- THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER 104 (20) Pollyanna Grows Up (TRADE-MARK) Tfwarftt H fZ1 fid .TiOhh 7 -.:., l. CUD JynL- JL a eVw e-WVv-ev. ew-w -.-r (TRADE-MARK) IO 4 ? v1 v! (Da? -tfcfimitai Caaraatee Backed by $39,000 Bond 6et Tbis Book Save Kroey .Let mte tell yon how I ship my famous Blue Grass Bueeies for road test at the lowest prices ever heard of in America; I ask no man to take chances. - Sond Your Name : Write at once for bi&r. beautiful, free catalog. Many colors. Hundreds of jobs, The finest boot ever printed. Harness at lowest prices. In- formation you simply can i afford to be without. I also Issue a price-bursting merchandise book.- Ask. for them both. They are iree. mey win save ana make you money. ' Address D.T.BOHON.Prea. TheD. T.BohonCo. TO Main Street llarredsbars. Ky r VI m m m A U asw - aj ar 11 ME'S SEHK TEST: c ' . "Bir ELEANOR H. PORTER. CopyrlflliU 1915. by. The faflc eft ' 1 Ti SYNOPSIS Pollyanna has .fully . recovered . from her , you have given. me; .such'- a fright, and I want you to be sure, sure sure inJurVe'sT rewYn Tthe automobile acclleut. never lo uo it " and during her Uncle and. Aunt's visit to dear; you must"be hungry. , !DhAl.B!Tle trS! It was Justus she" was dropping off Willi a wis. v-o..". - ---- . , . lL .t 1 iL.i, T11..- I Mrs. Carew's nephew, Jamie,- was iunp-. iq sleep . inato nigni maw Jruiiyauiia I? murmured drowsily "to 'herself : ' ' ' ilyCt "The thing I'm the "very sorriest nrt ari Pnilv&nna-finds her embittered h irto nnfl hoDlsaa.s to the future. Know in something of Pollyanna's reputation for being glad ' Mrs. Carew takes her In charge- f . anvthine is that I didn't ask on trur condltion that she can stay only so jpr .or anyining is uwi i uiuu t what Mrs. Carew eallr preaehing Pollyanna jjve -Now I Can't say thank you to. her elegant home, raise the shades, dress mm l herself in beautiful clothes and jewels and -occudv the family iew at church services. Pollyanna visits the Boston Public Garden alone and there talks with a man who calls himself "an old duffer," and a lovely dis couraged girl. CHAPTER VII "A New Acquaintance ' , POLLYANNAS movements - were most-carefully watched over after her adventurous walk; and, - except to go to schooli she was not allowed F-WASfor the most part a silent heUo I walk. Pollyanna, for once in her tQ p0uyanna, however, was n6 cross life, was too tird to talk? even of for she iOVed both Mrs. Carew and the Ladies' Aiders and the. boy was Mary, arid delighted t6Te with them. intent on picking out the shortest They were, too, for a while very gen- Power! - Speed! yr: Bring ut thy;vbesjt yourengines gotj vith the ho t f fft spa Ms - Of. Cilinbias.' ; i NatlonalGarbonCo. . .. Cleveland, Ohio . . fUwratock'aprliic-ciipblad . In SMti ooxtn ehmrs. CHAPTER VI (Continued) way to his goal. When the Public Garden was reached, Jfollyanna did exclaim joyfully! . "Oh. now I'm 'most there!" I re member this place. I had a. perfectly erous with their time. Even Mrs. Carew, in her terror of what might have happened, exerted "herself ; to entertain the child. Thus it came about that, with Mrs. unce w ouxn Alaidys Grotun 213 bushels of shelled com to the acre. That is the record one farmer made with Maule's Improved Mastodon Corn. Out 40th Anmversary Offet .to American farmers is seedier this phenomenal cropper. Packet 10c, 30c .per pound postpaid. By express or freignt not prepaid; pL 85ci bu. $3.00. The Maule Seed Book; 176 pages full of valuable gardening Information. JT-TCC, Every lot of Maules seed is tested for germination. Our direct -to -planter method insures economy and freshness of seeds. WM. HENRY MAULE, he 2I5Z Arch Street - FLiUdelpliin, Pa. E lovely time here this afternoon. It's Carew, Pollyanna attended -concerts only a little bit ot ways nome now. and matinees,, and visited the Public ."That's the stuff! Now we're 'get- Library and the Art Museum? and tin' there," crowed the boy. ' "What'd with ; Mary-she took the wonderful I tell ye? We'll just cut. through "seeing Boston" trips, and- visited here to the Avenue, an'. then it'll be the State House and the Old South up ter you ter find the house." Church. . "Oh,4 I can find the house," exulted . Greatly as v Pollyanna enjoyed the Pollyanna, .with all the confidence automobile, she enjoyed the trolley of . one who has reached familiar cars more, as Mrs. Carew, much to ground. , her surprise, found out. one day. . It was quite dark when Pollyanna' "Dp we go in the trolley car?" led the way up the- broad Carew Pollyanna asked eagerly. steps, ine Doy s ring at tne Dei was No. Perkins will take us," an- very qmcKiy answercu, anu oiiyan-,- swered Mrs Carew. Then, at the un na found herself confronted by not miStakable jdisappointment in Polly only Mary, but by: Mrs. Carew, Brid- anna's, face,, she added iri surprise: get,.and Jennie as well. All four of "Why, I thought you liked the auto, the women were white-faced and child!" , an?!1A eef . . . - j "Oh. I do," acceded Pollyanna. hur- umid,- child, wnere have you riedly. and l wouidn't say anything, been? demanded Mrs. Carew, hur- anyway because of course I know J lying iu.wdiu. it's cheaper than the trolley car, and "Why, I just went to walk," be- "'cheaper than the trolley car'!" gan Polyanna, "and I got lost, and exclaimed Mrs. Carew,. amazed into mis uuj; an interruption. "Where did . you find her?" cut in "'Whv' ves " exolained Prillvanna Mrs. Carew, turning imperiously to with widening eyes; "the trolley car Pollyanna's escort, who was at the costs five cents aperson, you know, moment, gazing in frank admiratipn and the auto doesn't cost anything. : 4- a i r i t ui -3W4 , -rjKW m The Chinese Woolf lower at the wonders about him. in" the brilliantly-lighted hall. "Where" did you find her, boy? she repeated sharply. , cause its yours. And of course I love the auto, anyway," she hurried on, before Mrs. Carew could speak Its only that, there are so many Introduced by, us three years ago is now acknowledged to be the greatest new garden an nuaJL it is 'a success every where. Dlants erowlnir 2 to 3 feet, a pyramid o! color, its . many Branches bearing great For a brief moment the boy met more people in the trolley car, and her gaze unflinchingly; then -some- it's such fun to watch them! Don't thing very-like a twinkle came, into you s . . ; t 60 days fretn seed, continuing alt the season, and every season , -fing namy.- rioweTS large, colors exquisite -ptu w etv . v-: ' . tTkM a grat NvvcKlei, with two or (S) for only BO eta. rr. bee Catalog' tor colored plates, culture, etc ' . Onr Bit OatalM of Flower and Veer. Se tare new fruits free. We are the largest growers in the world of feiadioius, uanas," uaiiiias, Lilies. Iris, etc JOHN LEWIS CH1LDS, Inc., floral Park. N. Y. Well, no, Pollyanna, I can't sav that I do," responded Mrs. Carew, dryly, as she turned away. . As it chanced, tint twn Have latr . j v t w . w ww VVi rs. Cajrew heard something more his eyes, though his voice, when he spoke, was gravity itself. "Well, I' found her 'round Bowdoin baiurfwooi-ukesubstanceand Square,, but I reckon she'd been doiri' Tnoct IntJancat rrimcnn rrarlM1. I i ' 1.1 R. T A 1 T 1 4 4 1 . Flowers develop In Tune and tne XNOrtn i2.nJ. OniV Sne COUlQn t ma htAM twtet mum I , l 1 . . " r . t-v r ii.ii 1 i . zn-A .TriLZi, eaten on ter tne unco 01 tne uacoes. 01 roixyanna ana tronev cars this wrf-5 ppk. so I don't think she give em the glad time from Mary. . ; j- . . . w Mastodon nndefc t?ot hand, ma'am" . . . . i .. "I mean,, it's queer, .ma'am," ex- ors and vl rot thev are marvels. "The North" End that child alone! plained Mary earnestly, in answer to B:t Pollyanna!" shuddered Mrs. Carew; ' question Jier mistress; had; asked, Un, I wasn t alone, Mrs. Carew, uc uuw. .ruuyanna just fended Pollyanna. "There were ever f es roVnd everybody arid without so many people there, weren't there, half trying.. It isn t, that she does bov?" anything.. She doesn't.. She -just But the boy, with an impish Erin. 1 h. .? was disappearing through the door; V 'S,8 Pollyanna learned -many things' men and wnmpn"- anrl-'imw during die next half-hour. She learn- children,- and , iri ' five minutes vo ed thatvnice little girls do not take wouldn't know the place. ' The men long walks alone in unfamiliar cities, and women have stopped scowling nor sit on park benches and talk to and the children have forgot what strangers. She-learned, also, that it they're tryin' for. was only by a "perfectly marvelous c .. .. . .., miracle" that she had reached home d", " 1 1 "5 einm tna at alt that night and that she; had VA f"? caped many, many . very disagree- izy ..i : NO. 6 DRYCEU MDWN fOR tlihiB GENERAL IGNITION DlgCARBONCa vuvrLANo.ontol Ml IT -.UlilW W -'i'S B OOrBKJHll w mws.wn 1 lii m Batcher Is as pood as most J20' ::::: incuoawra, ' wnie most u. J " tutors A mu InmhatAbhnilt genuine California Redwood with - ungie-iron lUgB. , tianasomfl in ttyiwarsnce certain in resarca. Possessing highest grade, big Seat hatch assuring features iroughout.: t " iFreieht Prepaid O.K.f HatcherV Centralized heatlhcr tjlant. tilaeed direettv ondernoath automatfo heat-reorulatinor de vice best cmalitv thermoat&t hior oiltAnk that reauirea reflllinor onlv ones ner wwV- ail the high-grade features that most $20.00 incubators i boast about. Don't nav too mnr-h for any incubator! Write na todav cet onr free O. K. Hateher circular poet yourself batv money. '. O. K. HATCHER CO. Dept. D ' Daa Molnaa, Iowa mm Mrs. C. P. Merrick, Lockney, Tax., with har Ironelad Ineubat. - wina in the Ho. Valley Fanner id Nabr. Farm Jonnul Rt Hatehins Conteat. Sha placed 148 esss in the incubator and hatched 148 atrona ehicka. Think of that. You can Bow -t these Iiunooa wtnnara. nada of Calif. Bed wood. I hfl Incubator DOTH C I OQ I till Chick RrAnrlpr C DAD Vl I - ww wwwaj aim aa aaa ir ordered together. S0day8e.irh trial. 10-year Goarantee. A Order direct from this advertiuo. Pj 0 . merit money back if not aatia-EgSt Of iBcwry, incuDaior is coverean .i-i iwithKatvanised iron, triple wU.ttOCaa 4ntaaa 4rakSlr unMaMM naM 1 m uvivau i a tail Tb .Brooder is roomj mnd well mad. Bend IroneUd Incubator Co. M tSMSm- neawooa n with rsniaedtron. I N OUR 1917 Wall Paper Book filled from cover to cover with hundreds of offers thafwill help ' you to radically - reduce the . cost of wall papering your home booK of samples today. guaranteed or'moriey able consequences; of her foolishness. "ii-ffl-:e. w.he.n She learned that, Boston was not!7i Tv " ,? Z glV1 "S.u eir Beldingsville, and that she must not 7 " think it was. . ' c ?: S - ? meanv And some- 4t5..i. u.. ..... . y.9 ,fca l"c sne smues at a uui. mi? tviCw, a.iC.iiiajr ai- . DaDy. or. a dog., All dogs . everywh ere . Jtnu.iw I ?. , . . rA"' wag meir. 1111s at ner. anvwav anrl Satisfaction ont get lost, tor keeps, deems as all babies, big and little., smile and back, -V: . :uAi1Df a?ri5 Tch; out to her. If we get held uo mmmumm s . have .4-, -Jrra-m k 2S!2Sl:-.L'li ."Yes, yes child." P suppose so. I ; happened.: And :that' the 'wiv inn mH Mmia bill r I . hirmi niiun.nc. suppose so," sighed Mrs. Carew but ; (Continued on page-30 this' issue) $ 8 S C World's Champion BelleCitv Incubator 140-EH4 Size Hot Water Double Walled-Self rjiuv Kearulated. with $4.8 S Hot-water 140. - ii i ' cmcK Brooder com i.sv. rn. rami W IB. of Rockies; Satisfaction Oiurantaed. $1000 In Prizes -2-8. Conditlona eaar-8avo time-Order Now. I Write for Free Book. Mrtchinii Mcta' -HomeTeitl todav. A BMtal will rin- Jim Rn'rimn .Prea. " DeUeQty Incubator Co., Box 101 Racine. WU. S. C. RHODE ISLAND REDS Bred for High Egg Records and Exhibition My win . at Gadsden. Ala.. Dec... 1916: Third and fourth cocks, second and fourth cockerels and rn pen.. Am now booklnn orden for. hatching eggs, onw two pens thto year,-both excellent matlngs and snouia proaitce grand exhibition birds.- Eggs from Pen No. 1, $5 per a. iZ3 per 15; S 9 per 80. . 15; $5 per 30. Eres from Pen No Prices of birds -"on anplicatlon J. N. BELLENGER. Box 197." ' . ; , .CaJtcIen. Alflf 9 s The HoosieV Poultry Frm Has Stock and' "Eggs. for' Sale from 7i different wietlei of pure-bred land aau water fowls.... Send' 2o Stamp for cats 'og. . Mention thh) paper when writing. Address, J. R. 8olrols, Wavaland, ind. II 7 RnllRH OH BiTR'lftnfflB w waj m av 1 sjn a ' JtLX V aav - - - Unbeatable Exterminator. nds Prairie Doga, 2. Ground Ho8ra,'thlpmnnUs Weasola, Sq'Tor Hawks, ;etcu The Recopnlied Standard terminator at Drurr A Country Btores. Eeonomy ! f Bmall J5j. rsed tha World Over. Used by U. ft Gov J. HoBh an Rata Mever rails. Reftts ALL S'jMltutcj. When writing; to-aavertisera, gay: "I writing you as an advertiser lo The .Prof re--alVe Farmer,, which fuaranteea the reliability of .all advertising It carrlea." -v