Horn TTcc , f 4 ArdclKx-37 Tana Tact Every Ey; Should Xlaow." - . . y C Tail Butler .. . A . . Ilia LETTEJS-r.XY; ANSWERS : I HERE : 1 an. old saying,, that example Is T HE seeds of -plants arr great- Which jnow. do . Such work ''. free.-of reader of" this paper te advertise we are not rjric-Tr.?inff -scattered inai-. chareeQeateeTHnf:oata aridrdnd-vtetungrtnem interesting and bwlderin&mul-der 1 1 ft .Di.flfC.IWM nm.,rrmm,mftfl. C,U -Up in New Tork City there Is a great little titude Oi ways.: : w v. ji ' j iV J T , paper called: Prlttterstclak-cooaldered the dace seeds that thejr existence on apt- to- bo badly adulterated with-;bMt ofatad piished and. eagerly read Lth may be continued,:. The.-seeds; weeds oi many kinds. Poultry feeds by the advertisiitR. fraurnity . havinff been proaucea, musi-rcicu aim even some 01 tne mixeri teeas - Not long-yiga wrote adouble page spread ! table soil or. conditions fdrgrowth. may contain -weed seeds- from the for PrinterinkHemng about' The Progres cpprls are oroduced than, screenings which 'are likelv. to en- ve", Farmer's standing in the South and- Many ., . t-a-"14- 4.U: , whv ndvrtinpra shnnld nw it , i - ciiiri ril ffB'.ifiiiiiii.iiJii.I iui.: lui ' iiiLij- i.iirLj . i ru nil vi rwiri iiiitrivi nr - . II1CSC " " ... i 1.' . - - . -' w . Rrtnn - after Mto find Sooa ; after Its appearance, .' ' Mr. II. E. V vanofoll-ir ril fif in Brass . .wilrl rarrnt ramirMt ohd minw animals Nature produces an abun- the use of hays .containing-.these l0wingtter- ' ' dance of. seed .fo.maktfit more prob- plants. Nut grass and other weeds" . 0ot h&ine xwaa readln your .doyble able that some of them will.nnd, con- Jtiave otten been introduced on to a pe spread invthe current issue of Printer SUliauiC: iw-S'v. . ..-v.jr ov. "J Vr" todav because;T want to conerratukte vow hn ditions for reproduction .or lite, small, Hard seeds are not crushed by this spiejidid advertisement-and to say that it was-i sonally, many seeds are amed in-nung.suii-.: me animais wmcn eat them and re- -'By able distribution and conditions 'tor, ma-ln unanected by the digestive pro- the Martinique . au over the advertisement li k Trorinnc natural means i cesses thus; nass'intr nnt ; with tKp Just; about the - perspiration decorates growth by various natural iiiednb messes, inus passing out witn tne -our Baitimoreans when-itris 100 : per cent while others are . scattered; by man. droppings, to find the rriost: favorable humidityand 99 in the shade. : and his various activities.-. Unless w conditions for growth. . . ' TSX give some study to the-various ways JJirds probably destroy more weed in your mind. You are a natural bom sales- ? . . , j nitor.A r cvi tl,o n. .. man and 'I" know, that if you were promoting in wnicn weeu sccus ai.o.. w .s. y uut ucvuv the sale 0f Styleplus Clothes: you would do it are apt to overlook many ways.of prer 4heless they, often fly long distances with a big augur." - - venting theirLsplread; or we may even and may thus scatter7 in their drop- To his letter -I -made the following an aid in the scattering of . these seeds pings a variety of weed'seeds over swer andit tickled my big boss (Mr. Poe) unknowingly. a very large area, ' so much he has Instructed me"to run It . tu . q ."WJ q'J.' ' Where weeds abound -in. fodders my ''Business Talks": ; ; ; : Agencies That Scatter Wed Deed. , , . , , , trains "While I ; greatly appreciate the compli- . . , .s . - ana tneir seeds are ted with grains, ment bestowed upon me-la your letter of Ttih, toiiowing are some 01 tne staoie manure is a very ertettive way .August 11th, ,it is so remindful of a story : .'u.'t. rZA eoarlc ot-o :-t j . j ' ' i .1 they used to tell on a fellow in my. old home mm Send coupon at onco for details of this great . offer and attractive or-., gaa book,' ahowinsr large, beautiful pict 1 urea of all etylea for. home and church. After, you . see fha srreat bargains and bis saving write us your choice and we'll ehrQi your onran direct from1 the $1,000,000 AdlerFac- Winner of High IVtea tory a uayr rree irui. mwjuouu. worm i a Wo. Don't Aslt For Advcnco Payment or; SccurltVi : " Wetrustyou absolutely. After SO days, keep nporan on our. liberal credit .terms, without in terest, or return it at our expense, iavettigatel tftsj ' TV i'ij'iliT(lyij.JHii x ways in wnicn weeu sccus aic oi spreading weed seeds, because scattered: . '. seeds " that escape destruction .by 1. By the wind, 'r ' v - heating or decay find the very, best 2. By water. ) v . ': conditions possible for their germina 3. By the sowing with other-seeds., tion and growth. :;. 4. In hay and. other feeds 5. With nursery stock.-" ' 6. By domestic animals. they used to tell on a fellow ln my old home town tnat l nave gotta ten it to you, wot to do so would be for me to be. guilty of rank conceit. ' - ",' "" - , - . "This Is-the story: W 1 ,"Jim Turner was a "landed man." but' he was as ugly , as home-made sin. His neck' was red, his eyes were green, his arms and Composting largely destroys Weed hands were bony and hairy, his figure was t..i" :- it- t a. iongi ana gaunt : ana (ne was anytning out atr SeedS,, but in the; process a Jargfc ,:part tractive to the fairer' sex. Though. Jim had - of the value; of "the- manure Is lost- SO .raoney, and' tried; to marry every girl in the . - . . . A. finn TV TnAV-oii Turn a , m-m - itrvnrn 7. By birds and other, wild animals. it,js. or doubtful: wisdom to compost;s "in 'the same county there lived an old 8. In manures. " . .. ". manure tO destroy Weed Seeds. ! 'T f maW, Miss Sue Freeman, who had long since n r . :i"j 'j ui. . .-r . ' . 1 V i given up. all hope of being married. While 9. By wagon, railroad and boat. - :Many bad. weeds, are. introduced by . folks loved Miss sue and knew she was good-, 10. Bv man. on his clothinsr or oth thp railroads iThpir n r( H ron.. everybody- had to. -admit that she was ugly. ' .u., . " w w. . w s. v V. v. wi . - . i -ri , , . . - ' . ... - . , - r' -0 ' , :-; mere taiue a nine, iiieu, wnen Jim wa erwlse- : A , ped along , the right-of-way and; are:, ati his rope's ; end. and asked Miss Sue to Perhaps the greatest aids to-the spread to adjoimng;fields.:. -Along, the ; iSS.it Si: ihimf 8-me way spread of weed seeds in the south wagon roads ot the iouthr weeds.: oi - ,"For quite while afur they were mar -J.ij.. : , j:i-u. alt. tnrts oKniinr- -inrl ori 1TM.ra1 ried" Jim made ardent love. He would slip banks, borders of fieldsandxcspecial -6row.unmolested to becomje scattered .ciosa would say, 'sue, you are the sweetest ? . . - . 1L. 111 A. 1U.. L..i. -1-1 A.- A. j mv uii vuui aivu , paivu auu . uw ' .- .-.mwu "vji j. u.nv, m blessed'a man. ' - so-called pastures. Weeds erow in - materials containing weeds or weed "Under-this gentle-care old Miss'sue be- all these places andiw generaliy;a . lowed to mature their 'seed unmor boats xarry matenals-whidh mav con- and she really did improve-a lot Folks an UctA J.-iiVi - k;.lA Ai ; -, around noticed it an commented on it r lu lc acaiicrcQ- uxuaucasx. ujr lJolu ,ttu sttuJ uu6-ul,lul(5. . "But there came a Ume when thlrrgs numerous aeencies1 and increase .the . 1 nere is probably no more interest didn't break right for Jim:' Cholera. got hu ..u i it. . - . :i '' c i. hogs, -rain causrht his hay, drouth ruined WJl U1 muivauon or lower incquail- tucuivc- pioviaiuu m Hdiurc his corn, -his pastures failed, and Ithe bell. ty of products the following year. for the scattering of weed seeds. than : -weevil ate hisr ootton. ,. . . The wind is an important' agency in,: shown rn.thejarge.numbe SVffisSe and distributing, weed secds.-.Sbnie-'.s'e&'' wtnelt-. have teeth; hooks and other oJd ady began to -wiit. Mechanically (and, ,rs i v. n . , .. w-'r l r "i. it maybe man-like) Jim noticed this and call, are light and easily moved, while in; wean of attaching themselves to;the- ed a doctor. - The doctor-came and finding other cases the entire plants or por- coats of animals and to the clothing - nothing really wrong with Miss Sue told Jim tmn r l i t ti ;c l ji- t. that the re. wasn't anything the matter. ex- uons ot them may be blown consider- or man. ours, bpanish needles,, beg- cept that he (Jim) wasn't petting her like able distances. But there are. special; garlice and a large;:, variety- of-other ABh'mikA himao -T,mr . ... ... j- . , T .it Thoroughly ashamed of himself, Jim. re- provisions of nature which, aid the . weeds are apt to be carried, long dis- 80ived to do better and-that night when he movement e,le K t, tnnr hv mMm. r( (Wia, er.riM. nrr- put. away his mules he started to the house C. V , ... v ; ' to make amends, He found Miss Sue stand-1 Adler's Great Piano Bargain Saves You 5 SqSO a The Adler from Factorr to Homa Selling Plan saves you hall rcgr ularfiricee on tnla Cele. brated Piano. Free book contain : beautiful pict ures of all styles. Send i j xor it. . write ana ten us iiMB i.1 . LJ.L lii j . nu airiM wiiiitii vim MrM Rk iHM Wavaatail vta'11 nVifn It Wbmer ot Gotd Medal at National Vomer vauou tMpomwv. without one cent depooit or seearity, useltloeOTaays, tun as u n was your own.- Then either keep it on oar uoerai crean pian. withoat interest, or retorn at our expense. Adler i'actorr nncesre so iow-uur creait , terms so liberal-that yon can't help but take advantage of our offer. I costs C. La yon nothing to FIND OUT. Just ADLEIt send the coupon. . ; . -. ". President O.L. ADLEIt, Pre. Ad!erMf.Co, Adler Mfg. Ooh 5528 W. Chestnut It, XoulTlUew Louisville. Ky. ; Ky. Send me FREE your wonder; . fol Onran Book II na - Mark- which you deiwt. Freight Prepaid fano Book U 1 sccus nice- tn- rnttnYiwnnrt visions ior atLacninir tnemse ves to nr M th frnn nrrrh iinip the mom nf milkweeds and thistlM ha v n itzr ItVr!' Various Obiects . lorr vine tooklBg. mighty lonesome and a J in"l,e? naV attacrre.Or.Ti"V5.Jccl5' , x - " . pale and.tired; Inspired, Jim skipped up the aowny parachute which Causes A weed as a. plant -Out Of place. A' steps, held her In his arms and told -her that them to be carYieHrtt",a ni -avrWrf: "'ofa-nt maw : therefore? . h& a..vwed'iiY -ojd. sweet story .pnee.agalp:' . uv a gentle breeze;:: ,r Other' -ixave:. one: place and a useful plant in an- and the best. looUag-giri that ever wessed a nged appendages 'like; -the; .tpaptcv othter. The vercKerCtariarialwheat .eaching :'deVw for ier apron" anW brings easily blown from place to' plaee or wheat forf-hay or for thepurpose- Um"&Xtii ItvJ-ShSr , vatcr is an agent which-plays an of enriching thesoil they'are-most-you teirit. important Dart in. tttrii'.A 'useful nlanti. Sweet Hover waV lbktr-:1A 2? cin.!Lau"i! 55eas. lhere are the same adapta oi nature to aid.the;carryihg.oC regarded' as! a weed in the North, sue feu, fori know i am not ail you say i while it was. serving a most useful only good thing about me is The vceas by water as td aid', in their purpose1 as." a'forage plant . and SOU Progressive Farmer, and I sometimes think 1 re, by the wind- Seeds, like restorer in certain oartrof the 3outlv i" IS tTttV fcetlS man Than x a-u . d0.cks, for example, have corky,. The losses caused' by weeds in les- repretont it. When I say this, aod'a my thin win rre ,.,t,:L i t . , f . , . . . . witness, I am not fishing for further compli- " w,gS which not onlv airl in ihfit seninc? th value of nrodticts. increas- JA".- i t v i. k. "'ovcnient by the wind lint o!crt- inc the cost- of cultivation and de . ve. that it is the most remarkable peWI Cause thpm A-a k, ' . ... . i mum cation ra Araerlc4k I. don t believe that any mem to float on the water. . cxeasingmelds. are: so tremendous as DnWicaUon of any kind is as near and dear D Not Plan VJml. VViUV- tO defy computation, and yet we do to lu -readers.-. From -Virginia .to Texes snd riant. WieJl Wila Yottf .i . l c .1 a from Kentucky to the Gulf,. the better class r-. little or nothine in the . bOUtll tO pre- 0f -hits farmers spesk of It as.'our naDer1-- rnMl" : , vent their soread. A.ca'reful stfcdy of y goiiy.-ifis their paper. They are ERHAPS ml : . '.l nilucirsP rcau-. U::T getting from It mere individually than the mn l vfc. lwiyurcaju- tne means. oy wnicn wccu sccus ic individual tockh4d8 oi the paper-are get- scattered at aft.. u r . r , bosses the.wsy they spend every dollar they the . ects theJarmer; is by. lessening their prevalence anithe m- in making the paper better and trying adulfrnV ji ac.eu contaminated or jury they do. tom! d, by thc 8eeds of troublt- mc weeds .The extent to which. ' ALMOST P Kleen. who Uvea over back telling me . about his wir ,sold for sowing are mixed ! f friend otto ki R Weed seetl i. i t if ridge, waa ihc dim.-. .I ; daoghttr- wedding. . uamage thus done can scarcely Vcm Irish make me sick," he said: alvaya uc Overestimaterl' TU . i "talking aboudt vat irreadt .tlrbdera dey are. at nrrn r . C 0nlv rcmctJy Vhy. at Hilda's veddlag de odder nlf hd, dot t i 1 15 lr the purchaser ,of drunken Tim CTToole butted In, und me und SCCtl to demand a ''Vmku j,-f n brudr und mcln Uncle Hans und meln PUrdntin . . j , . . SamPlc "OCfore frt,nu Trlti Kunu viy. pretty niar .. . . 5,nS and then have this lamnle klckt blm oudt of der house.M The Pouth- nar.,nc? or .National .de- rn ,,om" k'' A 12; Saver iii eHdldWork Thai'- 20' Mil Ttcan Borax t la th Lawadrjt Borax makes quick washings and, cleanings It dissolves the soap loosens dirt does away ! with hard rubbing, softens the water,; kills-, germs and odors; whitens the clothing; brightens colors and prevents woolens from shrinking. Saves sewing, and rrrendrrrg; .too Tour clothes stay whole after being .washed- with 2ar.ItdeTemDorax In th Kitchen' : Borax, is valuable: in washing ; dishes. Ifccuta grease from pots, pans and china, makes glassware and silverware sparkle. It also' saves the hands from injury that would be caused by caustic wash ing powders. K : ,W ,' For$oJ4byatldaIr. A ' .J ' "Tin VIiIlIL mm!"- " ''A agriculture, most of" Trj. ft p4lct, Jf clortr this fail. to Rive the farmer more. "I have been with them six years, and I know about all they have gotten out of It Is a living and the Indirect profit that cones from the Increased value of Its' franchise. good-will and unequalled standing and In- j fluence. - i "The other Southern publlshera are milk- ' lng their papers for all they are worth and riding around In autoreebllea while all of us r on The Progressive Farmer are walking. "Yet, Mr. Sands, the ownera of The Pro gressive Farmer are doing what is. In the lonr run, best They are building on a good foundation and know, that some day they will have-comylc ttly overcome unfair com pitrtlfe end won a permanent victory. Then we will do some riding. -" - . . - -, AND , -Li 'AUTOMOBILE WASHER. Cleans autos otrtckly, praya lawns, ap plies dips All brass delivered to you 13.50. Sample tnto pol'ih free. Splendid agency proposition. Money bat k guaran tee. Send now. n. i. Etraua cti, c$ Wnntow. ikii. The man who's wise will advertise 1 T -"C-. . ir