Saturday, May-.". m EDUCATIONS COOPERATION, LEGISLATION TW1nn PnwW. .Ill rVvnnarattrvn In tlnHnh h Jt nn ill j . " : . to Promote Equal Rights and Human Prcess -Plain Talk About Men, Measures and Moresaents Involved : - -' '' " ' " ' , By CLARENCE FOE - " " " ' A Case JorS trict Construction "advance all along the line in equal proportion. ' -' ' ' ..." ; . . ' - Wakinff UTI fmm the snnnri cWn nf criiriv - t THF new rural, crearts om passea dv on- - r j t; -'r-r--' : N lnB. new - . - J . we find today that the shoo xost of makiiur m - w. I rpsq. (Section 12). t is provided loan shall be made to .any person wno is noi hi trie time or who does not estate in -his application hfs intention to become within six .'months engaged in the cultivation wf tKe farm mortgaged." Fur thermore, Section IS begins y saying r . "Any person who shall borrow from a Fed" eral land Hsrfikafor 4he 'purpose of ptmfhM'inrg a farm for a home tinder the provisions of Sec - tion 12," etc. . ..' '; ; - .such a simple implement as a two-section "drag: harrow is 32.4 -per centmore than it was yes- -terday so to speak. It costs 34.5 per cent more to make a 14-inch stee'l-toeam walking -.plow than it did before. More than 26 per tent -additional expense has been put into' the ordinary riding -cultivator". Nevertheless, as Mr. Blake points out - farm. crops have also advanced in value, ."and the .busi- tiess farmers realize that eveh at the necessarily increased ;price farm machinerv will, still he far What we wish to point out is the necessity for cheaper than expensive human labor. "A fraction a very strict construction of the passages we have -of a cent per bushel on the products of the average printed in boldface" type .above. Any provision farm absorbs any increased price the farmer, will whereby money would.'be advanced at low inter- have to pay . for his farm equipment." est rate to anybody who wished to buy land, with out restricting such loans, to persons residing on the land and "engaged in its cultivation," would not only not help working farmers, but such a provision would really injure . them beyond meas ure. The natural .and - inevitable result would be such an increase in speculative buying and such a fictitious and unjustifiable increase -in land , values as would impose a staggering interest "burden or rent burden on the actual tillers of the soil. It must be understood therefore (and we think it highly desirable to have Congress make its lan guage yet more explicit on this point), that no one will be permitted to borrow on land unless he is More Economical County Government THE Wake County, N, C, grand jury set a good example for other county grand juries the other day by making a thorough investi gation into the financial affairs of the county and reporting its findings. Not all its 'recommenda tions were wise, but we commend the following : (1) That expert accountants 'examine all de partments once a year. ? - , - (2) That bonds shall ndt be issued by the coun ty commissioners without the express approval of the people or the Legislature (3) That the chairman of the board of commis- nprcnnnllv cninir to "enlace in the cultivation" of it. Under no circumstances must any proxies be Sl0neurs employed for iiis whole time to look af Thar U tn sav, absentee land snecu- ter the V the-COUnty-m Other WOrds, act lator must be permitted to claim that he is going to "engage in the cultivation of the land" whence ie nnlv (minor fn liirp tenants nr tahrtrers tn pnaffe w v v v - . 0 coin etiti b'dders "" in its cultivation while he himself loolcs simply to; c mf I' e.rS 4 4 , , . ' 4, i ii- r u ' r i.u (5) Near relations by blood or marriage should "holding up" for yet higher prices the men who , t . , & , . . , , - , T not be employed by officials. ' actually wish to become farm home owners. If r , yj x wcu ty-iuui ciupiuyccs were iouucl as com as "county manager." (4) Purchases to be made only upon written requisition from the proper department and from this restriction against .proxies is not to be ob served, then indeed the last state of our farmers, and especially the landless farmers, will be worse than their first, because the gain from cheaper money would be much more than offset by the in crease in Qnfni1at?vA lanrl nrirps We earnestlv hooe thatour Congressmen will yj n u take the stand that the 'Government's'; aid must be to help real farmers and not to -help land specu lators rob farmers. Why riot restore the original language in item 6, Section 12, saying loans were to be made "to provide for the purchase, of a farm for a home"? ' , ' '' : ' v: The Increasing Cost of Farm Implements and Why AS A rule, it is said that only necessity forces farmers into cooperative effort.. We were . saying recently that we thought small farm ers would be forced into'cooperative purchase and , use of improved machinery, by reason of two facts: (1) the small farmer cannot profitably wake products in .competition with large farmers unless he has improved labor-saving machinery. (2) The small farmer canno.t profitably use expen sive machinery, cannot get a low per-acre cost, unless he does so .in cooperation with his neigh bors, and thereby" increases the -acreage covered :: h' 'the machine.- r 'h ';:- -:. ' Just now, however, there is another , urgent rea Son for cooperation in the purchase of farm ma-' chinery and that reason is Vhe-rapid advance in Price due to recent advances in' the. price of raw VW4ai ys Mr. rrank u. tuake, of Ueere ifc . o, Moline, Illinois: r. : -V , -, Bar steel has already advanced 67 per cent, . vuu jynotyci; Dar iron, iiu percent; lg1Jrn 45 per cent; sheet steel, 96 per cent; aphtha, 134 per cent; scrap iron, 45 per cent; ' its of all kinds, 85 per .cent; rivets, 75 per l .nuts SO pen. cent; cotton .duck,- 60 : per nn J el 78 cent:; high-speed tool steel, colPe5nCent; nign" speed drills, 500 per cent; Ke 30 per 4xnt.; borax,1 45 per cent. ;; Other , pared with only 107 inmates in the county home, and the number of employees recommended re duced. - . . ' (7) County officials were found to. have eight more clerks than allowed' by law, costing the (8) In the matter of courts, reduce the number of criminal terms from eleven to six. (9) Abolish the office of county treasurer, thus saving the people $3,000 eaclryea"?. The entire re commendation on this point is probably worth re printing: "We recommend that the county commis- sioners consider the advisability of asking the next Legislature to have Walce added to the "YOU HAVE GOT TO RUN FAST -TO STAY WHERE YOU ARE" A GREAT English statesman once said, "There Is nothing so conservative as progress." In other "words, the tree, that doesn't grow dies; the stream . that doesn't flow dries up; the. man who doesn't go forward falls behind. "Let well enough alone," says the mossbaok or standpatter, not realizing that "well enough.' never remains "well enough" If It Is wholly let alone. The. Individual, the county, or the state that Is not progressing is falling behind. President Woodrow Wilson in an address before the Washington City Press Club May 15, expressed this Idea In language that should become proverbial. Citing' the expression of "Alice In Wonderland" who with the queen "ran. very hard, only to find themselves where they, started, and learned that (hey had to run twice as fast to get anywhere else," he added: . "That is also true, gentlemen, of the world and of affairs. You have got to run 'fast merely to tay where ( you are; And In order to jet anywhere you have got to run twice as fast as that. That js what people do not realize. - That la the mischief of these hopeless dams against the stream known as reactionaries and stand patters, and other words of obloquy. ' That is what Is the matter with them: thepr are not even, staying where they were." They are sinking further and further hack in what will some time comfortably close over their heads as the black "waters of oblivion. " I sometime Imagine that I -see their heads going down, and I am not Inclined even to 'throw them a life-preserver. The sooner they disappear, the better. We need their places for people who are awake." . v " ' . ; ::;-;'' .y ', (13) 709 counties which may designate a bank as treas-- - lirer. A savino of annrnvimntlv rir thnfte. " and dollars annually can be made by abolish ing tHe office of treasurer. This has been done . we are informed, in several counties in the state;'; ,y. i-'O And the. money saved from the abolition of the useless office of treasurer would more' than furri ish enough money to enable the chairman of the board to give his whole time to lookinp: after the business affairs of the county. The curse of coun- : .ij guvcuiujcui is ausence oi responsibility, and - the people in many sections are beginning to dis cuss either commission government or "the coun ty manager" 'system. - ' . - t : Mcke Plans Now NOW is the time to make plans for (1) Cooperation in marketing cotton and cottonseed next fall. .(2) For a community fair, and also a county fair, next fall. r.:-. (3) For a : neighborhood picnic after crops are laid by. ' (4) For organizing a credit union or farmers' savings and loan association next summer or fall. (5) For organizing a schoo or neighborhood debating society. - . -4. ; (6) For starting community baseball. (7) For getting all the farmers of the commun ity to join together in a trip to visit some county or section where farmers , have distinguished themselves for good farming or rural cooperation. (8),. And finally it's a good time to make up. your mind that among candidates and leaders in " 'VOlir Dartv. VOU will e-ivp 'the nrpfprpnrp tn J J, m f W " Q - -m m m m B-rVW -WaMVWW candidates who have definite platforms for the betterment of rural interests, and that you will give little attention to the man who, dodging spe cific issues, engages only in abuse of opponents and glittering generalities about his own position. A Variety of Comment - - . i 'HY -not go "in with a number of your neigh-' bors, buy paints together, and paint every house in your community, after crops are laid by? Don't you know that you would be prouder of living in it ever after?- And where you can't paint, whitewash. Remember, too, that paint pays not merely in improved appearances but al most' immeasurably lengthens the life of lumber and lumber is getting higher all the time. Save your house from decay, and have the distinction of living in a painted house at the same time. Don't forget that idea of having all the farmers -of your section join together, after crops are laid by, in. visiting some ottifef. farming section. It may be a section where farmers hayeydeveloped dairy ing or stock raising pflfalfa' growing or anything else your section needs ;to iSow'.raore about. We ftiiun ouiuv Vttsvs iuji y ju v.iii,ii utiUUU3l.iiVL.lUlt agents worked up sujdhfeursions by, automobile. See if you can't interest your agent. 'v';':'-' ' :.:,;V.". '.;-Xv . '.. "He is a friend of all just, men and a lover of' the right, and he knows more than how to talk about the ricrht he knows how to set it forward in the face of " its enemies," So says "President Wilson of Louis D. Brandeis, whose confirmation ;as a member of the United States Supreme Court 'is ; being so vigorously . opposed by organized wealth. There are plenty of people, as the Presi dent says, who "talk about the right" but we need men with courage "to set it forward in the face of its enemies." .'' ' . , ; ' ' . ' .. "You have put rour finger on the signpost to political corruption" said one thoughtful friend after reading our recent editorial on "The Rich Man in Politics."; "The people must be on guard against candidates -who are trying to get office with money, and you have given in one sentence the one sure way to spdt such candidates that is to say, look out for the candidates whose boosters are men who -are known to be out for 'what there is in it for them.'"- The test is certainly one worth remembering. -"For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together." 117 vv