Saturday, January 61917 , V;,- . . FINDING Tll IlEHS THAT. PAY, Poultry Profit Depend on r Jtmwing' Erery Hen Laying Hen and 'the Only Way to Weed Out .the Non layer is bythe i.Uifr of Trap Nesta . Getting Winter ; Eggs jAST winter my flock of chickens consisted of sixteen hens and two cocks, most of. them White Wyan-dottes.- Durincr January I sold fnr- (U) . " THE trap-nest fills the same place teen dozen eggs, used four dozen, and ; nmiltrr raising5 that. the-Bab- set fifteen eggs, making nineteen and L tt fill& ifl dairvin:. Both one-fourth dozen, valued at 25 cents are intended to "show up" the "ooard- Pef down, In February these, hens ers" It is apparent to. any. rational laid 2054 doz.en eggs, and 17 eggs man that it is-uneconomical t6 pay two ; were sold for $1 for incubation, leav 1:a men to da the "work-of one man! ing -19 dozen at 25 centsor a total . -. ;ftMi -Hrt : nf m vf for..- eoni I noultrvme-n do flot seem t forreDruary ot think it unwise tor feeT fifty hens I live on a farmland these chickens twenty-five of which do noHay: Rightr have- free range, and the run of the here is where. the profits of the aver , hog lot and stables of three horses, ae farm flock are swallowed upv Our;: where they pick up part of their liv (,BrfflPr? do too much charity-work.', v Mg. : v - The trap, nest: is. stJSrranged that. V Oats were sowed around the house, it is rather -troblesomebut ! & need; which furnished' green stuff for them, not be used the year rour they had fresh trap nest is used, for a month -during:, scraps and blood, and after that were some season of the year when work is ;ied cracklings occasionally. They slacks it will-help wonderfully in put- were fed corn or . corn meal every ting the flock "orr a paying baS isl day, ' in moderation. From the horse When the period of "weeding is tables they got peas, oats, and grass over, the doors of-the trap nests may seeds. They had plenty of pure wa be removed and the nest used like ter, fresh drawn," several times a day any other. , in freezing weather, arid jt good The trap nesuifr so arranged that: rormy house to roost, in. each hen is -imprisoned-ou entering " To get eggs hens must have plenty '5T7CVv1v7; , -ill If Mil (C r;Wfi if ; if.tjiii-....,.,., Home-Grown Tobacco Seed Doesn't Pay! Horned . grown Med produce poor tobacco for which there Is no demand and a poor price. Slate's Pedicreed Tobacco Seed produce rood tobacco that brings a eood price; These teed are srrown on our Hr Tn. bacco Seed Farm under improred tdentific methods, Every faulty, seed is taken out. You secure seed ;: that germinate and yield. - . . . ' Why taJtt ckaacee wfth teed of doubtful erf rtar Wit rUk Mln. b6ae-rown. tmteatee wed wbea the con of aecuriar teed like Shtt'a oitoaiir, oiay oo of dolUni wtn pUat m rerut oop. ' b tf IvrM tobacco wed farm la tbe werU. We hare orirl Bated many of tbe fineet nriedea that mrr fron. Fotelca Gorenv mcntt coMtandr bar nr wed. Wt- hare all rarietlea. Get one' booklet akd. ftricee o wbaectf wed wtta S world-wide reputation. vuvi, -acamoiDf my peoigrcca ran- etlea of (atden wed Wftt PRES ON REQUEST. ? ' W. C. SLATE, PRESED2NT " THE SLATE SEED COMPAIfV ' B riJi " ' 1: ' Sooth Porto. VireiaU J ItsvAVV POJld Wi ?i 1 1 esf have a new toof--Your Barn, Readence, ObU :t:g ii i d v '-hmueriiawiiemsuciisriBoer examination. Don! Walt for bad weatKef . Architects and BaUdetrwfco know ' .1 ' . i Ml. ft . say pm on tne root to last as long as the tuuain$ yoa canao uusis you as j. j ,". CAROLINA EMive Bu3(Sii Itave LTALSHINGLESUtta twice a long toet.twwot wtwd.atanaiet. id BW" woodrJo ruat. Mcue ana Dtuge um ctieap CAROLINA: METALSHIN( ttini dWaV shA dkaU mivI hn 1 met Sixl aaih.. FomiaWei Calwecl or pautocL v ' , l- . Write to&y for information, price, bbokleL TeBi all abort wte TIIS CAROLINA 1STAL PRODUCTS CO Dept. A. WHmlntoe,aC ' - . - ijj - S- TRAP NiJs'n SHOWIN0 Dfit AILS OF CONSTRUCTION the nest until- someftfner releWe heft to eat and a variety with meat irt Each hen is numbered? Bt metal some form every few days. Hens, on band on her Icg.her, number placediirt -a note book anrTashe- rfeaseid' at mark is mader opposite hef- nomber. In this way you? no only.-kaotfr how many eggs you getach day,- but you know exactly which henss. produced them. The cost of -itfitst!iitt'iiiW bands will be only a fefw cferft? forTafi-tirdui ary flock, and the" trap nests: cari; be made on rainy dys;by;,fpllowitfr;tlle directions given below. 1 Ji' f ree . range" can be fed more corn than tlin netined Wheat is better . to leA than. com. but as cofn iff; more plehtifur here I feed more of it. MRS. FRED ATKINSON. Greensboro,; Ga. ,:v: F(Q)(Q) GASOHPIE IX to 500 HopscPowcp EWGM S Are the best that you can buy. You pay a- little mdre for the engine and have less repair bills. The. "FOOS" has been standard for more tfian 28 vears. .Thev'last a lifetime. i i a Write today for our catalog and best prices. We are General Distributor for. Virginia and ' North Carolina for FOOS Engine and APPLE- TON Com Huckers. ' v - STOCKDELL-MYERS HARDWARE CO., be. , 127 Sycamore 8fc, r-, ; Petershars. Va. ' T - ' ' - - When wriHngtb advertisers say: "I am writing you as an advertiser in The Progressive Farmer, which guarantees the reliability of alt the the advertising it carries. " y . How to Mke- Trap Nest THE traP;nesedi;byVtfie!Uhi States GoVernmnt is;tfre Vasiest to construct; so We? are giving: the rules and specification herewith Cut four T4 -Ifieii-board for. end anVl parti tions (this la. for a thre ectio, nest), 12 nches wide by 19 !ncik lofQ enobgh H if,h bars laid lngthwiTO, to cover th top, ba-ckJ ana bottom, and one strip 39 : inch loar and--lH, laches wle' ror the front of (tie nts. . Oo-three pieces r V2-inch board5l2, laches 6t'g. and I inches nigh to insert in the nest tt hold, Vhe ntinfif, inaterlal awav' frivn thAnA. Nail the top, 1a.aiid.-bettttWedW ana partitions- (see' cut),, lftatrt .Jh . Wnoh nailing jt to the left aide of the nest. Bore a hole in thir catch (a- large 'enough- sot that V; tt Wl" oy'' rrertr' wtren' BCreet! tne screw between the catch and the aldtf of ine nestj Plate screw at ' the-lower edge of -Lat3 K wttert set W that the ii , WUI Ju hold th door. . -v Jrwak the- dbor (cr rf -inch Materfftt, 12 nrw,n th tr 4 iehe wldi -Pot two lwfil In the top of th 6tr end bore w th ryttt o"the St ;2 fnehes bei vTi-i e I0! (Inside- Trieaatrrewatif )t . throrjgh ' doors a '"ll"l";!rtr.l.r'itot,Wfithe n (.t.tac. a naVroir 8tf Ir i ititt- front' of (lie ihl - action or a block of wobd on h-r?nt 6 (acl Partition tohold thedoet tm the nesfr Closed: . v;-. s. t.-; fnV n8t is atmpieto make and very of mall !lV operation and It win pay yo to itt few a"d: weed out. th unprofitable 'owls In yor fleck,- : t.T : dow'VCak li-'ftw" h1f ers 'live ti?r-the f0lul here a: piece and they Is got itui i?1 moth 1 the - aaine father, - and dat? f7v a'tiagKch hrbOTf y". I know how-It !s; It's a jk''; . Bass: 1 T5nfTr'nr? vl1 fit vtrrifrvrrft nf: firime "? or a hare linj? ahd ife DovcrtvVclf-dcnial and disappointments? The time to decide this duestion- is NOW before your crops. For the mie answer lies in the preparation FirV soill "Wfaklnff theia pav c careful a si'rlrf nri of everv factor that adds to the productiver nf tKM Tnrtand THE BEST FERTILIZER is the o u: a rA;frt n nhn't hale the ofohts of anrennre .'seasotf by expcrimenting4-use the .fertilizer that HAS produced biggerypetter crops for farmers of the South Mm GOtoM bushels of corn; or,-1 to 2 bales of cotton to the acre .meara iprospenw Ior:uy Vlc "A ' . t . : ... rrc hnw thev Willi nut E &SAsk our agent or write on 'ArAYnrd n ; vriur formation and priced. Do it today. Ptoera Fertilizer Iosplmte Coippany SOUTH CAROLINA 1 ill 1 1 '. ; i . i r !;' s r i . i if i I" .. Ml i. ,i : Li' I