1917J Saturday, J"y (19) 103 " rri Our Pattern Department 1. . 1. 2. Lettuce September to December. RaaiehPebruary to March. " Beans March" to June. Cowpeaa June to September. Lettuce1 December t March. , . Eggplant March to June. Cowpeas July to November, Rotation for Field Lettuce December, to March. Potatoes March to June. $. Corn June to October. 4. Cowpeas Sowed at "laylng-by" corn. , 1. of 143 Ladle Waist Cut In sixes 8$ to 42 Inches bust measure. This waist Is made with the back extending; to front and sleeves in &ug or abort length. . 156 Ladies' Watet-Ctit in sizes 84 to 40 Inches bust .measure. The waist closes at the back and the fronts are rolled to torm revers. - 81G0 Ladies' Sklrtv Cut-in. feizes-24 to 32 mche's waist nveaeure. The skirt is cut In f four gores closes athe left ide "of the front and has separate belt. 8110 Ladies' Skirts Cut In sites 22 to SO laches waist measure. The skirt Is cut In three gores and has a one-piece gathered tunic. - Price of each pattern, 10' cents;' ; ' 5 ', v j . ; Address Pattern Department The Progressive Farmer. there I took one 4obk at the dilapida- srr Cowpeas. July to October. tton and sat down and .cried. Ytv it , was that badl For six weeks the ttiii-v : dren and I burned pieces of broken fences, hauled trash, planted flowers. We took up trumpet vines and planted , them whole on the gallery, we took: bushes from' the swamp,' we made a hedge of butterfly weed. Last fall when it was looking its best, r Ibt owner remarked that it flsrasla better place than he had reali2edr:was"oiTy he had sold, and wpul, give us the equivalent of five Hundred i dollars to release him from the sale contract." "A plant for every baby," is the slo gan of the Florida Federation" of Women's Clubs. That means that ev ery woman who is interested will plant a tree, shrub or plant on Flori da's public highways for each child born. Suppose two thousand babies are born in 1917 in Florida and five hundred oecan trees, two hundred and fiftv oalms. the same number of cam-"tM takes trees, bushes, flowers and ev- phor trees, five hundred flowering earthing that v grows in a vegetable I bushes and as manv of some such gar gaxaen to rnaxe tne - nouse a nomc. den annual as the teonv. are corrtrtbu-' Sometimes ' the women must do any ted to the state's charms all this in planting that is done, either because one year can vou imagine the beauty there is no husband or father, because and profit it will mean for Florida, if all the man's thought and strength are continued ten years? The best of this used In the general farming, of be idea is that all the rest of the states s cause he is one of those very rare in- can follow Florida's example. Flow-' divlduals labeled, "not interested. ers or weeds on our highways whieh ? l. 2. 3. 1. 2. S. Lettuce December to March. Cantaloupes March to July. Cowpeas July to October. Lettuce December to March. -Tomatoes March to July. Cowpeas July to October. HAVE YOU A HOUSE OR A . JiOME? I It Four Bleak Walls or Has It an Attractive Setting of Flowers and Shrnos? . n - IT AVE a home outside and inside. It Why, flowers, of course! . A garden contest can be worked up by the women's clubs. Now is the time io siart. nave, coon nrizes. even Now is the best time to plant trees or bushes, because they are dormant. Do not throw manure in the hole where it will come in contact with the roots, unless it is very well rottea; though you give xhicken oie farmers Pack the rich top soil around the . - -. - - , . i i i i later to make the money for. them. Nurseries are' sometimes glad to give a flower, bush or tree as a prize for the advertisement. Have a published-scale of judging for the committee who will visit the gardens on a definite set date. This is the scale of judging used many places. ' , : roots, 'cut off broken roots, make the hole big enough and water, stir., the soil or mulch. A tree that is worth planting at all is worth planting well. In oir gardens now we should be getting sptnach, turnip salad, onions, Chinese cabbage, parsley, carrots, par snips, salsify, and from our hot beds,' lettuce and radishes. .' ; . - ' ''; Have a vegetable garden, for with- :.ioo points out it there'must be an ill-balanced A good catch 'publicity 'phrase in - diet or an ill-balanced bank account. rut in tnat garaen everyining you can, find to plant vegetables, berries', small fruits, arid keep it going winter and .summer. You can if you will. Try tbings for yourself. People General arrangement .. .V,' 25 points auety and succession of crop.... 25 points rvfc,ture and neatness.;... ...25 points jjirticuities overcome and results . . ; obtained ,-, v. 25 points. forking up the contest is ; "You win ' you lose." " " . ' v" : Hold a fair next fall a'short : time af ter the contest n1 lAf fVi A,tt til e garden, fresh. 4 - - - w vau vnu ItV Vi- WW ASQ Played. A talk-it-over-aTid-get-ready said, "You- cannot grow raspberries " ieeunf will make everything come to here, but we tried, and found)after a nave it now.'... . r ' Lettuce-forcinsr outfits are einen. ve, so it is desirable to use them for while one- that likes our 3 soil well. Raspberries sell for thirty-five cents a quart. The same has . been .said of many things, but we try them just the same and now and again find some- quick growing, hierh nrofit rrons - Fol lowing are a few rotations: which wo- thing really good, like cauliflower, Jjen can follow, as quoted from Prof (gooseberries and other things, v . Nnrlt? rUl,en' "Lettuce Growing in . v v ' ' " ; : - ' that tl, Carolma" It will be noticed We tnuit at; egetables. If our the cowpea crop is used to supply children have pale skins, lack-luster . matter and. nitrogen for i eyes, undevelbped hmbs or peculiar successive lettuce crops, v; . : tendencies let as look to their diet. If. nicy itojtuicccu, ui ihcjcu, ; well-deveioped. btijrht and even- tempered let v tis thauV the happy chance that has prompted us to give v them proper food. r Nine chances out (Concluded on page 21, this. Issue) 1. i". 4. 1. 2. Rotation frvi Vww mm cueumbers March to JniyjV Ask Yoarsell Thisj2sto -VIt is. important for reasons of health:! and practical economy for every house keeper to ask herself this question : - 41 Do I prefer a pure baking powder like Royal or Dr. Price's, made of cream of tartar derived from grapes, or am I willing to use awaking powder made of alum or phosphate, both de rived from mineral sources?" . . . :: . . The names of the ingredients printed on the label show whether the kind you r are how using or any brand, new or old, that may be offered is a genuine cream of tartar powder, or merely a phosphate or alum compound. : Royal Baking Powder and Dr Price's Cream Baking Powder -are free from alum and phosphate and leave no bitter '. taste. 'C'-;"---':--- This FREE BOOK WiU Tell You die Answers How can I get electric light in my house How can I put in an electric bell How can we get reliable telephone service ; on our farm How can I put up a telephone Vhat is a horsepower in electricity How can I . cook and wash by electricity These and many other questions concerning the use, of electricity on the farm are answered, with illustra-j tions, in the Farmer's. Electrical Handbook, whicH'will be sent to you free. Just fill in and mail the coupon NOW the edition is touted. JNOOftPORATfV 6th andCarr StnmU. RkhPl VStD 230 L. Street. Atl.nt - jlSfSZSL tfcJ2 tk 814Sprac0Strct,St.Loub mWyodrtta i Street. KuMsCttr EQUIPMENT rOR EVERY CLCCTRICAL I1CED Plwe lend me copy of'Ftrmer'a Eleotricsl Hand Book" No. RF-104. Name. 8Ut wrirtnet vou as on advertiser vertisine it carries. ' . f .1