u' - IOSS (16) TH PHOGRESSIVE FAPttr -in '"the rccsi so" the sun'llniake the ; "Maybe rot. - But" there's 'rainbows dance as: that blessed child fccrrr, that ain't ' answerin' ne,-any .? balls' it. - She's sent Timothy down f er fOId Tom. Then,- abruptly tVf ln.ne(l Cobb's " greenhouse three; .times, for died. from hiseyesV "How U h i,gtt :f resh flowers-i-an, tlaty Vesidei; .all. i:;day-Htfce , little" gal - ., shc.ter. rtheposieVfekhed '.the ether day, if I didn't find her. sit-- too, had sobered. ' er face, . Polly anna: (Trademark) - trrademark) i9 By f Uooyrieht 1913 tin 'fare the bed with the nurse ac-. , Just the same, Mr Tom n. tually doin'her hahy an Miss Polly- ain't no; special diffrencc-n -J- - ELEANOR H. PORTER gSEBy -' ' By 1 C. Page & Co., Inc. - . v -.' Glad if! -in ; 'V. S5 if mm Mm 'S I V. .. i t '.!' . f v CHAPTER XXV (Continued) time. t nnw'T KaIIava trnnwt"iiaif srt The New much as Dr. Chilton." ! ?: morrow. t v j . - - . bed, , her eyes all smmn an - nappy, lays there, an' sleeps an tal1 c 1 Besides, it s already arranged.; An t declare ter Goodness. 1 Miss an' tries ter miu ; , .some, York doctor is coming to- Pn11v ua:nf wr air -IHcp tha the tun glaa cause -.. . l . - w . . - Vi U1C monn - ;4tOh, yes, he does, I'm sure, dear?': : As jit happened, however, the. Neir; blessed child;" s ';enongh ter make yer heart V ,8 uitd& "But it was Dr. Chilton who doctor- York doctor did not come "to-mor- Old Tom chuckled. ; vith achinV the last moment a telegraist. . WeD, it strikes me Miss Polly her-f.. ttI know; it's the 'game' bles h unavoidable delay owing t . self ainrt lookin noseTthe worser-f or-sweet heart 1" nodded OM t Chilton-" "What, Poflyanna?" Aunt Polly's voice v was very . sharp now. Her cheeks were very red, too. ; ;"I say, if you loved Dr. r Chilton, and didn't love the other one," sighed Pollyanna, "seems to me . that would make some differ enece in the good he would do; and I love Dr.! Chilton ; The nurse entered the room at that; moment,, and Aunt Polly rose to her MI told ye soV nodded the. man. aI told ye she wa'ntold.u T . Nancy laughecL. : " Wen, FII own up she hain't "got quite so good an imitation of itas glad. ; She'did She said I could be glad, anyhow, that I didn't have ter stoop sofar ter- do my wtedin' 'cause I "was1 already bent part way over." ?Nancy'. gave a wistful laugh. - :Wcll, I ain't surprised, after all. You might know she'd find somethin We've been playin it that game- she did" have, !f ore Miss Pollyanna since almost the first. come. ;Sayr Mr Tom;who was herw could play it lover? I hain't found that out yet ; I , with though she did speak of-her hain't, I hain't T 'l ' aimt.'-' - " 0 ytv. LUJLU'lJP'lUli! iMUip A.-V.-A ... . ed Mr. Pendleton's broken leg, Aunt row." At ' much, I would hketo have Dr. Chilton the sudden illness ot the specialist wearmf them .'ere, curls 'round her' blinking a little. ; -truly I would r : . himself TTiis; ledJPoiryanna jnto-a. forehead he'obserTcd dryly..: She told you, then, too about tW "But I do mind, Pollyanna. 1 mind renewed preadmgfoTtbe substitution ; -Course ae ain'C retorted Nan- 'ere-game?" . ' that very much. I would do anything-al- of Dr.; Chilton-, which would be so indignantly "She looks like folks , 01l' ves. Sh tnM i most anything for you, my dear; but : easy now, you know. - ' .now' She's actuatty almost-" t : . . .The old man hesitated g ag0" ;I-f or reasons which I do not caret But as before. Aunt PoUyshook hef( "Keerful, now, .Nancy 1". interrupted his lips-twitching a' little W?'n' lUspeak of now, I don't wish Dr. Chilton head and said noear, very decis- the od ti, a ow in. "You'fgrowlin' one day 'cause Iwa ,1k?! .. called in on-on this case. And be- ively, yet with a still more anxious as- know vrhat yon said when I told ye up and crooked; an' wha L " 7-, Beveme,lhe cannot know so .much -stirancefhat sh wottld do anything; handsome once . - - appose the Tittle thing said?" aut-bouyour trouble, as this ; anything but that-to please her dear Nan shrugged her shoulders. . .L T couldn't guess I woLvt,-, .great.doctordoes, who'wflt come Pollyanna.... , ; ; "Oh, she ain't handsome, of course ; she t could ndii'lff A? " .from New York to-morrow." As the days of waiting passed one, but i 'win own tt she don't look lik , be glad abcit I - abUt that ter Jfollyanna stiu looked unconvinced. "J vuc, n uiummcu, ou mu aum, t same woroani what with the rib-- "But, Aunt Polly, if you loved Dr. rony was ooing everyming Idui tnaij. j,ons an lace Jiggers MUs Pollyanna- tnat sne couw ao to picase ner niece, nkes her wear round her neck" . vi . woman t a Deuevea it yon couldn't V made me believe it,"- Nan cy said to Old Tom one morning. "There don't seem to be a minute in the day that Miss: Folry ain't- jest hangin' 'round waitin' ter do some thin' for that blessed jamb, if .'tain't more than ter let: in the cat an' her what wouldn't let Fluff nor Buff up stairs for1 love . nor money . a week ago: an' now she let's 'em tumble all "Hain't Ye?" asked the old man. "Mtss PoIM" . feet abruptly; a . look of relief on hef over the bed jest 'cause it pleases with an, odd loot on his f ace. "Well Nancychuckled. face. Miss Pollyanna! ; " I guess ye won't then from me." '- ' ' I guess you hain't got such an aw- '1 am very sorry, Pollyanna' she "An when s 4!0h, Mr. Tom, come on- now," . fulrdiff-rent opinion o' the mistress said, a little stiffly; but I'm afraid else; she's movin' them;, Kttlel glass wheedled the girl; uYe see, there than I have," she bridled. you'll have to let me be the judge, this danglers Ground ter different winders ain't many folks here that I can ask." Old Tom stiffened. . I .was only thinkm 'twould be some v of a surprise to her," he ex plained with dignity. ' "Well, "yes,, I guess 'twould be then " retorted' Nancy. "I ain't savin' what 'twould be now. Fd believe any thing o' the. mistress now even that she'd take ter playin' it herself !" "But hain't the little gal told her ever ? " ' She's told ev'ry one else, I guess. . I'm hearin' of it ev'rywhere, now, since she was hurted," said Tom.', m.:V-:-::-: ' 'Weli; she didn't tell Miss Polly," rejoined Nancy. ttMiss Pollyanna told me long; ago that she couldn't tell her, caus'e her aunt didn't like ter have- her talk about her father; an' 'twas . her. father's game, an' she'd have ter talk about him if she did tell it.' So she never told her." "Oh: I' see; I see The old man nodded his head slowly. "They was always bitter against the minister chap an of 'em, 'cause he took Miss Jennie away from 'em. An' Miss Pol lyyoung as she" was couldn't never forgive him; - she was that fond of Miss Jennie in them days. I see, 1 see. Twas a bad mess," he sighed, as , he turned, away. t -"Yes, 'twas all 'round, all 'round," sighed Nancy in her turn, as she went back to' her kitchen. , Torino bnr were those days of waiting . easy, .The nurse tried to look cheerful, but her eyes were trou bled. The doctor was openly nervous and impatient, Miss Polly said little, but even the softening waves of Mir about her face and the becoming laces' at her. throat, could not mac the fact that she was growing thin and pale. As ;to PoUyanna-PoUy-anna petted the dog. smoothed tne cat's 'sleek head, admired the floors and ate - tfie fruits, and jellies that Were sent in to her ; and returned m numerable cheery answers to inc many messages : of love and inqwrj that wer e brought - to her bedside. But she, too, grew pale and thin, . ana the "nervous activity of the poor li tue hands and arms only .einphasiftd the pitiful motionlcssnesi .of the owe active' little feet and legs, so woefully quiet "under the blao" (Continued next week) mi X ' " v.v. .'.- .: : : ... y x' "tempo :;vr3 if - .fx f 3 r-, X J; x 1 V-4;V-'V rm- f ! V': ." - fr i; a ' -TTI l-OWV artists entertain you on the Victrola p. Jl )vherLyou Uvle' y6u k"1 your owu home the best music rf all thevorid The Victrok brmes to you the superb art of the most famous sineers tnusidanr Jtu who are the delight of Uiousands ia the great musical cateiEd absolutely true to life-Just asthorhtbey were actually standi before yot 7 - A V10.1 ldeale.r YH llww rem the complete Ene of Victor. indVll., OU , -iww4w-ana puytbeBie,okcmiIlikeb.t. Write to ui for citalofV important warning. Victor Record cm be wSely ud Mtlrfactorfly dUtk! onW 4ts Victor NttdUt of Tunmmmmm Stria mm VlckM or VlcticvZJ Zl7. 7 TC1 ' : I Vi ctr dm . jggjgy 2-