1478 (18) ..i.uuKt.ssiYEF'ARMEi Sparks, blown by the wind, set fire to wooden shingle roofs. Make your House and Barns safe from fire! Use "Everwear" Roofing. It can't burn. Guaranteed. "EVERWEAR" ROOFING Price $3.37 Per 100 Square Feet Direct to you; - freight raid Lasts longer than wooden shingles looks better. Easy to nail on. You save 50 to 75 cents a square by writing" n.Aan fn nlrr TfrAA fiamnlM anrl 30 m Day Bargain Oner Number f Savannah Fence & Roofing Co. YfC DePt P Savannah, Ga. JA IIP IMPROVED Mil I 1IUUU tun ham a VVlLLUilUJ CORN SAVE money by grind ing your own grain. MAKE money grinding for your neighbors. Increase food ualnfi 2R ftr ct to StOCk by feeding ground instead of whole grain, uo it wun a WILLIAMS MILL; tn fastest, cleanest grind ing, most trouble-proof I millmade. Newscreen ine device protects buhrs from hard substances, removes dirt from grain before grinding which insures ex tra pure, high-grade meal. Cast iron fan case and grain spout new oiling system, long wearing, thoro-grinding, pebble stone grit burhs. Insist on the improved WILLIAMS -the difference is inside. ' Catalog free. WILLIAMS RILL MFG. CO., BOX 27, RONDA, R. C. 1 iLL n swig 5 Little Stories of Community Cooper SchOO Consolidation Put New Life have water in their kitchens, lights, patrons of the thTeTIchoa Un TWrAnrnmnlh, V and many of the modern things by that resulted in their gooi.Tv held , Into ThlS Community - wh- h thei work is listened. They ; form a rood aTa 1,dat,on to ABOUT five years ago a few of the all find. time to read some each .day, jble lot was obtained "near a .Ulta"' . .more progressivfecitizens -oL.our and - also - to - praise -The -Progresssivc - Heal jrig 'Spring's ata"TPnJ8 neighborhood began to advocate com- Farmer, through which their com- :'i three-room schoolhouse 'built Kninrr fViA f1ir ntl P-tfflP.h PT Schools, tniinifv'wac Krnnorhf tn Ufp. .!" A! " a "rrrrA .t,1 . . oKn.it rtr mnnths each MP? H A W ' -i' ' ,;..v":-' - a ?ne. desi: year, and have instead a good graded school of several teachers which could run for eight months. At first they met with a good deal of opposition, but finally succeeded in getting enough interested to begin definite plans for a new' building. A site was selected as near, the South Carolina. and amtidnvof- the:wmmimity1" was decided . uuuy U i ' - j" . wyi iu cierr art,, l. . r uiiv nut first-class . teachers. Cons What the Progressive Women Of a Healing Springs graded schoTha' Neighborhood Can. Do : f IN AUGUST, 1916, Miss Hyde, then in their chosen occupations i t l'a member of Winthrop College , have won scholarships to It center of the district as possible, and institutes. While here she suggested work began on the new house which, when comoleted. oresented quite a ea We Have a vnnA AlU'n-.. 'i ' . and assist? in 'the organization of selected books, and the pup 1 7 our club, to be known as "The Home coaraeea to ;read : m,,r ,tn" Makers' Club" The object of this iwill. Anyle can L M they club was to broaden the outlook of a' &Ltfe;,. home and family life, to encourage 'me. f i- , t :LZ,.JS - "i"',ai,iuu inr pleasing contrast to the former build ings. It consisted of three large classrooms, well equipped as to heat- in er liffht and. ventilation, a lunch- ,-.Ai'e;rit t rmiHr the Virm j -h .. ' : - , a oyv.ii oKiwlf v . v. .""-j.v xniiaren to go to such n erhXni j room, cloak-room and a large audi- , n, n( tL nmmitn;tv hav tKr . .1 a -cnooi, and No Home Should Be Without Running Water It means health, comfort and pleasure to the whole family. 1 The gasoline-engine-driven equipments involve only the very slight cost of an occasional gal lon of gasoline or other fuel. PRICES, $30.00 AND UP. Supply you with running water for drinking and clean ing purposes, fire protec tion, and other uses. Write us today. VIRGINIA MACHINERY & WELL CO., RICHMOND, VA. co- a part ot tne community, naving re- many ' walk threp miUk il r. tonum. t ; , , lation to . church, school, and social school. ; , : : 6 l" in,s The ladies soon organized a school being. r T net v; i improvement society and discussed This CU flourished beyond' our ity I'prTvemen 8 a " irTai 1?' J" most sanguine expectations. . .Begin- has helped unite the peopl ' Z muS wiui icw mcmucis, it uwwvna3 extent, Dut there is much need for an enrollment 01 tnirty-two. Ana every member can be counted on to work for the interest of Pleasant Valley. IJnder the management of this PliiK w Viav sinp nrcra n5 7(A n fiirlic' nannlA r.jJIt ...U 1. A - " ' v. v. - pv-pit win i. 1 1 u vv w Hat l (J taKc to a Sewing'Club, with Miss Verda Wolfe fair. There is a stimulus for better as instructress. The work of this grades in all kinds stock and pro Club has also been very gratifying, ducts. We hope much good has been These girls, from six to sixteen years done through our association, and of -age, have been taught to do not the future holds bright promise for etc. In order to raise money to help furnish the building, they gave oyster suppers, box suppers, bazaars and, with the help of the young people, had several good plays for which they charged a small admittance fee. The girls have organized tomato clubs, and each week the county demonstrator comes one day ' and teaches domestic science in the nice room fitted up for the purpose in the basement. nrvpraflnn . Tn T nimmU.. i i vjiv'uwwu.' in iiuYuiiucr wt Had OUt first community fair. It was a reve lation as to what could be done by a few on short notice. ' Next year we expect to have better exhibits, for the The boys have joined the corn, only darning, patching, and plain sew- pouitry, ana pig ciuos, ana nave won ing but fancy work) tatting, crochet several prizes at the annual county and embroidery. Their work has been fair. They are planting a school or- highly praised by visitors not only at chard and vineyard and hope to have our rommnn;fv fa;rs ht alcn at or more. "A MEMBER." Our Two Best Subscription Offers J1.50 for one renewal and one new subscription for one year each if sent in together; or . $2.00 for a club of three yearly sub scriptions all sent In together a saving of S3 cents on each subscription. Address, THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER a- small farm soon. Literary Societies have been or ganized to" meet every Friday night. Once each month they have an ex tra program and invite the public. - There is a decided improvement in the whole community. The farmers have painted their houses, bought im county fair. Soon after the organization of the Home-makers' Club, a School Im provement Association was organiz ed. Joint meetings are held and each member of the Home-makers' Club is a member of the School Improvement nave paintea tneir nouses, oougm im- Association ln 1914 we held a floral enough). piuvcu Luui. ucii up inuuciii ni.tii- fair) giving premiums for the finest Hallowe'en was not very far off, so ods of farming, subscribed to papers chrysanthemums r0Ses, dahlias, ferns we decided we would have an inter and magazines, some have bought anH Afhpr . nnt n1anfc' A 'm:nm 4 . . jvv K.v.... j.vm.u... lailllllClll. What the S. I. A. of Prospect Is Doing ON SEPTEMBER 29 a school im provement association was organ ized at this place. .There was no one in the community that really knew what we were rto do. We first de cided to puJU patent desks in our school. (we just lacked $2Q having autos, and in general all have a broader view of life. The women I FARMERS' BUSINESS BOOK ALMANAC The Progressive Farmer 1917 Farmers' Account Book The Progressive Farmer Farmer's Account Book is now ready. It is a simplified form of keeping farm accounts and will prove valuable to every farmer who uses it. Has cardboard cover, about 40 pages. Our Special Offer - OUR SPECIAL OFFER, Good Until Jnuary 31, 1917, is to send a copy prepaid to every one who will subscribe or renew for two or more years. We also make you a special rate of $1.50 for 2 years; $2 for 3 years; $3 for 5 years; $5 for 10 years. When you accept be sure to say : "I want The Progressive Farmer Farmer's Account Book, as promised in your offer for long-term sub scriptions.". ' ' V SCALECIDE Fall Spr&jingu Controls Led f Curl Don't put off the dormant spray until the sprine rush. "The weather may be bad or the eround too soft. Spray this fall and make sure of controlling peach leaf curl, San Jose scale, pear psylla, apple canker collar rot, etc. You can save trees now that would die before soring Use Scalecide." Better and cheaper than lime sulphur-cuts the labor was also given for the greatest im- We decorated the room in autumn provement in front and back yards leaves and Jack-O'lanterns and hung that year. Encouraged by the sue- curtains over the windows, nve cess of our first effort, we decided in cents admission . was charged. First 1915 to have a community fair, unit- we had the president to tell what the ing with the Farmers' Club in this S. I. A., was, and what the money work. would go for that we made that On October 27 of this year we again night, had a community fair at the school- Then we had a young man tell us house. In the women's department all about Hallowe'en, at the close of there was a fine display of canned which all the ghosts and witches fruits, vegetables, plain sewing and ..came in, marched around and went fancy work, showing marked im- back out. provement on work of former years. There were several old men of the The flowers also were very fine. The community who volunteered to tell us farm products were in a large room about their boyhood days, their go of the building, and consisted of corn, ing to school and the tricks they oats, alfalfa, peas of all kinds, soy played. beans, potatoes, beets in fact every- Now the. ghosts and witches came thing a farmer should raise. The livestock exhibit was excellent. A CLUB MEMBER. School Consolidation and Neighbor hood CooDeration riFTEEN years ago we had four 40 cents in guesses. inenjc - ,In one corner of the room lunches, sandwiches and cake were sold, in another, corner .a bazaar was ar ranged . at which pincushions, hand kerchiefs and ties were sold, inen we had a guess cake whichroujht. 1 mu ..4.- -i n. -iL- n..t:A n rflf tn the hiffnesi radius of five miles. These schools der for 45 cents, realizing W u had one teacher each and terras of the cake. ' . m, (r.nm 4. c . 'ti. i t oil , moAt $17. clearing s ii win nnv.c iu iivc liiuiiiiis. Hie sal- ' " o" "j""v j i, v soniC- aries were small and the attendance Any organization c?tt!d.nav nd :j:rc j. -c. . . .. ii.? 1:1.-1.1.:- T ie pasv. new "u niuiucrcni. oome time later two 01 ming dk umj. these schools got together and secur- simple, ed a good teacher for an eiht- montlis term. This lasted awhile, and then the movement for consolidation was agitated. A meeting of all the It is easy; MRS. F. L. SMITH Prospect, Ala. Coming Fannersmi 99 Does the Work Cleans up ihe Trees cost. Neyer Injures trees, hands, face or vamp. Cost of spray mats rials will advance before spring. - Order now and save money. Writs today for free booklet, "The Whys and Wherefores of Fall Spraying." B. G. PRATT CO., Manufacturing Chemists. Department 28 50 Church Street, New York City. : f Southern Meeting of the Aosooia ,eans!, La., Agricultural Workers, New one January 24, 25, 26, 1917. Asisocia- North Carolina Stock f tion. Winston-Salem, January -Atb- Georgla Stock Breeders' Association, ens,. January 15 to 17, im. ABs0clation, -Florida Stock Breeders a Gainesville, January 1 to I8Agrlcu Uura Association of Sout e"1 y 24, 25, Z Workers, New Orleans, January 1917.