r '"Ml urday, January. 1917) 111 I 7A 1st ' m 3 'A cotton mistake Are you piu nanu icv mourn, aepenaing on a . '-'K mm iiuuuig umi UUU-WCCVU WUI1 4. KGL - nany of our southern farmers are making the ending on one crop. If you have one acre, or twoT s, that are not paying you what they should.- plant 1 uiem witn oien oaint lviary i;ecan l rees. The .1915; cotton crop averaged less than $50 an acre. Pecans averaged over $200 ' an acre, borne difterence, isn t there? Here is what Glen Saint Marv Pecan Trees will do for you: Plant twelve trees to an acre of land: when mature each tree should bear at least fortv - pounds of nuts. Pecans sell at forty cents to a dollar per pound; at the minimum of forty cents. the fiye hundred pounds of nuts from your twelve, trees will bring in about $200. Which would vou rather have $ o or $200 ? ; There is less worry about a crop of Pecans than over a crop of corn, and more certainty than in a crop of cotton. A Pecan-grower is prosperousa one-crop farmer lives "in hopes." Abu Acf o$ JPecamis Two hundred dollars ah acre from Pecans is a low estimate trees in cultivation today are earning nearly $100 each; One in Georgia ; bore 400 pounds, anotjier in Louisiana, produced 350 pounds of nuts.. Figure the worth of these trees, with nuts at 40 cents a pound. You Should Plant These Pecans Curtis. Medium-sized; shell' thin, cracking easily. Meat solid. Frptscher. Large; oblong; shell thin, easily cracked. Kernel Jarge. Russell. Large nuts, with t(iin shettT Kernel plump and meaty. Schley. Nearly two inches long. Shell thin; kernel. plump. ;Stuart. Nuts two inches long. Kernel large and solid. ; . Success. Ajbrg nut with thin shell. Kernel large and plum)?. Teche. Medium size; shell thin, cracks easily. J-arge kernel. Van Deman. The largest, often over two inches long; kernel equally larger - What Glen Saint Mary Means The name,. Glen. Saint Mary Nurseries Company,, on Pecan trees, or any other trees or plants, means "quality." Way back in 1 882 we began growing nursery stock for the southern planter, and ever since we started we have sent our customers the high est quality trees that it is possible to grow. ; Glen Saint Mary Nurseries know how to grow the kind of : Pecan trees that produce results. For thirty-five years we have steadily expanded because of the quality of our stock and the ; treatment we give everyone who . orders irom us. K ' Prices ' of Budded Pecan Trees 10 2to3feet . . . . ........ . . $5 50 3 to 4 feet . . . . . . 'V -. . . ...... . 650 4 to 5 feet . . . ; . . . . . ...... ...... 7 50 5 to 7 feet . . . . . . . . . . .:V . . V : . :.' .... 10 00 7to9feet . ; . ; ..... . . . . . :r ... . . . . 15 00 . . Prices on larger Quantities "Will be civeri on aoolication. Write us. 100 $50 00 60 00 70 00 90 00 130 00 If vrm Ii3v onv Poa rrnKlpm that- vmi Ho' nnf fiillv unHprsf-flnH. the Glen Saint Marv Nurseries will be clad to give you expert aavice. ims service is iree to planters or oien oaint lviary trees ana is given uy uicu-wiw c uiuiuuSiujr iiHi vvj ' auestion concerning Pecans. For nearly twenty years we have given special attention to this southern industry, ana hayc proDaDiy aevotea more time ana : enort to its aeveiopment tnan any omer umsciy whi. wb yvv. wiae experience maices us specially wen quaiinea ro assist tne commercial iUWC1 m iv&v ... w.v n T. . A 1 . J 1 -1! LJn --r.- . recan maustry. write us ireeiy we are at your service, ana we Deiievc wc vu yuu. Our, New 1917 Catalogue A 76-page booklet listing nearly everything the fruit-grower or home-owner can plant, Pecans, Peaches. Pears, Plums, arid other fruits, Roses, Evergreens, Shade . -Trees, and Shrubs. iend your order lor recans today, and asK ror ; a catalogue orp send for the catalogue, anyway; it's free if , you mention-the Progressive farmer. . ,7- mi I ft ! -I 1 1 1 1 ... (3) 89