Saturday, September. 9, (5) BERKSH1RES J; ; . EDGAR B. MOORE, Prop., Charlotte. N. C. BERKSHIRE, HOLSTEIN and JERSEY CATTLS Lee's Premier Srd, cost $1,100, bis sire sold for tUOO, his dam sold for $1,500. , Kevstone Baron Duke, the Grand Champion Boar at the International live Stock Show, Chicago, MM. Offspring ot either Boar tor sale at reasonable prices. y An hoes srnaranteed cholera immune. Registered Jersey and Holsteln Cattle. , ' -Calves of either sex or breed lor tale. Bay from the best and most moted bird In the Sonta, "A DOLLAR DOWN AM) THEPIS4aO'PUE!N"; sold on mspoijisNT plan . 'V&XTX. C OCCONEECHEE, FARM; A PEDIGREE. WITH QEOT mDUBHAM.NC Berhshires - of Quality and Fine Breeding, f lane Better. 1 Keystone's Lee Dnke 158788. and Rivals Won der toth 186749. at head of herd. Let me know your needs.- Prices right. Satisfao tion to one wanting the best at reasonable prices JOHN B. HUMBLE, Ashebro, U.C. Berkshire Pig s that weighed 92 lbs at 8 mos old. These pies are out of sows bought last February, with pig. from E. J. Barker, Thornton, Ind. - Bred gilts, brood sows, service boars; one 850 lb herd boar. Write for prices and description. -LEROYHALL, llillaboro. N. C GLENVIEW STOCK FARM Offers for sale a mighty tine bunch of Berkshire pigs ot best breeding at reasonable prices. Registered Shrop shire ram lambs. If you want the best write us. . . FOX BROTHERS. Sevlervllle, Tenn. LARGE BERKSHIRES AT ttTcmvAAn mm m mm n wmm. service Doars, weighing 825 to 400 pounds Jit nine months in breeding condition. Unrelated females WicVnd MX ,ltte"' The blg lon-bodled, pro- " "C.&H.B. BARTENDING, , , Box , Bundee. R. T. DUROC-JERSEYS QUALITY FIRST PUREST BLOOD USES REGISTERED DURCCS HERD BOARS AT HEAD OF HERD Taxpayer III. No. 67789 r , ' Frank's Model No. 55617 : Georgia Illustrator No, 70823 . . t'" Superior Chief AgaiaNo. Mitt. Open and bred gilts, service boars. If yon YX1 mll type with plenty of size and breeding I guarantee to , please you. Me 2t,wants or coffle and ono of the BEST HERDS IN THE SOUTH. . , f j. W. HODGE ELE0, Gfl: Aldurin Farm Borccs The very best : individuals of : the very best breeding. .Ask for prices and descriptions. .v .v : . Jones dnB. Yow, Avdsa, a. "uroc-Jcrseys fSfftSSSSSi Sows same price. W. W SHAY v PiS ot both sexes . z uso w Act quick. Folder Free. FMgs dproc-jescsy ptcro iSd Enffi 'fSS0? MJ,ln P to one litter. ESSEX PllPshldl ESSEX. POLAND Sows Zt CHINAS & CUSOC PIG3 giirftS.,?row' service boaM Pi. An gara goats, Jersey cattle.. Satisfaction or money '-. ; ( I. B, CCUiTZS. CenncHy $jiimjitH'C C37 POUnD r.lAr.3r.I0Tn" DLACI POLAND CDIWAS Wallburg, Davidson Co., M. C lUf. John A. Young, Greensboro, V. C. s Dear Sin I hare kSled the lUmmolh Black pig bought of you, and fce dressed 873 pounds. ' Yours truly, - - J;L.CUYER. . We have t Tery fine lot ol thesB f!& on hau4,8tomonlhsoU. PrlcaJtloeacb.- JOHN A. YOUNG Cl SONS, Greensboro, N- C - TAYLOR ; PLANTATION y. BULLS AND HEIFERS OF , ' Golden Lads, Golden Fern's Lad, Blue Bell, Tormentor, Oxford Lads and Eminent fam ilies. You know there is no better blood than these famous proved families. . Write fojriescriptions and prices. TAYLOR PLANTATION, Our Berkshire! are Unexcelled. COLUMBIA, S. G 5 KENTUCKY SADDLERS OF QUALITY : ' "The Horses You Want are Here." It matters not what your requirements are, we can supply you safely and; satisfactorily with mares, geldings, stallions, and young things, at first cost breeders' prices. We prepay freight and guarantee safe de livery.vState fully your wants in first letter and receive detailed de scription by return maiL - - THE GLENWORTH FAKK1S, Bargin, Ky., ALLEN S. EDELEN, Owner. T5iStMlb "A Glenvorth Guarantee is Good.- ;---y tCirTtirirt-ifriimiM'iniiiiiitii The Belted Mortgage Lifter Although a new hog. the Hampshire has become .. a favorite wherever forage feeds are plenty, v The Hampshire has become a market topper In M every market If you would like free informa tion and literature oa the Hampshire Hog, ad , dress. E. C. STONE, Secretary ' Hampshire Record Association - 703 E. Nebr. Avc PEORIA ILL. REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE PIGS FOR SALE. Pairs and trios no kin. Also a lew bred sows. Write for particulars. R. N. RUNYON, DECATUR; IND. POLAND -CH INAS POLAND DIPC CHINA riiis T. E. Blown and gilts bred to Cham pion Boars, all Regis-, tered. v KBRFREESBOBO.TENJL DIG TYPE Poland-China Pigs "a&fif" ' Get the blood of the big ox herd. , . . Also registered Red Poll calves. E. W.JONES. - Woodlawn.Va. TAniAfrTllQ All ages. English, Canadi iai.llUfcillla an or American bred. Largest exhibition herd in the South. DUTCH FORK TRUCK FARM Columbia.. - - South Carolina Tamworfhs. Pigs, bred gilts and boars ready for service for sale at reasonable prices. All well bred and none but good individuals offered for sale. WESTVIEW STOCK FABM. 0. J. tTtXOOI. Ufr. R. 1. Winston-Salem. N. C. ABjEAJJUS Lest VOU Forget The Anneal Sals - - ii i ' Of ' ' " , ' a W- PA Aberdeen- V Angus 60 Blaclccaps. . Blaclcblrds- and Ericas W00DLAWH FARMS Oct. 24, 1916, Nasnvflle, Tenn. Write for Catalog. E. L. Hampton, Owner. Degistered Angus Bull For Sale 20 head from 10 to 16 months of age. Price for 10 days $125. Bred in , the purple, properly fed and reared to insure use fullness. Send order at once and yoo csa be tskea care of nicely. SIMON E. LANTZ, Ccngervllle,ni. ' ..... ... oows and heifers, good Indivlduala and welt bred at moderate prices. , - . - Stock registered. S. a CLACSWELL. layette tgsacarf ANGUS CATTLE-IS SLIi1. ready--for service by Trojan-Erica and Queerr Mother sires. Also an exceptionally handsome PERCHCBOH STALLION, regbtered In P.S.. A eemtBg a years old, weight 195S lb BALE STSCS FirO. . ZtSxxusSaB, JERSEYS REGISTERED JERSEYS OF MERIT, No greater blood in Jersey his tory than that of the Signals and : Tormentors, Richly bred bull calves for sale at less than half : their real value; also a few females. .a Motto: Strong constitution, large produc tion, unsurpassed individuality. Write for pedigrees and prices, " stating what you want. Satisfaction guaranteed. . ROYAL OAK'S FARM, GRASSY CREEK. N. C. Dolsfeins HOLSTEINS Laree assortment of reristered fe males, with royal breeding and Indi viduality. Real bargains in younar MITaiiiI bulls. Tuberculin tested, reasonable ltlt?l 11 prices, satisfaction guaranteed. Try tux thtsgTeat datrjr and beef breed. KAINTUCKE EOtSTOil FIRM. BARPSTQWB, KY. Kentucky Ilolsteins gaa culin tested. Splen did bull calves at farmers' prices. -WILSON & BOWLES, Bardstown. Ky. Tl A flaT1 A TUT Pricelist just issued." Cows, niLklTrilni bulls, heifers. Send for it yz klJiiil Woodlawn Farm, i Sterling, Illinois. N. B. 200 Shetland ponies. Send for list. SHORTHORNS . Are yon raising beef ? A Shorthorn Dull wiu ve you more scale and Use a Short- lin 1nl1 more bone and more uonnda of flesh for UU1 11 UUII a given amount of feed than any other breed. - Are you a dairyman? A Shorthorn bull will not re duce your milk supply and he will get you eahres. that will be quickly salable at a much higher price than you can get from a dairy bred bull. Are you a farmer? The Shorthorn is the Ideal for your purpose, because it Is adapted to all conditions, of quiet temperament, takes on flesh readily, and yields a liberal flow of milk. . s . , Address Aria Shorthorn Breeders Association, r . 1 Dexter Park Ave., Chicago, III. . r SHEEP AND GOATS Oxford Sheep For Sale ' Our Jlock of about 100 ewes and rams, all in first class condition and running in age from lambs to 6 year olds. " Reason for selling is we don't care to keep two breeds on one farm. -. ' 1 Monterey Stock Farm Ltd. , , Trlm&IeVIroInla. -When writing to advertisers, ay: "I am writing you as an advertiser In The Progres sive Farmer, which guarantees the reliability of all advertising it carries. , - ' " ivt it ' ' ' SVIIIE a lc rsToOlCHora Urfstcd 2C3 lbs. Crt-JLit&an elf i ' lazrgcsO.Lc!. Sbs)t..J . -caVTssk. Why lose profits bree- rag ana leeomg scrub no: mat wm snip you sam " .. rot famous a L. C V i gs? Two of our O. I. Hogs weighed tsot i j u WUl ship you sam- V J hogs on time and five agency - V? to first aDDlieant wa are the ' most extensive breeders and shippers of pure bred hogs In the world. All Foreign Shipment Ue Se GoTt Inspected We have bred the O. L C Hogs for tt years ana nsv never lostsMg with cholera or any other eon tagtousatsease for FrswCooJL "J7.j llog rrem Birth to So!s$t HIE L. D. SILVER CO. 3 Vickcrs CUf Cleveland, 0, O. I. C.'s. Pure-bred stock all ages of the very best breeding. SCO tb. bred gilts tlO service boars $15. up, pigs $ia per pair -s nedinrreecd. , W.tOWEN, DcdtordsVoe A I f'c and Chester White Boars, bred gilts, v a. v 0 sows,young herds a specialty. ; No t akin; prolific; large kind. Pedigrees free. Write " for prices and circulars. Prices reasonable. F. E. RUEDUS11, Sctota, llltaola. o I. C Choice lot ot & no. old boars and sows. Pairs no akin. Booking orders for fall pigs. All , from prize-winning stock. Probably : the largest, also the most uniform herd in the South. Write me. R. F. D. 1. Bedford. V. 11 , ytMiiiaaw f O.LC ' iM i ml ii iii ,TT R. Q. OWEN, TTIE GREAT National Dairy Shov, To be held this year . October 12 to 21, inclusive SPRINGFIELD, MASS. ; In Five Enormous Mew Concrete, Brick and Steel Build ings Covering 400, OM Square Feet of Ground in a 170 acre Tract Larger ana More uonvement ana ueuer in ad pointments than any other Similarly Used Buildings In America. - This Show Affords a Short Course in Dairy Agriculture That Can Not Be Equalled. v 1,000 ot the Best Dairy Cows in the; World Assembled ' from all over America. . s 60,000 Square Feet of Operating Modern Dairy Machin ery! Farm and Town Equipment; Silos: Motor Trucks, and Everything that a Dairyman Should Have. Milk Pasteurization; Ice Cream Manufacturing: Compet i itive Exhibits of Dairy Products from Every State Dis play ed in Mammoth Refrigerators. Domestic Science Demonstrations: U. S. Department of Agriculture Grade Cattle Exnibit; Exhibit by Agrlculrur al Colleges; Students Judging Contests. , . 20,000 Square Feet Boy and Girl Agricultural Display. . A Meeting Place for the Dairy World. AH Under Cover. Reduced Railroad Ectes Fro Everywhere Have You a Farm to Rent? Do you want to manage a Farm? you have a farm to rent or, that you want to sett, now is the time to advertise, ' . (J Farmmanagers who wish to change positions for the com ing year should let the public knovr it, y ; '1 V J THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER is the best medium to use if you wish to advertise your farm or for a farm if you wish a position, . Our Two Best 7: Sabscrlption Oilers SI 0 or one renewal and one xtfV new subscription for one year each if sent in together; or CO AA for a club of three yearly 7 subscriptions all sent iir together a saying of 33 cents on each subscription. Address The Progressive Fanner V KENEW ALL TOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS TIIROUGn TJS , , Our clubs save you money. We will gladly;; make a special club on. any papers you may wish One' letter one money order and It's all attended; to. 1 , Miv w serve vou? - , " THE PROGRESSIVE TAJ 'IU J .I- '?'f nn i. t' i,' v ' v f ;r J ( it ii a :

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