THE BOLL WEEVIL PROBLEM BiscPlovMand Subsoi sssssk flB L Description srnd tif e IlUtmy of Weevil - v" - - y. L. MOSS - . r 0-.; ' ' " ' rrhta to the thrrtl of m series it -articles on 'the Boli-Wevll -Ipioblem. The fourts 'Natural Factors Affecting iths iDegrs. otWeeril Dwnagri- will. ppw iwxt week Makes ihe Soil Hold Hoisture t THIS ipartof the country has ample rainfall - above an average .of 40 inches a year; but this rain can do jio good unless it is stored up. Jtmay even ilo liarm, Tiie ains may wash away valuableoil Food. But deep flowing 3uid subsoil- ' and bubsouer mam me sou a 2?-ta. itwnr rpswirnir. wnen inceaiuias .: -t? n hmfM tirt rr i .nnrn sew irnra .n 'Ss frt lA inrfira ir iTiaVps millions nf little f V fV " - " " r -3 ; .iLt. wi.. s- air spaccs.-orxcscryuus.iMi wiiiu'WM.wi can collect. Every shower soaks deep down into the 'bed prepared far it, taking with it Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid and Potash. PATENTED 51iEn xt iecoinf bat, tie m will draw t-y itorecUip crater thru the soil as tho it wcrt framing' up" from under the earth. Crop nog" is prevented, and phut food, too, is added. For soil mois ture comiag; up from the subsoil, brings with h the Phosphoric Acid and Potash thnt bare been washed down. Farmers who are now using the McKay recommend its use for deep plowing at any time of the year Spring, Sum mer, Autumn or Winter whenever the soil is dry enough. The McKay Disc Plow and Subsoiler plows the land and subsoils it at the same time. The plow runs in a straight line with the direction of the horses or tractor pulling. This makes it pull at least 10 to 20 easier than the ordinary disc plow handling the same amount of soiL The subsoil feet can be removed, leaving a .pet ted diK plow of economical draft The McKay goes from 8 to 16 inches Into the soil. It . gives roots a chance tojo out in all directions, and get ' plant food. - An automatic hitch releases the plow from tractor when a stump or rock it hit Write today for catalog Please state whether you are interested in an engine Jlow or mole plow. TOWERS & SUUJVAN MFC CO. Bgs57 A . R0ME.GA. 7 jzzJf-r- : - , - 1 "... j..j , ' Use Express Service With SOUTHERN EXPRESS service the markets of the dty are at your door. A night's trip puts country produce in dty pantry. Growplenty of fruits end vegetables, .raise lots of poultry, gather up the eggs, pact them securely, and fill promptly the orders -you vffl get if you list your name in our MnrW P,,rlW; 01 . . onippers and producers meet dealers and consumers through this xnedium. . Low Rates on Food Product THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY www IwruOUC e t?-- gg J, - , 3 J TT IS well that even the 'layman, so life .history .of?43iei)oll weevil it is an knowledge ot tne JiaDiis ana cnar- xo us niDernanon, or -manner of m acteristics of the 'boll weevil, since ing through the cold; winter months such a knowledge is iessential in or- .It will &e j-emerabered tthat :the in- der thoroughly to - understand the sect is of ironical origin .and in its lines of resistance to Ihe weevil's native habitat was' accustomed to ravages arid their methods of applica- mild and Equable temptrratures the tion. (General .Appearance- In -the illus tration below are presented .several 9) ll (2) Al V . 'sBk i 1 . .- 'Showing Weevil. Natural Size v views, natural size, of the boll weevil. From these it will be seen that the in sect is about one-fourth inch in length and perhaps one-eighth of an inch in width. The general shape is some- Weevil. 'Back tmd rside Tiew. About -Five Mtam iHilaHl ;6iz year round. 3n ifhe lowlands of Mex ico and -Central . America, where we are led by inlereirces tD 'believe the weevil originated and acquired the what - eleptianW with 1 curved .snout or proboscis, at the end of which are lound .the feeding or mouth-parts of the weevil. The color varies considerably, depending upon the age of the weevil and length of time (of -exposure to the air. Imme diately after emerging irom a . square or boll, the color is light brown. Upon exposure to light and atmos pheric conditions the color changes in a iew days to a blackish gray something of a pepper-and-salt ap 'Males and Females. To the eye exist- -i ' TENNESSEE STAVE SILO This silo comes to you at a big saving. Being South, we save freight on lumber shipped to our plant; also save freight on the silo shipped to you. This saving we pass on to you. Tennessee Stave Silo keeps silage perfectly; doors are built air-tight like refrigerator doors; on hinees:and lalways in Elace. Steel fasteners torm'l)iff .easyclimDingladder: ;SUos uilt of long-leaf yellow :pine in two -grades either eelect silo stock or guaranteed 95 .per cent, lieart Easy terms. Remember our location means a Baving to you. , Write today. KNOXV1LLE LUMBER & MFG. CO. 206 Randolph St, Knoxville, Tenn. Sbewlng Egg.JPUncture of Boll Weevil and Flaring ot a Square there is no perceptible difference be tween males and females, their size and generarexternal appearance be ing quite similar. Some have inferred that the larger weevils were males and the smaller females, or vice versa, -but these assumptions are in correct, since size is dependent upon the size of the square or boll in which the egg is laid and thus upon the food supply of the young, rather than upon :sex. Identifying the Weevil. Entomolo gists have found it practically impos sible to describe the boll weevil so that the average cotton grower, un aided by a glass, can identify it with any degree of cer tainty. It is one of about 200 different species of weevils, The beat way to get every farmer In your ' neighborhood working together along all pro gresalve Hnea la to get every one of them, reading the Uveat and moat progressive farm paper you know. We don't aay The Progres sive Farmer. If you know a better one use It. But please help the best one you know.' " V l.Tir.i:r n KTf) J Get the Admiral Horse Press. V. A hostlinar moneymaker. Big capacity at lowest 1160. Writetoday. Admiral Mv . . r- L ' " -mt cotton is a perennial , plant and the weevil, throughout the entire year, is busily 'jengagedHn feeding and repro ductiorir As the 'Tiigher latitudes and altitudes were reached un the migra tory iiDvmeilt tioi tthe pest, it is ob vious that touite dissimilar climatic conditions wereerrcourttered .and that radical 'ehanges iin the 'habits jA ifhe weevil 'were fneces- sary to its ence. Coming irom la warm to "a xom parativVly ccild cli mate, the weevil has exhibited a re markable adapta- Xarva -f Weevil. About . "lve ; Times Natural 81iso bihty to "a chEmg- -ed nd 'hostile environment. It 'has survived zero v temperaturjes and has frequently lived 4f or eight -months or more without 'food, and it seems probable that it will "be able to habit uate itself to ;pTaciically all climatic conditions- existing sfln the cotton growing states- . 7;. ' In the iaH, as oon as the first frost Jcflls the -green: -squares and bolls, the .adult weevils degin imme diately to seek winter quarters. These may be Sound 'witliin vr ibeyond the limits of the cotton field, since the weevil is seeking the 'best shelter and protection against fhe winter cold. Stored cotton seed, .barjishay stacks, hedges and etrce tows, thickets, sap wood on fdead stumps, all these af- fortf protection againsi freezing s temperatures, cand it lis in txch rsituations that 'the - adult weevils pass ; the v winter. The length of the hibernation tnoeriod 3s (determined by puds tjf twi the finre Elapsing from tSS the first kining frost m Katurai size autumn ointil the young cotton begins, to sliow, above ground in the spring. This ,period varies in different seasons, depending upon the earliness w lateness of the first kill ing frost 'in autumn-, end in different latitudes, since the winters length en perceptibly as we '.move north ward fn the Cotton 'Belt; . It. must not ibe assumed tnat in rAtiA ci . . m Larva of Boll Weevil in many of them ro8lUon closely resembling the boirweev I. The surest way the TnV "hibernation man to ZL TlZk I 'a autumn emerge to attack the young U to nlc W? tve identification cotton ithe blowing spring. Many is to place a few fallen and suspected Qr. ,(f ..J survtv- squares in an envelope, jar or bottle, inff - anH thp nrrSnc or absence of keep them there for two or three weeks, and then examine the con tents. If a weevil of any kind is de veloped it is certain to be the boll 'weevil, since, so far as is known, no other . species of weevil reproduces in cotton squares or bolls. these factors may cause a total sur vival ranging from' a fraction of one per cent to possibly as high as 40 per cent of all Weevils ".entering niber natioh. ; ' .- : . .. The winter survival the weevil is intimately .connected with the pro- HibernahonBefore taking up the lem of weevil control, and this suD-