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Send the coupon, for 10 days' examination first j : Partial List of Contents fsed and Care of Dairy Cows (This alone worth tne price.)- ....... Feeds and Feeding for Beef (A wonderful work.) Diseases and Insect Pasts (How to protect cattle and erops against them. ) Profitable Hog Raising (A complete library on the hog.) -.. , . -Success With Sheep (Every auestion answered.) i Poultry Problems Solved (No other books on ' poultry ever need be read.) Fruit (How to get larger yields How to avoid insect pests. ) .. . , '- . i . , - Soils and Fertilization (Make your land yield, more.) . Latest Facts and Investigations on Every Farm ' Product (Insures bigger, better crops .with'; loss lsibor -, s Every Phase of Farm Management (From" Got- , ernment experiments and researches.) Farm Buildings (How to plan and build on the farm.) - Farm .Machinery (All about It) Domestle Sclenee (Comfortable, economical farm - s housekeeping. Lightens the work of the - noueeeperB. . And thousands of other subjects of vital interest .and: value. : FREE Drainage: lis Relation ta Crop Groivin Article Nb. 46 on Farm 'Facta Every.BSEould Know'V ' By S. IL McCrory. United States) Department of Agriculture 1 j TUT vv ITH the rapid increase in pop- whole crop, while ; this year; jdespite ulation in the Southern states the: heavy Jday rains;vhe suffered no and the increased demandsV damage, , concluding iwith the state- from Northern "states for .vSoutfiernment:vMIave'what Jsconsidered'tq. farm products,"." the necessity for be he finest potato crop in the coun greater productions becomes appar ty." Before planting this year he had ent. r In,, recent years. -the more installed tile drains. V'.V general- ?application fv dWersifiedA North Carolina farme who had farming i and of abetter , cultural 5 three acres of swamp in hisfarm tiled methddshas dorve much to I increase at a cost of $24.3&: This is his re crop production. There are many sec- turn on Investments "Land ' J was tfons; however where little, attention -worthless before tiling, now, since I is given to diversified farming o.; have it tiled, it is worth $50 per acre." better cultivation of the soiLIa these 'From another North' Carolina farmer sections, the farmer's idea of increas- ' comes thitatement:? "About eight ing yields is to increase ::.theramdunt: .years -ago 1 bought a farm at $55 per ot tertinzer. dui commercial icru-: acre two acres-under water, average lizers- are .always expensive, 'and, at depth' of 6 inches, and 'about four best, give oniy lempurary cuwis. acres so. sobbed ttta,t it was useless. most ot tne aoutnern iarms. inere, is was told thatit could not-be-drained, anotner avenue oyqu iu mwc5u as iana Detween swamp and stream production , which, comparatively was several feet higher. required a speaking, is seldom used, namely, the, . ditch U i eet deep in places arid about use of tile drains; r 400, yards Jpngr I placed "eight-inch Drainage Puti the Idle Acret to- Work seer pipe in tnis main ditch; which , . ..H . i j . . 1 - t . . .. ,i I. . r :u ' ' u - - couia,omy, De iwo ana a nan leet ( F almum every larm mere are, below the land surface in the' swamp. low areas lying along small streams I laid four inch tile,as I thought it or depressions which are cultivated; required. This drained land is-the "only ' during the -driest years, but best' I now haveltAm hatitr mrn which could-be .profitably-cultivated now more thau 7? bushels to arrp. every year if they "were tile drained. Withourfertilizerr 'Refused $300 per Of rnnrf vtriprarp snnifl - areas. rt t,.. . -."...t" 11. v - ww. Hv " - - j uli l.- . liuii 1 -1 ri A 1 1 iiiiw 111111 ir wa rnp which, because ot trie distance tney .cost of this work, but it certainly was are removed from an adequate outlet, a splendid investment.'!' : - : . t. r 1. i r -i.M:i t -: . .. . or.uecause ui wck ui,icrumy uj &uu, ,. A farniAt. ; f ""af '' - .!'.,.VMM".' II t IVVtf v.- I1U 1 Vi J VVUU1V Ihere are two principal reasons the. tile ner acre hai varied frnm m why tiling is not practiced more in the, t0 $25. With truck crops it has fully uuuiuji vnuvi mv. paia ior its cosi in one year. 5 -iue realize the purpose of and benefits to helps in a dry season. While we'have be derived from -tile' drainaere; or. ffi iA i-;0cf i out rainfall, lin the' history of the county, I ;have tiled land " that; will yield 50 bushels of corn to the acre." From a -.farmer, in anctther county irAQD xra inn Ha from 40 : to 50 bushels ' of corn on bottom land that heretofore a team Hon. F.' D. Coburn has written a ual to all in connection with the Cyclo- pedia. This book is not sold seD&rateto at any t price but you get it free, -with the 7 big N volumes. Also as a subscriber for the Cyclo pedia you can . have Mr. Coburn's advice on any i farming problem whenever you ask it. This also ;free. Worth hundreds. to any farmer. And for 1 payment extra-ryear's subscription to Country Life In America. Begular price $4. iSend Coupon Wittout Money ; ' ' We will' iend, the booki for' ten days' reading. i Pay . only net- transportation charges, nothing on the books. 1 If you keep them, send its y.aMaaMa - $2.00 , monthly xmW. ,$24JK la paid., p... 2 ' o Otherwise- return the bookf." Price -jT 1 Dent 4658 will be advanced-Decembet 23rd . warden City, MaU ibo coupon now, ' j;i -v , - " i v, A aena me the com- . '--r r plete set of Tarm- D0mEDAY:gSy-,fe - . -Dept. of Agriculture . n a rv fl.fn big thick vol. I ilUE. U W., u;. send Coburn . . A' '. s. r. ' Manual . If not saitoh. Dnt: 4SSS- vT.. SJ -books CITYiV-"""-""-""-."-...... m iiaDi 1 m ' AuarcBB. ....... 'OU waut - vouniry uie r also, pat;aa,x nere.,..i0.. i r T ul"B"' V ' V 1! AMI' v.v 1 I - 1 . r : OU wain vouniry juue he is alarmed by the first cost and does not have, the necessary capital. If it can be demonstrated that the use of tile is a sound and profitable investment, .then both these objec tion 'should be overcome. What the farmer must look at is not the first cost, but what return will be obtained , could not walk over." irom .. this cost, ; VVhat the man - to:-5";:; 1 & :i. whom the farmer must go for capital ',Iortant ".m to Con,lde,p wishes t6 know is whether his money "DROM all-over the South similar re- will be safe, aYid if so, whether. the use ; JL ports come, but without recitinj? to which . it is to be put will permit . more, you may judge from the experi- the farmer to pay, promptly the inter- ence of others whether you can afford est and.finally the principal. : In other to delay much longer tile draining the words, the farmer wants a sound busi-. low, wet spots on your farm. Not only ness proposition; the .banker? a- sound :are lbw wet : places rendered produc investment. ' " " - tive by tile drainage, but much of the No argument can be. presented high land, "composed of a heavy,' dense which is auite so convincing as thatv soil, would be materially improved. mad hv rpsntts inhtmeA hv farmers v v And now for a few factors which who have used tile,"'an.d, therefore, XI must be earefullyr considered when shall present extracts of letter re- ou, undertake tile drainage. ' ceived from those who have installed l; Undertake it solely as a business; iuc uiaixia,,; r c - r - proposiiion, anu.uo ii in a Dullness TKea Men Found That Drainaire Pava like manner. ; ' v L,,r; . Af 4 ; 2. Study your soil; .learn its drain- F'RflM nnp farmer in Alanama romps .' . . 7- - . . f"T t . ; wr age properties ana agricultural vaiue. word that no crop failures occurred , 3. Ascertain whether ydu can.se since the installation .of tile - three cure a goo;d outlet, within a reasonable years ago. 4 After the severe storms of : distance of the tract to be drained. By July last, another farmer reports that ' g0od outlet" is meant one which, will wnue on nis unarainea iana ine.waier te open not only during dry seasons,- was standing to the surf ace, the corn but one whkh will permit the free was dying and the ground was so soft discharge of the tile -when: the-rains that it would . not bear the weight of a ,p0ur and high water comei. A good man,-on nis tnea iana, tne crops were outlet is a' highly important factor in unanectea ana tne iana so wen drain-.' determining both the success and the .at iv wyuiu ui me weight vi ah ; ine oi useiuiness 01 tne arains.- - automobile. From a florist in south 4. Secure a competenYengineer who Alabama comes information that the ; ig familiar, with drainage practiceto installation last: spring of 3,000 feet - design' the most -economical system; of tile on a small , tract which ,was Isually. several systems can be de-; planted to carnations, saved $1,600., A signed, but what the farmer wants is South Carolina farmer writes- that the- system which will give the great from a.tract of land which was worth- est' return on his investment: . . less before drainage he will make, at " 5. ..Secure ood grade of tile. -" v least three-fourths" of a bale of, cotton $, Competent supervision - during per acrev. while from the . land till onstructfon is . essential, for" unless remaining untiled, he! will not secure ;tile are laid properly the system can a bale from ten adres.. He concludes : ; be expected to work proferly. 1 consider I have made enough on 7. After ' construction, 'inspect tho ????r'0 P?' for drain- system' regularly, 'especially - outlets, ,agA ' -' .- '' ' ,,-""- ! - jand make "repairs promptly. A Virginia farmer intone, of ther- Compared with what remains to be great potato counties, reports- that v done. cOmoarativelv; little - tile drain All-Day Haulin Ui day's work from yonr ; Columbia Batteriea. Choose tlZ lor ermines, autos, lanterns, phones bell3an4 blasting, night tiey cost oo tnore. but last longer UUl No.6. 'rap Indoor Closet Ilore Comfortable, HtaltLfal, Convenient Eliminates the out-door - prlry, open vanlt and cess ' pool, which are breeding - places tor germs. Have s warm, sanitary, odorless toilet right in your house. No going out in cold weather. A boon to Invalids. Endorsed by State Boards of Health. ABSOLUTELY ODORLESS " Put It Anywhere In The House The germs are killed by a chemical process in water in the container, which yon empty once a month. Absolutely no odor. Ho more trouble to empty than ashes. Closet absolutely guaran teed.- Write for lull description and price. KSl UIITAXT 6(3 C3. U80B ROWC BUHL, DETROIT, Ask about fli Bo-Saa Waafcstand Hot and Cold MICH. . , RmiMtuT Water Without Plnrnblcg ;fi.ihe BOOKSll H017 READY! i Mr new 100-page fall bargain book Just off the press ana ready to mailt Also the PSft-nairft 1918 eataloirlFy A postal gem yviv mnuM fnHaV. Thaa bookidaaeribe tb Jfunona Gallowar Bani tarr Cream (Separators, y Gallowar OasoiiM ana, KaroaaMKnnnea, m nw farm maewnarr, mnmuasm i.anto- nob!Ua.atoeb tanks .auto aM0CM, Mwinc machinea. hoaaebold go InM tM. nwmllU una elothinc for jr?ri"?0i. tJE&i i Wntanowi aareaaiu wwv - . una. atl LOW1V COMPANT m QaJlown ta.. Waterloo, lewe SUPEniDR DUPLEX niii Self-f harpenini?, Double Grinding Rinss -do twice the work with less power i positire force leed-never chokes-Gear Drive. Grind corn on cob or in shucks, ,ft shell corn, sneai oais, 'Jf fir corn, alfalfa, rye, wheat .k i Dariey,cowouscu.wa.. t I or fine. Saves time, labor, 1 1 A fuel and money. sizes, J to (I I ff- . , 15 H.P. For steani or IN tM--1 guollneengines.Ful- i lj guaranteea. J Write t4y for tibjoi. THE SUPERIOR MFG. 83 EaatSfcjSpftafSiiS! ' . " SSbi 13c UP ( s 7 PER ROD f"BT.0WNEEN wrftfo Greatest tao zEn Wire. RMlrts niwL Wire. Btytoi. AlwOa8WWrltelor i woiiaeriui-irw ---- . Cleveland, OhtoJ I . - v' n n aero -.st-ycafbfifore'fainage, he lost his ' age has been done 'in the South, but f f JessivV . ir rready on of -mir lHii -iariu acv- . nn 10 vw' before JanuaiTir will get it your accounts-oeiiei. ' n t0 TBe kether-wltlv a year's buo 7 . rarmer iu ; .-. ;