Saturday, Atigust 25, 1916 . (17) 10U MM MMM 11 ' r MAcnifJ2r.v- -1 Sale .tee, and lor carts.; son. . - at Bargain &aw mill, joke Woodard, Wil- rr caie Deiavai wrwm . ocjiw T.f Bibcock" tester r APPletonhuskerhred der Henry Gardiner. Franklin.- Va. Tpenn Threshing macnme ana grain sep-r- 1 ADPleton Husker and' Shredderrl Ohio No. li ifl-r.-1 Chattanooga ; Re- rn Grain" andUlizer' Drill;' 1 Duplex Grinding -Mill;, Chatham 5lnine Mill; 1 Fa(rbanks-Morse -8 h,-p. Farntblf Gasolene Engine;, 1 Lime or Fertil Pr deader; 1 American Adjustable .Wa-led- 1 Roderick Riding Cultivator. 1 Bi f,onwAii. oxford, n. av- v s : HELP iWNlEDPv: wanted Salesmen: to -.handle pecan jtrfcea and general nareefy; stocfc.5 "Harlan Farm's. Nursery, Pecan Speeial8ta:Lackhart,v AU. J . "" Wanted Man td manage; W shares' small ; ruck farm ,ana nairy caws, ,eu5n .iuw, Good market.- Address,-Box -22$ Marion North Carolina r: . r-: :'-.y "salesmen We iwant.slu)norablef energtlp' ;v..tiri fruit trftesandother. nursery stock - Good proposlttonfor .theYrighf man. Smith Bros., Dept.26. (fehcor d,Ga X- Salesman For Highvclass Tobaceo;.FaTc ; ' tory - Experience unnecessary. '," Goods pay and ' promotion .foe .steady workers.-Complete . .Instruction sent you: Piedmont' Tobacco Co.,- Wanted To get ihto communication With capable gentleman-? for farmer, He . must know how to handle boys and to care . for dairy. For further "miormauon, . appiy at once In person,; preierawe, veo upennieno ent, I. 0. O. F. Home, Goldaboro. N;;C; - T Man Wanted Intelligent, -. energetic; man, to buy on 10 years1 time, firm, near town of 40,000 people. - Suited to truck," dairy, hogs and chickens. Great . chance- for right. . man. Also want working partner in 4 600 acres cattle and.hay farm, two miles of ;shipT ine point. Also for sale, 1,000 acres 50 miles -Columbia, S. C, 4 miles of ""shipping, point, . $10 an acre. Write, J. J. Mcswam, Green vile, S. C. - - s v 1 jehsets r rTwo Registered. Jersey Bnlls-r-Higaly bred.: One .sired by , grandson. of Eminent; one . by. son .o-Imported Jap j both .out of real good. Su Lambert cows, Chance to get some thinr real good at a bargain. -John Edge, Toccoa, Ga. " - : . . DOGS Pedigreed- Collie. Herndoiv Va .-. i - Pupa. M. K. Stroud,: Bull Pups for Sale Apply to CT R.'Gavin,' Warsaw., N. C. V , . .. For Sale Six , pure-bred hound puppies. W. .N. Coleman, -Culverton, Ga.' ; : . , Collie-dog, male, 3 -year-old, smart, $lb J. E. Whltehurst. Ringwood N. C.. f - For Sale Registered White -Scotch Collies; beautiful.1. Fine cow dogs.1. Roadview Stock Farny Marlon,:Ala: , r , -V,": V ' A v r. : Two-year-old female, ; well, trained, good retriever, t English Pointer, twenty dollars. Log Cabin Farm,- Eagle Springs,) N. C. '::? - SHEEE AND GOATS-v :cs: Grade t Shropshire- Lambs f o -Sale Ck"- O. i Harris,. 'Pa;mplin,.iVa.s;"- . :. :r' -J.O itegtetered 'Sbropshlxeram and t fou " registered, iewesor;.erA: HORSED AT? D JACKS .-Shetland- - Poniest1 f orv galfe--Two ' Syear Vgeldings;-$I6 nd; llOOron&Hf-yearr'jrYSW.I Pnrered Southdown aheew: . Chilis, ttuna v(femalieBtiE5Ssexigs.rvL POSITIONS WANTED Young married . man wants" position as farm overseer.. Ten years' experience Ad dress, Hustler, Shallotte, N. C, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 38. ' ; - ';. Wanted Gentleman of several years ex perience wants a position as principal of two or three-teacher" school. Address, D. Mount Olive, N. C, Kt 2, Box 87. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Shorthand Tuition; patd--;raonthly'; from guaranteed salary. ." Railroad fare deducted. Piedmont Business College,? Lynchburg,-; Va. LIVESTOCK BEBKSHISE9 Large Berkshifes:: at" Stona Gat Farm, . reiersDurg. va,-'. . .... v. -. Berkshire 5 boar, 16 months,- $80.: - E.- M. Conrad, Lewlsvllle, N. C. . ; ; i;V TWO OR MORE1 BREEDS "FbrVSalfr at - f arrhers iriceB." Potato .'on inn- Sets;.: and" tn-farge- Potato - onldnaj iiThia 1r pertiaps:the st, flavored onion-and th earlv iWantJtd -buy several Jcarslof 5 feecUnsr. hoffs and Tstock slteep. KPaul" Finch. ,Cralx.Orcliard,v Save. Jdur Sweet- Pmatc Vines Thv niak- more potatoes than slips'1 Set'thenr early yu.,niease.We."keep thems at'arcpsti ottio .cents per thousand. rWrite f r, sure hiethbd. , For: Sale Fresh:; Ilkaws nd.hlf em Oaklawn Stock Farm; R. IV; D. MooreBville.. xs ortn-; uaToiina.5K. -y. r Vf-T-t,: :; 'p. For Sale-Berlcahlresi : andtBetkshlre fand" w nite cnester cross , pigs. ;,. ah. from .regis tered'maie.: Six and eight weeks old ?Her man Prasse,., North. Emporia Var: ' s , ; 'A';; Few 1 Thousand Bushels" Genuine South- ierii grown 'rye,; tail growing, $L65 bushel? ten . irosnei8 ana -over, - ?i.5tt ? per bushel, Abruzzi seed rye,' $3V bushel; ten bushels and over, '. $2.76 bushel. Winter barley, $1.5Q bushel Beardless' seed barley, $2.5-0 bushel. Kirby Seed Co., Gaffney, S.. C. . v; v va HAMBUIiGS Silver Spangled ' Hamburg cockerels, 60c each. K. E. Punch, Rt. . 4, Newton, N, C. : LEGHORNS Fine Tom Barron White Leghorn cocker els, SL Robert Lambert,' Darlington, Ala. - Special Sale Single Cpmfc White Leghorn hens, ,7R' ceftts J.! L." May," Prosperity,- S C. I One hundred rWnite Leghorn h, hens, also few Browns. Paul" Pearson,' Charlotte, N.- C. Single Comb Whit. Leghorn yearling hens $1 each. Alabama Leghorn Farms Co., Eos ley, Ala. -. . ;'' .z White Leghorn Pullets Show birds; heavy layers; February -hatched; beginning to lay. W. F. McCall, Route 8,. Charlotte, N. C. j - Pure-bred - Single- Comb: White and Brown Leghorns,: pulletaf and'. cockerels?;-. price "75e each. Miss Emma. BrutOn,T MtGilead, N C. ;- White Leghons Breeding stock; v and '.choice lot -cockerels, ! front pedigreed Tom -Barron ; .cocks. r.Quicfc . Bale.r, Satisfaction guarasiteed. Oakgrove Pottltryv Farm; Beau- OBriNOTpltJ v , ixj Buf f Y Orpingtons : $8, ' :.' Perf y r.Ybunt, Ronte No. 1, JSoX 3. 'HiicKo,rytN. Ci ' . ; PIGEONS ;Nice Berkshire Pigs, $5 , each;, CvG. Sat terwnue, Rt. 5r Box 7; Oxford, N.X ' Vr; r ' Pure-bred Berkshire pigs,; thrifty.and -prolific strain. .Rogt; McMurdo, Charlottesville, 'Virginia.. ' v. .."':.,,, ;''.:',, '5 "-.-;,.; English Berkshire Pigs 'from Charlottes Masterpiece :'. All pigsH-, sold registered. Meadow Brook Farm, Taylorsvllle, N, C. " Pure-bred Berkshire Pigs Biltraore and 'cwn strains; 6 and; 12:weeks old,, Price 17.50 and $10 each. . ;WhHe . Btos.;: ;Mebane; North Carolina. : , ,:: ' Berkshire Grade Shoats--From; prolific sows; ten weeks old; five dollars each rex- NonVc?roHnaUplandS Farm Eagle sPrin8 1 ot?0y on Bred Berkshlres Pigs born June Either sex, with registry papers, for ' WoLatT elht aoll&w each. Royalton Pines Farm, Lock Box 168, Southern Pines, NC. r i hftIt0i .Tra4 Registered Berkshire herd uoar ana brOOd BOW! hoth Khntari lmmitMit ;Sni.?aiCh Wlil trade one or botn 'or. good : SSyg; g. G. Waripg, MagnoMa FaL, "CTlfliS?fi Puro Gilts, Boars- GeSgia! i Pald 5arrowVvPelhamv- ' boa?08 of, " QuMty--Bred n sows ; t . service' SnerGa0 i'?i&x nenS il Grand CWlon Cherry : Ten- aessee, twelve ..weeks fifteen dollars' .1 f ' Tl. 11 . " , - . rwon. .unariottft . n. Cl ; ; : each Sale-38tv.Dr?S" Jerey Male , Piga -for eSh TV11101 -J Good as.the best. ,$8 . SnrlnPB vl !"a.-KtffN01 -ls .Highland ' aiS'wIllHf. Cooler Im mune Hfl.y n " ano. . vnoiera--'- im une Herd Bonn i urea. pri(...Tt C ' AVU "" J. c PatVftJ? II0, , P1s. ten dollars each. -ittojCharlotte, N. C. .t " rOLAND-CHIK A ire0&Shina5exPlgsCross ?? bred sSI8 North C Troiini 6 : ' W.vWarrenPUIna, fPT? gilts, servlcf. hr. Vi.V.Wh now. W w Tailsf actlonuarantewrlte 17. Johnson. Danvlii: tct- J , - inson, Danvlll Si!l?boro,l qy wUrr-1?s-'vBV 8eySa:ife Boutcaa?!1H? Pure breed . Homer - and Carneaux pigeons for sale, vlrglnus. Kllby; Burlington?. mC;-v 1 . 1 1 PIT GAME FOWLS Best; - for the farm,- yung, , 'trios, ' Blues, Blue-reds and Spagles. . Correspondence a pleasure. 'Leonard Phinlzy, 'jr., East Flat BOCKS . For Sale 150 nutlets. .250 young cocks. 21 hens. $1 each. f. o.r b. Loulsburg. N. C, Ma- pleville 'Barred " Plymouth" Rock; Farm, - H. H.. UODgOOO, Mgr., JjOUlSDUrg, XN. .KJ. . Mid Summer Sale Barred Rock Cocks and Hens Among which : are some blue ribbon winners." Bargains In mated trios ana pens. write S. , L. Thompson, Henrietta, N c.-; WYANDOTTES f Silver Wyandottes Cockerels, : hens and pullets ior sale. R. w. Bray, Ramseur, jn. u. SEEDS? AND PLANTS CABBAGE Cabbage Seed for frost-proof . plants. Write for Tprlces. Durham Seed House, Dur ham, N C. .'. v; '.:' '':. v.,-" - :" ;.- - Fall cabbaee nlants.iS50 hundred; 300 76c; BOO. -11.26 r 1.000 $h75 :ostpald. v Express $L60; 5.000, $6.25V:10,000, s$10;-V Tidewater Plant Co;; Franklin; Va. v ' -.'.r i Cabbage v Plants-Northern grown,: hardy. plahtsr . Succession', tf Copenhagen -Market, Surehead and .Fiat uutcn ..i: per.iruu. r, .W. Rochelle & Sons, Chester," New Jersey. CLOYEB Bur Cloverx Lambertr Darlington, Ala. Bur Clover per: bn'shel H. -Double- screened seed-at $1 T.' Cannon, 1 Newberry, S. C. '-Rest- ntinHtv double screened Bur Clover, 12 cents a pound, y Pedigreed Seed Com pany; Hartsville, . S.. C..--v"V; '".''-:" - " Wanted to Buy 9 -bushels fresh crimson clover "seed. Send - sample - ana price, . c m. Brennan, Columbus, Ga. - - - i nm rrowf Seed and Bir Bone. Guinea Pigs Cut prides from now until September nrst. Orderbefbre it is tooiate to bow or vigo io all gone. WillowDaie Farm, . Maynemvja. i Buy' Your Bur Clover Seed From Roadview. Stock Farm Te larges"- or .uv.r the South. 4 Seed gua,ranteed the equator .any offered. $1.25.. perf bushel. tSpeclal prices -on i ofthhoiot nd i.over. . Valuable planting Instructions with orders.1- Boadyiew Stpclc Farm,- Mariohr-wMa., 'y.-i'- ,r- :' "' ' . OATS. fellolrfpernvlatni Seed'OatsrAslTifor sam. pie atid circular;, jnts a. : wowianoi rcn fleldNt,C'C?; .;r: r-' . ;r.."-' i ONIONS -White. Shallots, or MultlDller Onion Sets $t per bushel, cash with order: discount on large lots; no order filled for less than one" bushel.' -S. E. Hostetter, Denbigh.-Va, RAPE Dwarf Essex .Rape, eight cents ner nound. Durham Seed -House, Durham, N. C RYE Abruzzi .Bye Seed for Sale Write Jas.- S. White, Mgr., Woodberry Farms, Rock Hill, South Carolina. ' v. N , . - . -.- North Georgia Write for prices. Nerth Carolina. Rye- gives- best results. Luther Cobb, - Culberson, J SUDAN GRASS Sudan. Grass Seed Guaranteed Pure: cer. tified by state ' and county experiment asso elation. Write David B. Clarkson, Robs town, Texas. " - . . : VETCH Augusta Vetch. Lambert, Darlington, Ala, Hairy vetch, graded, bushel; 81 1 i round 20 centsSanrRhyhe; --BsemieRlty--Nv.'5;(. ' V Xomaopjants,fe$l;?er thtusandxatfbaare' an(t xiollaTd:?; SLSff! celeryiia fl6sr --IMi nnnt Texas -Red Rust Proof Oats. , 75c T- bushel :: Appier paXsMc bushel; Virginia Gray oats,; vvc Dusnei; . uignum: seea . oats, f i cbushei;. Red v May seed u wheat,- 81.90 4 buBhel: 'Leans Prolific, seed wheat. $2 bushel; Golden Chaff, . ?z.i& bushel. Wiir: submit samples : of any the above seed if requested. Kirby Seed Co., Gaffney, S. C. - r, - -.- , Don't inoculate your Fall. Clovers. Alfalfa. and Vetches with soil. You may transfer troublesome plant diseases and, have too few and inefficient bacteria. Inoculate with Standard - Nitro-Germ, pedigreed nltrosren- gatherlng bacteria, One acre bottles. $1 ; five-acre bottles, : $4. Don't plant expensive seed . without having plenty of germs on each seed,- Only live, virulent cultures ship pedAll shipments parcel post prepaid. Ad dress, : Edmund A. Felder, Mgr., Columbia, South Carolina. - Wanted, to .Rent A good water front ' farm in good section of eastern NorthCaro lina. Address Box 70, Route No. 4,-Dunn,". North Carolina. : -' i : . Farm for . Sale Nice little farm of 180 acres in 8 miles of Thomasvllle, Ga. Well located., .Write: for particulars. E. F. Thomason, Cairo, Ga. . For Sale Improved farm 109 acres In Mecklenburg- County, Va.- Good." buildings, well - located. Price - $2,500. J. W. : Nash, ' -(Owner), Blackstone, Va. .---', . We cut up, advertise and sell farms and' City property at auction, also farms bought and - sold prlvatejy. Write us today. - At lantic Coast Realty Company, Offices: Pe tersburg,,Va. and Greenville, N. C NAt auction sale September 6th, 700 acres level - blocks cut-over pine s timber land, all tillable. 1H miles from Columbia; county seat of Tyrrell county, East North Carolina. ' Terms cash, - particulars Jay Finch, Cort- land. Ohio. , --;.y . ; ,1,107 acres rich farming and cattle land near-; Jacksonville Florida. Equal to-other Mui, , ?50 per aerei . Threequar ! i t &.-Ml. fencing wm , enclose .whole tract, i , - v , r ; ond(Khar?ain:Tfte .forfulV !; ' tlon P ,IL .Petree, Callahan. .Flav X&V.-yVi j: I ' ". - 1 1 u ..i. ii ! .i , i i a j -v -.-fi- ',.h t ' Ia8aliBa:rM f rood---Ian-. (imyJfll i) dwelling. brra.and.-8tables 45ti 80 'aorea v open- land rest can easnv be t:Ieare4 .mivea : to Vader;Ni 0 miles south of FayetU- ? vllleVINVC? Price ;$ For .riartlc.nlnm ; Orchard grass, 'Kentucky Blue grass, Eng lish Rye grass, Meadow Fesque, Tall Meadow Oat grass, Perennial Rye grass, Herds grass. All 25c pound; ten pounds and over 22c per pound.-Bermuda grass seed, 45c per pound; tenpounds and over, 40c per; pounds Special lawn "arass mixture, nrenared -.esDeclallv for the? South, 30c pound. Special clover , and grass mixture ler permanent pasture or nay crop;- 20c per pouad, ' 100 pounds - and over, 18c pound...; In - ordering; this ? mixture .state kind 6f soil you ; wish, to plant ?thls crop on. Kirby Seed Co., Gaffney, S. a ' ;An Uniwuat: .'Onndrtnnlrfloi:fM::n'nA.-: 'strong-verfi'-prodttctlye tfitia4:--:ii(mehal:. .;in;"'-.cumvattMVafencfe-- -4nv9sturer, Mtdrttakber''? spl&ndjox nrom i resldenee- ,:located ; on- rail- u j road4nAmalnTuWiei3roadanien6Ud ueigi vuruuou ; near.i senoo' aira, ; cnurches. ( present owners inherited . the, is- no- . ' farmer and Is otrering to. sell for about nne " .half; value, v" 825 per acre,- terms to suit; put- ,i chaser. - For further informations addresser f i gee, w. j. Thomlson, Fayettevllle, Tenn;y - For ,- Sale Twelve Georgia farms 50 . to ' 100acres each. . All under fence and in fine- state of cultivation,.4 iThese farms are' loca-: tea in the best agricultural and stock -rais-? ,pcvuuu m. ..iuc duuu), , ..eacn. iariu on . -f sand clayed C roads. One mile ralFroad, fV" churches and schools .R. F. D. , and . tele- phofte. ? Health unsurpassed Anything that can be planted will grow here successfully.' : xermsi one-mro .? casn, balance easy. ( W, M. 'Webster, Owner, Swalnsboro, Ga.- ;; - Fine Farm for .. Sale Containing about 400 acres, 200 acres open,. 200 acres, ' wood land, all" under eood' fence Woodland, di vided into two pastures, open land divided . . Into nine fields. Has" 6-room dwelling, 8 ienani nquses, ana s good barns, - with cow stalls. Is a little ' more than 1 mile from Courtland, Va., where there Is 8 churches, good high school and two banks. Great op portunity to buy a good home in a good community. "Address, Farmery Box 101, wouniana, va. ; Ky'll . .. - I i f .', fe l l .i ' w 't' 't - Hairy Winter Vetch. 22c pound, . 50 pounds and over,- 2 Oczpofund ; American grown ralfalfa seed." 99. per" cent-pure,, 25c poundj 60. pounds and Over; 22c pound; -choice' stoclc-crlmson clover; 15c pound; 50, pounds "and tver, ISC pound ; - American grown red clover, zzc pound;- 60 pounds and over 20c pound; alt sjke clover, , 206 v; uound t sapling clover, - 25c pound r 6 0 pound -and. over, 22c pound ; sweet, clover,.: tmhulled. 5.c pound;;: white Clover. 60c pound ; bur clover, v cleaned and screened, $1.25 bushel; Dwarf. EsseX'rape,-10c pound; 60 pounds and . over, 8c pound... .Kirby Seed Co.. Gaff ney Sr C. v ' ;'- ;:--:' ii: ..'.v; ,' '.--h; t: "I''feiilS!! mm vr::,,f . 1 jr. I .r MISCELLANEOUS Belgian Hares-6 months ; old, pair, $8; Light Brahma cockerels $1. Robert Patter son, China Grove, NC. ' ' " r Fine Virginia Farm for Sale 186 acres In Greenville County, one mile from the '-i "f ' town Of Purdy on Virginia R.. R. 90 acrea ' i:f!-:WS i cleared. .70 In rmn halo wmDer, . jaumper crop, houseii new... Large., barn. with - all- outbuildings,, -cement milk- house P?lenty,of water, of - the best,' large orchard v and vineyard; abundance- of. ' : ' aU kindss of fruit.: r; Fino bright tobacco Jand.? ' Farm ' all fenced with' woven wire, auto- " -roads to all points,' schools and churches at A jruray, l mile. Horses, hogs, poultry, and allafarm-lmplementa goes-with farm.- House- hold furniture. 1 "Address owher, , Price $50 per;,.acre- J. A; . Wbods, Purdy; : Va.-- ? . Land for Sale Why not buy a farm and home? We have subdivided 2,400 acres at , Norlina,. Warren Co., N. C, Into smaU farms, M from 25 to -100 acres. This land is fine for corn, tobacco ' cantaloupes,, potatoes - alfalfa. anaau vegetables" on one farm' last year. twenty acres was In potatoes, yieldine 8100 to $160 per acre. . - There are as many acres yet that will do ar much. Beautifully lo- ; cated, lyings oms-TOile "of Norlina one and one-half miles of Warrenton, which makes it Very desirable. Prices. $25 to $30 per acre. JTerma easy,-' Industrious rentera can buy on small payments, about the sum paid for rent. V Lans Lumber Company, Norlina, N. C. ' 1 I X 1 n. 'X'i ?X.:',V a i.ti For Sale At rav bargain, 1 one ball-bearinsr milk wagon and one cream separator, boH In good condition. T. W. Cleveland, Deca tur, Ga. - -V-'-y Leaves. : Wanted We want dry Jlmson weed leaves at 10c per pound till October 1, 1916, and all other roots1 herb's,, ietc, R, ,T. Greer & Co., Marlon, Va. ''"x. Tamworth Plgs-A new-lot, pure blooded1 Sir weeks oldV $ 6each, . . Will exchange . for Abruzzi rye, bur and crimson clover seed. T. B. Lindsay Deep Springs Farm, Stone vllle, Rockingham County. N. C. Surreys at Half Price Handsome, modem, substantial. Sold on money, back guarantee. ima, .lonii. fft. ton ' fttr almUKr hnrratna. -fl,V DUUCJ V ww. ., Send for UluatrStlons quicky What -you want .wont -be here ong. r v noes. jiiii-,cusgy i;om panyr Rock Hill. S. Cv . . - - J ' . Jack- up your r.ear wheel i and make your -auto saw wood; pump water,- turn' a' grind stone, etc. The -Simplex quick'- detachable pulley has a hollow cone center? to center J It. on : the nub ana incunea nooKS on us uacK which engage behind in spokes the greater the load-tTre itlghter,Jt,holds--$3.50 brings It. Circular free. Simplex Company, 6004 Victor, Washington D, C- ,: ,? r ..';' OUR LAND EXCHANGE Land for sale. E. C. Williams Clinton, N. C. Small Farm .-in Harnett .County, for Sale Terms eay. Wt H. - Parrish,iDunn, N. '?. . ; For ; Sale--800-aere-,'farm .. In vClarendon County tobacco section. Write, Wy P.' Baker, ..Ron ti tlf ill v Par m El rht -room ' house i I s"f oce and, machinery.- .Terms easy. Apply. .Wood LearN. c, ,uox si. - ' t ' . - TeA brlarht 'leaf ' tobacco : farms -.for -sale. .Bend letter, or Postal ttSK description. P. O." Box ,22.2, Wllliamston,.N. ;C.;'JJartUr County IM,'" I . W. Mil ' -l If. f I ' I I", T. .I.IIIN,. l i. v For. Sales-rGn -long .and easy terms, tw farms . containing about J 9 acre eat h PrICe siz.69 per acre, j uwiiey wooaara, urancn yllle, Va. - : . -; ..' ; -"--v :'ii. m If A Richmond. (Virginia) - surburban farm . ItAvmM fit n n n .1.1, . 1 - 1 1 A 1 A 1- uwuo Mi. UTB akICO VI 11VU IBVCI IHnU WllH , :; ,r i f, beautiful new cottage and out-houses. .'Will i . ' I ) I iciu f)x,vvv - a, year - .- uuca, puuiiry ana fruit. Salubrious climate the year -round'- Few hundred yards of' deep water but well elevated, and only few minutes to. city. Only $825 cash and balance ($1,650) like rent, monthly or yearly (5 years). Less than cost f of city lot At your door are excellent mar-t kets, good neighbors,' churches and schools. - A' delightful home and-excellent investment in the Southland. , Richmond has a popula- ' tlon of 170,000. Employment in city. Write for our free literature on choice ? Virginia farms. Address, K; T. ' Crawley, Industrial - Agent. - Chesapeake &. Ohio Railway;: Room ? a 11 ? 536. . Richmond. .Va.'"-!'',' v!'H:t f v;,'-f-'J " ' ; f 1 F, mil 316-Acre' Stock and' Grain Farm Fertile, - ; f chocolate .soil; level; nicely watered; two . ' -thirds In cultivation; good timber; nlne-i ( room house; prime outbuildings; high school , : on place: improved roads in: all ..directions ;.?, .high class neighborhood;' fine view, sevenJ ; -, : miles to large town,. $7,000.'.. 142-Acre -Farm ' and Mill - Proposition One and a half- miles ' ruiroau ,v uwo-f - eeven-romu.- u weiiiug , aae ) quate outbuildings; productive - -chocolate . loam; grist and flour mill; - fine water powerr ' -' $4,000; 186 - Acres flue tobacco, peanut -and : cotton, farm-r-level; well' watered; .gray soil,-:' yellow clay subsoil; improved, roads jschools t-;.v and churches, .-one r mile; dwelling: five rooms; tenant houae, etc.; $2,650. 200 grain, ., grass,; stock, tobacco, cotton and peanut farms. Many of which are -har gains. Write for information. VlrglnlanRealty Co.; Inc., Kenbridge,' Va, ; ' V:; ':v'i. ;''.f ;-"'g ; ri Ul'l i): --T JTC r KL f rt5 1 ;.:!! : V" ;.;,.;.. ')''' ,f 1 1 tons idnMoctel Parfectlonhasevery improved feature. Gets all the juioa oat of your cane;, saves til loesea in the pulp; fully M.MtiMi), nrlce S2Q.53 Im. Cuufna Cook's , EviDoraton. r without A,fwJyl a 1 f , I ' '.lSUIC3irl$l3S ! "s t-! ro-;:;.:;::v:.

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