Av-.-:-:-- Saturday, September --i (17)" 1161 ,V PURE-BRED POULTRY PAYS In Mediteranean" Varieties Egg - Pro auction Has Reached 314 a Year, While Mongrch Averse Only 70 avf of the greatest; advantages IT that the keeping of poultry has, ' -r: r : Break Out . ' v--,;w v ' AN OUNCE of prevention will apt -only save a pound c-f cure in keeping the chickens healthy and thriving at this;time of the year, but will save a great deal of trouble and be found. However; where untreated seed were used, the loss is from 3 to ,25 per cent. On tfroe untreated area it was possible I for Mr. Galehouse, the county agricultural agent who directed the demonstration, to pick rS8 smutted - heads - without-, moving.--. '.Pennsylvania Experiment Station.-' Willi u M hliit ; i 1 1 f IL: ; : State and County Fairs . ...u.vv. onnpais to most everyone. ... '.:,, ana - - expense as wen. :, that one can - go -niiu .ii wuu - little outlay ot casn, noi c.iuuS.u 0f the Mississippi A. and M. College, onv ereat depletion in ; tne ,uA i.t; ; cli .i cause This is the opinion of E. P. Clayton, great depletion in oocketbook of the poorest of us. It is for this reaspn, if for no other, who states that the time to fight poul try diseases is before they break out, , j i ' and offers some timely suggestions, bred farm T, jf , that the keeping oi-puxc-uxcu un, . To prevent sorehead and Other kin flocks is making pernaps more rap u dred diseases that commonly appear strides than any one other Jinr of the at this seaj;on 0f the year, feed sul- livestock industry as any one can buyx phnr and salts to the pouitry as fol- a setting of pure-bred eggs of the va- lows. Give a half teaspoonful of riety they prefer for not over $2, and tQ evc chicken un(fer three those who belong to the poultry club, lwls .. wcight. , m ,t with ,thc thrOUgll me CUUi icay ui uui uiu iau- ciers, have always Tiad special prices. We owe much to the efforts of our old fanciers for bringing our.'pure bred poultry up to where it now is, as they have always kept pure-bred flocks and know from experience that, they are far better than crossbred or common fowls. lliev also kiiuw inai u laitcs iiu r r n- tu r-1i luc- , i t i j a teaspoonful of Salts. The following more, if so much, money to breed and -w ,su ..Tt,: n feed. They will object to such feed, but let them get real hungry and they will Cat it. Repeat -this dose each week. If the disease breaks out you will notice it at first as small wart like knots on the ccrr.b and wattles. As soon a? these, knots are noticed, paint the comb and wattles of the af fected chickens with -iodine and give raise a good bird as it does a tnongrel," 11 as the dual purpose varieties have been bred to lay more eggs and het ter ones, and to carry more meat, and this of the best quality and so distrib uted over the frame of the "bird that it does not throw him out of poise. In other words, using care to develop plenty of breast-meat and at the same time looking after stamina. The Mediterranean varieties or egg machines have been bred along lines to produce more and better eggs, and there has been a truly wonderful de velopmcnt in the laying qualities as there are any number of flocks that are averaging over 200 eggs a year, and we know tfcat at the recent In ternational Laying Contest held at Delaware College a little White -Leghorn hen laid 314 eggs in 365 days, thus earning her name "Lady Eglan-. will cure all cases if taken in time. To get "rid of mites, spray pure ker osene oil Or a 5 per cent solution of 'Kceso Dip No. 1, and to kill lice dip the chickens in a 1 per tent so lution of Kreso Dip No. 1. V To forestall an outbreak of cholera or its neighbor, diarrhoea, clean up and disinfect with a 5 per cent Kreso Dip No. 1 whitewash. If birds are not very bad, treat with a teaspoon ful of Castor oil with One drop of car bolic acid in .it. Give this daily for two das. If this gives no relief, the best way then to control the disease is to . treat with the hatchet arid fire. What to Do for Roup THE first thing to do in case, of roup is to isolate all ailing f owls. tine, and breaking all past records, promptly disinfect runs and buildings bne was not alone in this contest, as . with a 5 per cent solution of carbolic there were any number of hens m the cidf and whitewash all woodwork, same contest that were ever crowd- walls, etc., with warm whitewash car ing her So this is conclusive evi- fying 5 per cent carbolic acid, dence that the men who have been Any fowl showing heavy swelling breeding purebred poultry yrs o iace or throat had better be killed have not been doing it in a haphazard At nftc. .Snd burned or buried deeo. They would be worthless as breeders even if apparently cured. way or they never could have accom phshed such wonderful results. By this kind of Careful breeding'wa have birds that carry more meat of the most tender, Juicy kind, and 'that lay many more eggs in a year. ' - This will prove without -a doubt that pur e-bred poultry . is in-a class by itself as compared to mongnel stock, and thaf w ian oil ' ' vun mi uavb viui ia Tiftiitftieiit.Several methods- are recommerided by authorities. If there are any solid tumors in' face, eyelids or throat, open them and wish care fully with some disinfecting fluid. Peroxide of hydrogen in water, 1 part to 3 Or 4 of water, used as a wash and rms stocked with a mrSmL sVId ? uuu AVU That tlnr 7 "i ping tube or atomizer in applying to 1 at they will give us-far better re- nnrU .mvHrornne" is ill. W M W M X J " suns in birds every way as we can have UP to and ahnvp ... cf unAa rA weight .which reaches 9 pounds for an the six varieties of Plymouth Kock males and 7 pounds' for the " l ?'Mand other varieties carrying their full weight. , r - O Prom the Mediterranean families we nave an egg -production up to 314 w a record, as compared to 70 -eggs "rf, "ea!; a,s the average. for the mon grel and the latter are not auriform hT s. do not command vthe tilgnest prices. unifor best 'rm Products alwavs hfinV the ji ii.rv; nnt 1. 4 r 4 dnrp 41, "r UIc-urea iowis pro du the uniform product. - 1& no reasonable ex . . . . ..-. .... . . 4 . . . . a preparation practically tne same, only a little stronger. Use 1 part to S or 6 of water. . "A very simple but strongly recom mended remedy is as follows : Pour on the surface of a pail of water half a pint of kerosene oil. Take each bird,, holding its mouth open with one fin ger, and; plunge the head Slowly into the . water two or three times. Then wipe Off- surplus oil. Do this two or three times'a day for three or four days. : Giye soft mashes, atjeast one-third clover. Let the fowls have all the. succulent green feed they will eat. Give'dean: fresh water, containing SOUTH CAROLINA South Carolina State Fair Association, Oc tober 23-27-29, Columbia, D. F. EHrd, Secre tary. - :' , Colored State Fair Association, October SO to November 3, Columbia, N. J. Frederick, Secretary. Catawba Circuit York County Fair Association, October 17 20, Rock Hill, m R. Timmons, Secretary. Union County Fair Association, October 17-20, Chester, B. F. Alston, Jr., Secretary? Lancaster County Fair Association, date not fixed, Lancaster, Luther Ellison, Secre tary i, . , - - ' Spartanburg County Fair Association, - Oc tober 30 to November 3, Spartan ourg, Taul V. Moore, Secretary. 1 Kershaw County Fair Association, date ii6t flxtd, Camden, T. L. Little, Secretary. - : Tee Dee Circuit Chesterfield County Fair ; Association, No veer -811, Chesterfield, G 3L. Hunley, Sec VetiiVy. . . - - - Mar.boro County Fair Association, No vember 1-2-3, Bennettsvllle, -J." P. Gibson, .crretafy. lEterr 5' Couttty Fair Association, date hot flSed, Conway, C. R. Scarborough, Secretary. 'the Pee Dee Fair Association, October 31 to Nbmber 3, Florence, J. W. Hicks, Sec retary. - . Williamsburg' COtohty Fair Association, November 8-11, IKihgstree, George A. Mc Elveen, "SeCrjetatyi : Le Cdtthty Fair Association, date not fix!, BlshopvlUe, W. R. Scarborough, Sec retary ; . i . .. - Mftfion County Fair, November 8-9-10, G. J W.. Nichols, Secretary. , fiawndon County Fair, November 15-17, JtanMng, Johh G. Dlnking," Secretary. GEORGIA 1 -V & School' Fair Association, Carroll-" -tonr October 9-14, John T. Matthews, Secre tary. 3 artow Cottttty Fair Association, Carters vlHe, Oftdbef 10-i3 Rviehs.Pyron, Secretary. vCommee Frtut'County Fair Association, Commerce, OcWbr 9-1 4 J. F. Shannon, Sec ' retary. ! bodf e County Fair, Fastman,' October 17 21, W. I -Glessftef, Secretary. ' Sast Georgia Fair, Washington, October " lf-il, J. - JaUke Burnett, Secretary. Farmers' Agricultural Fair, Bremen, Oc : tdber 18-21, E; t Welch, Secretary, FlvrCouhty Fair Assoc'latleh, " Miliea, Oc tober 24,28, J. !C BUfkhalter, Secretary. Griffin -Scalding Couhty Fair, Grtffln, Octd '. bef SS-SSi B. P. Brtdtes, Seferetafy. Georgia-CaroHiva Fair Association, Augus ta, November 13-18, Frank E. Beane, See retaTy, . Georgia F16rida ' Fair, Valdosta, October 24-28, J. M. Ashley Sedretary. Georgia State Fair, Macon, Ndtember 2-11, Harry C. Robert, Secretary and General Manager. Hahira Fair, ' Hahira, October 17-21, W W. Webb, President. Haft County Fair Association, Hartwell, October 24-28, T. B. Thornton, Manager. Houston Couhty Fair, Perry, October 17 21, W. C. Lewis, President. ' North Georgia Fair, Rome, October 17-20, RuOhs Pyron, General Manager. 'Savannah Fair Association, Savannah, No vember 13-18, George R. Herbert, General Manager. Screven Couhty Fair Association, SylVahia, October 31 to November 4, J. fe. Burkhalter, - Secretary, Millen. Southeastern Fair, Atlanta, October 14-21, R. M. Striplin, General .Manager. Southeast Oeorgla Fair, Donalsonville, Oc tober 3-7, W, H. VanLandingham, Secretary. Tattnall County Fair, Reidsville, October 17-19, E. C. Collins, President. Taylor County Fair, Butler, October 17-23, Ira Chambers, Secretary. Third Agricultural District Fair, Ameri- cus, October 23-28, E. H. Hyman, General Manager. .-. Tri-State Fair Association, Baihbrldge, ' middle of October, Quimby Melton, Secre tary. ? - - : v , Twelfth District Fair, Dublin, October 23 28, E. Ross Jordan, General Manager. Walton Couhty Fair, Monroe, October 10 14, Eugene Baker General Manager. Washington County Fair, Sandersville,' Oc tober 10-14, Sam H. Sherrard, Secretary. , Wayhe County Fair Association Week, JesUp, October"?, J. N. Atkinson, Secretary. - Woodruff North -Georgia Fair, Winder, Oc tober 2-11, G. W. Woodruff, President. , Dont put up ordinary wooden laths andv plaster. They crack . and fallare as innam- maBleas kindling wood. -You can put up walls' . of HerCulesPlaster Board-rhade of Gypsum. Rock (calcined) at one-thirdthe cost of laths and plsstcr putthem upla one-thirdtbe time. Then you UteralljThave . wall of stone. Yon have reiproof walls - that outlast the buildmj; proof against sound, rennin walls that will kee your house waffflin Wnter-cooH sumnwr. Use r (10) " A fill 1 II SPECIAL tOW PRlCES-NfcW SIZES I 32 X36 IN. IC PER SQ. FOOT ZZt 72 IN. 2C PER SQ. FOOT . .- 32X1t)81N.a?CPEftSQ.FOOT Hercules Piaster Board I guaWeed not td warp, 'shrtok'xrt crack. Cm be applied atlny teaonwlthoutthelnconretie,rtce of plastering. Easily nailed to itntla, and ready for plaator. pamt wnnir. cr rrtiatic panel effecti at little cost, Recommended bj AKsnitecta Oontractore and UotteOwnera, . ; , , VrritetoHaybooMetgiHngfrfrinformaHonandianiBle Learn how to have walla of atone and eave money by aing "Uereulee. ' HERCULES PLASTER BOARD CO. " BOX 371-B HAttFTbM, VA. YOU cata drttft la the Itteit ttyla ttd and at little cott, by fcrdflritij jroua WhMllrM tvtim' 'The SnMth'a Mall Ofdefl HniMA Our Clothinor ia New York hattdi tail6red in arhBrteBt BrMdway faahiona.! best eeMcted fnaterials ami newest appro VI tA nntriHThfl; fit and Bfttisf action BTJftranteed I Stylish Blue Serge Suits.JW Wvpix Brwl 5.05 op; Our flew catalog describes f allline men Sana cmrore'Bciotning,Bnw. h h lowest prices. Writs tor I KfcE copy w w M SPOUESS CO, 37? ShiCltOB Unt, RlchmcrJ, Y. ENGINES MO 7C Was. Ci Larger ITr r 0 -for keeping on all farms-other " fttangaaate.WShXol n pufe-tred poultrv a? th. first dP wine color. Let their run be S 1 sufiSeat Z make -dunny, and houSey "l Ul1 excuse. and well Ventilated. F. J R. Scion -a ,ALLE G. OLIVER,, bcnfic Assistant in Poultry " ' Husbandry, in Charge North . , Carolina- Poultry -Clubs:,, WE THREE S Treat Oats for Smut . TNIFTV. fields of. oats in Mahoning U Countv sowed last spring with seed treated Withff of maldehyde ;Wefe t THE HAPPY FAMILY For several years orte of the big animal shows had a lldn, a titer, a wolf, u Dear and a lamb, all penned together n one cage. '"That is remarkable," -a visitor 'said one day to their keeper. "Tjg&ly remarkable, in structive impressive. And how long have these animals dwelt together in vthl way?" , "Oh, 'bout six months," repjled the keeper, "but o',; course th' lamb has to be renewed occasionally." Exchange. 2 ice: - win i.: Prof. l,hysics-fa."Now. yduftK 'taaH What Is . a vacuum1?" - - - ... Toung, Man--"Why, er-er, well, It's in my head, ; Professor: but I- can't seem to think M It Just, now.' Browning's Magazine. Nation One of 3 best American enjinei. Sold direct belbw snf cott jetfdft by Boith's tkitm, oUttt eMkbHsbed ttscMnery ftftd, svppiy souse. vaira-in-Hesa snsnntee ttofe power, let! fuel. Easy to ran, 8 to 12 H-P, fssolihe W kefowne. Oalck nrcmsr. omiuxxwrrtney 821 East Csrjr 5U Richmond, Vs. Saw Mills, Shlngl Mills, Corn Mills, Water Wheels, Engines. DeLOACn CO 87, ATLANTA, CA. 1UREBRED LIVESTOCK TOE GREAT al Dairy To be held this yuar r October 12 to 21, inclusive at . SPRINGFIELD, MASS. In IPTve tenormom New Concrete, brick ahd Steel Build-' ings CdVertng 490,000 Bqflare Feet of Ground In a 170 cre Trstt. Lareef nd More Conventeht and Better In An-, potetmehts than any other Similarly Used Buildings in America. This Bhew Affdrda a Shbrt Course In Dairy Agriculture That Can Not Be Equalled. .. 1,000 of the Best Dairy Cows In the World Assembled from all over America. , fco.OOO Square Feet of Operating Modern Dairy Machin ery; Farm and Town Equipment; Silos: Motor Trucks, and Everything that a Dairyman Should Have. , Milk Pasteurization; Ice Cream Manufacturing: Compet itive Exhibits of Dairy Plodudts from Every State Dis played in Mammoth Refrigerators. - " Dontestre Science Demonttrstionsl U, S. Department ot Agriculture Grade Cattle Exnibit; ExMblt by Agrlcultur al Cdlieges; Students Judging Contests. 20,000 Square Feet Boy arid Girl Agricultural Display. . , A Meeting Place ton the Dairy World. " i - All Under COVer. y v Redtfced JUltroad ftales f rma Everywhere AT THE ROYAL, tas CItyr Mo., Oct tth, SO hifh class ShOrthOrhs will be offered for sale 12 feulla And 38 fmaleatfelected front prominent herds of the corn belt and fnchtdlfltf many how cattle. As more than half Of the bnils eensifned are member tf show herds aid of the fashionable blood lines, hfth class herd bull material is assured. This is bne of the most lmporatit sales of the year. It will ba an opportunity to select top breeding stoek. Catalogs will b ready In due time. Address . American Shorthorn. 13 Dexter Park Avenne, Breeders' Afisodnion, C&icaco. ni, SHEDDEN FA SHORTHOR If you are in ned of a youn breeding or native cows, enough herd header either S or pure Scotch, write us Box P. - r , .-5 SIM? 7 .. V!iS:iflfil; is iV A: ;f'f. II Km . :1 ; l t : f. 'a fit-; .?(- - V -Y if. , 'v H'i :,: -r i- i U