THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER 48 (30) siL,Ainrs If i ; t ( j ! U4i Mv IIS u3 to- Good method, skill hx cnhirztion, cartful woman: i nr in the ham ftcr curing amount to nothing if the Ucco teed arc not selectedwith care Using home-grown teed doe not payv Home-grown teed produce poor tobacco as a rule. For it there is little demand and a poor price; Slate's Lnproved Gold Leaf i a pedigreed tobacco. You can rely upon our teed, tot tne oiaie process wx out those that are lacking ia germinating power leavea the lire seed. Slate's Improved uoia l-eai ww increase your tftKarrn ineld ner acre. It will Ptodace more wrappers nf rrnnA rrW and weight than any variety now being grown. The plants grow large ana raray wiui long an leaf. Many other varieties are described in our free catalog. Write for it today. We supply 7J per cent oi ue wwiwi " c tfem right here on our Hyco Farm. RJking your crop with uateftrf home-grown eed It poor economy, whea one or two doltart will buy rnvafh wetd to plant your crop. Don't tare chance, w rite lor i ooacco oceo My "Guide to Gardening" describing my pedigreed garden iced site seat freeupoareane W. C SLATE, PRESIDENT SLATE SEED CO Box 716, OUTH BOSTON, VA. Otn Farmers' XJtu Devoted to Education, Organisation, Cooperation and Marketing J. Z. GRiEN, E.W. DAUBS, C C WRIGIXT. Cootrfttirj Editors, SUBJECTS FOR DISCUSSION IN LOCAL UNIONS : " JANUARY - '. '-. '- What Change Should We Ask in Oar New Rural Credits' Lav? '. - . ' ' '.; 'vAf;.: 2. What System of Accounts and Bookkeeping It Adapted to the Farmer's Needs? END THE CROP LIEN SYSTEM Three Bolts J t Set in the shape of a triangle. These, with Lug on Standard which fits against .back of Beam, holds Bottom absolutely rigid Beam is drawn out at Bottom,, giving more clearance between Beam and Moldboard. AH Moldboards are made from mixture of Z0 Steel, 70 best Charcoal Iron not an ounce of Scrap Ironused. Don't buy until you see the Avery. If your dealer can't show you one, writ B.F.Avery & Sons, Inc., DeptC, Louisville, Uy. lllllWlltMW It Legalize Usury Decreases Cotton Prices, and Promotes: Tenancy and Absentee Landlordism All Farm ers Should Join, Its Repeal of cotton at least 25 per cent and di minishesjthe South" food production . to -that ; extent. f .This makes lower -price for - cotton - and . makes the South... a food buying- section instead " of a self feeding section. . .But this isa't the greatest economic loss.- -The -biggest 'net loss of the " crpp4ien system is;: represented in our : 4 depleted soils- - , The . crop-lien . system; rrieani a soit-robhing system 1 Thehy again: the. crop-Hen system enables the ? farmer who wants, to move : to town, to place Negro ten ants;, as neighbors i to resident white farmers whUe his (family-" enjoys the social advantages of a white civiliza- tton in town. We onght to promote Now in Fightfori ai econormc condition on the farm U . . :that makes it necessary for the white . iana-noiaer . to personally supervise his farm, and to do this it will be nec ' essarv for him to be. a resident farm. thing, the resident farmers should be y; er and take active interest in the im most concerned in is the fight to re- proyement of alt the community as- peal the crop lien i sests?'that, makes the eonntry a better sy siem. ahq wun DuCft to is-e. . , ; ;. AS THE new. year begins it occurs. .Plantation Owner: ZSS3SSSSZ Still yon have thousands of Hz, fine, straight trees on your plantation that will make more lumber than yottcaix use The "traveling? nulla not only waste your timber,, bat lose lumber H?0- Settle the QueUon for AH Tloes. Install a Southern semi-portabfe engine and saw mill. Your tenants wQl gladly do the battling to-get tne improvements ana you save yourseir lime, money ana tern ner, besides addmr value to your plantation, making your tenants happy and causing tnem to maice more, urereoy mcreasmg your rentals. Nowls the Tliae Co Act. Dont letyour traildlngv dtteriorato to valae write for Cfttalaenf H. irchoektnUotTtlaaUelnforaittien. Re member, we ar ba buUdiag tb bast possibls xiar ebinery tor marly fifty year nrlhl MohfMry mr mtvtHw Wrtte ks yoa wmat Our term are most SoutliexaC&alneft Boiler rorko, JSMkaots. Tcsua. -.. . (AltaSSTypefor Kry Purpos. MR. GREKH all our patriotic . passion for a more satisfactory jural; civilization it ap pears to me that the resident farm ers of North Car olina cannot do " better than, to en ter the fight But I started out to emphasize the importance of every fanner entering the tight for the repeal of the crop lien system.. However, when I come ttf thinlr6f;hr it is; awaste of time and effort toliask the uhorganized farmer to use bisunflaence in legisla trve matters "for ' the. - unorganized farmer is a huge joke when it comes against a crojj-Ken. rural ovilbation. to sectrring any kind of legislation. I It doesn't reqttire any eaardm-:rWOnId- th uri?e that ary cotsrage for a politician to de-. every farmer; who is interested in notmce a bankinar system that vro- rat m h Vnrmr lates the law that limits t ; the rate , of Union and get in the fieht for a nobler interest m North Carolina to 6 per : ad kihetfpr rnrat ehnMUnn hv cntr but it puita- a. man to the test when yott ask him to make as a spe cial feature in his Stmday school lec tures the condemnation of a crop-Hen system that extracts from its vic tims an average of 70 per cent inter est lor goods furnished to crop-lien victims! , joining with the organized forces in the deman d for the repeal o the law that legalizes 7Q per '.'cent nsury under the crop-lien; systems 4;.; : If you are not one of: the organized forces, go ahead arid use your influ ence as far as it will go, but you can have a hundred fold more Influence in team work wits' the- organized farm- I dof not make any New. Year's res- ers than you can have as an Individ- 4. -r e ' . e.e. . . l.-. r r y Is jrous borne one of those wiUr t&e ansealtary oeibease? Wiry sot but ra a meoers sanitary teut prepare agamn me mccmyemeneesof winter mm protect , vsmr rxmiif rxsm cuseases that find an Meal breedtaar place in unsanitary rafhonsea, ejUOSar is tba orfet svatem fortam turn. wsXllr. taaeftatd Bchoour. with arwtthMitraaaliiawtw.lCcds Ins ottt no- afcaiicalbiatafty flntaiBaS wttt ame hnrnm nfTnf w ... .. tn.p exiplays tb tw-fak or ewag Amoral. wuih devtad aaA tevwa. Write foreatilog sn4 And oat bow emeorti any your turn. ackol mt mill vlltece ca be mrf wuw,7' lamest Prsdoct Co. wnsnastesvivc. C-A11-CA3X ilktWJ I V(9ty olutionsv but I have determined that as, long as 1 live I shall never let up on a fight against 70 per cet usury under the crop hen system. L note witii interest the fight certain politi cians, axe making against the "big trusty that are - robbing the people" but there is no big trust in this coun try that is taking from its victims one-half the amount that is demand ed under the Southern crop-lien sys tem. ual J. Z. G. "WHAT OUR LOCAL IS DOING" Richland Local in One? Year4 Saved - $15156 Pet Member by Cooperation OICHLANDS Local Lmion No. 1710, ; OnsIow Countyy N.C was organ ized some, time in-February 1911, it being the first Local in our county. The membershm grew Very fast at iirst- Some Joined forLcuriosity, oth- SHIPPEO QUICK FROM RICHMOND Unit. FREIGHT Aoooo x famoue Spotless Rubber Roof ine the South'i farorite roofing material W are coo&ai bndwmaan orer J.ooaowju it floMfowmtMrn fwmen latt year. A itrlctly firit-qoallty weathet-jroof, water-tlfht roofing. old direct by South'! Mail Order House" at ?1 to n leu tnan uiuai prkev. On-pkte roll of 10 v. Wr whfc-wirto ao nwmm fy tearyy fnUy guaranteed. Write for free lamplei ad catalog of S000 Wgii. Tne Spotless Cw 37S shockas Laei -taclrmomf, Va. 2 On V. MHIIII m ti. era hrai ' tfiw v-r-ft iret a Xurif the session of the 1917 Leg- kag fatt of mmey cw their first trip mature of North Carolina it rs the or vitr f Tfc-TTWSik enrrr. ioin- duty of every farmer in North Caro- tft .brre-: hr watd as a farming; class ? of people,: needed something to frrrny u closer togeth er and help1 us cooperate in selling and bnyrngi : As yeVhdwever, we as a Local nave naf: done verv mucn lmsu to unite m a demand .for the repeal of the crop Ken faw. As a substitute we "might demand that Hens be given for cash at a limited rate of interest, leaving the giver to buy in the open market, but what we along the line of selling our produce want is a Itmit t ustrry as now de- cnftrra,Nriw v; wwjv waT MJF 0 FROST PROOF By Parcel Post 500 prepaid fl.OO; by Express ll Ofl per thosriand. "JERSEY WAKE- . ' FIELD," "CHARLESTON WAKEFIELD," "SUCCESSION," ''FLAT DUTCH." , H sri. TIFT, JR., ; TIFTON, GAt BK3TEW ALL Y0UB SUBSCBIPTIONS ' THitovoit rs ' , jOur clubs ave you money. We will gladly rnakt a special elub en any papers yon may, tvlsh. ' ' - ' ' . " " ' - . ' " One latter, mut mony ordr and If all attended to. ' '. . ay 'we 'serve you? -.Vjvv V ;"",' : TITO PKO0RESS1VB VAAHBlt 'v . ff manded under the unrestricted mer chants crop lien .system." We make political asses of ourselves when we complain of a 7 or 8 per cent interest charge by commercial banks and then refuse to say anything against the amen-eorner chureh member who loans merchandise to crop-lien" vic tims at 70 per cent interest I And we have lots of chureh 'members in North Carolina living in towns and villages nand promoting this iniqui tous crop-lien civilization.. No hu man being can do this without ' first compromising with hrs conscience. ' ' .. ' v--.-:-' TZZTZn K3 BARGAINS S10X SDd B 1S an4 wo wTfl yw one Frrrt-ctaas New 4-wamt Weuthrr Betf, (nomtrul retail Talna $12) i on pair exponas Mew Feather Pillows (li) : ontf o-couad Nw Jrtafhet Bolatos ($3); all mw, llv, eleaa, uxdurf Matters, eoMfed wttls hlgtv- ?'aU feaUu psoot JL C- KA TlcUav r faaear Art laklar; Js pate full alz Uantets (a. This offer to sood t a tbort tt only czkI ttrely fty iget baraafa erer offer Bat audi Jewr ttdet now or write Urn order Maui. CartltM felStof) C4 9pf. f5. Srwirrtriro. SJ. C.' Bjefore the Union .was organized in our community, we had to pay extor tionate prices for fertilizer, groceries and farm supplies ; fertilrzer, for instancev was s ellfag ' by our mer chants for $30 per torr, while we found we-could buy the same goods for less than $24 per tori; Yon can readily see the merchant was. making about $7 on every ton sold. .We had to pay the same, high prices on gro ceries and other supplies as well. I wftl give the. exact figures of what we have done in a cooperatrre -way dur ing the year :Il;-We had oa roll 34 male members. ' Of this number only ": Brother Farmer, you - cant dodge - 29 cooperated . in buying fertilizers this issue by saying, "I don't eive anv . oceries and other suoolies. Of fcr- crop-lren ,for my supplies If you f tilizers we; bought 10CX4 tons which . area grower of cotton you are ui di- ;cost :$2;48(l69.: ;GrocerU&: and other rect compitrtioa with the pauper Ne- if arm supplies $316.4?.': - The amount gro labor that produces more 'than ; saved oh the above goods was$311-2: halfvthe cotton , crop, and the crop-; or $15.56 permember Our members iliert:systenf increases -the, pr.odaction are not the only ones who are bene-