentric Apron lrlve-requlres ; : ro. attention. Performs wonders in the Working of the spreader.' "t.- ffl t" iff' John Deere Two-Way Plow Steel Frame Patent Auto Foot Frame-Shift HIGHLY practical and convenient for working soil all in one direction On hillsides or elsewhere. Also adapted for plowing irregular shaped pieces of land or any other kind of plowing. ! Auto foot frame-shift works with same exactness as automobile pedals. Slight foot pressure swings frame and moves working plow the exact degree re quired. A patented feature. ' f- Automatic horse lift no work for operator. Each plow independent of otherr-each has its own depth regulating lever and lifting device. . The lug autoniatically unlocks when plow is com pletely raised the driver, therefore has both hands free to manage the team. . r1 Automatic shifting hitch clevis always drope automatically in position ahead of working plow. And here is anotheTgood feature of this plow jointers are attached with clamps and setscrews. Ordinary weakening Hole through beam is tnu 'avoided, y . ' Position of jointers on. beam can be adjusted to suit nature of land to be plowed. Rolling coulter can be used in conjunction with jointer an ' advent In verv trashy lana. wnie lor rcw wwwwm Dain System Sidq Rake The Left Hand Rake - "THE tool that Is revolutionizing nay making. Left 1 hand instead of right follows the mower closely, places hay upon clean stubble and puts it In medium else windrows with bulk of leaves inside and majority of stems outside. . . ' ( - '' This means uniform curing. and leaves don't dry up and fall off. They cure In the shade. t Hayli air-cured, not sun-scorched, rsUinslts color nutrition, feeding value and sells for more money. Writ, or free booklet describing the Daln System of Air Curing Hay. . 39 R.&V. Engines Dependable Farm Power D o Triumph always develops rated ! OC V horse power made In 1. If, 2J, 4, 9, 0,10, 12, 16 and 20 H.P. ls, stationary and portable. Easily started perfect speed control (speed can be varied 40 per cent without stopping engine). Complies with insurance regulations. Hopper cooled a simple, efficient system that does not require long pipef and numerous fittings. ; High grade throughout. Inspect the extra guard ring over piston pin to prevent possibility of scoring cylinder. Ask about the "R & V' oscillating mag- Write for free booKiex. IK neto John Deere Dealers Everywhere Better Farm Implements and How to Use Them , nOOK FREE 168 page reference book tells all about a complete line of farm imple-V RU"!l.. -ti Kow fV, -Hlut and use manv of them. A practical encyclopedia of farm Ji""";r. Wrtfc HMI.r.. Describes and illustratesi Plows for Light Tractors (Steel "f"''","r.' .. . .. n. ru. bi r-..i.! 5!,nvX, rrm Sprinr Tooth and Spike Tooth Harrow.: Lister Plows and Cultivators; Disc Harrows! Alfaua anei ueet ioois, nunSn W.on.Te.minACea 1 UUIIIll mJ US AX mmrm-mmmr . - f M . Tl this book sent free to every owhoar w'spUI f- ask. for Package No.X-2. John Deere, Moline, Illinoia The Fowler has no long teeth to destroy crop roots. It sealpg fli nrfi like a hoe.' and makes a oerfect dust mulch. Witb one male you can cover eight or more acres a day. ... The Fowler Cultivator establishes a new principle of cnlti- vatioA it works above crop roots ana maxes sucn a per fect mulch that those who use it don't esre wneiner rains or not. Talk about Prize acres I . lou can maae every acre a prize acre, jut as good an acre as if you noed it by band and also cut your usaal labor cost in half? We vnarantee that ff the' Fowler and the nrhtciDle it teaches do not increase your crop yield your money w2l be refunded. r ; ;; . V 'y Get our book. It leus wo wnoio swry. ru THE nmmn tmwkctmmc, company, snt 1 torn Htrrrn Tfatt UNCLE SAM says: . "If roots are' bro ken, the plant will Eroduce other roots, ut at the expense of the vitality and food supply. For retaining moisture a loose mulch 2 or Z- inches thick .cbould be maintained.' . ' . -i- j.mmmJmmmi .. wff MtA tSssTt mgsu Mentis cczUs - Then call. en thctn end cukthan to subscribe. Sprout Like An Acorn! Even a Uttlm acorn refuses to re mabt buried. It has the thrift, pustu energy and germinating power to f grow, uwen naif a cnance u wm ; -. Become a Giant of the Forest. , Consider the acorn, and follow its thriftf example. Don't stay ounea. ine best cosiness fertuaer ts TGood Advertislnsr. The Progressive rarmcr y Our. greatest offer, is one old subscriber and one new subscriber both one year for. -11.10. Get a neig-nbor not now subscribing" to Jola yott on this proposition when you, renew.--.:. A-. ,.;v.' ,....(....' i a it 15 Salisbury, N. C