jturdajr. J ' IIP ?. . (!':.,? f -i (19) C$7 1 ag n't 3 IDv If t'.-jnited Cuarantea Backed by $39,000 Bond Cit TUs Book-Sm Mosey Let me tell you how I shin ' iny. famous: Bine Grass Bueeles for road test attha lowest prices averheatxr of in America. I ask no man to Sond Youp flamo Write at once for Mgr; beautiful, free catalog. Many colors, xiuwjxdus jdus. The finest book ever1 printed. Harness at lowesr pneru in formation you sunpry- can t afford to De witnoox. -., , ,Y I also Issue a price-bursdnar merchandise dook. ask for them both. They are free. They win save ano make yon moneys Address D.T.BOHON.Prea ThsD. T.SobonCo. 10 Mala Street HMtodsborCt HVb l i ' 3 I O - if WW mm f mm GetT.ly Tvt Pcnoy-Savinu Spreader Books With PAtriolic Prices c Don't think of (retting a spreader until yon red Galloway Books get Galloway's proposition and learn how direct from factory to field saves you 25.00 to $50.00. Top-dress this summer that's. th socret f biff farm profits. Tom your manure pile into a gold min with my Calloway Spreader and make yom farm yield mote soil morel New Improved Spresdor Features Find out all about tha naw Galloway atM boatar and wtda spreading pulverizer. Saa what my patant roller faad maana. Note bow I save the baraae with light drafts Inreatioatom? patented automatic, atop, uniform clean-oat push-board, presaad steal, nonreakabto tonooa ail tbeaa faataraaaBd w. ui saving acsiaee. farm w IVrif o Today 1 1 A postal will do Jus ee I beacaad tosh tnese two money-arm? dooks toyou. You will opea your eyes when I re veal th secret of Spreader wrings by, dealing direct with Galloway, the maker. Sold on terms to suit ycmrself. Act today. Send fax my money-saring books on Spread ers siso engines. 'SeparattotSj Tractor anal other knnlmentn Near shipping points-save freight. WaXIAM SALLOWAY. Praa. tarns, eai i nwav r-rkaaoawv 679 QaHaway Stattaa. WATERLOO, IOWA KVVCS)(5)CU, Highest Prices Paid! Remittance mailed same day shipment is received No Coaiaissioii To Pay Writs far WOdl BAGS u RICE IZX M. Sabd h S03 MCOIW0TK EaUkaakeJllSf L0U1SVIUE, IX LODflYSFDEElDri asxt 9rlgt prJ ens nw vai -MWBiif saa WritaatMaafxawlif choice from 44 s7 lea. colors i h I sissn a toe famous "KANGUr ham. aMrwwtasta laapr a m m a ai. tlxtrwy cdinary raluaa) ta oar UL7 cvissr ennt, jrosaasMoi urorw.sawr Wtuiont cettinc our lotmt stnow Swod a... ni ii i i "'-viviii ail Baiabal'l BBaka bftr traancy taking' wrcWrn tor HeyeJaa. aad anppua G afciial ttraaaow a aamfta t aw- tvwln BiSfSf f 'ctrlo MotwrftttaN limit , ! aandria Srxt - mnulBf ta t rHeyrla rafHMy -waaal n maa. hrrtaa 7Mas. . Tfc Hooticr Poultry Farm toefc (cb4 As fcr Bala froaa TS " eUffaraoA rartatias of pnrw-arad land .itjl . n - A . . . v - """ wr ivwis. nna zo nriay Ijrti aiog . MraUoo tola papar nraaa wcttlnra. CW Iddrais I. R. Ssirtla. WavafasaV NaT. m m. m ft i O UR YO UNG PE OPLE AAkcss Lctttf.to.-Tba Young Peopte'a DeaatmeaatThe Profreaatre F, 1 ARKANSAS I AM thinking; tonight of tho Southland; Of the homo of my childhood days,"3 whin I roamed through th woods and ". the. meadows. ' . , . IJBj th mil; nnA-the brook that play where- the roaes are ta bloom, - And the sweet magnolia too,' - Where the Jasmine is white. ' , -- And the fields are violet blue ' " " .Their welcome-awaits all her children" .- -Who hate wandered afar.from home. " "l'"J CHORUS: ': , , r Arkansas, Arkansas! 'Tis a name dear, -'Tis the place I call- 'home, sweet home," r. - -- ; : ; 'Arkansas, Arkansas! I salute- thee," -, From-thy shelter no rriore T 11 roam. T TIs a land full of joy and of sunshine, ' "- Rich iti pearls, and in diamonds rare, ' ,FuH of-; hope, faith, and: lor for ' the stranger . ! . - ,.--', "Who may pass, heath her- portals- fair; There the rice fields are. full,. . -And the cotton,- corn-and hay, - . .There the frults-of the , field" bloom, -; In winter, months and- May , ' Thy the- land that I love, First of 'ift..deaf-..- . v,.-;;f' ;x:,;--'. r; And,-, to her let us all gtvK cheer. X - .:'-x.?- . chorus. . x ; all -each, offender, .which." I held in pawn untU "' thai game has been carriwd as fir as-desired. These are ' then - redeemed something -after" -the. following manner f Someone with originality- is -usually selected to Impose thf fines, although a good-way Is to allow dlffer- eht ones to take part, and it is sometimes planned to haye ,prson name his own fine. The leader," or auctioneer, stands behind th .: person- acting in this capacity, holding the' j trinket In.' his hand, over the other's head.. He then; says; "Heavy, heavy hangs over your' head," to which the reply Is ."Fine or superflne?'' - ("Fine" signifies- that the ob -ject belongs- to a boy, and "Superflne" to , girl.) Some penalty. is then imposed which : the owner must perform before .the trinket Is returned.to him.' The object is to make these penalties absurd, and they are often more fun than the" original game. ' . For In stance, a timid boy may have to sing a hillaby to an imaginary baby or give a re cipe for muffins, while a, girt may have, to whistle a tune or tie a four-in-hand tie on one of the young men.'. ' our commencement " X (Ctrls f I Prize tetter) UR commencement began April 25, when " the class day exercises were given by the - enior. class. This Included the nresident' address, class histoTy, poemr' oration, pro- ; phecy, and three songs, one of which was original.- X r.y ;.: On the fo Ho winr' Friday evening a recital was given by the music and expression pu pils. , Althouffhr it was the first attempt of some of the pupils to speak or play in public, the ease and grace with which they rendered the program met with approval, and showed , the- results of the, good work done by their teacher, v. , X . XX; 'Vx' X Sunday, April 29; Elder C. H. Cayce of Martin, Tennessee, preached the- commence- X ment sermon to a large audience. His theme was "service." X . JJext came - the exhibit , by' the; domestic ; science, art, and manual training classes. This was given on -Wednesday afternoon. That the classes had done splendid work was shown by the vast number of blue rib-" bona placed on the articles. One of the new and most interesting features of the exhibit "Was the taste with which the girls' planned a room. Each girl chose her favorite room, wrote a composition on how to plan the room, and put the composition and plan on a placard which was placed on the wall. X The annual commencement play,, the vale dictory, was given on Wednesday evening.. It was said to be the best play ever given here. The proceeds were over $75, which will be- used to defray commencement expenses and for the good of the school. Thursday, evening came the contest be tween the societies. Each" of the girls' so cieties gave a pantomime while the boys' gave a splendid debate on: 'Resolved, That the Government should Own and Operate the Railroads." This was a new feature al80. ."X '' X-"v .X;.." The Alumn! meeting on. Friday afternoon must not be forgotten. .A short ' program ' was carried out, ice cream served, and every one present seemed to have a pleasant time., . On Friday, evening came the clinjax. Hon orabla" Jesse F. Stallings of Birmingham de livered - the graduating address and - Sir. Simpson spoke in behalf mt the three-mUl Ut. Superintendent B- O. Warren delivered the seventh grade certificateat After diple- -iaa were awarded to a class of twelve w separated, two of our beys leaving that, night to Join the army. " ' " ETHEL ; VARJTEL. . Ragersville. Ala. ' . : ' x HUNT. THE RIXG X TE players stand in a circle,, holding a long cord forming- an endless band, upon, which a ring- has previously been slipped. - This ring is passed rapidly from one play'-: er .. to' another,, always concealed by the hands; while somebody lnthe center en deavors to- seize the hands of the person who holds it, who, - when actually caught, takes hia place within the circle. X '-If thecirele is very large two rings may be slipped upon the cond and two players placed in the center. together. A small key i often used instead of a ring; while still another variation is to have the concealed object a small whistle with a ring attached. U.' S, Governnaent Bulletin- I THE SIfJENT CONCERT N THIS performance the company for the time imagine- themselves to be a band or musicians.'. The leader of the band is sup posed to furnish each of the .performers with a different musical- instrument. Con sequently, a violin, a harp, a Ante, a piano, a Jew's harp, and anything else, are ail to be performed upon at the same time. , Th ; leader begins playing a tune on his Imagin ary viol incello, or whatever else It; may be, imitating- the way of performing on it. Tha others all do the- same,, the sight presented being, as may well be imagined, exceedingly ludicrous. In the 'midst of it the leader quite unexpectedly stops playing and makes an entire change in attitude, substituting for his own instrument one belonging to some-one else. As soon as he does this, the performer who has been thus-unceremoniously deprived of his instrument, takes that of his" leader and performs on ' it instead. Thus the game is continued, everyone being expected. to-carefully watch the leader's ac tions and to be prepared at any time te make a sudden change. Forfeits are, of course, in order when "the-player whose in strument has been appropriated fails to im mediately imitate the motions which the leader has just abandoned. U, S. Govern ment Bulletin. . " ..' . CUTTER'S BLACKLEG PUIS : California's Favorite'' for nearly -20 years . ; Fcr tie Prereslica e Blickief ia caItcs and yossj cattle ' ' Their superiority ia due to nearly- 20 years erf specializing in., xyaccincs and Scrums only." Year ia and Year Out the give' . fetter satisfaction tnan any ; other, vaccine made, and the . cost of a. few cents per. dose is cheap -insurance against a . disease that always takes the iattest and best -;. ' " v, . Single? PiUs may be used for or dinary and range stock. ; Double Pills should be used for v pure bred and high grade stock. Use any Injector, but Cutter's ' ? simplest : and strongest v Prices: . :'-x;.' r 10 dose picge Single pilts $1.00 Sadosepkge. Single pills -4.00 10 dose pkfje. Double Pills 1.50 , ; 50 dosepkie. Double Pills 6.00 Cotter's Pill Injector,. 1.50 Insist on Cutter's. If unobtain , able, order direct Write for new booklet "The Control of Blackleg.? It tells about Anti-Blackleg Serum which cures Blackleg and may be used simultaneously with vaccine to combat out breaks and safely protect val uable stock. The Cutter Laboratory, Berksley, Calf. The Catter LuWatary af nTiaait, Csfcags Eastera Aftat - X W ir-wtfoawV Catalof of I J Can' t-8a Tanait w Gates will eaa rem l rr .-x- - -.- I M GAMES THAT LIAY EE PLAY EDDY LARGE UUnZZRS . BIRDS HAVE IXATHXK r THE leader' throws up his hands every 4imV he mentiens av bird or animal. The play ers follow him wises he mentions any feath ered animal, but ke their hands ispoa their -knees when he menUsns a' species which have no feathers. , The bject. of eswrss. is ta catch them unawares by unlag Mrds very rapidly and introducing names of ob jects that bars- no feathers. Thus: Chickens haVa feathers. (All hands np.) lwks have feathers. (Hands up.) Eagles have feathers, (Hands np- Cats have feathers, (Leader's hands op.) All - others whose hands have been raised pay a forfeit U. S.. Government Bulletin. . ' ' Ferfeitsv Forfeits are not collected af once, but a trinket or small object- Is collected from X A GIANTESS 'CB. amusement may be caused by per forming the following: X . A tall gentleman is "dressed in a skirt. Then a large umbrella is covered over with a gown, and a cloak, a bail is-tied on the point of " the stick above the- dress, and a bennet and thick, veil are - pat en It. The umbrella is partially opened, so that its frame sets out the- dre'as and cloak as crin oline does. The gentleman atta under ft 'and, holding the handle up as high as he can graepv appears like a gigantic woman. Somebody knocks at the hall door, to pre tend that there is an arrival, and a minute or two afterwards the door is opened and "Mfaaa Little Girl is announced. The gian tess then walks into the room, bows, etc, to the amusement of the company. A good effect Is produced by holding- the umbrella, har.dlo ' naturally when , entering and then raiainr ft by degrees, giving the appesranear of a startling growth. She can thus sppeor to rise till she peers ever tops of pictures. She may talsTlo the company also, bendlna- her head dswa toward them and i speaking- ia a squeaking; tons of voice. 8. Government Bnflotla. Passesrser (after first night on board ship). I say. where have all my clothes vanished to? . . Steward Where did yon put them before yon gat Into bed last night? r s ssr-btt I folded them up carefully and put them In that cupboard over there. Steward I see no cupboard, air. Passenger Are you blind, man? I mean that one with the round glass door to It. Steward Orarlous me. that ain't no cup board that's the port-hole. Sacred Heart Review. . . -, '" i than alt woodV-iast S tines as tone: aan-taair. orac, wiuo or twias. saaMa oaobtaboltai(ptnailliatwaaiilaanla. at iapiahi.GoarM titi S aar.hia than SOOOue in aaa. I ftaiih twiliU liiimlj taaaos or Jaw laaOaUHu.la. trswt avs.CSv(515 XcouoiriATion CUTTER and KELLY-DUPLI Grinding Mill UruxfaaUalra, MT " " "J a aiorar pes vino haw. ahsoi oata. Boaiso ia the hansL eitixT aeparatafar or aaaj varied onoaUonr wstSi com oq tba aobj with or wita. outahty ka,spad oata. ryAm ley, com aod aflotharsisina Grlass Vahot Baaas ass Visas -Four plates s double set. crtndliic at the same tuna accounts tor Its kuaa capactty. Parfaet reculatJon, fine, medium or eoarsa 'rrtruluxr. For i spojlty. essy running and uniform grinding, tba g alias Eaejas. Write for free estate. hUFlXXMILLAMFQ. C0 Bax 913. SarwffUls, 0. Pipe r Superior Features 1 Thin, strslght-edgsd koiTts Ia inward Kftrar a Closed Elbow I Xety Feed V CTJMA Y Essf bee Cattsr eats end dis- tnbutas siiass fast oa less sower and puts It where yon want It. Ham Om and money. arm tMsy tar rrse Cataiae carried tn au Uiner- ernters for quick ship- at. Writ os for name of dUuibator or essM tarrttary r Uvo Assets. ."" winiaaas Ce IMMifaiasal, Warsaw. SL T ill, vt WELL WELL Own a machine of your own. Cash or easy terms. Many styles and sizes for aU purposes. Wrttm for Circular 1I1I11ASS tatS, MW. Stale SL. Ithaca. E. T. Our, advertisers are guaranteed.

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