1 - N l . '!; 1 '; Mi'' 4'' ' 'i Wo 5 j ; I ' l o I j i 1092 . (20). THE PROGRESSIVE .-. - ; : . and y:--': FARLES' EXCHANGE? ' " (4 Centa a Word,, Cash. With Order) We will insert ads for our Progressive Farmer readers in this department- of our Raleigh edition (covering Virginia, North Carolina, Souths. Carolina, Florida and Georgia), and in this atyle type, 'at the rate of 4 cents a word, each inser-, tlon. If aavertuement 4s to appear once, , send 4 cents a word; if twice 8 .cents; four' times, 16 , cents ,a woTd, etc.X Eachv word, number or initial (including each word, 1 number : or (initial In name ,and;: address) counts as a separate word; a Ad-J 1 vertisementa not r' accepted without -cash' with .order. -1 If -the rate.sBeems high, :re member it - would i coat you " $1,600 tot, postage alone to send a letter to. each of rtne" 80.000 homes tot which' wo carry your ad ;at this .low. rate. Stamps ; accepted. - Rates for -combined editions made known on application. . ; ; V ; y .',' . ' ' Registered Poland-China Hogs Big typo, bred sows and gilts, servicetoars, pigs, both sex, no kin. - Satisfaction guaranteed. - Write now, W. W. Johnson, Danville, Ky. - ' TAMWOBTHS -- .- ' For Sale Registered Tam worth Boar 21 months old, $30. - W. A. McDonald, Sanford, North Carolina. - . : . Flshel Strain, High-class White Rocks $1 each. -Walter Laney, Maiden, N. C. -. 1 For Sale--160. pullets, 250 younr cocks, 21 hens. SI each. f. o. b. Louisburg, N.v O, Ma- pleville - Barred Plymouth Rock Farm,,- H H. Hobgood, Mgr., Jiapievuie, tj. : , MISCELLANEOUS BREEDS . .. " FARMER For Sale Choice Single Comb White Leg- , . For-Sale 11 pure-bred Tamworth pigs ten hpriv laying. hens, j cockerels cheapalsoSln- weeks-ld. six females. Price $10 each If nofpleased-on arrival return pigs and mon ey, wlli be promptly, refunded;. Craig David eon, .Route 8, Charlotte, N. C. - , . L..: ABERDEEN-ANGU8 ;- . For Aberdeen-Angus Cattle,- write J. Allen, Kingston; -Tenn. v- - , - M. 'For 1 Sale DeLaval .Cream. Separator 'No. .12 r Babcock' tester ; Appleton .husker-shred-. der No. 14. Henry Gardiner; Franklln,-Va. For ' SaleH-Fme ;' registered ; Angus .Bull, ; .weanlJngiV also:; six ;-. n.icegrade, heifers. i Gun-; nlngham yarm, -Lancaster, a. u. . y ? . ,-i Three fine registered. Angus Bullv-Calves $Ba.each. iRegistered Duroc-Jerseys, 7-weeks both. rsexesr $7.50,.'. each. -Mayneld . Farm, Maryton, Va. .: v "C v . .;':-: '., ,-; . '-. f' JERSEYS - - ? Two r Tichly bred Jersey Bull i yearlings,' also nilk vcows. J Suncrest Farm, Kollock, South, CaroMna. ; ' ' - '- --y ?':" : ' To make, room f or , pure-breds, wilKflell- 25 head high-grade Jersey - cows, heifers and calves. ''B: ;H. Mo6re,rJr Battleboro,; N. C- ' gle Comh Buff -Orpington stock. - Carl Gllli- lana, oner uity, jn. u. - .. : SEEDS ANDr PLANTS ..': f7'y; CABBAGE Cabbage Seed for frost-proof plants. -Write for prices..' Durham Seed- House, Dur ham, N.' C. :',; ;v l.y-- ;;;r 6.000.. $6.25. Virginia. . OUH LAND EXCttAKrZ do not extend oerV.!,AWGE It. to land advmSSbnnanZ er should see land for himself fn- no man is permitted to otter ??rtJun- Btf paper unless he shows us Mtif5?J.or ta SS to fis honesty and hi.?L8?!?l0r7 rtt ettiL? i Farrn lor Sale Bulldlngri bacco land. JSasy. terms.-, Bm 13 T Avine to North Carolina. JLf:,. : JgH 23 Aberdeen,- ; . Beautiful Farm Elght-ronm and nachihery4 : Terms Telsv ?U?e; 8tck lafN. C.Box- 51." , 7' Wool ; '. Wauted,---Buyer tor , line farm "1 t . Cabbage and Collard-Plants, 300, 5c;; 500. pt; ' agenem,. sC. , :. "ess, " $1.25,V postpaid;- -Express $1.50 thbusandrl Fpf Sale Cheapiio-acre flaw ' ' TXwewater ,iani v.o- if ran.Kim, i isa county, Good 1mtafn'.T2:x,"11? : v ' v .C. A.;Wagner, Thelma. ' ! ,uon vwvxm-. . -v r t rFenuright leaf, - end letter or rtf oi" Z , : " ms. ior V Bur Clover Single -and double , screened. 2K wm i.1 -Ascription! Lambert, Darlington,r Ala. v V - - ' - Bo22. WlUlamston; N. C.r X6 CeniS - a PUUUU. rOUlglCOU .BOCU ..UUill Hartsville, SC.wiyWy:':- pany, HELP WANTED M- - bJ BC11 - auction. I ' can M7 "fc I0TO land. J. n you Raleigh, N. C. . . r 1 r r arm lor KalAxrA uaTPn. ,.'anra at i : n&( ikh' uusLuaiu. .uuai i . ' ' t v iillih i a ttv v Jersey :Buli; Calves Six weeks to four antX T.n.khart Laboratories. Atlanta. Ga. J acres in 8 miles,. of Thomasvin. . na TnnntVio rvW. V.lhWr a , (rrcoi rnwa I - . I 10Cat6d. - -Wrltft ' f ftn , YeU i . - ' 11 f -Young married, man ;v experienced'; farmer and milker, work, on livestock : farm, Sun" crest Farm, Kollock, S.'C. - - ' ' v: y Wanted Salesmen to handle,; pecan trees " and general nursery stock.. Harlan Farms" Nursery, pecan Specialists, Lockhart, Ala. Salesmen We want' honorable energetic hustlers to sell fruit trees and other nursery stock, v Good proposition' for the right man. Smith Bros.; Dept;' 26; Concord, ' Qa; -y - Salesman For High-class Tobacco . Fao ' toryj1 ?, Experience unnecessary. Good pay and promotion for steady workers. Complete instruction sent yOtf. Piedmont , Tobacco Co.V Danville, Va., Box T-23. - - , : : -5 - v POSITIONS WANTED Wanted Position by young lady, as com panion in refined family. Address, Box 403,. Zebulon, N. C. . " ; ' ' , ; Young man ' of -twentythree desires vobI tlon as overseer for tobacco farm. .For further, Information, address JJA'Wyatt Monk, Wil- Position rBy young married man as over Beer, on plahtalion..' Practical,. experience. Jn farming and stofck-'raising. ( Apply, C.'S. A., Box 12, Walterboro,'S.-C - ' ; .Wanted Gentleman of several years ex- 1 perlence wants, a position as .principal of. two or -thtee-teacher school. ' Address, D. : Mount Olive, N. C.,' Rt. 2,' Box 87. ' ' X Farni Manager, wants position. . Years ex perience within Boll Weevil, general crop di versification. Reference exchanged. Loy Gray; (Big Cane Ranch)," Junction City, Ark. Young married man with fair agricultural education and , lifetime . 'experience on farm ; understands the care-and feeding .of cattle and hogs, and general .upkeep of--farm -wishes to 'communicate with 'owner who wants a Bober, reliable working-farm manager for ' next. year. References furnished. Address, R, Emmet Chatfield, Culloden, Ga. ; - s Stoke Pogi blood make's them worth $20 to $25 each. ; Satisfaction guaranteed or-money. back.r L. M.- Mason, Merrlwether; C. v. - ,. a- . ;.- ; . GUERNSEYS ;, ; - -V: - ; . I want to buy one - registered Guernsey 'milk cow, : fresh." Must give from four to five gallons per.: day; must be .gentle, t kind and ' easy milked. Four, to six years old. R: Sanderson Bnrgaw.tN. C. ' ' ' ' : ; Registered GuernseyBull for Sale Miller's Pride No. .,-(36720), bom December 1, 1915. Sir e Safeguard of , Oak, Ridge, .( 2 4 7 6 1 ) . Dam Allison's Beauty . No. (37950). Weight, 7 months, 400 pounds; marked nicely. S. W. Miller, Mt. Ulla, N. C. r'.-f.-; ; r., y HOLSTEIN8 , . Registered Holsteinv Bull From P. , H. Ham's herd; 15 months old; price $125; John ;White, Mooresville, N. C, Route 4. - , '- r ' : Registered Hoi stein Calves Finely bred bull calves for sale. Herd tuberculin tested "by U. S. Government. Write J.- P. Taylor, Orange; va. .,-.;' v.,,' ; ; . ' POLLED DURIIAMS S Polled Durham Bull, -10" months old, a good one. G. , T. Yagel & Son, Chase City, Virginia. ' ':-:, .- ' ..:- J, HORSES AND JACKS r.; . For Sale Chean Registered imnortaii Civ- desdale" Stallion, seven years old. Gentle and easy to handle. Weight, 1,700 pounds,' well made, sure foal getter; Has to be Been to be appreciated.; Geo. H. Sparks, Mitchells, DOGS , For Sale Bur clover seed in bur, 10c per pound.. J, delivered , lOOpound.,1 lots; better prices on large lots. J. C. Killebrew,""Penelo, ' North" Carolina. ' ; v'5;' " v ' Thomason Cairo, Ga.' E. p, .. Farms for Sale I have them of mT. every, kind. . Rnv d 1.x 01 almsf -T- .-'v.m'?.-"w VttU sei possess on B. ii . aiic wiiai you want p Farms for . Sale If on the market fnr": v f"r.i wouia , Southern Bur Clover Ready Inoculated. 5 bushels and over,.80 cents bushel. Lsa than five bushels, one -dojlar. ; Cothran ?& Xjinit, abubviub, o. v. ,n - - r. i --w.:' Ki'LV v...u,a Pay Buy Your Bur Clover Seed From Roadvlew C. Hughes,-Apex, N. C. g A ITnnn TIia lorMit hn rlnvav form In I " , . . . 1: the South. Seed guaranteed the equal of any v Mississippi ahd Louisiana Improved Farms nffAKori 1 9.K nii hiih.l Rnpr.lfti tirlcps on' I T&-,to ?0 acre. ; iVicksburst Dlstrlot wixv.xw 1 1 : . I IT- InnJ. T..111 m, . Cl- 100-bushel lots and over, .valuable planting instructions with orders, ivRoadyiew Stock Farm,v MarioV,rAla.-.:-v-SJ-; v '-r OATS Coker's Pedigreed Red Appier Oats, $1-per bushel.. Write for . sample , J. H. -Kester,'; Kings Mountain, N. C, f y ; , ' Oats Hammond's Seed Oats Your - seed oats 14 years growing seed oats. Pure; pro llflc; ; early4 . . beardless; recleaned;, graded; rust and -smut proof; no grass or weed seed. For sample, price and book: , "How to Grow Oats," write, the South' s .only seed oats spe cia'llst. Henry O.' Hammond,- Augysta, Ga. rr ': . ONIONS : J ' 'White $1 per j ".annul 6, -jBLlBa. ' For Sale Improved farm 100 acres HI i Mecklenburg . County, ,Va. . v Good ..building well located. , Price $2.500., J, w7 B (Owner), Biackstone; Va. y setAcrerFarm. Marlboro County. 40 acres cleared.. . House; attd barn. Near city, school church andraUroad. $10 per acre. Hlcksoii Lumber' Co.; Kollock, S. C. . ' '-;Fdr Salei-240iacre ideal farming land. Fif ty acres -under cultivation, remainder tlm bered With popular, pine, gum and oak. Rea- ooukujo terms, write or come and see It H; L. Powe, Cheraw, S. C. . , ..For r Sale-rl04 acres; . 6 miles from i Shallots, or Multiplier Onion' Sets town of Troy, 1 mile from church and school bushel,-cash with order ; discount -on 60 acresih cultivation, balance In pine tlm' large lots; no order filled for less than one bushel. - S. E. Hostetter,' Denbigh, Tai ; RAPE Dwarf Essex Rape, eight cents per pound." Durham Seed House, Durham, N. C. - - - BYE Pedigreed' Collie Herndon, Va. : c Pups. M. K. Stroud, Pure-bred Pointer .'Puppies A. Vermont, Smlthfield, N. C. : ; ... North Georgia ' Rye gives 1 best results. Write, for , prices.., Luther Cobb, Culberson, North Carolina. y- ' SUDAN GRASS Pedigreed, Collie yille, Fairfax; Va. pups. George Turber- SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES For Sale Two Fox Hound puppies' $10 each. Joel E. Sutton, Rt. 6, Kinston, N. C. .. Pure-bred Scotch Collie puppies, from im ported stock, $5 each; W. E. Mudgett,' Me bane, N. C. . Sudan Grass Seed Guaranteed pure; cer tilled .by state' and -county -experiment asso ciation. . Write David B. Clarkson; Robs-' town, ".Texas."- - , ' VETCH Hairy Vetch Fresh Puryear,- Orange, Va. Der. irice IZO Der acre, easv tMttn w n Banks, Rt. 4. McCormlck, S. C. r We -cut up, -advertise and sell farms and city , property at auction, also farms bought andsold .privately. .. Write us today. At lantic; Coast Realty Company, Offices: Pe tefsburg, Va. and 'Greenville, N. C. - For vSale 136-acre farm located In ex treme northwest part-of Richmond County, N.l7.. River bottom, wopdland, ridge land. An ideal vf arm in 4 fine section and at a bargain. Write, for. particulars. P. O. Box '100,-Mangum, N. C. . VFarmsiLee,: Guilford and Alamance coun tlea of p.rmost Jiny else to suit buyer. Also four" eurburban small farms near. Greensboro. ' Will sell to worthy young men on very easy terms.'- Six per cent Interest. J. E. Latham, and clean. Frank I cotton Merchants, Greensboro, N. C. Shorthand Tuition paid monthly from guaranteed salary. Railroad fare deducted. Piedmont. Business College, Lynchburg, Va, SHEEP AND GOATS LIVESTOCK BERKS HIRES 600 Breeding Ewes--From 2" to 6 years old. Also goats, . in car , lots . or. less. Roadvlew Stock Farm, Marlon, Ala. '--' . - For Sale Five registered Shropshire ram lambs, out of good blocky ewes, sired by 200 pound ram. Price, $17.50 each. . F, P. Lath-, am, Belhaven, N. C. Large Berkshire!! Stone Gate Farm, Pe tersburg, Va. . .-. . .. Pure-bred Berkshire pigs, thrifty and pro lific strain. Rogt. McMurdo, Charlottesville, Virginia. Registered Berkshire Pigs Bred right and fed right. Sold under, money back guaran tee. H. L. Branch, Berzelia, Ga. Registered Berkshire Pigs Of the finest .quality. Carefully selected and bred. None better. 2 months old, registered, $8; pedi greed, $7 each. F, T, Buice; Hickory Grove, South Carolina. - DUROC-JER8EY8 . : Registered Duroo Pigs Benton & Ellis, Montlcello, Ga. . ' - - - One registered Duroc- boar, six months old, $17.60. J. Kay Carwlle, Abbeville, S. C. Boars Peiham, TWO OB MORE BREEDS Fresh milk cows for sale. Bladenboro, N. C. ' ' H. J. White, Wanted to Buy Pigs and Masor, Ridgeway, Va. shoats." La. Registered Duroc Pigs, Gilts, "Crackerjacks." - David . Barrow. Georgia. ' Thirteen Duroc-JerBey pigs, eight weeks old. -Five dollars each. -J. W. Hardy, Jef- fress, Va. Durocs . of v Quality Bred sows; service boars; ft-weeks old pigs, $6. Plneland Farm, Duckner. Va. . Registered Duroo boar and sow pigs 10 ' weeks $6. Satisfaction guaranteed, Joseph ' C. Jones, Loulsburg, N. C Fine registered Duroc pigs' at reduced price for thirty days. Valley Vfcw Stock and Grain Farm." Gold Hill, N. C. rigs Pure-bred Durocs, 8 weeks, $5; reg istered. $6. 400-pound herd boar, $S5, reg - istf red. J. W. Hoover, Crouse, N. q Registered Duroc-Jerseys a specialty. Best blood to be had - Write me your wants, I ran plsase you at reasonable prices. II, M, 'MUdleton, Warsaw, N. C. Duroo Farm Durocs Four months old . "lrtars end gilts eut of large matured sows, !rfj ly Illustrator Lad,' son of a Grand c -mrlon. .Cholera Immune and .registered for $12. Duroc Farm. Cartersvllle, 8. C. O. I. C8 TcJliH-red O. I. C Plies of flntst breeding, - ten , dollar csch. J. C. I'atton, Charlotte, North Carolina. ' rOLANP-ClllNA '. l'uro-brnl Poland-China-pigs. Pvera fine pUtiv bred and cpen. f5uncresv Farm, Kol lock, K. U i Bloodhound Pups and Belgian Hares. W. M. Whitman, Herndon, Va. Pure-bred Southdown sheep; Collie pups (females); Essex pigs. L, SJones, Tobac covllle, N. C. v For Bale Fresh milk cow and helf era oakiawn Stock Farm, R, P, D Mooresville, qrta warouna. For. Sale or Exchange Registered Poland China hogs, grade , Guernsey heifers, bull calves, and registered bull calves for pure bred. Shropshire or Southdown sheep, or high-grade of either., L. S. Marsh, Marsh- vine, ti. IS. 1 POULTRY AND EGGS I V I LEGHORNS One hundred White Leghorn hens, also few Browns. Paul Pearson. Charlotte, N. C. Single Comb White Leghorn yearling hens $1 each. Alabama Leghorn Farms Co., Ens ley. A la. ' - - ; Only $3.60 per acre for 1,107 acres rich farming and cattle land near Jacksonville, Florida.-"Equal to other land selling at $50. Three-quarters mile fencing will enclose whole tract. I dare you to come and look. Write for description. D., H. Petree, Calla han, Fla. -- For Sale Fine Roanoke River Stock Farm. 583 acres, on National Highway, two miies froni.''town, good buildings, well watered, and splendid community. Price to quick buyer, $12,000. Write today for particulars and descriptions., of .ether' farms. Jeffreys, Hester and Company, Chase CU7, Va. A Richmond (Virginia) suburban farm home of five acres of rich, level land, with beautiful new. cottage and outhousea win yield $1,500 a year Jn truck, poultry ana fruit. : Salubrious climate the year round. v Few. hundrsd yards of deep. water, but well elevated, and only few minutes to city. Only $325 cash and balance ($1,650) like rent, monthly. or yearly (5 years). Less than cost a i4- i. i mi Ann nrA excellent mar- Save Your Sweet Potato Vines They make v.- "V .ihhorii. churches and schoola more potatoes than slips. Set them early as h dLii-.,,! hm and excellent investment . 1n the Southland. Richmond has a popu - tlon of 170,000. Employment " city. -for our free literature on choice V W farms, - Address K.' T. Crawley, Industrial Agent, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, Room 536, Richmond, Va. - Remember that if what you VXm?? li not advertised in The yon can eften get it by putting a little no- tloe la our Famertaicnnsc. MISCELLANEOUS SEEDS AND PLANTS -Tomato Plants, .$1 per thousand;-cabbage and collard, $1.50; celery. $2; 40c. 100 post- paid. ' Oaklln Farm, Salisbury, N. X?. ' Abruzzi Rye, Crimson CloveiTBur Clover,. Alslke Clover and Lespedeza. J. E. Latham Co., Cotton Merchants, Greensboro, N. C. ' Vetch and Bancroft Oats Mixture; ready to plant. $1.50 bushel. 12 bushels - pure Abruzzi rye, $2 bushel. ' Welch Wilbur, New berry, S. C. - - ' Hairy Vatch, 25 cents; Alfalfa, 25 cents; Bur Clover, - 25 cents; Crimson Clover, 15 cents; Dwarf Essex Rape, 10 cents, delivered. Order early as seed will be scarce. C Cltr ence Beam, Waco,-N. C. . Appier - Seed Oats, 70c bushel; Bancroft oats, 70o bushel; Fulghum oats, 80o bushel; Seed rye, $1.45 bushel, sacked, f. 0. b. Wash ington, N. C. Clovers, .Vetches and -all field seed. E. P. Carter ft Co., Washington, N. C. you please. We keep them at a cost of 10 -cents per thousand. Write for sure method. Nursery stock and plants all description. J. T. ft O. W. Clark, Thomaavllle, Ga. - , - t - MISCELLANEOUS Wanted to buy Angora Mohair, J.' Roy Cunningham, Lancaster. B. C. - A choice lot of Barred Rock cockerels, Thompson's strain, prices reasonable Sat isfaction guaranteed. Also a few nice Berk shire pigs. John D. Cave. Louisa. Va. For Sale Duroc-Jersev nlrH from it a $15, according to age. One ten ton Road oner, one thousand dollars: one thirty-five cockerVil inni .gS -Sl P0 0"0"8 Ml, complete, one Sous ill a. ara, MeDane, W. U - I rs. four lo c&rn anrt imtti n(n. wr t OUrTNOTONI Buff Orpingtons, Stock for Sale Write for prices and show record. Bloom Kendall. Shelby, N. C. , . -White Orpingtons Hundred pullets, cocks, cockerels and hens. Midnight Poultry Farms. Asheboro, N. C - RHODE ISLAND REDS Pure-bred Reds Cockerels abundant. Miss Anne Flournoy, Charlie lIop Va. Rhode Island Reds and Whit itunm uuess or nnest exhibition type. J. C, Pat ton, Charlotte, N. C" Single Comb Reds From $20 setting of sfp, airect irom -Owen's Farm" Their f 14 8adle Covington, Wadesboro, North Carolina, ere four log cars and small engine. W. H. vinceny uapron, va. v For Sale 25 Beautiful Jerseys 18 In milk; 1 registered bull: my dalnr m&cVilnrv. consisting of one Htnman milking machine. gaseune engine, snipping cans, etc., with contract for unlimited time with a respon sible cream dealer.. Reason for 'selling,-111 health and Inefficient help. .W. ! Coleman. I'uiTerton, oa, '. . , . . . .HONEY . Melliotus honey, lOVio pound; case of $0 pounds. W. H. Hcnders ft.8on, Dancy, Ala. When writing to advertisers say, vj saw your advertisement In The Progressive Far mer, Our JEdscdlonal Directory R mwm nOARDI . . . i .tshiiun for tBO WWV. Bolsia, .1134. frsparsa for C"IJ HG SCHOOL WW . . V.I. arTlilp. WUs P'J. XMh Itsdsal rtcl; V it assr 8 wbibwv. - . ROCKS LENOIR COLLEGE, IHUUUKY, V N.C. i.sufU cuion. T.1 I .ts., a44r. ttefwaw V. T. WHITGETT, PH. , . VVHIT8CTT, NORTH CArlot , We hare Special Offer Jjd our who readthli paper, grid wUh . ichool. Write iotf. : " The A Grade College of WcfternKortb ajjjjji . ...I T Science , SIl The A Grade College of Wctern jorujvj Adentutely Mulrpei Science Bundln. p cf Eduftllnntully recognized. tIVmrlc ! Uuslnen. Untie. Art. liirrc "Ion. Doo"f Pure Barred Rock Cockerels, $1 eaca." !!'. t?41!!!:!".11'1 wrroundlnfff. Hxp'npf f low. Write r,fefpricldcnt C Bmith, Reidtviiie, n. c. V U U FRITZ rrcsiacnt,. . .. . or V. C LONGAUEB V!cci rcsm Sa "7