1090 (18) ; ' , .CEOVEI8 New Crop High Grade SEED. working of the corn gives excellent stand- and wonderfully - increases yield of corn crop. Crimson clover highly recommend ed as a green cover crop, makes the best of nay and one of the best soil improving crops. Sow one peck to the acre. Write for our prices. Men tion quantity wanted. Also price's on other clovers, grasses. Hairy Vetch, oats, and seed rye. For 25c we will mail postpaid seven ounces of seven varieties of Turnips, and Rutabagas. " STRICKER SEED CO., Dox 868, AsheviUe, N. C. THE PROGRESSIVE HUSTLER SAW MILL lrtr to Our Farmers ' Union Page Devoted to Education, Organization, Cooperation and Marketing J, Z. GREEN, E. W. DABBS, C. a WRIGHT, ContributW Editors -:U?You ought to have'said & " jVpeecn about :terworks,-one good ladfsaa ' n ff Of lira 1 tin J , . J ""W tft m, t uu imisned speaking vT experience shows that here il M tire most useful one of A Trip To Rowan and CabarrUs By Clarence Poe " 1 - vu linpe nt ""uvvvc lounn nthn r ., u of the same A opinion. Gold Knnk t TT W II H 4 the only one in Rowan W W 1"' ' sires, and there are also ,? tle Perche'ron '.union b hV".r.f : T 3 A. M. the last Saturday be- club intte South would adopt as the usually large number of voun , u '; iores ennstmas tne iwo-room program iur uuc uicamg ims ian. ii v.iucnyc on the farms kNnltinnco nil (ZniA V r,K kiir n - xr3 c n '" -"Qp . fnr n M pp t 5 ri tr ' : F.vprv passed through Cnmm,,:,..: r . We neigh. d. school has been established. iar5! He was then expected to bring this through the efforts of the GW County Un i V - --Vli M HUSTLER" Machinery is Guaranteed Is accurate, durable, lieht ran- ninc.fast cuttine. easily band- led. Circular 29-P eives full particulars. HUSTLER PLANER AND MATCHER la a first clai Port able Surfacer, Match er and Moulder. Makes flooring, ceil ing, mouldingi, etc. Guaranteed to do first-class work. Salem IronWorks Winston-Salem, N.C. and Columbia; S. C. Address nearest point. ... "IDE GUARANTEE SPREADER." . " . . r t t ....-.... i j mi J .TV- in 1- I J.1 U r, 4-r em tlint, HP fl P Ifl t h 1 C toll in i 1 1 1 1 w r i neinrp ii i i k hi iiic iiiciiiuci was icuuiicu iu ku iiiiuukii Aan in, a. mnof nt . , evening of the same day the patrons his fields and select what he regarded borhoods. At China Grove a farm'fifn naa met ana suDScriDea enouen mon- as uic uesi sui. ium uc iuuuu pv tn insnrp thp prprtinn of a two storv building with suitable auditor- stalk of corn to the meeting and tell ' farmers Union. Th( ium to take the place of the one-story why he thought it best'. Of course, all "only led the campaign for thp p burned building and in nineteen such important questions as size and -;'tablishmeiit of this school, but gave days after the lumber arrived, the type of ear, grain, cob, stalk, number $300 from its treasury as an aid in building was completed. xf ears, etc., were thoroughly thresh- .striting nd it should be said that The foregoing is an illustration of ed out in the discussion: Men came wn"e the Rowan brethren had a dis- the spirit that animates the Gold from five miles around to attend this astrus experience with one businp meeting, and it is regarded, as per-.- enterprise, they didnt let one failure 1 haps the best meeting Gold Knob Lq down them, but are probably strong- V cal has ever had.. Forgone thing a er than ever before. The social life lot or men who had always said they U1 t c Jxuwan communities 4s also I Knob neighborhood in Rowan Coun i ty, N. C, and the presence of this spirit is largely due ta, the Local Farmers' Union. FREE a useful gift given to each in quiry. write (or yours TODAY. "-. Valuable catalog printed in I colors and exceedingly tow aeuverea price. Pre. Write u today. ' 1 Trtrfi n n n H HJLinMlwj uuuw- Uf 11 STATE FARMERS, UNION SONG (Tune: "Auld Lang Syne") For years the GUARANTEE LIME FERTILIZER SPREADER with its seven superior patented features has thoroughly and convincingly demonstrated Its superiority over practically every other spreader on the market The question of spreader superiority has been settled.' Get the actual (acts. Ask the man who owns a OUAR ANTEE LIME FERTILIZER SPREADER. While oth ers are claiming quality, we are GUARANTEEING IT. Write us today (or (ull information and exceedingly low price. Comes fully equipped with all accessories and FREIGHT PREPAID. Guarantee Mfg. Co., Dept. F S, Baltimore, Md. "Meeting together and working to- "couldn't say anything" in-a meeting getting attention. A man told us - gethen have simply remade the found it easy to explain the strong inere were hve tamily reunions in the 1 neighborhood," as one leader told us. points of their favorite stalks. county the day we left. "We used to be badly split up, with . V . . mignty little semDiance oi unity or ine member or this Local joined mere is one more fact about that cooperation.. Now there is a spirit of in sometime ago and bought a pure- Gold Knob -school building we wish comradeship and brotherhood that is bred. Berkshire sire, and at the time to commend, and that is having an ample auditorium upstairs for all community;-, meetings. We doubt whether any neighborhood can spend the same money to better advantage in any, other way. Have an ample, comfortable, well lighted hall with comfortable seats as a meeting place, always available, and then it's much easier to get regular meetings of Lo cal Union, United Farm Women, corn club, canning club,' debating society, musicals, etc. We also saw the cred-' itable little building put up by Pat terson Local, downstairs the ware house, upstairs the meeting place. The brethren did the work them selves, but they failed to install the comfortable . seats that distinguish the Gold Knob auditorium. The next day after our visit to the Rowan Countv Farmers' Union we an inspiration to everybody in this of our visit they were much interest- had the pleasure of attending the an section. v ARE YOU RAISING FRUIT ORjjfEEDING INSECTS ? -48ggEi!?.FEEOIN INSECTS! fgttmfee RA,SE FRUT !!! WITH rE'RE sons and daughters of the soil Of, this old Tar Heel State, Where agriculture reigns supreme And men cooperate; Our-Unlon fired with wondrous power Now bids us onward move; CoQperation is our theme, i Our slogan "To Improve." Chorus: Oh, Carolina, state so dear! Let high our, anthem soar; All Union men unite to sing . Thy praises evermore. A band of comrade farmers true, Our aim. is brotherhood; To bring -t oevery man and home The best of rural good The best of crops, of tools and stock, Roads, schools, and social life; Together buy, together sell, And silence hate and strife. (Chorus)- . We love the country, made by God, Its homes, made fair by man; We claim with pride our sturdy sons, Who boast the cheek of tan; We love our homes wherein we dwell, Our farms on which we toil; We'll build the best state in the land' On Carolina soil. (Chorus) IMPROVED SCHNARR'S INSECTICIDE - ONE GALLON CANS LOO eBY THE BARREL 50f VWTE R COMPLETE PRICE U5T,0lRECTl0ri3,TE3TVI0HIALi VAN ANTWERP'S SEED STORE INSECTICIDE OEPARTMENT VAN ANTWERP BUILDING, MOBILE ALA. WE WILLTIU WJU THE HEAR EST DEAUK HANDLING RUB R0011G c. PER Roofing prices still climbing. If you order now, tte can pro tect you on price of celebrated 22-PtR FOX BRAND RUBBER (OjfO)Bmi ROOFING, toufbeit weather ROLL reaitter known. Anybody can lay It! trictly 1st rrade; contains no tar; no seconds nor snortlengths; 1 ply 88c. 2 ply $1.20, 3 ply $1.60; 103 sq. ft. per roll, nails and cement Included; guaranteed by old reliable house; circular and samples free. Our advice is to order now from this advertisement. SUITH-COURTKEY CO, 821 LCtrySL Rlchmond.Vi. ed in the arrival of a young Jersey 'nual Cabarrus County Farmers' Un bull also bought on the cooperative ion oicnic at historic old St. John's And this spirit of brotherhood, we plan. In the case of the pig, fifteen church' and schoolhouse, but we fail were told, shows itself in very prac- members paid about 65 cents apiece; ed to make the trips over the county tical ways. For example,v every mem- each member having the privilege of generally hat we were able to ber of the Union tries to pay cash for breeding one sow continuously as make in Rowan. But we found evi his fertilizer. Well, some ol the mem- needed. For each extra sow bred, a dence enough that the spirit of pro bers simply haven't the cash at the charge of 15 cents per pig is made, gress is abroad in Cabarrus, time. In that case the other mem- Non-members are . charged 20 cents The establishment of cream routes bers chip in about a dollar apiece, per pig. In buying the Jersey, seven- has helped farmers greatly, these and let the poor member give his teen members paid in from $1 to $3 routes now probably bringing in $500 note in payment, the note to mature each. ' cash a month. "For example," one in the fall and bear 6 per cent in- Gold Knob Local also saves quite a man told us, "I know a man who has terest. "And it seems like we all feel lot of money through the coopera- just received $35 a month on seven better after we have done something tive purchase of suppliesfertilizer, cows whereas before the cream like this to help out the other fellow, sugar, plows and tools, lime, fish, etc. routes were established, he used 1 to said our informant. "And has it hap-" The business agent either buys at have a tussle to sell his butter at 12j pened," I asked, "that some members Salisbury or orders at wholesale cents a pound. youvwere rather doubtful about have rates from other cities as he finds Cooperative drainage work has auo surprised you by responding man- will prove cheapest. helped many fanners living along the fully to this evidence of faith and creek bottoms. The cost has oeen confidence?" "Exactly," was the re- Don't you jump to the conclusion, around $20 an acre, but when you get ply, "the fact that we trusted these however, that the men deserve all the those fertile, humus-filled bottom men seemed to .put them on their credit for the progress just reported, lands drained, they are very valuable. mMtlp. and thev determiner! to srinw Here at flnlH IvnoK oc in t ....,.. 1 mn ' said BfO. A. themselves not unworthy." The preg- ery other community, a little investi- Litakcr, "who made 1,500 bushels oi nant lines of Lowell come to mind; gation will show that the women corn last year on -lands from whicn have been stirring things up. Recently they'had previously been getting omy, tne women who had been nominally a little dirty hay." YOUR .LABEL IS YOUR RECEIPT The date to which your subscrip ts pid u given on the little red or yeiiuw titp on page 1 opposite your name, printed thus, "Johrf Doe. St pec. it,' mesne that Mr. Doe Is paid vL b:c,,,m' 31. II 16. etc. After ;L,.''n. ,n 'our rnwsl. it requires loir I."1,, corrected on if ih. i.k .l !T,W B,UUe u Promptly showM,n,.dOU I0'" ot properly show when your PUbtcrlpUon eiplres. "Be noble, and he nobleness that lies In other men, sleeping; but never dead. "in in iiiajrnvjr iw iiitev inine own. . t. t ,l " tt . . - nicu.ucis oi me union, Dut, getting In yet other notable ways this Lo- nothing out of the membership, got cal Union has called out the finest together and organized a club of qualities of its members. "It has been United Farm Women. The Local Un one of our chief aims," said Brother ion meets twice a month on Thurs Oscar Phillips, "to develop leadership day nights, and the United Farm Wo rn the more quiet and retiring mem- men's club meets on Saturday after bcrs. We put such men on commit- noons of the alternate weeks, tecs and get them to work and -to . Tho Cabarru.;County Union lost no A 7 . 7 lime ill - pas"K ,v" . startinir netiuons ii-"' starling pcunuua .v-- .:r:ate county commissioners to appropr iaw the $300 necessary to get the cotton grading work for the county, ano they will probably get it, wncrc .t..l. i..jV.. nn fnrnicrs' organiza y nprfi mj 1 1 1 1 ii i vr - m make reports, and the first thing you R0Wan County, all In all, is one of tion In the county-if it had been know, they haye developed confi- the finest counties in the state, and case of "what's everybody sbusinc ucutc iu iiicui&civc9, nave icarucu 10 express themselves in public, and s i inn mi ii uii ii i is &asw rr.inrr run mitniA a m. a a i. . - - .....(j miuic me ui inc county, would nav.c ucvu - ,njotiC , . , t Th.c farms arc getting better ma- county officials in any such emp Here is one sort of meeting that chincrv. better livr?sinrW and tn f,.M MI don't believe we . inlil Knnh I.rtral trier! with creat tne.' tn Ia.... . t i m, . .... J...n.t(ratfOn ov . - - e.v-Mv- iw viuki, uy ucans ana cowpcas. llie : cess iasi iau, anu wnicn wc wish cv- country homes arc well abo I ery other i-ocal union and l-anncrs' crage, usually pretty and me nnesi counties in the state, and case ot "wiiat s cvcrvuuuj - the work of Gold Knob Local is only is nobody's business" it mg a specimen of the leaven that is lcav- been five years before the in cning the whole life of the county, would hav.c been presented o wpcas.The have a county dcmonstrft,0l?(r,nefS, ove the av- yet if it hadn't been for the "r!" B. well paint- Union," said one speaker m tne