i t Saturday, May 1916 the powmmYARD Killin2 Lice On SltWH UHCKS voiding over the whole surface a coating . on Snialt' chicks rub on' the v of 'the silicate, air-proof, water-proof. FOR 1J"nd below yenta very little' If the egg: was infertile artd fresh it head a i.;n-:Acr curhnUc will keen for amindefinite time at ard-orv --Qjpust the chick - least-for- several-months, -remaining vaCidorke 00der Persian ;ln- ' perfectly sweet,, with no perceptible witn klin or' Pratt's.: If chicks, - diminution in .'water content of ' the sect ton' use dusVbathj'Vutv'egg," nor change in flavor.. Such eggs ?rC towder or C'onkiiri's in .the dust: are;practicaHyasgood- as- fresh-laid insect p nuff' is" good also. eggs- for 'every, culinary- use, eept ?ateirlre birds take - mercurial oint- One.' The water in an egg when it is reduced with four- times its '-boiled' in the-shell, is partly turned i'.r nrA lard or vaseline," .welb into, va'por steam; In case of an-or A and rub"a-veryrIittle;rbelow,i'h.e;.:;dinary: fresh 'egg, "this steam escapes ' mlXf and under each' wing."; . -'iOjV'. - through the shell, gradually but, in a (19) 65? V r mites, wnicii iafe wiiwr ' t,-' -.-&&' ,.... Vht put carbolate ; whitewash . possible; as "the shell as stated is air at innlied all over the house, . and water tight,! and the egg will well appucu . tm, : i - . - u 1 nen use . a suiav wuioi. .i' utu egg a miuw.uvw..uc .i ctc etc. f f kerosene oil, saturated with. -liap- 6f Jhis class; ' bursting "when -boiled aLw-flakes (common moth-balls, : can be 'prevented4 by boring a small wdered, is about the, same thing) " hole" at one or both ends with a nee anolied On ail lite wuuu vyv"-, ' . -. .r,r. u..0 w-vV ,.,v, " L times a week, till mites -are con-; : eggs, for home use, are safe and sat 1111 V"- quered. If litter ana. nest material is isiacimy. . , . old, better clean it all out thoroughly Hut, if so preserved for sale, unless and burn it before spraying or white-, trie buyer is honestly told they are washing. F. J. R. water glass eggs,- the result is certain : - . to;be unsatisfactory to the buyer; and Rid the Coops of Lice and Mites :;to toe seifo. . . . ' ' . ; Now, if the eggg so treated are sold "TF THE young chicks are drooping, explicitly as water glass preserved 1 around and looking sick, examine .eggs,; if is Almost certain they will them for lice and mites, is the sug- have to be sold at a reduced price, gestion now being given poultryirien The question then resolves itself into by E. P. Clayton, head of the Missis- this. what will infertile, clean, abso- sippi A. and M. College Poultry De- lutely fresh eggs cost ypu? Can yon partment. Both the young chicks and get them in sufficient quantities, of a the sitting hen are likely to.be at- uniform color and size, to warrant tacked by these pests at tnis time oi. the year. . . If lice are found, pull them off with the fingers and kill them, then rub a little grease on top of the head and under the throat. Be careful not" to get too much, as much grease is dan gerous for the young chick. The old hens and roosters may be dipped in a solution of V2 parts creoHn to 982 parts water. . To get rid of mites, spray with pure kerosene (coal oil) all the roosting places, poles, dropping boards," doors, and nests. Repeat within a week to get all eggs they may hatch. Re member that mites harbor in cracks and crevices, and, be .sure to, spray such places thoroughly. - x - -: "If these directions ' are followed (Paid Political Advertisement) BJCKETT AISna THE FARMER the trouble of gathering and packing them? What" is your market, and can jou obtain in fall and early win ter months assured prices, allowing a discount for "preserved" instead of fresh-laid eggs, to pay for the 'trou ble? ' - ' - Without a knowledge of all these points it is difficult to safely advise you. While we urge the storing packing of surplus summer-laid eggs for home use, as a commercial propo sition, we have our doubts. . ' F.J.R.' Chicks With Sore Eyes s . . . . .. A READER who signs no name, and gives no address; asks for a remedv for sore eves in chicks, but j curing the months of May and June " gives no data, except that the eyes says Mr. Clayton, "lice and mites will close and inflame like sore eyes, give little trouble." The trouble probably is catarrhal r-y:- ; inflamation of the membranes' around More About Keeping EggS in Water the eye probably extending to throat p. . . .: and nostrils. uiass " The first thing" to do is to remove A READER says : "Would it pay to causes. Damp, unsanitary buildings, , buy eggs and put them . away for V exposure to drafts, dust, are exciting winter to sell. Will it pay to put them causes; under liquid?" ; ; The simple treatment is best. Tinc- This is a very broad question, and ture of euphrasia is a reliable remedy you give no data upon which to base for colds and troubles caused by an estimate. What kind of eggs . can colds. Give 15 drops to the pint of you buy? Would they be uniform, water, allowing birds no other drink, h-pmone breed? How many? What Bathe the eyes and mouth with a so Jill they cost you? When and how lution of hydrogen dioxide, 1 part to ao you expect to sell them? ' . 2 of water. After bathing use vase- . ine liquid yOu mention 'is, Timag- line or lard ointment, with 2 per cent lne, the sodium silicate or water glass solution. Some do put eggs in lime' "a, Dut, while it mem for Kresol'or Creolin-added. may preserve iem for a limited time, limed eggs fi - wiuis ui teas uiaiiwcu ayaline and unpleasint flavor, Lim ed SALE DATES CLAIMED "Th Progressive Farmer ; Is glad "to an nounce and claim for the breeders the fol lowing dates upon which sales of pure-bred ent. of eggs always sell at reduced price's, itrestock win be held: wilier crioee oi.. j:xx-- , i - American Aberdeen Angus Breeders' soclation sales as follows:' May 18 Knoxville, Tenn. II0LSTEIN8 water dass'snlni As VOU nrnKahl an ever ic nn.nl. T7- it- . 1- thi aid'evaPration. of the water in atur!gg a?"18' varyinS with temper uJ: rhe same porosity admits -'U Id.1 ASr dec July 3 Woodlawn Farm Co., Sterling, 111. Shorthorns . ' germs and .Ih-ahyI.' Nov. 6 -Frank Scofleld. Hillsboro. Texas. e.. . Rhrthnrns: T. av. TliJe : ...i. . : .; '. Shorthorns; Louisiana state air in tInVp 45 wny an untreated egg, , ..Grounds, Shreveport. , , me sP0lls.( ;,. s Our readers will confer a favor upon us If t. an e&g has been fertilized, then they will keep us advised of sales, and we embryo in the egg begins to de- viu be wtw to claim further dates for veiop whenever thp PmnPfot,,M breeders If they will let us know in time. After u g0es above 80 degrees. : change Si de7elopment hs a 80 'delV 1 5? temPerature-;to below This Is quite important, as .it often pre vents a conflict of ;dates and adds to the success of each individual sale. .HIS DEFINITION : . To the Farmers of NOrth Carolina '" I am a Franklin County farmer. I live out in the country and have never- lived in town. As a farmer I have watched the con duct of Mr. T. W. Bickett during the, past twenty years, and" I know he? has -always -been willing to give his time, his talents and his cash to help, the men who live out In the country,- I am in a position-to know what I anv talking about. - -. - - n 'yJX, His chief 'hobby; has been to get young white tenants to - buy their own farms, and in a: great many instances he has gone outv of - his -way tor securethis klnd : of " a chance for them. Franklin County is an agricultural county without a single -large-town In it. If Mr, Bickett -Ms made - Governor his first thought 'will.-. be about the people who live on the farm, because they ; are his people.' , ; ' I heartily endorse -what MrAJ.Z. Green had . to say in The Progressive ; Farmer of April 22nd. It- is an independent expression , which every farmer ought to read. The farmers of North Carolina are not an igno rant set of people. They . do some reading, and some thinking, and to those of us who know- the real. facts the claim :that Mr. Daughtridge Is a farmer candidate is some, what amusing: - ' , :. '"'." , The facts are simply these: (1) Mr. Daugh tridge, was borix on a f arm and inherited a THRESH TVTIHAFAKQJJnAR -r ft w I 3 mMmm$:f: tp - V , In the Farquhar Rake we offer a practical, economical Thresher for Individual users. It has ample paratlng and cleaning facilities, simple construction, and requires but light operating power. Handler all varieties of grain without loss of seed. For large merchant threshermen, ws hav the Farquhar VK brator built in six sizes with Self Feeder, Wind Stacker, Weigher, etc. .. ,,. tkm.k The Farquhar principle of separation has stood the test of nearly fifty years' service. 1918 Threshw Catalogue, telling the complete story of our success, mailed free to grain growers on request. Write today. . A R FARftlTHAR m.. l td.. Ra Klfi. York. Pa. We also make Engines and Boilers, Sawmill Machinery , Hydraulic Cider . . ; ... , Fresiet and Farm Implements. Ask. for literature. ' DEATH to the Bug LIFE to the Plant . Stonecypher'9 Irish Potato Bug KMer. is positively guaranteed to kill potato bugs without the slightest injury to the plant. May be applied aa powder or in s olution. Not poisonous to the plant. Comes in handy cans with shaker tops. Give your dealer 25c for a big can. If not as represented, re turn the empty can and get your money back. Thaf a fair enough isn't it? Jf your dealer won't supply you, we will send you a can direct on receipt of 25tV Stonecypher Drug & Chemical Co., - WESTMINSTER 8. C -Tready to ship. 7000 bushels of potatoes bedded on our modelfarm. f ilETOWnrw grow, yanenees juiny xnumpn. Scientifically rr CI CH Dan 1 AftA Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. Millions of sturdy Tomato and other Plants for sale. Valuable booklet free. Write now, before our high grade plants are gone. Bel. lard's never fail to'give best results. II. & R. DALLARD, Dept. F ASIIDURM, CA. T I 111 Im 1 i.m m van more this erer thli leiion on honeitlr bailL reliable Burrlei. R bouU, Surreys, Farm Wagons and all Vehicles. Oar fsmons "warranted'- Top Buggy at 4l.btt is a woria-oescer; av..o Days a eisssy sock ten nunaooas with all genuine leather trimmings ana aoaoie-Dracea snara: sv.v ouya stylish ' 'Bon Ton" Surrey with curtains and storm apron. Writs for new free catalog showing full line of 1916 model rigs- -all mad of toogh, close grained, stringy highland hlckorv and on all of which we ssts you money. THE SPOTLESS CO., 375 SH0CK0E Lane. RICHMOND VA. Qiuii08Uiff 111; - from light Brahmae, White Orpin 8! tons, Black Langshans, White Wyan. dottes, Houdans, Buttercups, Anconae, Andalusians, (1.00 per 15. -Baby chicks, 15 cents each. Walnat Grove Poultry Fana, " ; Cabarnss, N. C ' WatA, , eggs in absolution "Of ;WeR- Byanswreataeryenuivix-r.wnai water glass 1....? - - v- -tho hen. fit the arithmetic; layr an eg?.a;dayf TENNESSEE STAVE SILO 'This is the real Southern silo. Built by Southern folks for Southern folks. Big factory located near you. Quick itaipment-a saving in freight-better lmnber and better construction. Long leaf yellow Dine tenaranteed 75 per cent heart pine)-. longer laatin-rniore durable-keeps silage in better condition. Big.easy climbing ladder. Refrigerator doors on hinges easy to open and close. Liberal terms by ordering now. T Get our low prices based WntC US upon Southern location 1 i-get complete description of this unbeatable fconstruction.Write today. Address Silo Dept. The Knoxnlle LtimberMfe. Co. 210Rnclolph SL KnoxTille, Tenn, "v Alto art our offer on Whirlwind - BEAT THE BEST WAY TO - THE BOLL WEEVIL ' Is to study our book THE BOLL WEEVIL PROBLEM By B. L. MOSS Manatring Editor of the Progressive Farmer, and put Its teachings into practice. . Price: Cloth 75c; Paper 50c With Progressive Farmer One Yetr, : Cloth; $i:40. Paper, $1.15. l ' , '- -- .' w- - - t. i Order. Yours Today. big tract, of land . from ;hls father. (2) He did not like living In ; the country and. moved to the city of. Rocky Mount where he notv lives. ... In the words of his campaign book let! "He directs the affairs of. the large, ' successful business, of the Daughtridge . Sup- -ply Co.." and is President of the Planters' v Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Co. (3) Not a single farmer is in his campaign organization. The- " argument for his ; nomination' is signed by seven . lawyers andVone insurance agent.' ; . It is especially funny to a farmer who -does his own thinking, , that Mr. Daughtridge , Is trying to- stir up the farmer against the lawyer when he gets seven lawyers to write his platform and then : takes other lawyers around to explain it to the people,. - I know from past experience and personal .-. talks thati Mr. Bickett wishes-to do every- ; thing he can for the improvement of rural - . conditions, . and I. feet positive that he will be able to do much more than Mr. Daught- 1 ridge. : .; v) :..--t ' r.: ' v Considered solely as i farmer, candidates, the only difference between Mr. Daughtridge and Mr. Bickett " is that Mr. Daughtridge lives in a -big town and owns a big farm out In the country, while Mr. Bickett lives in a , small town and owns a small farm out In the country.' J. O. GREEN. - Franklinton, N. C, Route No. 2. h ' It : yau have neighbors, who "do not read . ; . j The' Progressive Farmer jsend ua their names ' - Then-call on. them and ask-them, to sub-.,v. . 1 ; . 1, m tip i i I If. i ;-t.' i&i f: if X 1 111 r, .11 tit, m b U h l Up,: 'MM i 111 m m 3 1 !' I 1 ! J. J ." (i : -- . !S I 'it t-B : i-r

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