- ' 7 r ; ' -1 1 i ( t J' J Vol. XXXII No. 23 - i SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1917 $1 a Year, 5c a Copy , . "f i as-a - .""'''PPi'P-'''-' ''-':' -J S2y. tait dutleh -' '-v 1 "-:-" ":;;'Y-V77-: 1 PASTURE FH03LELIS " - " -i- v.aaaw's 1 ,.'.V" , A Discussion f & Esaantlal r T tort V la Gttlaf - and ICepla . Qood Paatur 'horse; nor so far as we can find does any one else know this. We do know: -that some other animalsf particularly the pig, is sometimes poisoned when;, cottonseed meal is fed -for considera-' ble periods, and, . presumably, the : THE latest;ecprd made 'on.- Missis t f or' a'day or two and when" he shows "horse might also be injured . by feed : 1 hppf cattle att the National ' that his appetite has improved the. ing a large quantity, just as cattle are Stock Yards, HI., lis $11.35 a hundred -quah County, oounds or 10 cents ai hundred above rptue, ana a week. or ten days, or long- - leeding or this reeding stutt. . But sut- Aia.,, says he has six acres of rich .currea to enaoie anyone, so xar as we . seed-to pasture-to remain tor three st how much cotton- or four -years -He contemplates sow be . fed to poison a infe orchard grass, herds grass; (red si pounds each. good appetizer and as much should be -; horsed Moreover,Jwe . are not partic-tVtoo) and a "sprinkling, of white clo "is alfalfa it : W A "ttle care along this line -will 'standpoint: in. 'this question; . we-are ; do : well and how much, seed will .be- - I r the'lroff this ' uuailJ &CL uuiac uti.i4. .uu uis iccu uut- ucicsicu m aujf . sit awuv requireu .ror ine six acres r ; r '-'- i AiiAiaia, ui v.u- . 0rc.-:a lace. ' .rtMacv.- 4-W.;- ;iV.o -lirtreA" -r.fitA ''wifViSii-"'-'-J ' --. -u.-.u .1 ii Ti-Jii v , f betgiven-we ;hav found economy tnigoo i of :flHid:extract6fihux!p : , :r,!j " -T'-f .-T J- T -r-..."TC Ti : Illi idl LCI r LIIC tSUllIIK .: 111UIIL11!. ' A UB-,W-iViw-a t -.rat II 7HEREVER there VV should be used for summer and where no ver is available fexrops "i grown -a awit o t.v rv: cine must the pastures;prgums part Desi nog.; uuj ui,;h; 6u "ieaand and is much netxer tnan green 'o,gentkn a; good .titter tontc andlamplejc 'tlu v. " r - suniuiani ejappem THE turning under ot green yegeta,-: teaspoontuls:- may : be given : two : or,-the horse, or mule.- furthermore, we. these, we. would sow some- lesotdezai ble matter ,will not "sour : the soil, three. times a day. ; it should be piac-; :Know that ; the : leeding : ot a ; jhjs may be sowed next March withi !niisure,!"f; any jnjurytoedins . -x . ;. ( .UC..' Weeds, legumes, or bther pUnts m 1VtqttanUty," to balance -a ration, is; not- be turned under without fear of such v given an hour beforehe te fed iniUriOUS aCHOIlt VtUU 111JLU1 C5 lUUUW W- ICVl. 'ia "Jl yuaui,. UtVk'i Vii tuuiiV ,7 o.1" swyiiuuiivoi ty the turning - unoer, 0! sometimes, but they a other practices When- after a green' cropi' under, the failure.may' of moisture or a failure green material and , SOU, DUC U IS not UUC .. IO . souiiug - ui l-iuic. , uu- . mtu r- v. iuau a , . 12 Ibg., corn, ..110.84 ttTn.o lbs out coveririg or: disturbing the other plants Csowed: this fall - :; For ay good seeding of six acres ; the land. The acidsttormed cay of the green quickly with materials cause a sour soil comparatively ;slow; decay - --- , . . -7T - .- ; v s i careen .k cropsiue, dux n:rnis lsnox. wnyenienj gjvc w, ict. u5j ouipdi c : uic, uiBwiu. ,sometj,ing like the following amounts r - i lso follow many.: after he has eaten. If given, just be?; nutriejits- in 2 the ration suggested : Qf see(i will be rautred'"::' --i-v v,- v ; v .-Mr the rrnr fail : fnre fperlintr it mav interfere :with hlS;H With those in m has Jbeen turned ..desire fori feed, because it is very bit-; sta"rrdafd for a 1,000-pound, horse db- Herdarrasa (RedtQpi.x-"& pounda I : i 1 1 be due: to lack Cten- But:the besrmethod of sharpen : ing moderately hard; work: ; to-cut up,the'ing:the;appetite"of aji ril niixiitwith:vthe':s6meexercise;1"W r?4 ':tl0liii;il !,!, " r "i; " f Matter ' i rrorein-1 nyarw8i - ni manures unite too r- v'-, . r; i'KJf viki. silSirC! oTesuitistfxox trwt:i22---ur-:,i'-ac,J.J . t :.. .. 1 . , ., .1 oE orcafticMI-tticai hi, uci.lia uavnsmm MooSd fM? 1: 26.00 lbs. 2.50 lb 9 8.14 lbs.) .55 a if matterwhicVtacia this sort, which: has been so generally ItX u h d t Mk . , .. fa"d wk' accepted by rlarmers.if of, sojb :It will be seen' that the ration pro- only extra good .cows-, can m : Fw ' Southern 4airrmeni have pas tores good enough to allow them to cease jiee ding i grain " when; the cow 'goon-grassM the. quantity of concentrates, but find it nrofttable inaaltinoft anme coticen tratcshrd&hojatthe'' sttmmer-It-iii " n iSOIbl. (,nAl..1 (.ill1 1iA.ra ,,' tkn k V i '. 11' ii iime, is nara to correct j dui we.,may thm -rt as well shake vthisgtime,hcw ianacy aDOUt tne ; turning unaer 01 ' a "f,ftrtA ? What green crops souring the -landIth rlnir 1 auired and it is ouite probable that 1 question but; the cheapest milk and done enough harm "already and now- .-..jj .i. .- ; ;, - "pound of cottonseed meal instead of the most profitable is. produced, from ; iuti we KHowinat--ii;is' very ;sciuoui'Kyr,v;fv ai about as well and; cows on good pasture. So certain' is or never truershould be-dismissedfe Smith - . . . and forgotten. ",;;,:r '-la pounds oy tay-?;;; r?;, Vnot.iieed the extra. half pound of cot-, ought to ;give;more:;attention 'to;their ; -' I;1 - :- .' ''.'iD'vffliSiAhhoawe : have : been consttryvtonseed meaf it is ' wasted and should .pastures.- Erett :;bur best lands -are-m I U:hH'Mi'fV-Z itf' comparatively cheaprt .-and ;.1f:Tiiijlkvc;rlifi A mU A-TT am - fc , , - a . - - ar I - ,. . , . .v . . C3 ' j - nr "mnfc j. we Irave mererr4eeTi ahle tn t f eedincr a balanced ration ; is to avoid and - butter are; to; be ' produced eco-- f '-h" "a-.! t A HORSE is fori -his" f eed- and., his nd a single xase whereja- reasonable waste. : " ; , , : - r, ; ; V ; Vhomically iome of our good lands ' pwner.wants to know hbw lie can V: 01 ! increase his appetite" Xjivmi pbunds a dayhas ever. injured afolfowing fule:.for feeding cottonseed cows. W4?en cows are on dryed, o ..iu when a horse refuses toat the ushonean aiiyayH ual allowance- of feed he may. do so ceived legume hay and a grain ration work and weighing 1,000 pounds irpj'- tice Is. to give one pound of grain for 1 2 because he is:sicic or because) offd ease, or he nia nbt; lflce theeed fered hira.- ilf tie remedv - he nfiinv advantage Jhust be fitted tx the disease Iro which he is suffeririollie loss.of ap but with reasonabieorcomnioas a day if the roughage is , should be more nearly correct, owing pptpii;M 'i ic m laai , CrtSC IS : nOi'ne trOUDie leeding COlXOllSCCMi'MicaJ uuw uut?iu ; uu u Jt.vuw v e ; -'-'-...V-v iuku iccuw iudc ui inc iucai. but merely a symptom of sign of theKjure real trouble If however, the refusal 'horse, and when thr ration is largely rV; ' " of feed is -due to his' dislike of ;thev corn-or corn and grass- hay it iis a rer CURE; OF MfWrr1- mher . nnrA. " v- Vtii'sl - Prof ftaaor Particular edoteed;nwo courses; bstle you yourself V m T J , , , .- . Wa f 'VnnW h n W mtich . cotton-" v "The plumber hook his head ana twerea. r j t v, - 'Tba.t will cure tou." He said, -oroviaea Course , is followed - hard work shhtild ,t. j . ; ... T . ' . . 4 '- - - ibh WJU . cure ,uu, . uo omiui i oe discontinued 'until - the animal has ? : seed malr it wWill ,. take to poison a yw trm away with the gin." Tatiet. learned to eat a full ration of the feed given. It is i a poor, policy to .try to' ; . force a horse that is doing hard work -to eat feed he does not like,- -But when aiorje is said tb be "off; 4US f,ee1" is generally .understood that he simply refuses to eat; the usual amount ; of vfee.ds which he: formerly': relished. i:Tb-get;-such a horse backf to his former, condition- of eating a " full ration the best plants to' reduced the .quan)ity ato ; less ithan : he would! consume, no matter how- small that Entity may be.If it. becomes nec essary, all feed may be withheld untU: he shpws' a : return . of his i desire - for; jeed. In any case, he should be; fed,, 'ess than he would.be -glad to con- sume. If;such. a' horse-refuses to eatV his regular feed of say 10 cars of corn,: but would'eat four, or five ears, then' he should be fed only two or three. Page Cottonseecl Meal; Rig Horses 3 Crops' 'for .ttmSOtcHard i - Ume: 'Different Irms aftd Whfch to Buy: . V;;&7 Better 'Markets f or : Southern Livestock ; ; ; 3 y . v . P How the South May Increass the Beef Supply. rtZlVhiiWi :Lest::'WeFcriet''& ;RemoveVthe;:: Skeletci' : r;.- Some -Lessen From This lYcar Experience With the TheDiuV cb"the TOnj;; ; iP j;.;;'. ; :V:0 Government iVice-fixina pi V. h . . ; -V 'All. 'Mflk a; Great Food P ' ,:v Xp::y:;P:;: pPPi : 12; iTI,ltm' Rr-flei : . P-P: '.'. P 1'P 'P- PPPP . SpPPl2 For cows on good pasture Eckles suggests the following ;rule : P;PP. :pJ'.-'.i' Tor 'Jerseys and QueniwP -,pp-" !' 20 pounds mllfc dally.;.. 3 pounds grain. . : P''. T ; "25 pounds milk dally.. . 4 pounds grain. - '; " - ; SO pounds milk daily.. 64 pound grata. . ' 85 pounds milk dally.. 4 1 pounds grain. ' : . "-:-4 0. pounds milk dally...'.; 8 peunds grain, 'p , P For Holstelat, Bhorthorna mad Ayrshire P P ,11 pounds mQk daily... 3 pounda grain. ' . tQ pounds milk dally... 4 pounda grain. - : -1.S5 pounds milk dally.. 5' pounds grain. t. ;'t '- 40 peunds milk daily... 7 pounds grain. .' , . 60 pounds mUk daily.. 9 pounds grain., ; As a general rule! it is doubtful if .a .. : : cow giving less than 20 pounds of ' raillc daily should receive raore than P a pound or two of grain a r'day when ' On good pasture.- This grain shouldV be cottonseed meal in the case of the ' Southern "dairymanJ; p'P:'P--P: & There is; however one other im-Pj - portant point which" should; fieceive s o m e consideration, ' Experiments 7. seem" to indicate clearly that , cows fed. grain during the summer do bet ; ter or hold their flow; better when P put on the usual winter ratidijs of P dry feed, or' silage and dry "feed., '. -. Southern dairymen must give more attention to ' good pastures as. a means of reducing grain feeding and lowering the cost of milk productioa.7: mi V ! . s " 1 5 ' Pi - . ' V i (! 1 I'll li 1 1,1