Saturday, June 17, 19X61 - to dishonesty in any ; manner what Ivr He should be truthful, and one. P Cle - --- -- . - . i who teaches not only by precept out bv example as well. A man who has "L entire confidence as well as the respect of his neighbors,' and. all who- knOW him.- 3UCU xuau good anywhere. ; . ; (19) 791 will make I CC.W, w Courses of Study , Jigricalture (8 Courses) , Chem istry, Mechanical Engineering, Gmf Engineering; Textile En gineering, Architectural Engin eerings t Four-Weeks Summer Coarse in Agriculture. ft Four-Weeks Summer Courco in Cotton Grading. 4 Two-year Course in Textile. One-Year Course . in Agricul ture. (Oct, 10th to Jane Sth.) Requirements of Admission f ITHIN the first month of my ser- virP as marlcet agent ;:for the Roanoke, Vau, Chamber.! Commerce t vq vp come across several forms of mration. whiclTare easily, possi ble in every community, even in those where there is no puu u wuuuuu- itv cooperation. 1 Between man and wif tv-There are at least three instances of women who come along with the market wa gon, usually accompanied by some heloer. to do the marketing, while the husband remains at home to carry on - cultivation." Each of these farm women has a peculiar fitness for this special work and commands : the re spect and the confidence of the men who buy on the market as much so as any woman serving as private sec retary, milliner or saleslady. 2. Between hrothert Four miles out are Gilbert Brothers two young men of a push and ' determination rarely seen. Five years ago they took the breath of their neighbors by at tempting to buy seven acres of land with a very small house on it for $3,000 with only a smalt cash payment ; A year or two they rented other land, but soon gave themselves wholly to their little have one acre with overhead irrigation. Their water supply comes from a well they themselves dug and is. pumped by a gasoline engine. To protect them selves against a water famine they have dug a big cistern right by the well, which they keep full and from which they pump the water through the pipes with the same engine that pumps it from the welt They keep one horse of heavy weight and. have an arrangement with a neighbor for the use of his horse in exchange for the use of their horse or labor at times.- . .. -v . Vj- ' ,' 3. Between two neiffhbort.'Ram- sey & Plunketf is the style of the ' " " I ,. , firm. The partnership dates back for . Keeping Up Attendance in locsl 20 years. They are just farmers, - that's all. But they have built up a MeetmgS Dig business on quality as their trade SECURING good attendance at mark. One looks after the cultiva- O meetings, of Local Unions depends tion, and the other does the market- upon the interest that is created in ing. i hey have been pioneers in the the meetings. If the program does trucking development of this section; not include anv business transactions. They are both comfortably fixed and it must include the social and educa each bears testimony to the other's tionaf features:" It is a well-known help in making their farming both fact that a. business orocram that gouts CAnourmr3 gciiool of B:Gi::zEnir:Gnp:AGnicuL7uriZ. ia w it w : - One of the largest and best equipped Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges nithe South. 1,554 Acres cf land. Value of plant oyer $1,300,0001 Orer 120 teachers, officers and assistants. Enrollment, 950, Every county in South Carolina Represented. 13 Degree" Courses. 4 Short Courses, 26 Departments cf instruction. New and Modern buildings, equipment and sanitation. T Ko student will be admitted to the Freshman Class who is not at least 16 years old at the time of entrance. An honorable discharge from the last school or college attend ed is required. . The college no longer main tains a preparatory class. Details as to scholastic require ments famished on application. Itciicious Influences . The College contributes to the salariesoffour resident ministers who conduct divine cervices and pastoral work among the cadets in barracks. There is a nourishing Sunday Sehool and Y.M.C A. with two salaried Secretaries. A $75,000 Y. M. a A. Building ma completed January 1916$ Cost The cost for any of the twelve regular four year courses or the Two Year Textile course is $149.10 per session. This amount covers uniforms, board, room, heat, light water, laundry and all fees ex cept tuition. Tuition is $40.00 ad ditional, to those who are able to pay., -::v:.:":;;:;:;: The cost of the One-Year Agri cultural Course is $122d5t This amount covers the same items as are listed above, ( The cost of the Four-Weeks Summer Courses is $19.00. Scholorsliips ami The College maintains 168 font year scholarships in the Agricul tural and Textile Courses, and 51 - in the One Year Agricultural Course (Oct. 10th to June 8th). Each scholarship is worth $100 and free tuition. Scholarship estd entrance examinations are held at , the county court houses at 9 A. ' M Jury 14. Write for full infor mation in regard to the scholar ships open to your county next session, and the laws governing their award. It t worth your ichS to try for one of these tchcl- ' arships. Those who are not seeking to enter on scholarships are advised to stand examinations on July 14, rather than wait until they come to College in the fall Credit will be given for exami nations passed at tho county seat. . : NEXT SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 20, 1916. CcascaCbllcga, 8. (X, fbi.Oatalog, Scbolaishfp Shades, etc. If you delay, yea nay 1 3 crowded czl gr ess made from year to year for something like the past decade. It is true this will entail considerable ex tra work upon, the superintendent but nothing worth while was ever ac- i complished without labor. THE RANGE THAT SAVES MONEY C. C WRIGHT. The average food waste caused by poor cookinf resulting from a Sadly constructed sn worn-out stove or range is suffi cient to pay for two new range yearly, without counting extra work for the wife. It is real economy to bay a new stove or range instead of. hanging to the old one. , RICHMOND bajvces eliminate food waste. Because of scientific construction they heat quickly and evenly. Proper combustion insures perfect baking and coorang. Tney are equipped witn every labor savinsr device and improvement to save time in the kitchen. Firebox is self cleaning. Write today tor free- book, tells all about stoves and ranges and the RICHMOND LINK that is rapidly replacing other stores and ranges on the farm. Write and well tell you the name oMhe dealer who has them. Richmond Stove Co., Hlelimond. VaDept PF. Sott. under money . back gaarantct pleasing and profitable.. J. F. F. offers some profitable business trans- actions will do more than any thing else to secure attendance. But it isn't practical to have an extensive business program at every meeting. A County School Report Pays A NOTHER matter which will snnn claim the attention of the countr Neither is it desirable, for there are superintendents and the boards 6f other things in life that ought to in- education in. the various counties of terest us more than mere money get- the state is the publication of an an- ting or money saving. uai school renortl For several this has been done in a number of the the problems of farm liie in general counties, and where this . has been and. as an agency for the creation of kept Up from Year tn war : if hat KAffoe cnmmnnitv cntrJf anH snriat aone more than any other one thing relationship, the Local Union 'ought to promote the cause of education in to be worth as much as it is for com- mese counties. Let me suggest that merctal of business purposes, and the a little monev ejcnendptl In thTc wiv Tsvrt tt will .bring results that will surnrise this. ar fK ahm that have h.?t a- you if your county has not published tendance and the most interesting annual Detore, and if you do not meetings. . J. Z. G ooject to having adwtJinw in l- An Easy- Way to Make Money WiAaaEalrpnsCBBf ottnnJcr ariar trea Ail nwno roe cio nuke from $ 1 0.00 to $t 5.00 per day by putonc op you niplus fxuits and Tectible, and lelCnj it to me pcopk myonhome town The ENTERPRISE Camtf ww pnt ontta suet tU dVnjaaJfor a de EendaU outfit With it we tend a book, at hutmrrfom ilut tQs jt ow to pat as erery kind of frail and vegetables, and a cooplclttadU of mxytbiag last it needed to auka Home Caimieg pay,;- If in waat better Food for roar family, tad aura noney for yoroelf. wma ns today lot the ENTEKPR1SE Book. ' Phillips & Buttorff Mfg, Company DepUD N&ahville,Teneaee A Million Dollar Concern Wka5S Years' Exparicawo Uirginia Cans Standard PadarCantwhhSoi GfVO DC3t tZCCfllta der Hemmed Caps Wax beat- . . , , . ing Cans with Wax Strings SptaalDtsmmtsfirTarfy ' Friction Top Syrup Cans and . Diliwery - Paila,:AUiixa. Weahipany Virmnn T.nn Ctrs desired. Write today w rw. craanMtr ior our New 1916 Prict list. Cox 791 Buch anan. Va. 11 report you could easily secure a suf- ri.. tjprf c Cnnvprrfinn nf fta .ficient amount from the merchants .?tt Me 0I, ani business men f . Farmers Union j v..r.Mwtf u, iuv. n lli i rn. iias uccn icvcncu iiuiu n i iii no if u uiHirv ain iiisiiniirt inimni in tri canTpr raffinir attcn-1 - i . . . . V. - puDiication and mailing of the report, fi Dr.H. O. Alexander calTmff atten- inis report should contain a table tion to the fact that on June 30, when Our I er u C , vi uHuin, lugcxn- xne cjcecuiive vommixiee vi mc wvm " with the school census, the enroll- North Carolina Farmers' Union Yoar and u l avcrae Iaily attend- meets in Raleigh, the time and place TM. .. name of thc teacher, of the next annual State Convention do witti more 10 win De seieciea. lowns ana counties attend eased enrollment and wishing to have this convention meet enaance in the writer's own coun- with them should send invitations to t mT,a a other one thing ever at- Chairman W. B. Gibson, Statcsville, tciptea here. Thn u-. m,.u u xr r . j . ..j:. . "raparative table showing the pro attention this should be done at once. I Docblo the Capacity with Less Po wer and eonddcrablv Leas Speed. jT . we mako Dilo rulers of extra largo capao- f ity to meet the special requirements of all site users. Thoaa roartiiaf art spaciaUy deafened to ba oncratod bv Dosular sia , Gasolina Enonea-O-SVlO-13 and 14 ILP. Tell os srb&t yonr power ia and are mil adnM 700 Buy marly an& sots' twrnay. for lift of machine eakned to be operated by popular sia wnat aiss ltoss duo ruler you require. . Writ for 0r Seial PiopoaHlon Today art aute if yoq Intend to aey this year. Early orOoa will aaTe ytm money. The C.Y7. Hoaa Co Boa lfl. fprlsneW.Ohto ' Said in ycjvncwal Gct up a club and gct a rcwarA