1158 (14) Our Farm Wofnen "r Edited by MRS. W. N. HUTT; THE; PROGRESSIVE FARMER . "get this, each family (has;bigywash itcame in contact,' She tho ' i. 'tubs and .there Js no Teason for iroV- yery -;swcet; -ah Acute", : as Ion -using these. The 'closet, with, a slant- was confined 'to the family if8 iner: cement 1 floor arid an overhead fearful -when. niitc;w . . Was , o ( .. . . , w fcuuvi j CCciVPri 4.L A WONDERFUL WORLD IT'S a wonderful world when you. sum ' "it. all-up, . f Vl 1 - ' ' And we ought to be glad we are in It, The fellow who' drinks from old Misery's CUP,.-' " " ' Gets the goblet of Joy the next minute In a wonderful way . . In the course of a day Strange changes occur as by magic -There are solemn and sad things ,,: And Joyful and" glad thingar' ... And things that are comic and tragic. ' '- ' ., . . . .., It's a wonderful world, full of wonderful , things, ,,. . No two days alike in their passing; Some new Joy or sorrow the rising sun brings, ' Some new charm the former outclass ing. ; ' And yesterday's glad. .. . Are perhaps todays' sad, ' And yesterday's poor may be wealthy, Oh, the changes are quick, Even yesterday's sick May today or tomorrow be healthy. 1's a wonderful world, for we never can tell . ' j ' What for us has ihe morrow In store; Things happen as. though by some "magic spell iThat never happened before, j . And nobody knows ' Or can ever disclose ' What the Joy of the future may be, X - - But of one thing I'm sure . . Despite all We endure Twill be worth while to hang on and see, - ' 'r . .v --. : , Edgar A, Guest. shower is very ' popular and .can be same treatment. One dav u he ay uuusuai symptom has and a couple of dollars to spend.' are nervous stimulant ' is usually tion. The fibrous ends of the nerves expending; over the surf ace ol the body, are thrown into a ; state of ex citement arid so-called nervous leak age follows. : Should you insist upon taking a hot water bath, it should be taken immediately before retiring. If taken during the day, do not fail to ment arid.the rest will be easy.' "I love to bathe," said Dan. - "Me. too,", replied John. -and "T nm verw tr1ol vmi An fnr if- ie.f.fiia .Pa.rtit e cVA..1J ' j . , ' 6. .r vw" waicn anv with;a little salt and lime water in f milk.His ,suffffestiori oo .r.,, n n? then the lickinW. .c x u " asea. ibuld - watch a n ..- that 'Cleanliness is essential to health- tendency of the tabv ami 1 fulness, and; both are conducive" to ar . the cause at once.' spirit of godliness., - , . Another baby of seven t., ' never been able to sit uo: the. follow it with a plunge or,' at least a WHY THE YOUNG DOCTOR IS Z it was. lazy; but the grand dash of cold water." . " v , -X TA nr- TDlTCTI?n motner teared there was trouble a V u . - insisted upon an examination , ujatiuscu curvature of "A warm water or tepid bath is best for those, who cannot take a cold: bath. The effect is soothing, the blood flowing into the relaxed vessels of the skin, and thereby increasing its ac-; tion. As heat facilitates -the bodily . functions," a warm bath will often do The Young Doctor and the- Intelli , gent Young Mother May Well Be Entrusted With Our Future Citi- uisciosea - curvature of the spine ?Tei ? te, this can be remed- . led; left to outgrow," as is somany , ... liJtu, it lcsuus in tne hunch--back for life. The young doctor or 4U7ILL vou olease write me what it surgeon knows that it could have muic iw xicaucu . laugutu ptioun i i , was you puDiisnea in ine .jrrxj-s " ",7 r . ' , ",c ui"cr uoctor zens than a longer time spent in sleep. If gressive Farmer some . time . .V. CAWS' 'a dispensation of Providence." BATHING AND BATH CONVEN- , : '.IENCES; : : '.'.-.--. - .. 1 . -. - The -Wide-Awake Girls and Boys ' Learn That Bathing . Is Essential to ; Bathing Essential to Health "TS BATHING necessary to health, A Miss Margaret ? I know some seemingly perfectly healthy children the bath- be only moderately warm something for expectant rilothers tOLT Within a day or two I came arrnc iepia;, u acxs as a scuauvc. tu uic; take tor constipation r All ,J,can; re-wicr.. musiration: i he old family nervous system. Those who take the; member is figs, prunes and senna, and doctor treated a boy for years for cold daily bath should take a warm it was to be ground; up in the meat "epileptic fits", of increasing violence bath, with soap, at least once a week, chopper. I suffer so much from con- and frequency. A young surgeon came for the sake of cleanliness", Stipation, and our doctor prescribed ihto their midst and discovered that salts and cream .of tartar, but so . r,e needed circumcision. Before ciiv much of that makes me weak. cumdsion, the boy had frequent epi- "L. think we need better doctors lepticjts ; three months after the boy anyway. After hearing your talk on, had rown stronger in every way and " the ' .new-horn habv. I tried to eet nir Hhe attacks- have been ffrowine- less 1 who' never bathe. .t ; , ' y , -doctor-to do-some of the things you - Likewise, what is true of the doc It is well that you said seemingly, said do when my last one was born, -tor.s true of the dentist. -As with the Alice, for bathmgdaily bathing is and he just laughed at me; and if you elderly; doctors, I class the dentists necessary , to obtainthe. very best .-;COuldihave seen the bungled wad of who have read and thought and stud bodily conditions. Health requires cotton, not" even sterilized, just 'old, with the young ones, because they that the four 'eliminating asrents of . are vniiinor in heart a'n'H int1U HE children were till. havmg a .the . bodyr that - is those that carry; o;,the baby's riavel,.you Wotild-have Howeyer,take your child to the one crMar! away ; the; poisons, '(lungs, kidneys made a speech, I am sure; Butj ahl whoris old in other things as in years, pool when Miss Margaret came bowels, skin) should-be kept normal- helpless ; - they make out like they and he will tell you that sugar decays down the hi 1. They has essential' knoPw 'ore tLn I, and they do,: oi teeth; that it is . well to pull out the- into their tents made of brush and to the first ; . water, inside and out- course, and say that Iliad better" quit child's first teeth because the second leaves whence they emerged in a few side,;for the three remaining agents. . readintr all tht mess :n The Pr0?rfeS. .ones soon fill their, places : that it is T UICS , TfUS iU 7Tdl,'r ine,Priffl"y use ot tne.Datn is tp se,- sive Farmer and. Ladies -Home- Tour--? Joqsh to spendfmuch money on that e young dentist would fill the nnthincr rather thn yea in too long. the oores. Persoiration contains -a ,4.t,i: : ! n v see the little thine suffer, or ruin the - No-oo-p, only a fe Margaret, but; I just e the water, ter, which remains on the; skin; w I am always cold in .the water nd the moisture is evaporated or. is ab- young children who life out in the ru young, dentists. iogo to schools to never get warm, no matter what I do.- sorbed by the clothing. - This material al districts ' ' ' " teach the children how to care for I go in merely because the others do' soon becomes 'offensive, and accord- Salts and cream of'tartar have their "their teeth; and actually present chil- r see ''your reaction is not good, ing to some authorities, is-taken back places but, like calomel, their places 'ren with' tooth brushes if they would You probably should'not go into the into the body if not frequently de- aTe vcryJew and far between More promise to use them. A mother told Water but JUSt Stav around the edge mnvpd hv Kathincr nrA it. mav nrn- . . ni " -Ule crnoV fViof eliA hnA tn :-A MAAiKu- r...ja j dmT . y - . . . ana more are tnose wno. Keep up witn -"Vi-'ou"""v "v , .lf and paddle like little Gracie and Billy, duce a slow po aware of the spend five dollars to have her child's One who does not feel warm and , come clogged arid their natural func- fat that tn rpr,,iat thp KnHv thmn teeth cared for. I considered it mon- glowing after a cold bath ;should al- tion is disturbed. For proof, look at (kA utu. .. .iiWJV ev well soent when I saw the child. vi ine venow sicin ann nn eves nt tnnsp 1 1 1 nut h n ir n cna to c pnnrflf itin- ntin : i : 1 - . . ' j 1 r ii uu," """ cure leanimess, 10 remoyeirom xne;.naj The Woman's. Home' Compani6ri, ' same nrst set., but th Diue. 7. . . ,' surface; of the. skin iheaccuraujations etc - ' ; ' ;;,; wny, aeane,you are an coia. ' jcoii'.of refuse matter brought out through iCit, V;.v' it child's' teeth, frfr must have sta 4 . a . - ways take a lukewarm one or one, whether a tub or pool bath. The shock of .' the cold is too great for them. It is as foolish for- one who stays cold and blue to go into cold .water as" it is for one to eat sawdust food and pretend she likes it" Hot and Cold Baths Jr?np in iht -wfrA wno do not bathe daily. ' "Isn't it funny that most all chil dren Tiate to be; bathed?"' '? "I think,' dearie, that comes mainly And the more I go about the coun try and the more I see of doctors and mothers and babies,' the more my ad miration goes, out to the young doc- come from. children being scrubbed' once a frtr A wiU w ;,,c't week instead 0f being put every day through a most excellent course of T 4, ' -8 -u IU" l warmwa-; training of ; seven,, years, and then f Now; corfiirig back to the matter of using" common cotton for the baby's navel, it - would seem that the most ignorant member of the laity that ever read a newspaper would know about germs andthe serious danger of ihfection. Sterilized .. absorbent cotton or gauze is not so expensive i uu i,n ni. u Koef Mice ter. where thev can sniash anH have j j. j . xi . . ' "-! W ftit anvnA rnnld afford a roll , ii xv jur hui v wu uawia uta v. ax ' -1 7 a nt if 1 1. to t n is rwn vpars nr mnrp- rT uuii tuui hutuuv vw.i- JTI Mariraret?" ' fun. Children, especially,cshould have wiWi o.:., ui for the . babv's navel. Five cents ' 1 "That is? determined by the individ-: daily, baths' and frequent changes of ual. What Is good for one person is underclothing. Everything in the bad for another, and so each person shape of dress should be loose and must watch himself- closely, and if easy, both to allow free circulation the after results of a hot bath are -and to permit free exit to the perspir fpurid to be harmful, cold ortemper- atJon which leaves the body, winter ate one-s-should be taken, and vice as well as summer. Thus much of the , versa. If a person can stand it, it is Dfd wetting and many of the skin - well to take a cold plunge in the diseases so prevalent among children morning, for it is' stimulating and has may be avoided." ; no -aetrimeniai reaction iur one wno Wllv uuuui an the world has discovered for the good worth-would be more than suriicien:. of the human body, he knows the in- . The superstition about these things fluence of mind upon the physical is appalling One young doctor torn well-being, and, withal, he is keenly me that he had severtl cases ot te- alive. his heart is not seared bv much tanusUmong babies, caused from tne suffering, and he has taken the: sur geon's, oath toV place the. welfare of , the patient before that of his own.- " This does not reflect upon the won derful usefulness of the 'older doctor can take it. If you jre obliged to ex- .coiantrjr homes have a bathroom? It man pf these 'elderly ' doctors ga "ercisea.great deal?fter bathing .r st!mPsslh1 to indulge m . awa a -month every year and study under the. best specialists to be They take magazines 'and use of soot beafen out of a rusty stove pipe and put on the umbilical cord by an igriorant mid-wife. ; May I . conclude by , urging every prospective mother to write to the Child Welfare Bureau, Washington, D.- C, for bulletins on Prenatal Care; Infant Care ; the Feeding of Children, and read them as earnestly and pray erfully as: she does her Bible ? They Cost, only a postal card, while the the rnntain is beyonu price. May I also add, in this day tliP-niirnnse of getting wanri. it is a naming without ; one sure indication that your vitality is "Why, . almost every country home fonnH 1,tt (nf ciih j - hatn When the Cnnin hav c nm fm-m 1,-i-t. : . ' 'ji- :? , . rr . iou iww ,,vi ouvi. ".w.. "- . 0u.v .uuii w uduuiig tun- ieaQ , xneir omces may not De nne, cold water comes in: contact with the veniences if they only wish to have but they have.the equipment of which -t,J. erkorfir?a1 Ktrknd vessels con- them hard ennnrrh lnoit .. it... 1 . . . - smji, in iiuHv...y.t - - - - .t ivooi inaiijr . nirtt many a more snowy omce cannot p1"- .Avxa . . , -tract andthe blood is dnvenlto the .donot have them. There are many? boast.' These are God's true messeri- and time, it is little less thanxnmina :iorn1 " ororanc rthe temnerature different svstems nf wator etmni,r -v' i i. tiiii - ' 4.vr.4- Uaincr'a life without tnis )jin.iiia . V&M,.., -. x--- - w. "' oupijr. ana . gci, uui in Daiancing . experience " ji hu us.i& . t:! nrliSlA thA fomnor.- mnre ann mnt (orm. ' . . . . . . . 1 . 1.1. a v.4.tior who gl . mere . atiire ".' lower takes Iplace the skin vessels dilate, . tp. put in a. system of water supply, those who .have their services. ' the Diooa rusnes u-4CK iy m", v., .wv .v cw.uumicai.ways 01 v jLerJie give, one or two experiences re - the oatfter experiences aicii. ,6w. miu ine. npusefrunning-;that have come under my observation rgIow over-the entire;? a little baby" WA hot-water,D.atn;.aa aWTO uwu, ueing,tne.: sirnpv..who began to lick its mother's face the ti b'e7avoided;..especially: is. impossible ;to andneck-and evefythinfe with "which 'arms- knowledge by the mother who gives that soul being? Ma little mother in tne country know .that she is ngf ading all she-can tor.ner uj- welfare and .practicing, wnai learnedl God has given the care or ny,baby only to the moinci He has.given that; mother tne

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