714 (18) HUSTLER SAW MILL STLER" "HU Machinery is Guarani Is aceurAte, durable, light ran- (lino fa . onffinff onsilv Vinnd- V led. - Circular 29-F gives full particulars. HUSTLER PLANER AND MATCHER Is a first class Fort able Surfacer, Match er and Moulder. Makes flooring, ceil ing, mouldings, etc. Guaranteed to do first-class work. SalemlronWorks Wlnston-Salem.N.C. and Columbia, S. C. Address Nearest Point.- Our Farmers' Union Page Devoted to Education, Organization, Cooperation and Marketing J. Z. GREEN, E.W. D ABBS, C. C WRIGHTrContributing Editors THE PROGRESSIVE ' whether a lower rate MORE CANDIDATES' ANSWERS Study What the Various Candidates Have" Said;Noting Those Who Fail ed to Respond, and Decide What Candidates to Support at Primary June 3 lords and (c) increased rate on lands held out of use." Yes. 4. "Provision for incorporating ru bral, communities." Yes. . -' .5. "Initiatiye and referendum." " Yes. : :'. : ; ' -: : " PARMER On rarU. . on absentee landlords is not than pant tcTthe constitution of the V States." V . ne United Other features of the Union gram are generally approved by n' Jones, except the Torrent P L the initiative and referend,, ,.nd he seems to think unnecessary. For Secretary of Sta-V 'PHE answers of Col t A Grimes. candid xVJ' the farmers of North Carolina, to regulate insurance rates!" Yes. 6. "A stringent anti-usury law, and nomination for Qp.r.... u ocjatic . i v i i v. i. eeks nan c the answers ol F Mr. J. A. Hartnes 1. I favor the repeal of tv, ' ' - present : ' . i 4 laws regulating DanKs as puDiic-ser- -were given two weeks aan T ETTEKb asking lor expressions vice curporauuns.. . xcs. concerning the big issues before 7. "Giving , some official authority LOOKS BETTER. LASTS LONGER. COSTS LESS PER JOB THAN THE . OTHER KINDS. WHY NOT BUY IT! 1 Ask your dealer or write for information. The H. B. DAVIS CO., BALTIMORE, MD. like hungry wolves if you use OLD FISHER MAN'S LURE 2SCaBox. Different from any other bait. Fillsyour nets, traps or lines. Juaranteea j&eauits. aiso carry com plete lino seines, trammel nets, noop nets, fish traps, etc. at extremely low prices.. Largest Trappers' Supply Department in America. F. C. TAYLOR FUR CO. Dept. 11, St. Louis, Mo as endorsed by the State Farmers Union; were sent .' on April 12 to all candidates for "state offices. We have already printed answers from several Candidates for various offices ; but the offices of most impor tance to farmers 'are Governor and Commissioner of Agriculture. All the candidates for . these offices in. both parties answered fully before the 30 day time limit expired on May 12 ex cept Mr. E. L. Daughtridge, candi date for the Democratic -nomination kfor Governor. On April 24 he ac knowledged receipt of Secretary Fairies' letter of April 12, saying "I crop lien law as snnn ac ur. tern can be devised and enacted life "titutiona, law. 2, .8.. A State warehouse :system somewhat like the South Carolina plan." Yes. - Q 4A cimriUfiipd and nnmilariTpH low nArmit.' , Torrens system of registering land desire race segregation in land o titles." Yes. . ership should be adopted. m' 10. "Provisions for furnishing text- 3. I believe in a just and enmki UUUKo LU U1C JJCUpiC dl X Co. 11.' "Requiring retained attorneys for public service corporations to sever connections before entering the Legislature." 'Yes. JAMES S. MANNING. (3) Hon. I. H. Calvert says: "My time for. a number of years has been fully taken up with the ru- rural fo)os GOOD U Secured or Your Money Back if you take the Draughon Training, the training that business men indorse. You can take it at college or by mail. Write to-day DBAUGHON'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Box 25 NtsliTllle, Teun. , Runs on Alcohol anywhere. No electricity, wires or springs. Convenient. Much cheaper to operate than other fans. 12-inch blades. Roller bearing. Reliable. Brings genuine comfort and satis, faction. Ideal for the sick room. 8rd season. A proved success. The Won der Fan. Prle$ 16.80 oath with or daronly, delivery prepaid In the continental U. S. A. LAKE BREEZE MOTOR, 574 W.Monroe St. Chicago WHO WILL SOLVE THIS PROBLEM? 0Z UR tenant farmers, courageous, honest, patient and long-suffering, when all they see light ? When shall their burdens be lifted ? In the spring time they go forth, and with our brothers in black set their hands to the plow. They bend their backs to the burden, and when the frost falls they have added $1,000,000,000 to the wealth of the world. But small, indeed, is their share, and meager their recompense. Every two years, according to the government census, they move from one place to another. They build no homes, they live in rude huts, no flowers about their dwell ings, no trees to shade them from the sun, consumed by the summer's heat and and chilled by the winter's cold, no lawns about their houses, no garden fences; and with the accursed cotton plant crowding the very threshold of their rude dwellings and thrusting its limbs into their very windows, their lot is indeed pitiable. Their sons and daughters come to manhood and womanhood, desert the farms and are lost in some distant community. Finally, when their pilgrimage is over, they are laid to rest in the rude churchyards of the country, others take their places and continue the fight. They have established no permanent homes, their kith and kin are scattered far and wide, and the places that knew them once know them no more forever. I have no word of criticism for men like these. I know them, I have lived among them, I sprang from them. Who shall undertake to lead these men out of the wilderness of their troubles ? Men whom they elevate to high offices in the state and national government are ever ready to teach them politics, but they are not prepared to help them solve their problems of life. A fearful responsibility rests at this time upon men in authority and men in high offices. Will they meet it? Joseph T. Holleman. SWEET POTATO PLANTS $1.00 per 1,000. Quick shipment 7,000 bushels select po tatoes bedded. 5 varieties. Send 10 per cent and balance will be sent C. O. D, if you like, n, & R. BALLARD, Dept. F, . ASIIBURN, GA. i At remarkably low cost this DreD- ration will make the old roof as rood an new. Use on felt. tncUl or shingles. Stops the leaks. Big , monev saver. Write for full in- , formation. Th D.T. Bohon Co. 10 tori St., Harrodsburs, Ky. system of taxation. 4. "Provision for incorporating ral communities." . Yes, where ru communities desire mcornoratinn 5. I favor the general proposition of the initiative and referendum of important questions in which the peo ple are interested. 6. "A stringent anti-usury law, and laws regulating, banks as public service corporations." Yes. 7. "Giving some official authority to regulate insurance rates." Yes. 8. "I am not acquainted with the South Carolina system, but heartily favor a state warehouse system." 9. "A simplified 'and popularized Torrens system of registering titles." Yes. 10. "Provisions for furnishing text books to the people at cost." Yes. 11. "Requiring retained attorneys for public-service corporations to sever such connections before enter ing the Legislature." This is a ques tion which is with the people of the various counties and senatorial dis tricts, and it is for them to say whom they will have to represent them. J. A. HARTNESS. Insurance Commissioner ""1 ITT' J!Ji- T r m r . 1 n ( 1 1 (i "i t ut' Tir ncur'iiirM i fun . . . . JL missioner in the nnmarv answer 1 w me nun as iu n.(,uiouuii v ance rates as follows: Mr T T? Vniinf! "I favor the strirtpst siinervision of insurance rnmnanies. their methods, contracts and rates." - ' i - m l . t n w ins Mr. . l. ivicienagnan . in w. ma l.r'iAre n f tiro ATT1 HP 1 1 1 1011 IS aUldlllC OVUIV. vvw.l'vw ( tVia ratp mixtion. One lilt. 9UIUUUII lliv - should not uci suu yji viiv wuijuiui'"" c n TIip npnnle are tint their rates nil ii in iii .iiiijvvi a,au f: Tni.ii-tniA rntnnnnips should i: : Via.v Jntrp;t to make 1 r I I t 11 13 Lll L11V.11 imviv". ' .L - l C -nl'.nrr Cllimlp SO that iiirir nvmciii ui laiwiK oium'.- Ciiiiii muiviuudi v.au unu" - .v, -wi o onrl Vinve a chance 1113 lUlt 13 IIIOUV, ou - y to appeal if the rate is exorDitam. a -f u Fr.nlc A. Linney nniwcn ui --- ui!. r-AAtm for Goternor 1CL1UUUV,II Boone, N. C, May?,Wi publican candidate for Governor. For Attorney-General VHHT'IANL! A Meser Maker Fir Ye Btrongeit, Most Pur- mnA Klmnlat llalcr Made beat work- capacity 10 perfect bale In 6 minutes Yen th Stand ar4 U WW P .IM eieluBiv features, t'ully guaranteed 60 styles. Hand, Horse Holt and Lntfn 1'owor. Write for free catalog. ViitMiJUrktJtaralC.,6943 S.Broadway, St LouU,M. ALL EXPENSES PAID Vlll fUwYerkantf YelUwilona Nillenal Park as Let us Pay for Your Vacation. Small amount ot work Required. Not a Conlcit. ho votes to get. Full Particulars on Koqucil Southern Woman's Magazine, Naahvllli, Ten. 7 Fish" Bite Sxt! V Pest fish bait Ter dlseoTered. Keeps too bu-y roUlnrthemotiu Write today and cet f bx "r'P Introduce It. Ajrenta wanted. r uui-viuu i, utpu 6, tit tools. Aid will try in a few days to write you." study of general legal questions, es- But in spite of repeated notices sent pecially the construction of constitu- him he failed to make any statement tions and; statutes, I have had no oc- putting his views before the farmers, casion particularly to investigate the Among the candidates for Commis- questions asked, and could' not an- sioner of Agriculture, Maj. Graham's swer them with any degree of confi- and Mr. Hobbs's answers were given dence and definiteness which would two weeks ago, and the answers of be satisfactory to myself." . Messrs. French and" McKinnon last (4) The answers of Col. Edmund weelr We are rrivinc thi5 week the Tones can be rnven rmlv ?n iKKrA;-' - - o - o f o ' v... uwwtvTiw- - - - ' II T? A T! iL. T) . i .1 t T . r r T? A 1 I .i N L. answers 01 nun. r. t. i-inncy, inc xc- icu iurm. iinporianr. points are as Mr. Jc.. t-. raircs, auciuu", - follows: , Dear Sir: . , , "1. Trie mprrliintc rmn Vrt.. rocMntinnc received and W 1.- -1.J l. ... . '.. il. nrmlirvji1 uc rcueaieu. it is suscentih e nt i am not running in mc i" -w. FOR the office, of Attorney-General being used very oppressively, and ing been declared the nominee ot J there arc several candidates in the sometimes is. It tends to deprive the party, I do not hesitate- to give Democratic. primary. lienor of an 'onen mnrWt' Ti,r ; nmninn nn enrh of the questions. i ------- - - - v , ava t 11VI V, 1J VUIHIVII vn 4 ,f i ti. - - r r- T a c: i . . - . . .1 f the mn 111 1 lie diuwci s ui itu. 11 . tT 1 1 1 - nn rrncnn in tine i nee n - i trrr rn rpiir.ii i " . . w. w . . t,j UIU 3 J I ti lilt I " I U 1 Ul . j- itirf (? Another candidate ?. ev-Tnd(re (mm 11 Mka.. t... .f j r iL...r. ...11 miirrled - -i o vmvio, jnuuiu, uy a aiuu ui iiititiwi a J nnCt' jawits Aianiiiu&, uiiwav jvvvii ui sidiuiury magic, De iieia to liavQ ting tne mercnanis iv - me rcicm ouic l aiiucis uinuu, Douna nseu oy a preferred hen upon and charge not e showing the constitutionality of race the- fruits of its future labor. interest on the c; stKicfcauvu in iauu uninniii, ouu- L, rrovisions permitting neigh- article acivancca. . . ed his attitude on this question. His borhoods to adont race etTrerrntJrn O T frvnr race SC frrccration in 1ia ineit.nre (nllnuri I. I 1 .... . . at lliil I II C I "e wnivi uu?ii? in ldUU owncrsnip arc very desirable, ownership ana ueuevc w" . . 1. "Repeat of the merchant's crop but impracticable because unconstitu- of eminent domain, that require J Uen " Ve 5f the crnnner and ten. tSnamt T T., ,1 t?-.i r.. a . nnldiC CO"'' -i-i iivnai. uiiuci nit I'cucrai anu oiaic vate ricnts 10 yiciu iw i l n..to : .?. aa ... . . a A t, rtld SUt" diu uiii. ii. . consuiuuons, as WCl as under the ence. broad cilOUCIl to l",v- 2. "Provisions nermittincr neieh- common law. there r.mnn K n !,.., rnnArtvf framed. - - u - Miivh iv uiiu ica it la iv ijiuiliii i borhoods to adopt race segregation in for the white man and another law for 3., I believe in a just and cq land ownership. Yes. y. "A just and equitable system . j v . . ftVAttt fni llnMtAHIHn I MA ltllSflH ka.Ai.l.l A 1 1 twii9 x fc""ut uut vjv j iuv uum ariMJ UOlIi raCCSiaUKC. J lllg InC lX Oil wnua v" - . unon labor bv nutlincr a larger nrO "J. The snnner t rrn met at (mm lirllrt and lllC tSX P . 1 I I a aa . . ' . ..J ll.A PCll1 m for the white man and another law for 3., I believe in a just and cq the Negro." (Col. Jones evidently ov- system of taxation and jn taxi . of crlooks the fact that .the proposed hcritanccs, but do not believe in :ns law would apply to both races.alikc.l ing the tax on lands owned ly t ... a v a --w..a . V . U"U; II VIII lllllU HWIUVH) . laffi j...... w.. . vv ,.., vvh- nv uiauij u Tiiuicm svsicni . 111c our 01 use. iiiuiivi - ....a aa a . . a " - .. . t rill simmona. provision ior a lower rate better tor the people and the state, land tax. I believe tnai on resident than on absentee land- It is seriously doubted however should be encouraged to wn

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