1012 (15). - FARMER 1 fHcvfto your Jclc 'Popdcr; I First remembers .-that 'all talciimitffe! nqt: dlikeThereis :l fjtt beneficial arnoun (? i yetlxiacisnt cntisepjbc, in i p. iKjti-, miia ''Otiri Marine wo Cdltcd by MRS.W. N. 1IUTT T - Li tea v v V-.1 vv V; r J ; It is soothing end comforting to sunburned skins, helpful in-teS, " lieyrag ;the .hot v ather imtm -, tions which' bother jbabies find , adults "; too;?. Xtolgate's jsMcqaf m ' venient and v ecbnoinicat tovuse." i - 1 Atwderietypf fitnf all -nercnnal flffttfirencMi ':- t ' - ; VmS&W tvitywkmror4 dainty,; atrial box $tnt for Jo iittampsfft- ' 199 Fulton Street New York Maim of Cathmers Bouvut Soap-1' , ; : , luxurious, lasting, rtfittoa A new size at lOo a cake iENVOI lyBEN Earth's jMtpicture-ls3'in'ted'.' . When -the oldest colours have faded, and" 'Vthe youngest critic has died, . . We Bhall'rest, andr ,faltht we ' shall - need r itlle. down for an aeon orwo, -;; Andi those? that. were; good shall 3e: hap !py T ; they -hallt; In a golden chair f They shall splash at a ten-league canvas; "with brushes of comet' s hatx; They shall find real saints to, draw from I'-. Magdalene, Peter.ri.nd Paul r, ;: f; They;hall work for an age at a sitting I' and never be tired at allK 'o TL Chorteng Ou- :.qH price v;c pay for dfinidng al--S-.cohol has been.the'subject of in "ouirv:"bv the' Assodn'rirm t . t " v.thevskin butimply .interferes xwift-surance : Presidents,; and conclusion" the "circulation of blood in the-capil- are interesting. - The -results of tw claries and producesra certain p ; characteristic : oi . arsenical; poisonrv. from the: records, of -Canadian ing.'..: life; insurance -WellI jdidn; r ted Bessieia-jSp "Yes, this -is:, true;;:The; best thing a do is ? to aVoid ttmg wearing a large hat or bgrihet or Q ihg a sun shde; You,kriowclv it is i duty.;t l6o , appear : well, one musif'arf orer . self ;; and " thetmaini thinp she ; . . xiooK aner is ner complexion,; sp iue ;r.ecicon -that every pint: of brandy : three are so closely; connectdxthat;:isVeady;drin 'shortens his li s a life :. ..,t rJ sssssssisjiBWi. . ' - J-..rT7iT7TT I I :- PIS f! if . 1 i l-nTr'TT.77W? . i i.i i ii ii ii inn in i; ; ; !ii foSEPARATORSJ ''J v A. SPREADERS .TRACTORS I And only the Master shall praise-us, and f oniyhe-::Master 'ishaii'.: blame; rHv And ho: one .sharf work for: money, and no one ; shall work for fame ' But each for the joy of the. working, and- - each,-in .his, separate. star,; :ihall "draw the , Thing, as. he sees It'for . ': the' rGod" of :.Thmgs aheyArelfr'f to : leave rone is to turn ; toward the 41 hbursandf the averae-p Mrlnt, pther;:Thfe complexjor t6nhe wholel sytem imperfect circulation and; indigestion v by authentic people are especially in all write; their eviis;bn the f ace. P Th: teresting.v toj; us ,twprnen because a Tfirst step..; is to getthe system: in; per- . great : deal of patent: medicine has a ifect or as nearly'perfect cpndion p6ssible:i-When one can jtay; attentiQn aswashmg-the;1a(the , creams, j)owderetc. - 1 v r ; v - heavy penaltyrthe?sellmg of ;Peruna , "I know's how. to wash -mine" face ' to his . wards, the ' Indians.' Ther i . AwrAV At,n nt, in UP Billyh who .hadither- .hot much . drinking: in. this country, iwuauiu; wiiii a ;ifCA9 xio n. ' . ;? uccn uiiuiscuvprcu. ; f r ..r2'r;':;K',Dut-tnerc-,is- 'a Vi tnousana times too s:HOUSEKEE GirlsY and Boys the cwaf in? countries are " responded Bessie amid the laughter.; : prohibiting liquor with good results ; y$-I used::tQhmW:i;.knew;;hfe Wi J e - A wale a l t Learn-Tn'it It I W Dutv to (re'foVv9thmg.wellcut;t?ndfea;ch ; tifnesame England :the effects have IthVmplexion the - H Hair arid -the Feet .musryMaii: ieast'Aan:aearn-a.Deiier, way pi more:;cotntOrtab ' - U If I IV I " I M St .V " - ftddMnAi wui x; sec, ., uuim I rshl:ehtered:;theroom;whereVthe;:5 M. Mr XrA rnnhd m 1S ;. the use of taking one of our perject- X One about a subject. .The 'main uv" 4 vwine-making timc-Janp:-wine is to . m? JIskeyjand; Whiskey'to ; drunkeness lif' rtrA mAt!t1m --w f ollr ntn4- InrtlJi J. !'. dl' ).:l.'iL. J i -fit.. v. VVUlil in- one'& best ras a hous Pr,ntinS 1S t0 j . . - - " t.5.. .? fi, - . uiij v t . iia i... .: J .-;.. .Ait i i.: or -.t.--...;'- t,.r-',;':u:i: .--- . f 4 v,j . - jSeeaaare to-croos and crocs to pros perityv: Because there4: is : wine anj books and seeds there , is not neces so much harder if you: don't have; for I 7 a 1 HI i i I )iur fre eatalac tolls too U direct to user, t wbob. j tbeaa and olbsr tmiit- 'Wf.rprS? ituUf utas than roa t "tot 'tones at third to ona-balf utaa than too nan. ilr pay for firat-daaa aooda. All i, mylaaaiMl pncea of aparatori. i laaand ihmiIiih H FarmobiM (tractor) haa no equal (nr limp licity and .tylaa a and tae hi aatcienry. State wnat you Doad. SjU.000 cuatoBMra taaUfy to , quality of tba Galloway Hue of food. Writ today roryoariraa I larMdtnVnJ fannl look vwhen you are at home, espec-: pf skin, and each person must use but the home folks and you can work suited to her own - skin. so much harder if - you don 1 bother about looking 'nice ?? ia. U - . -ii z- : j ially; out here where no one sees you ; the . methods and substances that are 7 w nTl.r.; k tt,Al,nm fniv6 ,n,l vmi :rnrt.;.:i.j. Vu .r - books . and seeds there . is not neces- other about; looking nice,?; ureUhirirettecl wites got to have-on a.pretty, clean ;warm. water. Soap may be used onL": Z . house dre5s,:.hefShaircdmbedM hafad-reU:kept-skilyii waiting at the door. ior:i V -Aunt Margaret:laughed. -The niefe t6dress- detl .to do with-bne's-dispositioni-of t of tbia wooderfDl book of bargalna for ana douosoom IVM. OAU.OWAY, PfM . uakLVWAT CO.-. 77 galloway Pon Watafiaa,r- Hyu have UOOL to Bell forcasb or exchancre ' i for doth, writo ,-to- ;-'- - Atlanta 7 oolen Mills. Atlanta. Ga. They will give you more than dealers and . sell -you letter . goods at lower prices than you can' obtain elsewhere. Unud Harvrt Bolster Springs arT i the fineit automobUa iDricsra. ThfT 1 bump. Itri tnd ietki of tonsb. OMea 1 an oraiouT azoa lato an airr- A fet oa your wigoa will eaabta 1 perishable produce to narket I condjtioaalwaya. IiuUtomlIar I lurdeakr caat aapplr voa write I catalog ana price list . , Etnij tprlsiCMtf-Utlj SL,tsclo,Vla . " .-fXThaNew-Pa - madelutiik ; f - f absorb all the I roada, and clung-e ' ' ' I rid ms sprinff waroa. : ' I fy too to retrout ' - 1 Flo first cl is ' ' b wy lire y-r :: i iMlofhea t 11 :: fccs RENEW AIX TOUlt flCBSCWTTXONS , TIIKOUGH US . . Our clubs iav you monty. We will gladly wake a special club on any paptrs you may 'Winn. - . - . . One letter, one money order and It's all auirnaca 10. .. . May we gprve yout THE rROOBESSITE FABMEB . cis ui r-. -' .-- . - w.nt. :j.-.i. a ----'.-i. ,.. . . , . .. ; sisicniiv ciass .wun iicaim dim vyui. wuuidu .wu vyui h. ;tne 'SKia ana KeepS vtnem -in gOOa ,t,;.i: 1' n AIU-, iUnUce nf muchbette ly .former .work; it.has , air elevating be -used and: the wash cloth must be .v effect on a person; ; She thinks more "absolutelv; clean and aboueminge making jt: generally ;better; if, she :is LToughl Messed roerlyliut;aha What;we are;going;t6 discuss mainly . cation of : an today; we:dr;e;going to talk about the : cold cream will prove helpful. r IUaI fundamentaUcare of the'ComplexidnVell to washthe face with the .Kind. D1c;l rin Jcuicr, au theai personlaysattention clo-buU are-;thet.uglestwaVjfh'i'h iooKs t, oaaiy-jio: :rnaner;now went tl:- :T - - :WKaf?,;e r":" ' . dressed she. is.- A woman -ith-tired- : " w i feet, coarse Aands;id;,Kiwi4hatf inncc a8lu". WV will :not "appear wellnahy-sortVo--.1" dress" r:.!'..v-r r - -v ": secretions n t"': trln'c"Thfy ;- ' ."'; ', ; j. : cloths wet in hot .water arid removed V r This WCCk S NjlTSCry KHyiae by pressing the skin gently between 4 : the balls tf the: thumbs, but care -; should.- be taken not to bruise, the : .? flesh. . Dirt gets into the pores of the "A cirl's 'alwavs thinkini? about her'- skin, and although the white corpus-- v freckles," said Dan. . : : : - ' cles'. fight; hard to throw it, out, the "That is the very thing you do not torpuscles perish. in 1 the endeavor and An ne their:' bodies helo to " make-iun th sie. There is - an under skin called w.hltc centers of the - blackheads and - Goose rhymes. havesuryiyed because the dermis, -in this is found a" color- pimples. "After ; applying "the hot each ha9 its own special charm or les ing: tnatter ; which ' determines ( the'; cloths-it is 'well to rub a ; little cold-- son: 1 " :Cvv -k -v ' c5n complexion ; the amount. varies great- cream well into ;the face, and, then Solomon Grundy ;was ,Mr.,ossP ly in -different individuals and in-dif- - wiPe it off,-afterwards; bathing the: husband.of-Madam; Grundy; :-Tnis is ferent races. Freckles are caused by . ce An cold water - tof prevent taking what the' poem means r i ::; ther accumulation 'of oierment in snots., cold. This cleanses, the pores' of .the f'.; : .r V-.r ,aaSnM iii Monday, The amount. 'of - this -pigment .irirthe dirt which is' lodged ;in them, -.When (( Tuesday tne.' SKin- Decomes cioirircfi. -with tiirt .. .r."' .r .1 -T:-- , . -. Keeping the . Complexion - Good . ; NOW, I am' interested,'! said Bes . sie, "When you . talk about, the complexion. Please telf me how to, .take the freckles -off -my face. ; : . ' Born on Monday, " A. - -. Christened otr Tuesday, , ;. , -Married on .Wednesday, , . .. ' - Very 111 on Thursday- Worso on Friday, - . . ' TDIed. on Saturday, v v; r Burled on Sunday,; .: , This is the end " : . '' ": . '..Of Solomon Orundy.V . - ; ' Comment: Th e S fcold ;M0tner nrenarations are harmful as thev us--'Complexion becomes muddy. ualljr contain arsenic which does not . - hate to go. riding, in the winter , decrease the amount of" pigment -in (Concluded from page 26, this issueY reach week's verse? was burlcd; Who cart, discover the - lesson

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