Saturday J- ..1 OB) c pevotcd to llzczilz C. zl.:.'J.. Cooperation and Elarketlag . " I.Z. CTJL Z.T, DAT ?r, C O, V.TJC3T, Contrfbrtiaa ZZan . '. f ; SUBJECTS FOIt DICCUS3I0I1 in local unions i : 1. Hare ; Wo : CuIUvatedVl )ur Crop as Economically as Possible TKU Year and 7Are Vx Growing All ; tkaV Legununoua Crept 3 y Should? . ; V J 2. Plant f ot , IlecLborhcsd; and Union Picnic vTlsi Why cannot the work accomplish cd in that Sunday school and church - be duplicated in. many,, cuny'. placca . all over" the South? Are there other -places that need thjs transformation? Are there places where the attendance- upon the Sunday school and the habit of buying cooperatively, and - uPn fhe church service is riot just a Local. Union that doe what its membership would have it supplies collectively is lacking in theV tc !s there a place where a tittle thins that . fs necessarv in W.- J - personal work might count mightily alive, and that thing is just one busi- for the moral and the social uplift of "ness leader who will get on the job of ke community?.. If so, then. here is a buying land stay on ,- the7 job, giving v fc& : f orUhe i activities of some one some of his : time and maybe: using l.vh'o does I riot feel willing Vto , let some of his own" financial resources, things "take care of themselves "' '. temporarily at least, to get the r busi It is. the faithful few in all the ages . riess started.: -: ; - that - have wrought things worth I J siricerejy . hope, that the basbo activity; in'North Caroiin ryear will be : under "the motto "Do- service, for the .Master and for : htt A nriMtiPn tMim ; ousmcss ,111 reyeTV J-OCXl UmOU... to "wm j.-'.xiavc to; uouc woi; .wc . ... : :- ? shall have laid, the foundation : so "rof to-criticise? ' Oh, it is so easy to In Local. County and State Meetlnga- firmly fupon ; this basts; that the? pro- ; do 1 the latter When things go vf rongr Talk. SpeecKea' Resolutioaa, Etc markable; for." two A thingsvnr sifcra-: one-else, could ": have done better un- nd More Time to. Heal Cooperation - rninimum amount o" "resolutions, and ; der .the .same, conditions, and among tt7 mnrT f set, speeches, randwrittehaddressevfltl "W PIDNT..get8tar a; maximum amount - nature - is so prorie ,to;say it 'might right basis v;inurt been idiff erentLet; ns learn to writesthe secretory:.antyIn -."ti:o. - school, then won t' you see it some- x " x- tent i or telline rirri:. tr ir. 1 . 1 tv t . . . w (i e;in this; direct- cause' by. your pres ence at : each service.- So often are those who lead discouraged;; by the QUALITY KSPT UP most 'nothing if 1 ; A the Union- etc. . . TmS is question which kiorild ap- bsence of .those whom we. may rea- . ; u--u- .u: ; ; -;,i -ct,v ' v.-tor - expects your presence at the tetisms-ofesidentfvita KMeAilifie-oiKan- MR. GREEK aOa are not withoureasonThe or&ria :XZA the 'entirfecora??IS? landslide to therFannerUnion in: f Immunity as, well- , hv;:w v qo ier,,;,, I ? Vl;Anrrr,,Titen to remmd usof duUes forgotten largely by appeals to "feelings" and -1 r V I with" a good live, ; M?y each church of every denom- sentiment rather, than a presentation -1 -V ( L' aggressive" church' nation , havei a?eIlcoridctedwelk of practical business ideas.t.;The idea V an d; :'PaJroed -Sunday school before the of getting -something :T f or Almost Sunday . Schoot . is -end of the, present year, and may we, nothing" wilfalways bc'respbnded to ' A i J a' good, community , ; eachganda dpjurwJwledtttytp; by thoughtless and. thriftless people' 2 1 '. n' whichttbIlivex and they feel keenly rdisppohited , v.,'lj V I,? 'CC-W; '; when they fail xtb;reaHze1as hundred" able assets to any' neighborhood, '."; v " ' usut ux nuumig. ii lsn t.any. wonaer-. - wwws mui c -uiiu one thaUwift reaction follows" anyneth-commuriity"i of organizing that- holds out the : has heenrlilernyjtransforaed by t hope of getting somethmg for almost earnest.; work.of a few "devoted men- v ..i T , ... " "r:,, -. f - - Duhliur close to 22 cesta. and a good deal of nothing. IamfuUyvaware,thatmanya of the favored classes this eouhtit tri are an the time getting something for rmgnt be tne better, in one or these i tixani tnai:dcro: indicating thatpinnera nothing, but it jjsa't Vdone 4n;IeU$ mate business plunder ;riitable"eW- S ifor another oNbt nractf Gealt cotton la nomic conditions' - : ;- ; , ; ::SC : - church; andrevolutJonized the entire h: a"u V r . r - v . . mt. j j - v r was connted n. ... Not .very ,macn more 18 Ano . Brother-McAulIf lnti export... although ,roreln mates, the local organize out excessive ckimf and flnfMlpH fn :be"er thms ?aercd about' himseir ing,..; :; c; -X , . ; cheerful. - Despite the great ln tha , hishu' prices,, it now appears acreare Is . rather lest than last -.jwprpnKPMSPn ann annnrpn wnirn nr ' -:-.-. : . ... uccungs Demg--HongJ.-and strong ;on 4j " 1;'-t,-riTrtJ--.-"'r "; ye aadjae; condttlon not at good as at - needed legislatibniloth s state cand lusicau; 01.; raaKing use or a,v1 brtunltvfAr.itI,lAV.''-9nS., bv the . Farm tt: ; tests tor : fl make muutSi- .iv-attendance, contests among the-: var - " -r-r v . ceas h--hnnnr nt h-iv nir carneQ over w .ne u OBL' as mucn Will DO community: national" in.jrt -c-' y the whole comi owivau , JI . ludHlUK UiC Wl y - A xi. ' J . . r w . ' T the Opportunitv 'ifbr.elf-hrii? rfferf ;: Among : the. plans. ase; were COn- ?S,ft9,00 bales larger. t Consumption for.:hlt crop not" only 64uat t4 last jyear'a hut. about tests for hew scholars, ' Contests rf or r year Is running abont J.090.000 bale more thanthe. cropland jthera win d na turplua n n . J . vvtcu energy tljat has" done.notbingr . 7 ,.T,-1 CttiKe4, v' under a continu ions. Wh ch -w,,. i:- i1.w..t. it,.;.;:Wf uwuwi. ;iitw,vuuu;,aiuuvi Mxtut. th 'wasted next season as was used this season ance- of present conditions, of peace would bring a vast demand, -with, nothing at all transaction :0f 7 cooperative- business - .chur: mtxsiC ;was introduced, a t0 satisfy such Urease. - - : m executive meetings if thev live at singing school was taught: after the : - our cottonseed oil hat enot alt ; . Crops ; out the sltuatloa In. th lard si normously helped rd supply, and fhla I IIIta t " ' j ; Yr- i . . ' ' were iaia oy ncnics werearrangea, u ome muiwiVwuM toou um.;,iue iiKe resident McAuliffe's: m- Sundav' school , library was out in:: hlb xwent testimony. to tha pr- ini- ' i' o luiiu aucn xocais aon t.miena actually - dn VS t111;.53:1? 1nCl iwas ganized into - dasse'the Ba- penaence next fall. But the countrr . v-iuauy. do business both in- buvine -i a tt.:ut. f vi.,-,-'v.'-, 4l. ducts TK an S 1 flff iCir P!:?"- important part in the activities Of the our part will need Iha money tor 1U ,Wo Tvith 'iHt; Same Should apply-. schoo and aQ 0 the chUfch as well,:' haT lcM acreage In' cotton: we have the ganizin J"re i P and other mtftcUona to-producing Kni2ing a -delinquent Local X Union : MJaA htuA :;A J,. The proper course then u to work cause its members Went to sleer on " p 1 fc- -- f a neyer before, and make each acre produce transact business lr tmielvTs " When tne. tim,e , -e an"uaI rcvval . U ' : - TT. TmixiAMS. ' c sei : came on in the autumn it seemed as,.; savannah. Ga;, ; v r - - v . -: ' if the fieldsVwere already ripe unto;- f.L t : ' "m ' b;u ,a, . is good motto to tne narvesr, so grear was me in gain- , i want to took at apme canes,' said a i . 0r fcbuild "under; Whilcr It may ering into the fold. At. least ninety !?r,T1?nft Tart'KteeV: 0 Som !n 4 . '. .. , ft-'. . f ... . ajaa I n la as great carry. "xes. sir;- yes, raem$Hnces require time to de per cent of these. uniting themselves ir. responded the ehopiteeier. rery mci velo "tuces. require time to ae per cent OI tnese-uniting inemseives sir.", responded the ehoplteeier. rery rnach ?; co5Pcrative aelliny prpposi- with the church had been, active pur !fM7,!"'f d 'i' Hon. it ntA s V. . . . ..I- c j -mui ' 'show thla gentleman i-mia . horrlcaoes.' S : n9t take long to get-m pils of the Sunday school., Tit-niu. , , . ; :-': ; r z: wlicro Quality end '.Satis-it ijr acuon arc nrst cssenuais u tiero you will find SHIRTS I Lien who dress welL know that everr ixaifllAKIk is "Standard in Quality, Fabric and Workmanship" cxclusiTC and distinctive in nattern Fade I proof Colors, of course. Full ahioned body, -French or laundered cufifs. : At your dealers at ths price yon1 .like to pa.:t I IIALU IIARTWUt & CO, Tror. tl Y. HandUrormlat mt go. For one Monarch Dost Gun can do the work of tea men ' It Beta evcrr worm and does Ih -work swiftly, sorelir. Hand-worming - L&Ia but twothirds of th worms, leaTes a second crop: Ten men for one day cost $10r Monarch- Dust Gtra its but $tO and lasts 01 ; ' A powerful fan forces out tho heaviect poisons, settling in a cloud ont erery inch of surfac. AH lamps ara broken up no lumps to bum the leaf no clotting. Most powerful ton mada for dustinr tobacco or track Sent upon receipt of $10. Order now. Our valuable booklet"! W to Spray Tobacco,M wntteaby aaoxperienced to bacconist an4 pricea oa spray ; materials ' seat h-A:iyiWi4A-X f;: i:,-! f ,;: . .v - Tfco Farm Soedsasaie J "''.' .i ; 1 SLATE SEO COMPANY ' -Box 733 ; - ; . ..o South Boston, Va. SAVE money by grfntf-tng-yorzr own grain. MAKE money grinding for your neighbors. Increasev food value 25 per ct to stock by feeding ground instead of whole grain. Do it wita WILLIAMS MILL, the fastest, cleanest erind ' f nsr. most troxtbla-proof mill made, sewscreen Ing device pro tec ta buhrs from- hard substances, removes dirt from grain before grinding which insures ex era pure, nign-grsae mau vast iron tan case and grain spout, new oUing system, long wearing, thoTO-grinding pebble stone grlk barbs. Insist on the Improved WILLIAMS -the dl2sr csm Is iasldo Catalog f ree , ' twuzzi c:u era. coM i:x 27,1 i:a, f. e.-" 1 DURADLE ROOFING : Extra 60S LOW frtetd. '- ?.' '" Complete with Largs Head Nfl, -Lap Cement and '." IMrectlons for Laying- m Center, of Zaca Boll. - ; 1-ply.. ....... Per Boll of 109 bt feet. ....... ,9.75 J-Ptr.........Pr Boll of log M. fe. ........ 1.0 r -Ply.........Pr BoU ofH) tq. let........r1.2 - .."V ' ' ' :" Write for Samples '''! - !. ::-,:': - - . AimAJIS TAINT ft GLASS C01TTJLXY, V ' ' : , ' Btehmeno, Va. 'V;-.'.,;.-. llakar fnoaey nb savo. money by . canmnc snrnlna . - yertsfcT, frnlt and berries. Oar - r FLRKECTION Is simplest; most , practical canner made. Small size)", sets on store: other sizes hava Crt- box to born wood, corn cobs and . . . trash. Catalog free. LewestPrlccs v Ti: CPOTLtSS CO. ""Tte Booth's Mill Otdr Iloome - 4H ocics Una. u ' Kctnocl. Vj. Tin i 1 ' TREE . - , V i XT ? Wow Ttrtetln,' nw pictures f f " (four In color), now dwrlp t f r . 1 . nana nr irtnta. aiviina. rniwi 'ilir for the fkratn. - Sa4 Today for a Cpy - !51 (til V