it Saiuday Sefiter tv meeting, and this opinion was 2 r where.'-w wT farmers u. M ought, to ;m:w:;: .7. :(L-a::i. It rtttiffia? to sff: ttre way vnunff men arc takmgf&old of IJmra-th cities., : - - ' : -k in- both- Kowarr and: Caliauus ; Here: is - hoping- that tnefond!orrIi " .tAr PhilBosv the retiring tfresi-v; and taa tenant inay 'realize is v .. . . .... -.W rm .l . rt iWaili'niM4m 1 "1Mr''i'ttaf fenotv J in Knwa.ll 15 d.. V U WW. VWtftS vu iuv.ii. uiuiuai.uv.ui.Ub. utiL i.ovu. r i fflan j President: CBne of other make the "most' possible "from t Cabarrus, and there 2s more than care the? farm. - . "F. Eh. T. " -college-bred young . mart" x . Gold. ' ; Huntingdon, Tennv -: t r Knob Local ; '';r-', ' " i--, - mJ!wJ. a fk Cabtuttiu County racnSc: ' - - mmT there was a THE object ol ttf artfcles (l)'to between tram f I ppoL a cutiine rf miiod Another g9Q feattae was kbm nf fa7 .m,, tr. net earnings: a the comKnedT efforts tUtr music was 3. of the: land and the farmer can be SUSi-rf fctrftSS detcmiixed, (2;to rse the cal Union nvthe state sivomapice - this sons till everyway snuw it, aim . . - in order to get it berate an tne. union .brethren, we agjchr its this, is sue.. hie, also. aoiiDqrsett'bsiAesi meth ods, the tpwcrrraiss; IsaseSy etc. There Is . no execje .for-': the.,-tenant .larxaejt Beihaxt igaii " sHftless fellow itrst; becsase fee i tenant farmer.; Af a tenant he fs far better cS thaw the thousand? 'of h5oter in L, . - ' - P..l"r:rTnrwTZ therwi sot the: statements heeiw advanced nor to5 ftrrnisfp a de tailed! accounting system. - faj Ennlemcntsr. " ' tW LUestaclc Ce - KarcbsinUse! stock, (dX T Buildings: ;. audi r oOtfiE ' fiaxpravemaats placed In or upon tfie ftnd. . 1 " J M; I ' ' :'' '. cmb; KinrBteff' ; : & ;..u - farl Proceeds receivd from tHa sala si any- a&& alV iarnS' xrduts. - , ,,-r . ' CB)- IiMreafifi. er Tcxeas.- during a flaeal ywu or any preAenntned: pvriod cC yitra. to tie Tafae of ftnurcmentsLv .' .'v- -;' (oK y Incxftaafr ox- deersase1 dnidi a flsaal year-, or nr itenntod perfidE of reaars fn the value of livtsCaclE .! x . V'v V 'IMSSt PARLEY 2Hinch& DEVON 2k inche ARROW Collar, -T series are no t only most correct, but the collars are the mo:t durable and perfect fitting it ia posaible to produce. .":: -.' 'i ' . -7'' .'"T.r --' ' '':-r- - - . ; - l!cts.EccB-6far9(& CLU21T, TEABOIir & CO, fw. Jr 1 - 5 LET TENANT ANIX UNCI0H WORK TOGETHER' Whea TW IUaW Ttai Hir in terests Are. Mutant Rather Than Antagonistic, Prg WKJ D Made Thiudc Prb Ltttar IF THERE is any errre thiirff'that I appreciate more than? the. rest about The Progressive Faimer: )k its broadmindedness air fairrress to ward the tenant f3m:Mzhyjo " rt ; ,.jr-K--r.-- , ihcreaft -oo (Jeereaaee daring at fiscal w ca a3 iuax v -uZ JWJV, T ayrBdtesmfrit; periocF of ycarsi better the farmers. agcicmturalLy - taa thv yaiae- of. mercnandia? atocfc; '.v to take the tenant-farmer ixrfx. ccra ; ;l-iTr-ni-a - :: ' srderation. This shotiia. not Be . the - .; ' - ., " -:j;j'Z.-: .::., r, TTio ft-m rer : vrt-al . ': j9 " Taaey aasesaed - ayalirrt" the' IaTioV yan ui ,uululvt uuum livestock and merchandfee. atock proauces a great pare w rre surpifls; Att cost off labor; feciWhfTtnat of cotton and many Othr.' Crops; ; ' -v the -farmer and any member 6f hi' family As I have been a.ttnaiit fafm my life, and have; moved acoand.qxdtei pioy4 i um. work. ' v . - V a lot, working land awned- By jnany h u;;PuxoiiaaftdTfeedV:BedVTetO&ri.;e different landrord'v siinatedL & s tv- tlmiuxiuatia, rapair of buttdtagst eral C0unties I think I am mKEedv4 .other provements made iiereBsarr t to say that the toe of'-tncl aveia-kev f' - resultIng from tenant f armer under the present eon- ,: ; di Cofit of tftrm. jonrn . rt rdvM dUiona IS not the best. The greatest aa nwmfecranfp In farmers', and murlretlB-r trouble with, hoth tenant and. Ianxt- aaaaiation. : - lord is that they, regard each1 Other: ;' ' ft Aa anoyance of pTBdetertnlBed per with suspfefon j each, seems td thfallr p :?"? wt ivetment in tmji that the other is tryingVto ciictth-,-'"l: 'flM-1 out of everything; pasrR-my:-8 p'. fTnn'f (aa, JT iL. .v t it. pensafToik fie fasuraactv interest ad podts aont seenv to- realize that ther. bathe - hl tlnt - " -bave the same interests. . at , state. -. tr An airowUTrCB of a pTBdetermined per i?u "e SQmS' stns PP086 119 'ceo per (wnum en th Investment ra balld all the actions of the Othex,1;; .... tag and other improvements placed In er It is to both the landlord and ten- upon the laadv to be paid' the owner or own ant's interest, that botk should make .em thereof OTnpenatIon, for fnaurance. all that is possible.. A. great draw-, dplAlou lateres and profit otr such br- back to tenant farming is that ieref TV??' ' ' ' ' " 'v . U in mnc. - . .. ... An altewfkncaj. bjr areenttt, aa com Sainton, 2MD. wr--P-' t,ra "Pent superintendence maintenance Of. the ferWrty-of theSOlt aixd.- xnanajrement not directly ehargeaW aa un.W I'Syvfltrm-IaBnr.'aix also expenses and costs oi tem. When a tenant can rent a farm.' attendia th farmersr. snort courses, for onlyoneyear at astTmevhenatur-'- : vu- v V Earmina. : " - ' allV Will Tin x . ' w. i "' any iron- :,The differencB between the- rrose- earntnpr u.c io improve. trie Uttility 0t the and- the- eTpetrars; vs abrmr denned; wtrf be SOU, when he knows, that- he; may the net eanrfa f th combfned efforts of ave to move off to some otrrer farm, thviand and- tnv farmer. . - ana thereby get no- benefit frara. Mialk ' Expenses contain n rental charge for th SOU improvement I f hrnk thaf rrramr ldr no' the- araeunt invested in the land landlorHa rrrt r-n it.:.' or't&e- value-nlaced: Uureoa by the. owner keen the tenant ; An. 4 ...tlTIir conaiAered. cr i,. :a r vu-ut cu wuciii- . Under ftr propoWKl raethoff of determlnmr firm ?t 43 ;- BCr'ro SJ3!. tne, net tarirtJlg, the farmer,1 a. a producer, is uuuuicr ytax OS nOL. . t ; mrr. eonnmir fa ' th rnonev' valua of th as a tenant, 1 think: that it weald laadvua,enly la hi pever, under hht maa "v ",se 0r the landlord to- Ut the wrmnV to pradaco net earnlnrs. icnant know that he wquM Ut him ' If the abore Is a presentation, of fact ay on the farm, as loirir a hr ivnitM the theeir It would ba easy to. make an Practice the titrhrtf t'-rr-r- . absolutely evUtabU dlrialon. et that portloa and that hf T, "1 .r i . of the-rrosi tammg whih should ro to- tBe because it tI?? -1?11 owner. , of the Implements. Ute.tock. mar the WA ? I . Qr 13(1 at thandlw stock. bulUlat s and. ether Improve- trt '. V .. -8Hff-Mf Uie tenant mata Therefore, tir theoTr, an absolutefr Do M the money foe himself equttsblo, lease oc-farmlnf tonUact eould be IossibICf so ron- - . . . . made between a isndtord and tenant foe the . hc first Sten forthf n-mtinHVw distribution Of all trots earn In rs np to the - towards becoming a landowner is tO apportionment of th nst earnings. Ift prae ect on a cash bat r, te problem Becomes that of the Ron- ent nccesarv ,.J r it na accuracy of the landlord and ten- 50me linn f tenant .W'B ii- xmjr.. rfemsmber that If what you waat u buy ., rt"1 rarmer snoalii frirn all aGmjt Is not aa-nrtJeed In The IforreselTe Farmrr. mc better mriA, r . yw caa- often. t U by putu s iKUe r- . , pu33- tlci fxt rar rarmera' Kchev life ffrti f irilfei iillii , tBalMM4lanMS axUeaafaeitfotNtd tistReCofe planted bev lie sraxais at the bottom of a furrow that protect! it frunx winter kilK o dangea of apew5Q up. achi pknliftiaiktmy basiu where ample tutmturc israxev Saw Grain Between Corn and CoUcnP.ov;5 T&crrn so aeoCtaHaii uf cam. sad cottue afentllcreLBttaw tbrfand. Cottwa and corsr bed tor BalK. aw the ill eniAmtnA '(' sndsDnact. Toaan sataenne cent sadLcottan mwi chop the itsDcs wft&oot Iniary totlia snun. One auncaaailr sewftto I sawrsdsf uta apjJy tenHize stthe-enaetbws. Tsre Brer of a itand tra W rcn trtDxt castor lowwfrttsWertemlMt Toatcttvecte.fnmhtBd1 tasraowytBlds aly eoev The u&c mschinr tomcesir fau psiieiaftr; and ayphfet hrrflteT to grawt&coook. wnte todsjr foreataorr sMat Baatafarmauoa sad telling about IS food retain from atlhr Coir Ddllk - ... I. TH2 COLE MRL Ca Charlotte You tasst hae tew roe4 You Dam. RoBmccOcU Looser man be in such shave now ts to leunsv cue f.!ste 3ezaiBadonklmwsdforlax?wea Arcftftrcfi tnrl JbMm & Eaow say put catharoofto last a long astfin ni&iing, yoo cea ca fcaa yoa ca CMOLMA L1ETAL SHETGliS uiwiwig uuiiuum v f HIT lww mi pw1 ctafbrtnas? Mil ends ol . aafeoUs CAROLINA llTALHiNCXt3itwkijlanf anqrweawerpv cad; tat ami can up tie woodLpoa rmt boc &a Obcsjpefe cWbtrubasssine ftailii&. tstj to. Isz i Write today focMonndkacriixabaoikL. Ts&sSi TII2 C JLrra rA IZrrAL, rOUCTS CO Det, A. WSmaaToa.n'.C Utaesa 1' I yl STATE! : Agricultural Building: Rebuilt : ; Increased Railroad Sidetracks inside the Grounds; facilitating? unload ing and loading-of exhibits." ' . ,. - - . . Walkways Paved. - " . ; ', ': Competitive County Exhibits 'of Blue Ribbon Winners at County Fair. Magnificent Good Roads Display. Poultry Display.? . Agricultural Exhibit " Boys and Gtrls' Poultry Clubs. Canning Clubs; , . 1 . Forestry Exhibits. "Cotton CotTte9t9. Farm Machinery Displays?, . Stock Exhibits. ' . -;: Pig Qubs. Educational Exhibits. Splendid Line of Free Attractions. . v.- V ' x Plenty of Factv Fun and Frolic for Everybody. The Animals Friend . Ymis itock U auHrtaa trea the torhm et blilac av Mcti. Your nora unl bmIm da Uu work. Mid yoer eowe tlvs from onetoarta to on -third 1m ptllk. rit tsct your iteck sad Increase your profits by ustnc Sliepard's Fly Gnard & Veterinary liniment MBufcrord from the oflaoltae tona rtn inJ aranfff r erotscf ocl rrom rnt intrur qi wi- lav hworts or rit. m umi, arr hi, wnoouii tv ka. . laviUimbWt for Iha trtatsMot oi sorv MCka pillj. tcrtcaa. krmc 0 fcotto taxfiiy-smar utN4MimMntt4. pr art al U HrH t m motm, mce, , U your dtalar aaanet anppiy too, wrua a. lUacAlacxwd astd Comramtecd my STicparffo CIiccIccI Ccc;any, Inc., Ullolnflton, 11 C Vz ItjtcjVj Fcncr Advertisers Arc Guaranteed. 7J r 51 Mi J c J f -if T ( ' : 1 1 7, ! i . - f t 'I-. t t s- ' 1 i ! I : I r; 'i -

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